sirius on religion


Registered Senior Member
The law of eternity forecasted the English language would eventually reach all 4 corners of the globe, In time humanity would learn the ‘God’s have there signature in all ‘oral & written’ communication “The Breathe of God”
A = ALPHA The beginning, the planning, the paper & Compass.
E = Symbol for eternity, lower case ‘e’ the backward ‘9’ Golden ratio, Golden means Eternity.
I = Acknowledgement of ‘Oneself’… lower case i, body with a head,
O = Symbol for Planet, in this case 3arth.
U = Symbol for U-turn, return, Heaven>3arth>Heaven

Therefore A-E-I-O-U … ‘In the beginning eternity, I on 3arth will return!’

The law of eternity forecasted, that in time the Decimal numeral system would again reach all 4 corners of the globe, ,For those searching, the answers have been here all this time…Here is the code…
0 = Symbol for Planet, In this case 3arth.
1 = The acknowledgement of ‘oneself …I
2 = The acknowledgement of another Soul….Us…We!
3 = The acknowledgement of a Higher Order…3= god. Place your finger in the air & write the
number 3 starting from the bottom, when you reach halfway, make 3 little ‘o’s then continue
upwards ‘g…o…d’
4 = The acknowledgement of space & direction, North, East, South, West, Including longitude &
Latitude, there is a ‘9’ sitting on the west bar,’ All that is & all that will ever be’
5 = The Hand! The hand of God!
6 = ( = male.6 = female…666= male, female, humanity!
7 = The concept of time, seconds, minutes, hours ,days.
8 = Infinity, the concept of infinity.
9 = The golden ratio, golden means, law of eternity!

Therefore 0 - 9 = ‘On 3arth,I,us,God and all that will be, the hand of God, with humanity ,in time infinity, destined for eternity!’

Most of humanity associate the ‘sign’ or symbol for ‘love’ as the little red heart We find in valentine cards, The little red heart is actually two mirrored ‘9’s ( two eternity’s ) the unification of soul mates. The letter ‘i is a body with a small dot ( as the head ).when a person becomes more evolved Spiritually, the ‘ i graduates & becomes a ‘l’, the ‘Universal symbol for ‘love’, completion!

Therefore the word ‘BiBle’ is….
B = ‘l’ + ‘3’ joined together.
‘l’ = love … ‘3’= god
Therefore the word BiBle is….
l+3 + i + l+3 + l + e….. ‘love god, I love god, love eternity’

The Location of the Great Pyramids located on the Giza Plateau…The Pyramids are a calendar of Past, present & future events.
The Longitude & Latitude lines intersect @ 30 degrees North & 31 degrees East.
‘GOD on 3arth’ & ‘GOD & I’

The statement ‘I AM’
The letter ‘M’ has a pair of ‘eyes’ at the top of each Arch, At the base of each pillar reside….a planet, a moon & a star/sun.

I = Acknowledgement of ‘oneself’
A = Alpha, the beginning, the planning, the paper & compass!
M = All that is seen & perceived from the Heavens.

The statement ‘I AM’ therefore means … ‘I in the beginning, all that is seen & perceived from the Heavens’

The word ‘SOUL’…..
S = Symbol for serpent or cobra, symbolising rejuvenation, rebirth. annual shedding of the skin.
O = Symbol for planet, In this case 3arth.
U = Symbol for U-turn, return! Heaven>3arth>Heaven.
l, = universal symbol for love, completion!

Therefore the word ‘Soul’ means…’Rejuvenate on 3arth,return to the heavens with love’

The word ‘King’…. Humanity associates the word King ( Royalty ) with paparazzi, Glitz & glamour…The following is the breakdown of the word ‘King’ from the Ancients…

The letter K is 2 glyphs (symbols) joined together … ‘l = the universal symbol for ‘love‘, completion! Attached is ‘< ‘ = to project inwards & to project outwards!
K = love me, for I love you,
i = acknowledgement of oneself…. i
n, = U-turn, to return,….3arth>Heaven>3arth!
g, = the ‘9’ again the symbol for eternity.

Therefore the word ‘King’ means….’love me, for I love you, I have returned eternity!’

I AM BENTON KING of the Te Haenga’s
I AM KAPUAMATOTORO the oldest ancient bloodline here in Aotearoa, Therefore….
I AM King & Representative of the Ancient world!.
I AM RUATANIWHA …The two Serpents! Two Cobra’s!
I AM One of 12 Ancient Kings of Revelations, 12 tribes!,
I AM the 12th Son of ISIS, 12th Son of RA!
I AM Son of ‘ISRAel’


B = ‘l’ + ‘3’ joined together = ‘love God’
e = Symbol for eternity!
n, = U-turn, to return… 3arth>heaven>3arth!
‘t‘ = North, East, South, West. All that is & all that will ever be!
O = Symbol for planet, In this case 3arth!
n, = U-turn, to return….3arth>heaven>3arth!

‘Love God, eternity has returned, All that is ,& all that will ever be, On planet 3arth…has returned!

The word GOD…
All symbols and Glyphs ‘letters of the Alphabet’ have had a evolution to there journey. From the earliest time since, Man has had the desire to chronicle history & convey messages to future generations. Some letters of the Alphabet are composed of simply one symbol or glyph and others have ‘two joined together’ They therefore have arrived to what we are familiar with in todays Society.
The word God is composed of 5 glyphs….

G =The letter ‘G’ is the letter ‘C’ ( Creation ) with an arrow attached at one end. This symbol means to encompass, To go around in a particular direction >>>
O = The symbol for a Planet, In this case 3arth.
D = This letter is composed of 2 glyphs
The letter ‘l’ = The Universal symbol for love completion, Attached is the number ‘9’
The number ‘9’ = The Golden ratio, Golden means, Symbol for eternity.

Therefore the word ‘GOD’ means…. ‘ Creation, Around the World love Eternity’

This post was less than one hour old, when I was notified by a member that someone is cluttering up the Linguistics board with woo-woo. My first instinct was to delete the post and give Sirius a temporary ban for trolling, which is a violation of the rules. However, I found myself laughing so hard as I slogged through the post, that I decided it is worth keeping for its entertainment value.

* * * * NOTE TO SIRIUS * * * *

I am letting this post stand for the reason stated above. However, you will be mistaken if you take this single act of tolerance as permission to pursue this subject any further. Any more posts along this line and you will, indeed, incur a ban. Every moderator has his own style, and mine features complete intolerance for antiscientific trolling, except when obviously in jest.

To focus on a few of the more preposterous bits of bullshit in this post:
The law of eternity forecasted the English language would eventually reach all 4 corners of the globe, In time humanity would learn the ‘God’s have there signature in all ‘oral & written’ communication “The Breathe of God”
Further down in this post you make it clear that you are referring to the God of Abraham, who was first written about in the Torah (the first few books of the Old Testament). Apparently you did not do even the most basic research, because you seem unaware of the fact that the Torah was composed in Hebrew. English did not exist yet. In fact the Germanic sub-branch of the Indo-European language family had not yet differentiated; the German tribes who were still living in Scandinavia spoke Proto-Germanic, an extinct language to which Icelandic is probably the most similar.
A = ALPHA The beginning, the planning, the paper & Compass. . . . .
Again, you are superimposing modern language elements and other symbols onto the meme of the God of Abraham. Two thousand years ago, the Latin alphabet did not exist, and there was no decimal numbering system anywhere in the world. The Hindu-Arabic numerals we take for granted had not been invented. Try making your case with the Greek or Hebrew letters that were used in cumbersome mathematical calculations, or worse yet, Roman numerals!
Therefore A-E-I-O-U … ‘In the beginning eternity, I on 3arth will return!’
These are not the vowels of Classical Hebrew.
All symbols and Glyphs ‘letters of the Alphabet’ have had a evolution to there journey.
For a kid who thinks he's qualified to lecture us on matters of language, your grammar and spelling sure suck!
Therefore the word ‘GOD’ means…. ‘ Creation, Around the World love Eternity’
Actually the word has cognates in all the Germanic languages and derives from the Proto-Germanic word guthan. In fact it has cognates throughout the Indo-European family, including Sanskrit. It most likely comes from the Proto-Indo-European root gheu, "invoke," and appears to be a grammatical inflection meaning "that which is invoked."
The law of eternity forecasted the English language would eventually reach all 4 corners of the globe
What "law of eternity"? You wouldn't be making this up would you?
And, FYI, a globe doesn't have corners.
Hey there Fraggle Rocker, which section of Sciforums would you recommend i post these new interpretations of 'The English Lanuguage?'
Its not really Religous in nature? As i do not represent any Religion!
It deals with symbols and Glyphs in a different perspective.
I also do not have much time to browse ,as my Internet useage is limited to when i am in the City ( Being Rural ) at a Internet Cafe.
Adam & eve and the garden of eden

* The first Man created by God in the Garden of Eden, from Genesis of the Bible

THE WORD ‘EVE’ is defined as either:
*The first Woman and companion to Adam from Genesis of the BiBle or
*The period preceding a special day or event, for example ‘Christmas Eve’

THE WORD ‘ATOM’ is defined as:
*A basic unit of ordinary matter, made up of a centrally charged nucleus or centre, surrounded by equal numbers of protons & neutrons surrounded by orbiting electrons, considered also a Specified system that cannot be changed or be made simpler.

THE WORD ‘AGAR’ is defined as:
*A mucilaginous gummy or sticky substance prepared from certain marine algae and used as a base for the study of bacterial culture.

THE WORD ‘DEN’ is defined as:
*A shelter, refuge or retreat especially used for the nurture & care of offspring in the early stages of development.

ADAM & EVE & A GARDEN of E’DEN Therefore should be interpreted as:
The ‘Eve of the Atom’ ( ADAM ) nurtured from agar in a ‘AGAR - DEN’ prepared in a safe secluded area or a ‘Eternity den’ ( E- DEN ) Therefore a place to study bacterial culture. A place for ‘Genetic Engineering’ the production, development & creation of different Species.
The replenishment & beginning of life on 3arth.

The location being the Great Pyramids on the Giza Plateau .
Located at Longitude & Latitude lines that intersect @ 30 degrees North & 31 degrees East
Based on the Decimal Binary code
‘GOD on 3arth & GOD & I’
Pray east suns of god


Ancient Religion was Solar and Lunar based, it is called simply the ‘Worship of the Sun or Sun Worship’ This name had more spiritual depth than the name implies or suggests. The Ancient mystics & Priests of Egypt, Sumeria, Babylonia and other Ancient civilisations were wise and spiritual enough not to wholly identify there God with simply the Sun, but understood there God was in fact ‘ In reality’ far beyond the Sun. But since we can only speak of God only by means of metaphor, hence the Solar Disc or Sun was the most powerful symbol Ancient man could identify and associate there God with. Therefore the Sun became symbolic of God and there own divinity as well. The ‘Sun God’ was the embodiment and model of what each member of humanity, through Spiritual evolution & destiny is finally meant & will become.

“There was a Golden age, When the 3arth & Sun united, The Sun gave 3arth form, The Sun then separated from the 3arth causing it to materialise and become colder. The God of the Sun returned to infuse his spirit in the 3arth, So that the whole Cosmos would eventually dematerialise and again become Spiritualised. This was & is still the Cosmic vision of the historic mission of Jesus the Christo’s activator”

Most people identify the Son Of God as a Male entity.
As we all know our ‘Sun’ is also a ‘Star’, Therefore the term the ‘Son Of God’ should also be interpreted as both Male and female, ‘Suns and Sis-Stars of Eternity’
While the Sun is the source that enables us to perceive and see all that exists in our Solar System & Universe, It is also by its light alone that we are able to know that everything exists through the gift of sight.

In ancient Antiquity the Symbol of a circle with a ‘centre or dot’ represents and symbolized our heavenly Sun. It is also a representation of each persons connection and divinity in this Universe. The centre being a persons awareness of there own presence that is centralised and radiates in all directions out into the World and toward the expansive Universe. The outer perimeter of this circle also signifies the Universe may only exist if it is acknowledged, it therefore radiates back to its source, Inwards towards the central nucleus, dot or centre, ‘This representing & Being You!’
That all individual members of Humanity may represent a tiny fraction of creation, but in essence play a very important part within the structure of the Cosmo’s.

The Ancients placed at the centre and foundation of there belief, a centralised figure or ideal person who would come to symbolise humanity itself in its duel nature of mortal flesh & the eternal divine. This person has had many names in many civilisations, symbolising the divine spark incarnate potential of every human being.

The Ancient initiated Priests knew that the sublime ‘Sun/Star/Son of GOD’ of whom they spoke was the same being, who in due time would be acknowledged as the Christ or ‘light of the World’
It was much latter that modern Religions focus was to take this ‘Sun/Star/Son of GOD from the Sky’s and Heavens and place him in a 3arth bound dwelling to be worshipped. The Son of GOD therefore is portrayed with a crown of thorns nailed to a cross with much anguish & despair. This is not what was intended, The original intention ‘was and still is’ that each member of humanity is a segment of the divine blueprint and manifestation of GOD in its purest sense.

What the central Christ or ‘Sun God’ represents, We too shall be, not just in theory or according to some Mythical ideal, but in final resurrected reality. This is Spirituality, full of hope and Power.
That the journey or passage of the Sun through the heavens each day which represents each persons spiritual journey from natural mortal ‘Man or Woman’ along a divine path that brings each nearer & connects them to there own divinity & the nature of God. The God atom that dwells in all members of Humanity.

That the ‘Sun/Star/Son of GOD’ or the ‘Sun/Star/Son of Man’ is a primordial term that should define man’s quest to identify himself back to a source or creator of ‘light’ Because we exist because of the Sun, The Sun should still remain humanities focus of adoration and respect ‘The giver of life the Illuminator’

PRAY = To address a God or object of worship
CRY = To make inarticulate sobbing sounds expressing grief or sorrow, or to call out, shout or utter
EAST = The direction of the 3arths axial rotation, The cardinal point on a mariners compass 90
Degree’s clockwise from North.

PRIEST - Usually a Minister in a non-Christian Religion.
PRIESTESS - A Female Priest


Modern Science has confirmed that every living cell in our body is literally pierced and shot through with particles of the Sun.
At the ‘Sudburg Neutrino Observatory’ in Ontario Canada, Which apparently is the most hygienically clean and deepest research centre in the World. Scientists have ascertained and confirmed that billions of Solar Neutrinos pervade the entire Universe. They are able to pass through ‘All Matter’
The 3arth itself and all substances including the most dense metals.
The time it has taken you to read the last few sentences, over a hundred billion Neutrinos would have past through your hand alone

Great. Now, whatever that all was, see if it works in Ancient Hebrew, or any other language for that matter.
Easter & the east star

Easter is A festival acknowledged by Christians and other Religions, commemorating the Resurrection of Christ the Son Of God. Celebrated on the first Sunday following the full Moon that occurs on, or just after March 21st.
This Sunday is usually called ‘Easter Day or Easter Sunday’
It is generally accepted that the Christ was crucified on a Friday and after 3 days was resurrected by the Holy Spirit the following Monday.
Therefore Easter is acknowledged over this 3 day period.
Decorated Eggs are given as gifts over this 3 day period. Which apparently has its origin from Paganism beliefs, that signify and ritualise the humble Egg’s origin as a symbol of life & fertility.

In 325 A.D. the ‘Council of Nicaea’ which were a group of Men decided that they would meet and establish & standardise certain ‘Christian Festivals’. Christianity was becoming very popular within the Roman Empire thus the need for clarification of these festivals to acknowledge the Christ.
There aim was to establish a Universal creed or belief system within the Roman Empire,Therefore Easter became the ‘Celebration of the Resurrection of the Christ’.

Many people are left wondering what exactly is the connection with ‘Easter and the Easter Egg’
An Egg itself is basically constructed of a ‘Outer shell’ ‘The albumen’ Which is the transparent watery substance referred to as the Egg White.
‘The yolk’ which is the Yellow, gold nucleus or centre.

If you can imagine that the golden ‘Yolk’ is a representation of The ‘Sun’ that brings forth warmth and life to our Planet.
The Oval outer shell represents the annual ‘ecliptic path’ & journey of our ‘Planet 3arth’ around this Sun, therefore Humanities journey around the ‘Sun’
The Oval ‘ecliptic path’ is the journey of Man which is measured as having the furthermost point away from the Sun ( being colder ) & also having its closest point to the Sun ( being warmer )
Or perhaps you can imagine that a freshly cooked Egg as simply ‘The Sun & Clouds of Heaven’’

Either way, The humble egg is a reminder to humanity that life, creation & existence has its origin because of the Sun the illuminator and giver of life.
Therefore the connection of ‘Eggs at Easter’ is that the ‘The Christ or Son/Sun Of God’ remain a focus & that his teachings a reminder for Humanity to follow.
Or more specifically ‘The Eastern Sun/Son or East Star’ should remain a focal point for the observer.

RA - Being the Ancient Egyptian GOD of THE SUN/SON
BIT - Is defined in the dictionary as ‘Being a small part, piece or quantity of anything’

Therefore The Easter Rabbits representation at Easter should be interpreted as
RA -BIT = ‘The Son being a small portion & quantity of the Greater Heavenly Father.


MATTHEW 24:24;27
Alpha the? The beginning!

“Because we are Scientist, We must try to understand & explain the beginning & origin of the Universe, on the basis of Science! It may be a task beyond our comprehension or understanding, but we should at least attempt to explain creation from a Human point of view
Therefore the Universe becomes more comprehensible because it is governed by Scientific laws & that Science should and could model the Universe’s behaviour…but we can not”

The view from main stream Scientist & theorist is that the Universe being “All that we see and perceive towards the Heavens” was started and therefore created from a ‘single point’ in space, very much like the ‘Full stop or dot” at the end of this sentence.
They have indicated that the Universe and everything in it, was scrunched up into this single point of ‘Infinite density’ & that approximately 13 billion years ago this point exploded creating an explosion of such immense intensity & infinite temperature.
That as it cooled the photons, electrons, neutrinos ( extremely light particles ) and there antiparticles together with protons and neutrons started combining to form the nuclei of helium, hydrogen and other light elements.
A few hundred thousand years latter, the temperature cooled to a few thousand degrees, Electrons would have then slowed down to a point where the ‘Light nuclei’ could capture the electrons to form atoms, the fundamental building blocks of all matter.

The same Scientist and theorist have stated & claimed that the Universe is limited and has a ‘Frontier or boundary’ very much like the boundary of your property, which would probably have a fence line. Which would imply that before the ‘Big Bang’ there existed nothing at all.
At this boundary or ‘fence line of the Universe’ it has something like a ‘jagged edge’ where space and time is scrunched up and again where density is infinite.
Therefore the frontier and boundary of the Universe composes of more points or dots very similar to what created the original ‘Big Bang’

I personally view the Universe as a huge ‘ball of space’ or ‘Large atom’ and beyond the boundary of this Universe exist another larger Universe where again the process is repeated again & again infinitely in all directions. Therefore our Universe is a small ball within a larger ball.

The Big Bang theory does not explain how for example our 3arth and surrounding Planets have precise orbital paths that allow each planets electromagnetic field to influence each other to maintain the optimum distant from the Sun to sustain life here on 3arth, like magnets that propel and attract each other but spaced apart to allow the continuous complimentary orbits relative to each other.
This cannot be a random act created from a explosion like the ‘Big Bang concept’
I believe that if this Universe was created and needs an explanation, the components necessary for creation was brought forth from a distant source beyond the boundary or understanding of our Universe.
Therefore the original creators we refer to as God are not from this Universe,
We should therefore go back to the very beginning….. The very beginning!

‘ALPHA THE? the beginning!’
This sentence composes of 4 words or 7 syllables.
The first 3 syllables sound and should read ‘OUR FAR THE’ ( AL- PHA THE )
‘OUR FATHER, the beginning!’

We exist in a 9 planetary Solar System and 3arth is located 3rd Planet from the Sun, Based on the ‘Decimal binary code’ The number 3 is the symbol for ‘God’ therefore it is a reminder to humanity that 3arth is owned by the God’s.
The number 9 is the symbol for ‘Eternity’ it is a reminder that our Solar System is a 9 planetary Eternal Solar System
UNIVERSE…. Uni = ‘One’ + Verse = ‘Proportion of a Song’ One Cosmic song called creation!
PLANET…… Plan It!
Therefore we live in a Solar system purposely built & not some random act or explosion.
The ancient isralites


The term ISRAEL is composed of fours Words
ISIS = The Ancient Egyptian Goddess of creation, The Mother of all Creation.
RA = The Ancient God of the Sun/Sons
E = Symbol for eternity ‘e’
l = Symbol for ‘love’ completion

Therefore the word ISRA’el’ should be interpreted as ‘ISIS & RA’s ‘Eternity love’

The First section of the BiBle GENESIS is composed of two Words.
GENE = A unit of inheritance, carried in chromosomes, Controls transmission of Hereditary characteristics , which consists of DNA blueprints & instructions.
ISIS = The Ancient Egyptian Goddess of Creation, “The Mother of All Creation”

Therefore the word GENESIS should be interpreted as ‘GENE of ISIS’

The Term Sons & Daughters of ISRAel therefore refer to all Creeds & Races ‘The Tribes of Humanity’
The Term ISRAelites refers to the Tribe that Holds the Covenant between God & Humanity ‘The Arc of the Covenant or Light of Promise’ The Bloodline of the Ancient ISRAelites High Priests carry dormant information in regards to this process, this dormant information may only be accessed by ‘By honouring the Covenant’ on behalf of the Tribes of Humanity.

The Maori People are the Direct Descendents of the ISRAelites, More specifically the Canoe or Waka ‘Takitimu’ with Divine guidance carried to these shores the Ancient Bloodline of the ISRAelite High Priest’s & Priestess’s.
They settled mainly On the Eastern coast of Aotearoa,

They are the Guardians ‘Of the First Rays of the Sun’….. ‘Hamuera - The Doorway or Gateway’
The Temple & Altar that must eventually be built has to be done so by….
Honouring the Covenant between GOD & Humanity which is done by fulfilling The Commandments
The Bi-Product of this treaty between The TWO southern Tribes ‘Judah & Ben-ji -man ’ that this must be the collective agreement to co- exist equally by working towards a common goal.

In reference from the ‘Old testament from the Book Of Daniel’ …. ‘A stone not cut by Human Hands’ is in reference to the Stone Altar which was present here in Aotearoa before Maori arrived to these shores.
Its location is in Iwitea Wairoa.

A Covenant is a bilateral agreement between two parties, both parties having common interests & responsibilities.. In the Old Testament the covenant Moses was given at Mount SINAI is an example of a bilateral or conditional Covenant. SINAI = SIN & I

The country of Israel proclaimed independence 1n 1948. Israel is the country settled by those of Jewish Origin, An Israeli is the name adopted by Israel to distinguish its Nationals,
At present an ISRAelite and an Israeli, are two distinctive separate sub clans from different Tribes.
However as we Humanity are all one living organism,. Collectively any member of Humanity or Tribe may classify themselves as an ISRAelite.
The Sons & Daughters of ISRAel.
The spear of destiny


The ‘SPEAR OF DESTINY’ Holy Chalice, Holy lance, Holy Spear, Spear of Longinus or ‘Spear of Christ’ is the name given to the ‘Lance’ that pierced Jesus’s side as he hung on the cross, according to ‘Johns account of the Crucifixion of Christ’

“…but one of the Soldiers pierced his side with a Lance, and immediately there came out Blood & water”

The phenomenon of ‘Blood & water’ gushing out the side of Christ’s wound was considered a miracle and remains one of the key teachings & mysteries of the church’s of Christianity.
It remains one of the main themes of the ‘Gospel of Matthew’ which is the ‘Homoousian’ understanding ( A Christian supporting the Council of Nicea’s, Trinitarian definition of Jesus being the son of God ) that Jesus the Christ was both true God & true Man.
A remembrance of this historical piercing is done by catholic priests during mass. The priest generally pours a small amount of Holy water into the red wine before consecration, thus recalling the issuance of blood & water from Christ’s side while on the cross.
The blood symbolises Christ’s connection with humanity and the water, his true purity, Divinity or intention in regards as being the servant & advocate of ‘Man’

The Soldier who is generally associated with piercing the Christ’s side is identified as a Roman centurion named ‘Logginus or Longinus’
There remains today various organisations around the world that claim to have in there possession a relic that is the true original ‘Spear of destiny’ there is ….
The Vaticans Lance, The Echmiadzin Lance & the Vienna Lance or Hofburg Spear.

The lance is said to have been in the possession of many historical figures including The Roman Emperor Constantine, Adolf Hitler and as many as 45 leaders & Emperors through out history over the last 2000 years.
The lance is meant to have mystical powers that possess men and enables them to be driven in there endeavours & quest for world domination & power

The Son Of God, Christ, Servant of Man or ‘King of the Dues’ should be interpreted as a Human embodiment representing God , A messenger sent from the Heavens to the 3arth dwellers of Humanity. Therefore A advocate of humanity. Humanity being created in the image of God therefore a ‘eternal being’ and a intrinsic part of the process of creation, therefore a process of Eternity.

As I have mentioned before we have arrived at the eleventh hour….
Man rules by fear, therefore will respond only to despair, What we are seeing around the World right now is the ‘THE LAST SUPPER >>> THE LAST SUFFER’
The ‘Spear of Destiny’ therefore represents the last affliction & pain placed upon Christ ( Man )
Blood representing the body of ‘Christ or Man’
Mixed with water representing ‘The Age of Aquarius’
The ‘SPEAR OF DESTINY’ therefore should be interpreted as ‘DESPAIR OF DESTINY’ the last affliction placed on Humanity.
The return of christ'os'

As a young Man, my understanding of the Universe was simply the occasional ‘Star gazing’. The distance beyond our solar system to the nearest Star measured in ‘Light Years’ was and ‘is’ still mind boggling. The amount of Stars contained in each Galaxy again beyond the comprehension of my human mind.
There is one thing however, that I have always maintained . This picture that lays before me cannot be random & that there must be some purpose to all this space we call the Universe. Perhaps this dark mass called the Universe is just a giant blanket with ‘pinholes’ poked through it, and beyond this blanket is a huge light which illuminates the night sky. Perhaps when God decides to remove this ‘cape’ he will simply say ‘Surprise- you are simply a galactic science project living in a pe-tri dish’
More recently, it has come to my attention that not only are there multiple habitable Planets throughout this Universe where life and creation is replicated. But our God has created multiple Dimensional Realities, Dimensions or Harmonic Universes, pulsating at different speeds beyond our present understanding of the electromagnetic fields that exists in different light spectrums, which influence the angle of particle spin within the Atom. The atom being the fundamental building blocks of all matter. Thus enabling a multiple of different Worlds to exist within the same space ‘The space between space’

This historic person we know as Jesus ‘The Christ’ to me is simply a re-incarnate who has visited our 3arth many times throughout history, his message was simply ‘Share & Care’ and when you die and get rid of your ‘Meat Suit’ come through to the other realms and Worlds that exist beyond our present understanding of creation & of ‘linear ‘Time’

The Holy Book we refer to as the BiBle where many people find hope and inspiration, to me consists of historical events that may have eventuated in past history, but also contains clues & information that will be relevant in regards to the future destiny of mankind & in particular ‘The Dues’ .… ‘The Suns and Sis-stars of ISRAel’ who represent any persons or member of humanity, regardless of colour, creed, race, tribe, social status or Religious affiliation.

The following are reference points from the BiBle that Jesus ‘spoke of ’and would imply there are other Worlds & dimensions within our Realms, within our reach.
Also his inevitable return & the precursor to the ‘Kingdom of Heaven/Heathen’

“Set your troubled hearts at rest, trust in God always; trust also in me, There are many dwellings -places in my fathers house; if it were not so I should have told you; for I am going there on purpose to prepare a place for you, I shall come again and receive you to myself. So that where I am you may be also”
“….And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another advocate who will be with you for ever, The world cannot receive him, because the world neither sees nor knows him; but you will know him, because he dwells with you and is in you. I will not leave you bereft, I am coming back to you, In a little while the world will see me no longer….”
“…But your advocate, the ‘Holy Spirit’ whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you everything, and will call to mind all that I have told you”
JOHN 16:12
“… When he comes who is the spirit of truth, he will guide you into all the truth; for he will not speak on his own authority, but will tell only what he hears; and he will make known to you the things that are coming”
JOHN 18:36
Pontius Pilate was appointed by the Roman Empire to serve as governor of Judea.
Pontius Pilate asked Jesus “Are you King of the Jews?” Jesus replied “My Kingdom does not belong to this World” …. “My Kingly authority comes from elsewhere”
(*An advocate is one who defends or supports a cause. *‘Bereft’ means deprived, robbed or completely without )

“When the Son of Man comes in his glory and all the Angels with him, He will sit in state on his throne, with all the nations gathered before him. He will separate men into two groups, as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats, and he will place the sheep on his right hand and the goats on his left. Then the King will say to those on his right hand, “You have my fathers blessing; come, enter and possess the Kingdom that has been ready for you since the world was made….”
“… I will also keep you from the ordeal that is to fall upon the Whole World and test its inhabitants”
“… That the new Jerusalem which is coming down out of Heaven from my God, and my own NEW NAME ”

The 9th Century BCE prophet active during the reign of King Ahab & Ahaziah as foretold in the Book of ‘1 KINGS 17-19; 21. ‘2 KINGS 1-2
Elijah from the BiBle is a mysterious figure, whose sudden appearance is announced without preamble and without ‘The name of his Father’ or other details of his history or his earlier life. Elijah asks this of the people …. “How long will you waver between two opinions? If the lord is God, follow him, and if Baal follow him!”
1 KINGS :17-1 “As the lord lives, the God of ISRAel whom I serve, there will be no *dew or Rain except at my bidding”
In the book of Malachi ( 3:24) Elijah is the figure who will reappear on the great ‘Judgement day of the future, On the basis of this theory Elijah, who did not die but instead was taken up to Heaven in a chariot of fire ( 2 KINGS 2) On the basis of this, Elijah has become in Jewish understanding & doctorine, A time that heralds the return of the Messiah or precursor to the Messianic Age.
MARK : 9-11 “…that Elijah must be first to come?” Jesus replied, “Yes, Elijah does come first to set everything right.”

These excerpts would imply that the historical figure many refer to as Jesus or the Christ , will in the future, or has indeed returned to 3arth.
Prophets generally do not know of their destiny & have a calling from the heavens in their latter life.
They may also ‘not like’ the job that they are given as with the Prophets Ezekiel & Moses, there was much internal struggle to there calling. As with all Prophets, There paths were not always an easy one & historically have always faced adversary & persecution.
So is the prophet ELIJAH >> ‘ALIAR’ ??? or is he indeed a messenger & precursor that heralds the coming of a new ‘Age’?
Lord of law


‘A Universal system of Order’ imposed on the Universe at large.

The Laws which God has revealed to Man by way of Scriptures from the Apostles & Prophets.

Universally applicable, Rules that determine conduct, evident to reason at all times and places.

Which consists of specific rules either deduced from Natural Law or applied in accordance with Natural Law, to particular circumstances.

Human Law is generally created and impelled by self interest, These Laws are a over laying system of Laws & bi-Laws.
The nucleus having its origin where Men are compelled to extract more than there fair share or a larger piece of the Pie.

When a Country or individual feels its there right and entitlement to accumulate wealth at the expense of others. The balance of Natural Law becomes imbalanced, Simply because for others to have more. Someone has to have less. An imbalance of wealth creates division and social class systems, within communities & the greater World at large.

Greed remains the fundamental reason that unjust Wars are created.
If Wars are motivated by greed or self interest, A Country or person veer from the path of the first 3 tiers of ‘Gods Eternal, Divine & Natural Laws.

Countries who participate in unjust or unholy Wars for fear of Alienation, Veer from the Path of what is just and what is ethical. The first Law of the Universe is to seek peace.

For a Country to participate in a preventable War is to come into direct conflict with Gods Law to Seek Peace & Harmony as God intended.

The only reliable source for any sound Government or Civilisation for the promotion of ‘Just’ Human relations is Natural Law.
To build Society on the principles of identifying and recognizing that the Natural Laws of the Supreme Creator, Architect & designer of the Universe must be the basis for any Civil Society.

That the Supreme mind & intelligence of Universal God are the foundations that have the moral interests of both Humanity and the Cosmos at large.

Therefore Civil Societies should base Law or there judicial systems in terms of Human relations on the acknowledgement that the Supreme Creator is the one true Divine source of all Law, That these Laws are unchanging and Eternally binding.

That these eternal Laws are validated by all Nations at all times, That God, Lord & Ruler of the Universe is the Author of these systems and Laws.
Gods Law therefore should remain the only ‘True Source’ and Mans conduct should accommodate and be obligated to conform to these Laws.

Man should acknowledge the cause which impels them to remain separate and divided
The Natural Laws of God exert coexistence within the boundaries of Global & Universal Law.
That all Men & Woman are considered equal & remain a part of Creation, therefore is subject to the Laws of Creation provided by the Creator.

As God is the Supreme provider of all creation, Man is therefore obligated to remain within the boundaries of Natural Laws.
That all Nations have an unspoken and binding Agreement at all times to honour Gods Law.

We Humanity must re identify and honour ‘The Revealed & Divine Laws’ that are only to be found within the Holy Scriptures.
The Law of Revelations -The Natural Law of the Universe.

That Divine & Human Laws , Natural or Revealed made for all Nations, flow from the same divine source, therefore the ‘Law of God’

Humanity must therefore rest its Authority ultimately upon the ‘Authority of the Law which is Divine’
That the Law dictated by God is Superior to any other Law, It is binding over ‘All the World’ that all Countries must base there framework of Civil Societies on these Laws.
That Human Laws have no validity contrary to these.

The Law of Nature is the rule of conduct arising out of the Natural relationship of Human Beings established by the Creator and existing prior to any Human Law.
That these Laws have been established by God the ‘Ultimate Reality & Moral Creator of the Universe’

MATTHEW 5:17-18
‘Do not suppose that I have come to abolish the Law and the Prophets; I did not come to abolish, but to complete’
The exodus 'the exit us'

So here we are, at the end of the ‘Age or Cycle’ accumulating during the year, or end of 2012.
Some sceptics view this period as a Apocalyptic destructive End for Humanity.
The believers or those who maintain faith look to the future with optimism.
The adherents of the teachings of Christ, they who try there best to function in a dysfunctional world look to the ‘End time Prophecies’ as a time of rebirth or a passage to a Promised land.

They do not look to the ‘Ancient World’ for answers to when a possible transition may occur.
Therefore have no idea when this Promised Journey will manifest & eventuate.
The Ancient Civilisations set there calendars in solid stone for obvious reason.
The rest of Humanity continue to stroll through life oblivious to impending future events, Unaware that they are part of a cosmic ‘Ascension Cycle’

Most formal Religions will claim when ‘Judgement Day‘ arrives ‘it will only be’ the members of there congregation that are the chosen & therefore maintain exclusivity to this ‘Birthright’
There are so many different tribes & members of Humanity representing so many perspectives on the concept of ‘A Day of Salvation’
All with varying degrees of the understanding of the concept of God. All with there own Religion & practices.

How can anyone be judged right or wrong if the source of there teachings were originally flawed, or perhaps they are on the right track but still remain a little in the shade?
But as I have spoken before, We all have our personal ‘Akashic Record’ the Cosmic book of Deeds.
We also have our Auras ( All Ra ) the invisible light ‘which projects’ out into the World our Personal relationship with the greater World and Cosmo’s at large, You cannot hide from the Universe regardless of how many masks we place on our ‘True self’

The idea or the concept that ‘help’ will arrive from the Heavens in times of Great Stress may sound absurd or irrational to most. Those with an open mind and those who think objectively will no doubt Know or bring to reason, that this will be the case. The preservation of that rebellious species called Man.

Personally, anything and everything is possible, The fact still remains, collectively we are still very primitive in terms of Universal technology ( refer to the Dream ‘The Graveyard’ )
We have new Revelation’s of a Highly advanced Civilisation through the thread ‘Adam & Eve, A Garden of E’Den’

The Extraterrestrial Geneticist from the ’House of Bread’ or the ‘DOG-GOD Star Sirius’
Which is a incredible 8.6 light years away. Sirius is the most brightest Star in our Night Sky, it is also the 5th Closest Star to 3arth ( The Hand of God )
There are many Historical Documentation that refer to the influence of ‘Advance Civilisations’ that have arrived from the Heavens, Even throughout the Holy Scriptures there is clear written evidence that describe the arrival of Heavenly Vehicles.
From the Holy Scriptures it is written that certain Prophets simply just did not die, but ascended to the Heavens & were taken away by God. ‘Enoch & Elijah’ to mention just a few.
From the ‘Book of the Prophet Ezekiel’ there is also reference to the arrival of vehicles from the Heavens to this 3arth ‘1:4-28’

It is Prophesied when the Christ returns he will bring his Angels that number in the tens of thousands, We think of Angels with flowing gowns & feathery wings attached to there bodies.
But in reality, it will be by Ships of the Cosmos, and Angels that look just like you or I.
As I have mentioned before ‘Creation is replicated here on 3arth & throughout the Universe’
It is only through ignorance or the inability to think beyond the square that allows Man to think We live in the only habitable Planet in the Cosmo’s, therefore Man must be the most advanced Civilisation in the Universe. No doubt this notion will soon be proved wrong.
The guardian of the light


The ‘Ark Of the Covenant’ is described in the BiBle as containing the tablets of Stone on which were inscribed the Ten Commandments as well as Aarons Rod and a Golden pot of Manna,

The ‘Ark Of the Covenant’ was built from a Prophetic vision received by Moses while on Mount Sinai, Given to Moses by God. EXODUS 25:10-16

God spoke to Moses from between two Cherubin ( A winged celestial Being ) On the Arks cover around 1250 B.C. EXODUS 25:22

The ‘Ark Of the Covenant’ was made from a Egyptian hard wood tree ( Sh’ttah - Acacia Tree )
The Ancient Egyptians referred to this tree as the ‘Tree of life’ and is also used in traditional medicine.

The ‘Ark Of the Covenant’ was 1.5 cubits broad and high, 2.5 cubits long. This measurement conforms to the ‘Golden Ratio / Golden Means’ ( 130 x 78 x 78cm or 4.27 x 2.56 x 2.56 ft using the Egyptian Royal Cubits )

The ‘Ark Of the Covenant’ was encased in the purest Gold, its upper lid or ‘Mercy Seat’ was surrounded with a Gold rim.
On the longest sides were placed 2 gold rings, where wooden poles were attached to allow the Ark to be carried.

A Covenant is a promise made by ‘God to Humanity’ where both parties have obligations to maintain before the Covenant is honoured. Therefore a Bi-lateral agreement between both parties.

In the Book of Revelations the Ark is described as being in the Temple of God in Heaven - REV :11:19
The Location of the Ark is to remain unknown ‘Until the time that God shall gather his People’ The ISRAelites - EXODUS 25:22 The new English Bible …“it was also the place where God was to be found It is there that I shall meet you”

A few people have speculated that the Ark was a large capacitor, that was capable of storing a large quantity of electricity.
A capacitor does not generate or manufacture electricity on its own. It only holds or carries a charge after it has been connected to a energy source.
Even with today’s technology, Some of the best & latest independent and portable electrical devices that are used in different applications for instance…To propel torpedoes. To provide backup power on Space missions & used in heating combat type military meals.
These types of portable batteries usually have numerous Chemicals that upon application react with each other to produce heat or light.
We can safely assume that this type of self generating energy source would be insufficient to generate huge amounts of energy for prolong periods of time. Therefore the energy of the Ark must originate else where!

The ‘Arc the Covenant’ is used to ‘Alter Mass’ It has the correct Mathematical Dimensions that are able to transmute & transform particle matter & mass ( Alter Mass Temple ) This process is done through the manipulation of light frequencies, The Source of energy being our Solar Sun.
Therefore think the Ark as a ‘Electrical Arc or Arc of light’ across a divide or gap.
Therefore the ‘Ark of the Covenant’ is able to transmute & transport a Human Mass through to the Other dimensions or Realms referred to as the ‘Dimensions of the Blessed’

These are the words that should resonate in regards to The Ark’ and its contents…

ALTAR - A raised structure used for offerings or a place of worship
ALTER - To make different without changing into something else.

MASS - A quantity of matter or form being held together.
MASS - To assemble or gather, to congregate.

TEMPLE - A Building used for worship among any of the Old Ancient Civilisations.
TEMPLE - The flattened area located on either side of the forehead.

LIGHT - Having relatively little weight in proportion to its volume or bulk.
LIGHT - The visible range or part of the Light Spectrum visible to the Human eye.

FREQUENCY - The number of waves repeated, that defines a measurable unit or variation in ‘Light or Sound’ sequences or the oscillations per second of a ‘Electromagnetic Field’
QUIN - Designation a group of 5, therefore 3Quin being 3/5ths or the ‘Ratio of Golden Harmonics’
C - A symbol or Glyph representing the 3rd letter of the English Alphabet.
C - The keynote of a ‘C - major scale’ that is found in Music.

DAWN - The first appearance, development and location of the SUN in the morning,
DOOR IN - A Place to access an entranceway.

HORIZON -The apparent junction where the Heavens meet the 3arth.
HORUS SON - Is the Ancient Egyptian God synonymous with the power of King-Ship, Horus is portrayed as a Falcon or Hawk headed man. The ‘Horus name’ itself is preceded by a falcon symbol signifying that the King was a earthly reincarnation of Horus. The Ancient Egyptian Goddess ‘ISIS’ the Mother of ‘All creation’ is often depicted feeding baby Horus.

GISBORNE - A location in Aotearoa where the start & birth of ‘Each new days Sun’ begins.
GIZA BORN - The future location where the ‘Lord of light’ & God is to be found, for it is the place where I sure meet you’

On the 10th July 1868 Te Kooti escaped from the Chatham Islands. He hijacked the schooner Rifleman and arrived at Whareongaonga south of Gisborne. With him were approx’ 200 prisoners that were imprisoned with him on the Island.
Te Kooti had received a divine message while imprisoned and went through a transformation of beliefs. He saw the Maori people as similar to the Israelites mentioned in the Old Testament. He merged elements of the Old Pai Marire religion with the Christian interpretation of the Old Testament. Then began his ministry

There is a legend that speaks of Te Kooti in possession of a very valuable Diamond/crystal & In a dream was told to hide this Diamond. It is allegedly hidden near the district of Whareongaonga near the slopes of Whakapunake. In this legend where the Crystal was placed, a spring developed under a rock where Te Kooti placed the Jewel & legend has it that a pristine crystal clear lake was formed.
Te Kooti heard the Pipiwharauroa The shining cuckoo singing and observed the Kowhai tree flowering out of season as prophesied in his dream.

He spoke and said the Diamond would be found by a new Prophet for the people. This New Prophet would be wise and knowledgeable. Who would unite the tribes and lead them into a new age of peace.
Te Kooti passed away in 1893.

A prominent Chief of Old Wairoa, Was gifted & recognised by the people as having Mataki ‘The second sight’ or clairvoyancy, being able to dream and predict of future events.
He was to be the spiritual successor and followed in the footsteps of Te Kooti.

He received a divine message that he was to lead the people into a new era of transformation. He was to oversee the building and construction of a Temple.’ To again bring ‘The People back to faith’
He was told in a dream to build a Temple with ‘12 Pillars / Totara Logs’
That each Pillar would represent the ‘12 Tribes of ISRAael.
That the ‘Ark of the Covenan’ was to be placed upon an Alter, within the Temple and God was to speak to Humanity in the last years of the 19th century.

Te Matenga Tamati with the help of his followers chose 12 Totara trees to harvest at a place within the foothills of the Ngamoko Range by a place known as Mangatawhiti, North east of The Great Lake Waikaremoana.
They had No means of transporting the Logs via Man-Power, Te Matenga Tamati again through a Prophetic Dream was told to simply leave the Logs where they fell.
The Following year with divine help a great flood Transported the 12 Logs down the Mangaaruhe River into the Wairoa River, The logs eventually made there way out into the sea.

11 of the original logs beached themselves near the chosen site of the Temple just east of Iwitea.
The Final log came ashore further up the coast near Gisborne and with the help of locals was pushed back into the sea.
With the help of ocean currents the log made its way back to Iwitea its final resting place.

Several Attempts were made to move the pillars to start the construction of the Temple, but was not the right time.
Te Matenga Tamati conceded it would be ‘up to’ a latter generation and another Prophet to complete the Temple.
The logs ‘to this day’ still remain half hidden beneath the sands of time waiting for Humanity to remember the Covenant.

The East coast tribes were viewed & associated as the guardians of the ‘First Rays of the Sun’ Hamuera ‘The Doorway or Gateway’
‘We/You must know that when The World is lost and in complete darkness it will be at this Mountain you will find the Life-Force that all the treasures and prophecies of the entire Nation/World, that have been placed here in ‘The Palm of your hand’ There is a new experience coming that will fulfil the Treaty. If the Nation had united as One. It would have already been fulfilled and established upon this unshakable rock’

The Prophecy on ‘The Mount of Olives’
On the 11th November 1936 Ratana was speaking to the people of a Prophetic vision he spoke…
‘Night time will have passed, The new era of dawn draws near. There is a day unfolding when you will see two towers standing on the Mount Of Olives, and at that time you will see a woman rising up from the Labour Party who will become Prime minister, and you will know you are at the doorway, not nearing it, but actually at the doorway’

Today there stands two cellular communication towers provided by Telecom & Vodafone that reside in the place near the village of Ratana’s Pa between Palmerston North & Whanganui.
Hiruharama Hou ‘The New Jerusalem or Promised Land’
Our recent Prime minister Helen Clark Became minister in 1999 and in 2005 served another term.

It was predetermined 2 millennium ago that the ‘High Priest of the ISRAelites’ with Divine guidance will cross the seas & find the location of ‘Hamuera - The Doorway & Gateway’
That they would take & hold the Treasures on behalf of Humanity & that Humanity is to be reminded to Honour the Covenant.

“When the people come I will teach them the secretes of the Light’
The end time apocalyptic markers


When I cast my mind back to 11-03-2011, The 3arthquake & Tsunami which struck ‘Sedai Japan’
The images being played across our Television Screens, The enormity of such colossal devastation really hit home how man is at the mercy of Mother 3arth.
The 6 mile wide Tornado that swept across ‘Joplin Missouri’ in May, It is beyond belief that such a destructive force can manifest on land, again a reminder of how man may chose to conquer ‘Seas & Lands’ but in reality- Man is constantly reminded that he is just a tenant in these lands
I personally am just getting to grips that these events are so related that one directly implies the other.
That there is correlation and meaning to recent World wide catastrophic events.

If I had read the ‘Books of Enoch’ in past times, I would have ‘written it off’ as worthless meaningless ‘Hogwash’ but these days I do understand the concept of ‘God the Creator’ and the many different Realms & Worlds where control of the Universe and its components do exist.
Creation is therefore not a random act.

Man still likes to label these events as ‘Natural Disasters’, A natural occurring event which tends to imply that Man or ‘Human activity’ has No connection to these catastrophic events that have left many dead or injured. This is type of diminished responsibility allows for the continual harvesting of resources at its present rate.
In the End, When ever Men Gather to mourn the loss of life, we meet in our Church’s and at graveyards and lay reference to ‘God’
When instead we should be honouring God the Creator and his work Creation.

It is stated in the BiBle that humanity will be given signs before the ‘End Time’ or ‘End of Age’ transpires.
We base our civil Societies on the teachings of Christian values - being that the spoken word and law from God, is or should be humanities Ultimate Reality.

But ‘No’, Man will continue to laugh and celebrate festivities, watch there centurions battle it out in the Arena & still place human necessities first ‘The here and now’ before any long term responsibilities are addressed that will bear consequence.
Or will it be like in the days of Noah, Where man will continue to ignore the signs sent from the Heavens until the last minute, where all is lost?

‘As things were in Noahs days, so will they be when the ‘Son of Man comes’ In the days before the flood they ate and drank and married, until the day that Noah went into the Ark, and they knew nothing until the flood came and swept them away That is how it will be when the ‘Son of Man comes’

When we read through these events, We can only start to imagine the enormity of these Cosmic Forces that have been sent and have manifested on our 3arth Plain.
These warnings were Prophesied by the Christ in regards to impending future events & Mans relationship with Universal Law that has its source from Universal God.

It is in the nature of Man & his Ego that he is ruler, that the 3arth belongs to him & that he answers to no one.
But in truth Man is expendable, The Mana and authority remains with the land, Which has existed before this civilisation and all other previous civilisations. The 3arth will continue its eternal cycle with or without humanities involvement
We therefore have to ask ourselves this question “Are we immune to Universal therefore Gods Laws?”

We also have to ask ourselves how do the Gods seek the attention of Humanity & is reminded that God does exist?
So what have been these Apocalyptic events or signs from the heavens, that ‘the Gods’ have manifested on our 3arth, over the last year or so? And if so…. What is God trying to remind us?


TOUCHDOWN JESUS. 16-06-2010 ( NZ time )
It was reported that a Six Storey Statue of Jesus Christ in the state of Ohio was struck by lightning and burnt to the ground, This Statue was affectionately nicknamed ‘The Touch Down Jesus’ As the ‘upright arms’ which pointed heavenwards, reminded locals of the ‘touchdown sign’ given by football players when they scored.

This sign from the Heavens would imply that ‘Christ or Christ Consciousness’ has returned to 3arth.
That the advocate of God ‘therefore an advocate of Eternity’ has arrived.

A 7.1 Magnitude Earthquake struck the City of Christ Church in the early hours at 6:31am.
There was extensive damage to the City’s infrastructure, but compared to Haiti’s recent Earthquake where hundreds of thousands lost there lives. There were no reports of casualties ‘Not one death’
This fact ‘in itself’ is a miracle.

This news would have immediately travelled the World, the fact that such a magnitude Earthquake in Christ Church happened & no fatalities. Nearly a billion Christians or people of faith would have rejoiced ‘in the fact’ that this miracle did occur, Therefore this was ‘An act of God’

END OF THE RUNWAY. 04-09-2010
On the same day that Christ Church experienced its Earthquake, A small plane carrying 9 passengers crashed & died at the ‘End of the Runway’ in Canterbury N.Z.

85,000 DRUM FISH FOUND DEAD 31-12-2010
On New Years Eve 2010 there was reported 85,000 Drum Fish found dead in the location of ‘OZARK’ in the State of ‘ARKANSAS’ U.S.

5,000 BIRDS FOUND DEAD 01-01-2011
On New Years Day there was reported 5,000 Dead Crows in the location of ‘BeeBee’ in the State of ‘ARKANSAS’ U.S.

These again are not random acts manifested from a Human source. The Fish found dead are a direct message from the Heavens to Humanity, ‘The Drum Fish’ a message that ‘Man’ cannot continue down this ‘Self Serving Path’ and remain SelFISH to his own needs.
The Letter ‘O’ the symbol for 3arth.
The Letter ‘Z’ another symbol for ‘infinity’

OZARK = ‘OZ ARK’ therefore ‘On 3arth Infinity, Remember the Ark Remember God & Creation’
ARKANSAS = ‘ARK AND US’ therefore ‘Remember the Ark, Remember God & Creation’

BEEBEE - The BenBen Stones, The location of the Great Pyramids ‘The Cradle of Creation’
The 3 Great Pyramids being the 3 levels of the Ark/Arc.
The 5,000 dead Birds are again another Heavenly message to Humanity direct from the Heavens.
‘2011’ being ‘Us on 3arth & the Eleventh Hour’

The relevance of the Fish dieing on ‘New Years Eve’ is that the Gods wish Man to mend his way’s
A New Years resolution, to ‘Start fresh to Start again’

On this date a lone gunman opened fire on a gathering in ‘Tuscon Arizona’
The news reports emphasised that …
A Clergyman, Politician, Judge & a young ‘9’ year old girl were shot by this gunman, This ‘9’ year old was born on September 11th 2001, The day The World went to War.

TUSCON is pronounced ‘2SUN’

A 6 mile wide Tornado struck the Area of Joplin in the State of Missouri U.S.
This Tornado caused many deaths and is the worst outbreak in over 60 years. During this ‘2011 Super Outbreak’ over 330 Tornados were recorded


SEDAI JAPAN 11-03-2011
We have all witnessed the devastation created by this 9.0 magnitude Earthquake, Tsunami & Nuclear Meltdown. The colossal damage caused & the loss of life. The Date ‘11-03-2011’ reads ‘The Eleventh Hour - On 3arth God - Us on Earth & the Eleventh Hour’

SEDAI is pronounced ‘SIN DIE’ = ’ SIN MUST DIE’
This is again a clear and decisive message from the Heavens to Humanity. The Gods are again giving Humanity time to reflect on there relationship with Creation they are simply asking us to ‘Get it together’

The path at the moment is very wide, But with time becomes Narrow, Choices have to be made now.
What Humanity decides over the next few Seasons will serve the final destination & destiny of Mankind. There is still time for Conversion.
We can either continue to ignore these Heavenly ‘Signs & Portents’ or make a Global shift in awareness and consciousness to solve these ‘Global issues’ that plague Mankind.

ACTS 2:17
‘ This will happen in the Last Days: I will pour out upon everyone a portion of my Spirit’
‘And I will show portents in the Sky above, and signs on the 3arth below’

These Insights provided by the Prophet will no doubt eventually become Historical Documentation.
That Man was given the opportunity to rectify the past.
That no Man can say he was not warned of impending events.
That the Apocalyptic Prophecies, given to Humanity via ‘Revelations from the Holy Scriptures’ in regards to future World events do not need to manifest or eventuate.
As you have read & can see from the ‘Apocalyptic Indicators’
The Gods can control World Phenomena and World events.
Therefore can intervene, But only if Mankind has the will to change & mend his ways.
I have listed only a few markers from a Global perspective.

I therefore foremost , remain true to God and Creation.
That the infinite process of Creation must continue.
The ‘Mana’ therefore remains with the land

ALBANY TORNADO @ PM ‘03-05-2011’
‘The Gods are calling, Humanity….. Wake up!’
So here we are, at the end of the ‘Age or Cycle’ accumulating during the year, or end of 2012.
Some sceptics view this period as a Apocalyptic destructive End for Humanity.
The believers or those who maintain faith look to the future with optimism.
The adherents of the teachings of Christ, they who try there best to function in a dysfunctional world look to the ‘End time Prophecies’ as a time of rebirth or a passage to a Promised land.

Thats what im told to believe.

They do not look to the ‘Ancient World’ for answers to when a possible transition may occur.

I have, and I do.

Therefore have no idea when this Promised Journey will manifest & eventuate.

Soon. Maybe in my sons lifetime. Maybe in my own.

Most formal Religions will claim when ‘Judgement Day‘ arrives ‘it will only be’ the members of there congregation that are the chosen & therefore maintain

God doesn't choose us, we choose him. No one religion is safe.

The idea or the concept that ‘help’ will arrive from the Heavens in times of Great Stress may sound absurd or irrational to most. Those with an open mind and those who think objectively will no doubt Know or bring to reason, that this will be the case. The preservation of that rebellious species called Man.

Id say answers will arrive from Heaven.

But in reality, it will be by Ships of the Cosmos, and Angels that look just like you or I.

Angels will walk this earth as men. They will be born as a man. And they will live as a man.