false prophet, false book, sorry old friends, all lies,
here's a simple test for your quran, if it is from God, why is it out of order?
why did men put it from largest sura to smallest sura order? why does it have Meccan & Medinan suras jumbled out of order? did allah not know what order he wanted to tell men his truth, by doing chronologically ordered suras? is allah absent-minded? has he got too many things on his mind, to bother with a short & sweet refutation of the Bible? or Christians?
so pre-ocuppied, that he obviously forgets truth, history, physics & the name that God said would be His Memorial Name forever? "YHWH",
So, why is it out of order?
here's a simple test for your quran, if it is from God, why is it out of order?
why did men put it from largest sura to smallest sura order? why does it have Meccan & Medinan suras jumbled out of order? did allah not know what order he wanted to tell men his truth, by doing chronologically ordered suras? is allah absent-minded? has he got too many things on his mind, to bother with a short & sweet refutation of the Bible? or Christians?
so pre-ocuppied, that he obviously forgets truth, history, physics & the name that God said would be His Memorial Name forever? "YHWH",
Exodus 3:14
And God said to Moses, "I AM WHO I AM." And He said, "Thus you shall say to the children of Israel, "I AM has sent me to you."' 15 Moreover God said to Moses, "Thus you shall say to the children of Israel: "The LORD God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, has sent me to you. This is My name forever, and this is My memorial to all generations.'
So, why is it out of order?