sirius on religion


In Ancient Egypt, The ‘Benben’ was the first hill to emerge from the waters of the Universe. It is also known as the first Primeval to emerge or be created ,The mound or hill from which all life was created. The ‘Benben’ was associated with the Egyptian God Atum.The ‘Benben’ is the most important of all the Ancient Egyptian myths. It was the Egyptian God Atum who created the great Ennead (Group of nine gods)

A Sacred pointed stone, The Benben stone which symbolized the ‘first primeval hill’ was held in the Ancient City of Heliopolis, Its importance was such, it was held in its own shrine, Called amongst other names ‘The Mansion of the Benben & the Mansion of the Phoenix’
The Author E.A. Wallis Budge describes the BenBen stone in his 1926 Book ‘Cleopatras Needle & other Obelisks’

“At a period which is so remote that no date can be assigned to it, The people of Anu, Had as the object & centre of their cult ,a stone, which was thick at the base and tapered to a point at the top….this stone was called ‘Ben’ and in the texts of the ‘VI Dynasty’ its determinative ( hieroglyphic symbol ) resembles a small obelisks for example a short thick shaft surmounted by a little Pyramid’’

The Egyptian form of BenBen was ‘BnBn’, The root ‘Bn’ means ‘to swell forth’ as well as ’Virility & reproduction’. Ancient Egyptians had two ideas about the origins of life, The first was that ‘life itself emerged in God’ the source being the Primeval waters….The Second was that of ‘Heka the created essence’ brought forth from a distant magical source. ‘Heka being the Isle of fire’ a place of everlasting light beyond the limits of this world, where the god’s were born & revived & whence they were & are sent forth into the World’s & Universe.


The Benu bird is tied intrinsically to the BenBen stone & to ancient Egyptians story of creation. The God Atum is said to have flown over the primeval waters as a bird, before coming to rest on a rock, Or primeval mound ( the BenBen ) that rose from the waters. The Cry of this bird was said to have heralded the beginning of all of creation here on 3arth.The Benu bird was also called the ‘Ba of Ra’. The Ba is the part of the Soul therefore this can be translated as ‘The Soul of Ra’

There are ancient Papyrus scrolls in the time of ‘Ani’ from 1250 BC which are transcribed from the ‘Ancient Book of the Dead’ highlighting the importance of the Benu bird from the Ancient Egyptians….
‘’I AM the Benu bird which is in Anu. I AM the keeper of the Volume of the book ,The Tablets of Destiny
Of the things which have been made, and of the things which shall be made’’
‘’I AM the Benu bird, the heart & Soul of RA ,The guide of the God’s to the Duat ( Underworld )

The word Pyramid some say its source is from the Coptic word ‘Pyr’ meaning division & ‘Met’ meaning
‘Ten’ therefore the ‘Division of Ten’
The word ‘Pyre’ also means a mound of combustible material that may be burnt, therefore ‘Fire’ The word ‘mid’ is also a shortened form, for the word ‘Middle’ therefore ‘Pyramid’ means ‘Fire in the Middle’ for example a source of light that emit’s from the centre.

The word Flood means ‘An overflowing Body of water especially onto normally dry land or ‘An overwhelming quantity or Volume, to fill abundantly or excessively”
Meanwhile...somewhere near Washington...Fraggle just grabbed his forehead in pain while slightly stumbling. "I feel a massive disturbance in the etymological force!"
If I read any more of this I'm thinking I may START doing substance abuse.
Possibly drain cleaner.
Not at all Emil.
It's unsupported nonsense with no attempt at explanation.
It's unsupported nonsense with no attempt at explanation.

the use of the word unsupported is unsupported...(you like that word way too much..)

too thick to actually read all through..looks like alot of history and definitions..

i will agree with the second part of your explanation as to what it is about..too thick to comprehend any point..
the use of the word unsupported is unsupported...(you like that word way too much..)
No, it's not.
The claims are there, but no support that the derivations are valid. Like Fraggle pointed out the guy is using Hebrew words and "giving them meaning" in English.
Apart from the specious claims... 9 is the Golden ratio?? :eek:

too thick to actually read all through..looks like alot of history and definitions.
It's a lot of false "correlations".

i will agree with the second part of your explanation as to what it is about..too thick to comprehend any point..
I'm still not sure the guy has a point. It comes across as random dribbling.
I wonder if this crank is related in any way to this (banned) crank.

Notice the similarities: "law of eternity", "forecasted"...
He's an ass well? Is that like a hole in the ground you lower a bucket into and come up with asses?
I wonder if this crank is related in any way to this (banned) crank.

Notice the similarities: "law of eternity", "forecasted"...

Yeah the same style alright . We get the expanded version now . They had time to developed the concept Think I should tell em Ahkenaten has risen from the grave by my son . Probably not a good idea Aye matey? It is funny though . I find it very humorous. Thats just Me . Twisted convoluted mind and all