sirius on religion


The Snake or Serpent not only represents the lowest form of life that slithers across the ground, but also represents the 3arth bound physical existence of Man, stuck to the ground.
The Snake also represents Mans potential to be able to climb the evolutionary ladder of ‘his 3arth bound existence’ The annual shedding of the Snakes Skin being the annual possibility for Man to transition or metamorphosis from a ‘lower to a higher state of Existence’

Is either a mixture of clay and straw used as a Old fashion building block or
A type of small Old fashion round crusty Bread.

The Ancient Egyptian God of the ‘Sun/Son’

A venomous snake of Asia and Africa. Capable of expanding the skin from its neck to form a hood.

Being a smaller portion of ‘The House of Bread’ representing a smaller portion of the Heavenly Father or ‘Sun God RA’

A Sovereign who Rules or
A smooth edged strip of material that is used to mark off in measurable units.

An instrument or utensil used to measure a system of identifiable units.
‘The Measure Ra’

‘Is the Measurer of distance that is achieved, the distance being the length & progress between Man And God’

JOHN 3:14
“And just as Moses lifted up the Serpent in the wilderness, So must the ‘Son of Man’ be lifted up.

NUMBERS :21, 4-9

Is a prime legend relating to the Aztecs, Who were bearers of the Calendar, It remains on pesos and the flag to this day as natives return to the old ways.
The prophecy was when the homeless Aztecs would see this site on a nopal cactus.
The ISRAlites had a similar prophesy regarding ISRAel & Plalestine.
The Eagle representing military force, the serpent shamanic knowledge
Military and Shaman are at odds for who will control the 3arth.

What are you getting at Sirus? To answer, the Military of God will put its fist down, will you fight? The devils will be cast to the lake of fire.
Noahs covenant of the rainbow

Sunlight contains many different colours. Normally we see all the colours mixed together as white light. We see a rainbow when sunlight separates into bands of different colours, These bands of Red - Orange -Yellow - Green - Blue - Indigo and Violet light is also known as the ‘VISIBLE SPECTRUM’
A rainbow is created when sunlight passes through raindrops. Light travels through different substances at different speeds, When light travels through water or glass, it slows down, The reduced speed causes light to bend or refract.

To understand how a rainbow is made, it is helpful to understand how a glass prism works, A prism is a triangular shaped piece of glass. The path of a ‘light beam’ changes as it goes through a prism. Glass slows the speed of light. When light travels through a solid piece of glass or prism. It is refracted once while going in and once again as it passes through. The refraction separates the white light into its many different compartments or bands of colours.

A water drop acts like a prism. Light refracts as it enters and leaves a drop of water. The refracting light is separated into the colours of the spectrum. When the sky is filled with drops of water, A rainbow is created. Light that enters each drop of water is refracted. Refraction makes each colour visible in its own band . Each colour of the Spectrum has a slightly different wavelength.

The different wavelengths bend in slightly different ways. Long wavelengths bend the least, While short wavelengths refract the most. Red light has the longest wavelength and Violet light has the Shortest. The other colours have wavelengths that fall between. Because colour refraction is consistent, the colours of the rainbow or any other spectrum look the same and appear in the same Order. We use the memory device ‘ROYGBIV’ to signify the order of colours ‘Red - Orange - Yellow - Green - Blue - Indigo -Violet’

The combination of all these separated colours creates the beautiful arching rainbow. Since light needs to pass through each raindrop, rainbows are always seen in the part of the sky opposite the Sun. When it rains we see the colours of a typical rainbow as light is projected outwards from our Sun, Any Star similar to our Sun would create a rainbow with the same colours. Light from different types of stars would create different coloured rainbows, Some would be invisible and can not be seen with human eyes. Astronomers study how a stars light separates, This separation is called the ‘Stars Spectrum’

N.A.S.A. Astronomers study spectra to learn more about individual Stars & their characteristics. The different colours tell astronomers what gases make up the Stars atmosphere. When we see a Spectrum identical to our own Sun, We know that s specific Star has similar elements to our own Sun. When looking into the night sky, each star has its own colour & characteristics.
Hydrogen and Helium are the most abundant gases in all Stars, but small amounts of other elements give each star its unique Colour Spectrum. It is difficult to study Stars from 3arth because 3arths atmosphere filters out many of the Spectra’s waves. To avoid this problem, N.A.S.A. has placed many satellites and space telescopes above 3arths atmosphere.

Often when it rains I look to the heavens to see if a Rainbow has appeared. Normally there may be one or two rainbows if the Sun is behind me. Once in a blue Moon I may even see a triple arch or 3 rainbows if the conditions are right. A rainbow also reminds me of the covenant and promise from God to the people of Noah & his descendants, that he would never ever flood the 3arth and hurt the people and creatures of the 3arth.

God spoke to Noah and to his sons : ‘I now make my Covenant with you and your descendants after you, and with every living creature that is with you, all birds and cattle, all the wild animals with you on 3arth, all that have come out of the Ark. I will make my covenant with you: never again shall all living creatures be destroyed by the waters of the flood, never again shall there be a flood to lay waste the 3arth’.God said, ‘This is the sign of the covenant which I establish between myself and you and every living creature with you, to endless generations:

“My bow I set in the clouds, is the sign of the covenant between myself and 3arth, The bow shall be seen in the clouds”

Then I will remember the covenant which I have made between myself and you and living things of every kind. Never again shall the waters become a flood to destroy all living creatures. The bow shall be in the cloud; when I see it, it will remind me of the everlasting covenant between God and living things on 3arth of every kind.’ God said to Noah, ‘This is the sign of the covenant which I make between myself and all that lives on 3arth.’

I think back to recent floods around the World that have killed and left many homeless. I think to myself maybe God meant Mother 3arth will continue to flood the lands in global terms we classify as natural disasters, Perhaps it is meant he will never cover & flood the entire 3arth at the same time?

RAIN = To fall as drops of water from the clouds, to cause to fall heavily, pour or send down from the heavens.
REIGN = The Royal authority & Sovereignty, a time, period and influence of one resembling or likened to a monarch or Ruler.

BOW = To curve, bend or arch any flexible material. BOW = The bending of the body in a form of respect, submission or shame.

CLOUDS = A light puffy, billowy mass that floats in the air. The visible mass of particles of water or ice gathered at a great height in the heavens. Or any of the masses of opaque matter in interstellar space, Or a great crowd, multitude, swarm or gathering usually identified with a mass of insects.
CROWDS = To fill, collect, force or thrust in a small space in great numbers. A large number gathered together without order, usually identified with a mass of people.

RAINBOW = A visible arch in the sky representing & consisting of the collective colours of the light spectrum, caused by the Sun and a collective multitude of raindrops
REIGN BOW = A gathering of the masses, droplets of people representing the many different spectrums & tribes of humanity, caused by the Sons light. A collective multitude & members of humanity gathered to respect & honour our Heavenly Father, Heavenly Mother.

NOAHS ARK >> ‘KNOW’ERS ARK - They who knew, therefore they who were saved’
The paradise mansions

MANSION = The house & dwelling of the Lord.
MAN = A generalised term for members of humanity.
SHONE = Term to denote the past of shine.

‘MAN-SHONE’ = ‘They who shone while they lived on 3arth.’

PARADISE = A garden of Eden, A heavenly place of bliss.
PA = Father
RA = Ancient Egyptian God of the Sun ( Sons & Sis-Stars )
DICE = A game of chance, a gamble.

‘PA-RA-DICE’ = ‘Our Heavenly Father’s gamble on members of humanity. The Sons & Sis-stars of eternity, They who progressed and live in the heavenly Realms, and are now on their way to the Upper Mansions.’

The ‘Paradise Mansions’ Upper houses, or schools of learning, Are the Realms and W orlds that each member of humanity will pass through on their way to Paradise. These Universal schools represent ‘school bus stops’. In reference to the upper schools prepared for the evolving members of humanity that have already achieved distinction & shone brightly while they lived on the 3arth plain.
The alpha, the omega the first & the last


JESUS the Christ upon his death returned to the Holy land which is located in a Higher Realms known as the ‘Dimensions of the Blessed’ While the Christ walked this 3arth, he fathered no children. We would therefore have to conclude that over the last two millennium since his return to the Holy land, Jesus has been a father many times over. His bloodline would span over 70 generations, Therefore the bloodline of Jesus would number if not in the thousands, but in the tens of thousands.

Since his return to the Holy land and since his last bestowal to 3arth, Jesus the Christ had earned the right to rule his Kingdom, one of many Kingdoms of our Heavenly Father located in this galaxy and throughout the Universe. The man we have all come to know as ‘Jesus the Christ’ is our immediate heavenly Father, and looks over us from his heavenly Kingdom.

The letter ‘j’ is a man kneeling in prayer = ‘Jesus’
‘Ben-j-i-man j- cob ISRA-el’ reads …
‘Ben, Jesus & i & man, from the bread of Jesus, Isis & Ra’s eternity love’ or
‘Ben, Jesus & I and man, from the house of bread Bethlehem, of the bread of Jesus, from Isis and Ra’s eternity love’

ALPHA = The first letter in the Greek alphabet, designating first place or the name given to the brightest star of a constellation.
OMEGA = The *24th letter in the Greek alphabet or a name given to the last position in a series.

‘I am the first to come, the Son who shone the brightest & will be the last to come’ *The 24th letter of the English alphabet is the letter ‘X’, Which is also the symbol for the ‘cross’, signifying the link to the historical Jesus, being the historical Christ.
*24 = ‘Us, all that is and all that will ever be’

AL PHA THE = ‘Our Father’

Sirius, thank you. You have (more than) amply demonstrated that you are a semi-literate idiot.
Can you now substantiate a single one of your inane claims?

And PS, reported for preaching.
Sirius, thank you. You have (more than) amply demonstrated that you are a semi-literate idiot.
Can you now substantiate a single one of your inane claims?

And PS, reported for preaching.

Inane claims cannot be substantiated, every idiot knows that!

I was following the first few tomes with due disbelief in the quantity and character of frenetic energy, but then I noticed:

PA - father
RA - sun god
DICE - game of chance

no doubt a reference to PARADICE LOCT

or was it PAIR O' DICE:

PAIR - as in: a partridge in a PAIR tree (hint: PARITY - man equal in blame to woman)
O' - as in: Oh, Eve, thou comest hither from yon TREE with truly a rip'n'd PAIR
[also: TREE - Three - she was pregnant!]
DICE - what was hung on the rear view mirror as they pulled away from the wedding chapel, at high speed, with the law in pursuit.

Presumably this analysis, though barely befitting to Fraggle's demonstrated language acumen, will pass muster for his tolerance to bluster.
The royal house of day'vid

DAVID ( DAYVID ) Died 962 B.C.
King of Judah and Israel, who founded the Jewish royal dynasty at Jerusalem. Was born in Bethlehem and was famous for his legendary boyhood feat of slaying the Philistine giant, Goliath. Later outlawed by Saul, he seized the southern Kingdom ( Judah ) on the kings death, and gradually subdued the north, ( Israel ) uniting the Israelites. He was succeeded by his son Solomon.

The name ‘David’ is important in Jewish, Christian and Islamic culture. In Judaism ‘David’ is the King of Israel, and maintain that the prophesised Messiah, King and prophet of God will come from the direct bloodline and be a descendent of the ‘Royal House of David’

The future Jewish Messiah is expected to herald from the ‘Davidic line’ ( The tree of life ) as indicated in Jewish eschatology. Many prayers from the Jewish prayer book, the ‘Siddur’ make fervent mention of the restoration of King David’s monarchy and the expected Messiah, who is referred to as ‘Mashiach Ben David’ meaning ( Messiah son of King David )

THE WORD ‘DAY’ - The time when the sun is visible and rises above the horizon, or the time required for a celestial body to turn once on its axis.
THE WORD ‘VIDE’ - Means to direct and focus a readers attention, Imperative of Videre ‘to see, or be able to see’

Is in reference to the ‘Dog Star Sirius’ being the brightest star in our night sky, therefore the star that shone the brightest on the evening that the Christ was born in Bethlehem. Sirius is the 5th closest star to 3arth,‘5’ being the hand of God.
Bethlehem is translated as the ‘House of Bread’, Bread being the most basic source of sustenance and nourishment. The ‘Dog star Sirius’ is also a day star and can be observable from nearly anywhere on 3arth during the day time. Therefore should be viewed as the ‘Day-vid star’ or the ‘star of Day-vid’.
Sirius also pulsates as a bluish Star. The colour blue being synonymous with ‘eternity’, and also the term ‘Blue blood’ being synonymous with Royalty. Therefore Sirius should be regarded as a source of sovereign royalty, and being the ‘Royal house of Day vid or the Star of Day vid’
The bi-bill

BI - The word ‘Bi’ is used to denote ‘2’, The word ‘bilateral’ is used and means ‘pertaining to, or having two sides’. A bilateral agreement, is a legally binding contract or covenant between two parties. When used in the context of God and man, it is a moral agreement between the heavens and 3arth.

BILL - The word ‘bill’ is used to identify an itemised statement of goods provided, therefore owed for services, usually owed in the form and understood in monetary terms or value. When used in the context of God and man, It is a service provided by God to the people of humanity.
A ‘bill’ is also a draft of a ‘proposed law’ presented for, to be approved by a legislative governing body representing the greater good and interests of the ‘People’.

BiBle - The word BiBle, A BiBle is a sacred book and collection of ancient text and writings, where men throughout history have been inspired to write and chronicle divinely inspired passages relating to past and present messages in regards to mans relationship with God and creator of the heavens.

BiBill - A two way bilateral agreement and statement of goods and services provided by God to humanity in the hope that in time, we humanity will acknowledge these cosmic services. It is therefore a historical ‘Bill’ and draft for services provided by God, that fall within moral boundaries presented to and owed by humanity.

BILL - Is also a shortened name for ‘William’
If you break down the name ‘William’ it reads ‘Will I Am’. Therefore it is Gods wish that all men and woman acknowledge they are children of God and remain a smaller portion of our heavenly father and should recognise their own divine presence and universal potential.

WILL - The word ‘will’ may be used to describe the mental ( men tool ) faculty by which any person may practice, predetermine and decide on a course of action.

THE WILL OF ‘I AM’ That all men and woman are a smaller portion of out heavenly Father and heavenly Mother.
That they acknowledge their divine potential to ascend to their eternal inheritance, and be part of ‘God eternity, the lord of all universal and cosmic creation’, to praise and reclaim your birthright as eternal sons and daughters of God the eternal, and God the divine.

The statement ‘I AM’
The letter ‘M’ has a pair of ‘eyes’ at the top of each Arch, At the base of each pillar reside…. a Planet, a Moon & a Star/Sun.
I = Acknowledgement of ‘oneself’.
A = Alpha, the very beginning, the planning, the paper & compass!
M = All that is seen & perceived from the heavens.

The statement ‘I AM’ therefore means … “I, Alpha the beginning, all that is seen & perceived from the

ALPHA THE = When spoken slowly is ‘Our Father’

“Time to pay our bill, it wont cost much, acknowledge creation, and a little gratitude to our Lord God”
The vowel to send

‘The One forty - four ( 000 )’ this number is mentioned 3 times in the BiBle. There also use to exist ‘144,000 highly polished limestone quartz tiles’ on the outer casing of the Great Pyramids located on the Giza Plateau near Cairo.

When we write the word ‘Forty four’, we can emphasise the letter ‘t’, which then becomes the Cross of Christ. We can then write the words ‘Forty four’ in another way, for example ‘For -t- for’.
When we change the number ‘One’ to the word ‘Won’, which is used in the past context of ‘win’, as in to, ‘win a prize or gift’.
The word ‘Thousand’ when spoken slowly, are the words ‘Vowel send’, the One forty four thousand then becomes the ‘Won for -t- for, vowel send’. Meaning ‘Won for Christ, for vowel send’. In regards to the ‘Vowel and Promise to send the people of Christ to a promised land’.

REVELATIONS 7:3-8 “Saying do not harm the 3arth or the sea or the trees. Until after we have sealed the servant of God on the foreheads, and I heard the number of the sealed, A hundred and forty four thousand, sealed from every tribe of the Sons of Israel”

ISAIAH 49:13-17
“Even if a mother could forget her child, the lord would not forget his children, for they are engraved on the palms of his hands”

Our lord God makes it clear, the ‘ISRAelites’ are to be exiled from there land, despite their hardships the lord God will never forget the people, and promises the displaced Israelites, that they will eventually be taken out of bondage & slavery, to brought back to their true homeland. An ISRAelite can be any person from any race, creed or tribe, regardless of religious affiliation. They may not even be religious in nature. They are simply the enlightened members of humanity, ‘The Dues’, the people who play the game of life fairly and are therefore owed eternity.

ISRAel - Isis & Ra’s eternity love.
CHILDREN OF ISRAel - Any member of humanity.
ENLIGHTEN - ‘In light ten’ ( In regards to the 10 commandments )
In search of the gold of the gods

The letter ‘l’ is the universal symbol for ‘love or light’, This symbol also designates the direction and passage from our 3arth to the heavens, from the bottom to the top.
“In the beginning was the ‘Word’, and the word was ‘Love = l’, then the word became the World”

SENDAI JAPAN 11-03-2011
The world watched in horror as the tsunami hit the coast of Japan as a result of the magnitude 9.0 3arthquake which had its epicentre in the location we have all come to know as Sendai.
The loss of life recorded was in the vicinity of 15,000, with another 6,000 injured and a further 3,600 people still reported missing. The 10-meter ( 33-foot ) wave of black water generated by the quake - the seventh biggest ever recorded pulverised the north eastern city of Sendai, the capital of Miyagi Prefecture. The wave set off tsunami alerts across the Pacific, including the State of Hawaii and in many Latin American nations from Mexico to Chile, where seaside populations were urged to take precautions. The quake was also felt 2,500 kilometres away in Beijing where tremendous damage was reported and aerial footage showed massive flooding in this areas Northern towns.

The date of this devastating 3arthquke 11-03-2011, reads as, “The eleventh hour- On 3arth the presence of God, Us on 3arth and the eleventh hour”, The word Sendai are the words ‘Sin Die’.

ACTS 2:17
“This will happen in the last days: I will pour out upon everyone a portion of my Spirit,
I will show portents in the sky above, and signs on the 3arth below”

THE WORD JAPAN. Can be broken down into 2 words,
JAH - Being an ancient name for God.
PAN - Which is a word to describe the technique used to find gold.

Even thou, there was great lose of life in this devastating disaster, the underlying messages to humanity are…
1 ) Man must now reconsider the relationship with the seas, in particular how we treat marine mammals, and the long term effects of over fishing, to think of a future for other consumers.
2 ) Man must now reconsider the potentially dangerous and harmful methods of producing power, in particular nuclear atomic energy. That has the potential to poison and kill millions, and to leave the 3arth barren of life.
3 ) That we humanity fall under the banner of divine law being the moral law of ‘God the Universal Master’ and creator of this universe.
4 ) That all ‘Sin must die’.
5 ) That the God’s of the heavens are now in search of the gold of the Gods. This includes members of humanity who either play the ‘game of life’ fairly, or are adherents of the teachings of Christ, who are now due eternity.

THE WORD JAPAN. Can be broken down into 2 words,
JAH - Being an ancient name for God.
PAN - Which is a word to describe the technique used to find gold.
That has to be among the most moronic remarks I've ever heard.
Easter is A festival acknowledged by Christians and other Religions, commemorating the Resurrection of Christ the Son Of God. Celebrated on the first Sunday following the full Moon that occurs on, or just after March 21st.
This Sunday is usually called ‘Easter Day or Easter Sunday’
It is generally accepted that the Christ was crucified on a Friday and after 3 days was resurrected by the Holy Spirit the following Monday.
Therefore Easter is acknowledged over this 3 day period.
Decorated Eggs are given as gifts over this 3 day period. Which apparently has its origin from Paganism beliefs, that signify and ritualise the humble Egg’s origin as a symbol of life & fertility.

In 325 A.D. the ‘Council of Nicaea’ which were a group of Men decided that they would meet and establish & standardise certain ‘Christian Festivals’. Christianity was becoming very popular within the Roman Empire thus the need for clarification of these festivals to acknowledge the Christ.
There aim was to establish a Universal creed or belief system within the Roman Empire,Therefore Easter became the ‘Celebration of the Resurrection of the Christ’.

Many people are left wondering what exactly is the connection with ‘Easter and the Easter Egg’
An Egg itself is basically constructed of a ‘Outer shell’ ‘The albumen’ Which is the transparent watery substance referred to as the Egg White.
‘The yolk’ which is the Yellow, gold nucleus or centre.

If you can imagine that the golden ‘Yolk’ is a representation of The ‘Sun’ that brings forth warmth and life to our Planet.
The Oval outer shell represents the annual ‘ecliptic path’ & journey of our ‘Planet 3arth’ around this Sun, therefore Humanities journey around the ‘Sun’
The Oval ‘ecliptic path’ is the journey of Man which is measured as having the furthermost point away from the Sun ( being colder ) & also having its closest point to the Sun ( being warmer )
Or perhaps you can imagine that a freshly cooked Egg as simply ‘The Sun & Clouds of Heaven’’

Either way, The humble egg is a reminder to humanity that life, creation & existence has its origin because of the Sun the illuminator and giver of life.
Therefore the connection of ‘Eggs at Easter’ is that the ‘The Christ or Son/Sun Of God’ remain a focus & that his teachings a reminder for Humanity to follow.
Or more specifically ‘The Eastern Sun/Son or East Star’ should remain a focal point for the observer.

RA - Being the Ancient Egyptian GOD of THE SUN/SON
BIT - Is defined in the dictionary as ‘Being a small part, piece or quantity of anything’

Therefore The Easter Rabbits representation at Easter should be interpreted as
RA -BIT = ‘The Son being a small portion & quantity of the Greater Heavenly Father.


MATTHEW 24:24;27

*How the Christians stole the Easter holiday

Christians celebrate the annual festival commemorating the alleged resurrection of Jesus between March 22 and April 25. For centuries, Christian "scholars" have debated the date of Jesus' crucifixion (cruci-fiction?). Not even Christians know when he died. There occurs not a fragment of evidence about a Jesus crucified on Mt. Calvary or anywhere else (much less have evidence for his existence).

The Jews celebrate "Passover" at around this time, from an Exodus story where God passes over the "chosen ones" on his way to kill the firstborn of Egypt (Exodus 11, 12).

However, people had celebrated Easter during the vernal equinox long before Judaism, Christianity and their superstitious myths.

Nothing about the Easter bunny or colored eggs derives from Christianity, nor will you find them mentioned in the Bible.

No one knows the origin of the name Easter but some suspect that it derived from Eastre, the Anglo-Saxon name of a Teutonic goddess of spring and fertility, to whom people dedicated a month corresponding to April. People celebrated her festival on the day of the vernal equinox. The tradition of Eastre survive in the Easter rabbit, a symbol of fertility, and in colored easter eggs, originally painted with bright colors to represent the sunlight of spring, and used in Easter-egg rolling contests or given as gifts. Even the early Egyptians and Persians dyed eggs in spring colors and gave them to friends.

Ancient religions commonly held such festivals including the Greek legend of the return of Persephone, daughter of Demeter, goddess of the earth, from the underworld to the light of day. Her return symbolized to the Greeks the resurrection of life in the spring after the desolation of winter.

By contrast, the Christians celebrate a tortured man dying on a piece of lumber and Jews celebrate the passover of a god on his way toward killing infants. What morbidity! Instead of celebrating death, why not opt for the original Easter and admire the coming of spring, and the renewal of life?
Bow the other way 'round!

BOW = To curve, bend or arch any flexible material. BOW = The bending of the body in a form of respect, submission or shame.
No, you're wrong:
B = 'l' + '3' = Love God (see post #1)
o = plane, here earth (post #1)
w = up-side-down-M = all that is seen & percieved from below (after post#1).

So, we should bow not arching forward, but areching backward, looking up!

We are so happy that modern English had developped, otherwise all this wisdom would have remained hidden to us for all eternity!:p