Moses & the parting of the red sea
The basic structure of this Ancient story is as follows…
After the Land of Egypt was brought to its knee’s by the many Plagues that were given to the land.
Pharaoh then agreed reluctantly to let the ‘ISRAelites’ leave the land of Egypt.
Under the guidance from God, Moses lead the ISRAelites out of Egypt and into the wilderness.
During the day the ISRAelites would head towards a Tornado that would form in the skies &
at night time a blazing ‘Towering Inferno’ would guide them through the darkness.
One evening, God spoke to Moses and asked Moses to lead the ISRAelites back the way they had come but instead to stop ‘part way’, head East & camp at the edge of the ‘Red Sea’.
Once this is done, Pharaoh will think the ISRAelites had lost there way and are wandering aimlessly & confused in the desert. Pharaoh would then become angry ‘for giving in to such a pathetic group of people’ and would send an Army to pursue, ‘subdue’ & re-enslave the ISRAelites.
God would then demonstrate to Pharaoh ‘Once and for all’ that he was the one and only God & Divine ruler. This command given to Moses was obeyed by the ISRAelites and they eventually headed back & made camp by the shores of the ‘Red Sea’
Once the Egyptian army began to approach, the ISRAelites became afraid, but God commanded Moses to ‘Wave his staff’ across the sea. The dust cloud & Tornado which had previously guided the ISRAelites during the day moved between the ISRAelites and the Egyptian Army.
Then a great wind from the east began to roar & form in the skies, the waters of the ‘Red Sea’ began to part, which then formed a wide path of dry ground with a wall of water on both sides.
Moses the ‘Law maker’ with the ISRAelites then proceeded to make there way to safety through this ‘Parting of the Red Sea’. The Egyptian Army tried to follow Moses and the ISRAelites through the parted Seas, but were swept away & killed once the waters began to re-converge. EXODUS 13-15
Many historians & Biblical scholars have theorised the Red Sea’s location is the ocean of water we refer as the Red Sea in the middle East and others theorise a body of water along the ‘Nile River in Egypt’ therefore a ‘Sea of Reeds’ could be interpreted as the Red Sea in regards to the story of Moses & the Exodus.
This Ancient story of the ‘Exodus’ may have eventuated in past history, but should also be considered in regards to a future event. The reason being ‘The End of the Age’ where it will be necessary to preserve members of humanity ‘The future Exodus of the ISRAelites’ The reason being Humanity is to face a cataclysmic event of such proportions as foretold & prophesied in ‘The Revelations of John’. This event is being manifested at this moment & is being brought forward by Human activity. Therefore Divine intervention will be necessary.
To acknowledge the Ancient Egyptian God & Goddess ‘ISIS & RA’ as Co-creators, is to amalgamate and re-establish the faith & belief that all Religions have there source back to the land of Ancient Egypt. Christianity has its origins of belief derived from the Hebrew faith, which in turn has its foundation based on the teachings of ‘Ancient Babylonia’ and also the ‘Land of Ancient Egypt’
In reference to the ‘The land of Ancient Egypt’ of the BiBle, we must theorise that this covers not only the country we know as modern Egypt, but instead encompass’s the Whole World as one creation, entity or living organism.
The BiBle often portrays stories to describe ‘The Evil Kings & Pharaohs of Egypt’ This in modern day times should be used as a global term to describe ‘The evil of the World & the greedy’
‘THE EXODUS & PARTING of the RED SEA’ should be interpreted as … ‘THE EXIT US & PARTING of the RE-SEED’ A future event & the parting of the ‘DUES’
The Dues being the faithful and kind of this World. A term we should consider that we use is ‘THE MORNING DEW which should be interpreted as ‘THE MOURNING DUE’