Simple complaint against Special Realtivity Theory

I just want to know why I should sit here and cough so bad that the monitor is splattered with blood just so that you are protected from your own beliefs about time....and cop the abuse you have been throwing at me as well...and you think I am wacko?
I fail to see how your posts in this thread and others have any affect on my health. I have never agreed with or supported any of the wacko claims you've made, my belief in and support of relativity has been utterly unchanged by anything you've said, it's the same now as it was several years ago. So explain why now something is going to happen as opposed to 12 months ago or 12 months from now.

n.b. It is not your heart going at different rates to your need to learn to read I is your heart falling out of synch with every one elses universally and not just globally, that creates the heart block. It includes amongst other things the inability to experience affection and the loss of values regarding love and human warmth...
So you didn't mean my physical heart is going to have a problem, you meant that I'm going to become emotionally disconnected from the rest of humanity? So why did you post this link : ?

Are you claiming my heart is in synch with everyone else's? What do you mean by 'in synch' as you obviously don't mean beating at the same time.

And I still don't get how this is definitely going to convince me that absolute time exists. Why would it have precisely that effect?

yes all hearts are entangled and I wanted to know why my heart is protecting yours when you do not deserve such protection.
Hearts are not quantum mechanical systems, decoherence destroys that. And how did, as you claim, my heart and yours become entangled? You entangle particles by making them part of the same quantum mechanical system and then not measuring their combined quantum state. So how exactly are you and I part of the same quantum system? And why do you think you have concious control over the quantum state, in that you think you can decide to remove said entanglement.

o as the protection I have been supplying wears off you will get the evidence of absolute time you want so finding out what relative time actually feels like.
Wait, am I meant to believe that this and your first statement : "I just want to know why I should sit here and cough so bad that the monitor is splattered with blood just so that you are protected from your own beliefs about time" is you saying that your heart and mine are in the same quantum system and due to my support of relativity your heart is experiencing physical trauma (so much so you're coughing blood) due to a concious decision on your part to protect me from the effect that believing in relativity causes potentially fatal heart blockages?!

Really? REALLY?!

If I were a doctor I'd say the combination of you coughing blood and the list of clearly flat out delusional claims is sufficient evidence of some quite severe health problem you've got and you should see a doctor very soon. Coughing blood is never a good sign and the fact you're now displaying signs you do not have a firm grip on reality just makes it all the more worse. It's all fun and games when the crank is just stupid but you're sounding like you need professional help, both physical and psychological.
I fail to see how your posts in this thread and others have any affect on my health. I have never agreed with or supported any of the wacko claims you've made, my belief in and support of relativity has been utterly unchanged by anything you've said, it's the same now as it was several years ago. So explain why now something is going to happen as opposed to 12 months ago or 12 months from now.

So you didn't mean my physical heart is going to have a problem, you meant that I'm going to become emotionally disconnected from the rest of humanity? So why did you post this link : ?

Are you claiming my heart is in synch with everyone else's? What do you mean by 'in synch' as you obviously don't mean beating at the same time.

And I still don't get how this is definitely going to convince me that absolute time exists. Why would it have precisely that effect?

Hearts are not quantum mechanical systems, decoherence destroys that. And how did, as you claim, my heart and yours become entangled? You entangle particles by making them part of the same quantum mechanical system and then not measuring their combined quantum state. So how exactly are you and I part of the same quantum system? And why do you think you have concious control over the quantum state, in that you think you can decide to remove said entanglement.

Wait, am I meant to believe that this and your first statement : "I just want to know why I should sit here and cough so bad that the monitor is splattered with blood just so that you are protected from your own beliefs about time" is you saying that your heart and mine are in the same quantum system and due to my support of relativity your heart is experiencing physical trauma (so much so you're coughing blood) due to a concious decision on your part to protect me from the effect that believing in relativity causes potentially fatal heart blockages?!

Really? REALLY?!

If I were a doctor I'd say the combination of you coughing blood and the list of clearly flat out delusional claims is sufficient evidence of some quite severe health problem you've got and you should see a doctor very soon. Coughing blood is never a good sign and the fact you're now displaying signs you do not have a firm grip on reality just makes it all the more worse. It's all fun and games when the crank is just stupid but you're sounding like you need professional help, both physical and psychological.

You know you really have a selective reading problem you know that?!
People fall in and out of connected states all the time, but this isn't an on off situation but more a change in intensity. [ the same thing causes the light effect as light is always present at both points, A and B, and avialble if mass is present any where in between A and B. It is just a dramatic shift in intensity governed by inertia and the apparent delay, governed by mass distance that demonstrates what we call a light effect.]

Very similar to what you see in Birds flocking over head by the thousands as they fall into synch with each other and then out again. [voluntarilly and not always perfectly but always in a connected relationship]

It is commonly referred to as ....a relationship. Whether it be when you buy something form the local store of get your car fixed at a mechanics shop or when you are trying to destroy someones credibility on the internet.
It is referred to as a relationship adn why does shitty relationships hurt so much do you think?

Afterall if it wasn't for the connection there would be no pain. We would have learned from about the age of two how to NOT feel anything at all when someone commits a violent verbal assault [ ego rape] . Every human would be purely sociopathic....and society would be non-existent.

You and I Alphanumeric are in relationship whether you like it or not.
These heart synching relationships which we all take for granted require absolute time to function that is to say that events occur simultaniously universally.
The struggle I have had for nearly 20 years has been to contain an error in time [ universally about 7 Earth seconds in total] that first occurred in 1985 [24 years ago] and avoid others from suffering it as I don't think every one on the planet coughing up blood and so on is such a good thing.

So I have been living with "relative time" and suffering accordingly.
The electrical impulses that goven heart rate are extremely sensitive to relative time as all relationships "fall out of synch" due to it's manifestation. Leading to utter confusion at times, relationional psychosis, and extreme mistakes in logic and interpretation.
If it were just me and my experience I would be very concerned about my state of mental health but alas your posts and quite a few other interactions I have around me indicate that the relational psychosis is being experienced by a lot of people around me.

It has been demonstarated time and time again on this forum and other forums that posters are bewildered by their own issues reagarding their own posts when entering discussions with me...[ especially in the past and not so much now.]

You and I are having a great relationship yes? And you kow what even if you walk away from you computer we are still in a relationship....always have been and always will be.

So yes I know [ not believe] that your "photon pig" is indeed an entirely imaginary construct. And I also know what is needed to provide the correct model for the light effect that fully explains all aspects of "fundamental" universal structure and mechanisms. [The details I can leave to your guys to work out a I deal almost exclusively with principles only.]

but wait ....there's more......
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You know you really have a selective reading problem you know that?!
People fall in and out of connected states all the time, but this isn't an on off situation but more a change in intensity. [ the same thing causes the light effect as light is always present at both points, A and B, and avialble if mass is present any where in between A and B. It is just a dramatic shift in intensity governed by inertia and the apparent delay, governed by mass distance that demonstrates what we call a light effect.]

Very similar to what you see in Birds flocking over head by the thousands as they fall into synch with each other and then out again. [voluntarilly and not always perfectly but always in a connected relationship]

It is commonly referred to as ....a relationship. Whether it be when you buy something form the local store of get your car fixed at a mechanics shop or when you are trying to destroy someones credibility on the internet.
It is referred to as a relationship adn why does shitty relationships hurt so much do you think?

Afterall if it wasn't for the connection there would be no pain. We would have learned from about the age of two how to NOT feel anything at all when someone commits a violent verbal assault [ ego rape] . Every human would be purely sociopathic....and society would be non-existent.

You and I Alphanumeric are in relationship whether you like it or not.
These heart synching relationships which we all take for granted require absolute time to function that is to say that events occur simultaniously universally.
The struggle I have had for nearly 20 years has been to contain an error in time [ universally about 7 Earth seconds in total] that first occurred in 1985 [24 years ago] and avoid others from suffering it as I don't think every one on the planet coughing up blood and so on is such a good thing.

So I have been living with "relative time" and suffering accordingly.
The electrical impulses that goven heart rate are extremely sensitive to relative time as all relationships "fall out of synch" due to it's manifestation. Leading to utter confusion at times, relationional psychosis, and extreme mistakes in logic and interpretation.
If it were just me and my experience I would be very concerned about my state of mental health but alas your posts and quite a few other interactions I have around me indicate that the relational psychosis is being experienced by a lot of people around me.

It has been demonstarated time and time again on this forum and other forums that posters are bewildered by their own issues reagarding their own posts when entering discussions with me...[ especially in the past and not so much now.]

You and I are having a great relationship yes? And you kow what even if you walk away from you computer we are still in a relationship....always have been and always will be.

So yes I know [ not believe] that your "photon pig" is indeed an entirely imaginary construct. And I also know what is needed to provide the correct model for the light effect that fully explains all aspects of "fundamental" universal structure and mechanisms. [The details I can leave to your guys to work out a I deal almost exclusively with principles only.]

but wait ....there's more......

Please please please go and see a psychiatrist.
You gotta ask the question as I did about 4 years ago.
"Why is it that the only theory "wackos" and cranks" seem to attack to much is Special relativity theory?"

They don't attack any other theory with the same vehemnece nor hostility, nor intuitive knowledge that it is just plain wrong no matter how you try to dres up it's counter intuitive stance, it is still counter intuitive and is so for a reason...

That reason being, not that it is hard to understand, but simply because it is fundamently wrong and most cranks and those suffering mental health problems know it intuitiely, instinctively and lack the expression skills needed to debunk it.
That reason being, not that it is hard to understand, but simply because it is fundamently wrong and most cranks and those suffering mental health problems know it intuitiely, instinctively and lack the expression skills needed to debunk it.

That word should be "believe", not "know".
There's a significant difference in meaning.

I'd suggest that the main reason the cranks go for it is that it's probably the only scientific theory that's known by name to the "common man" and therefore if the crank can dispute it he makes himself more "visible" to most people.
Plus there's so many books about it that it's easier to get the basics without actually getting any real education in science.
(Which would show the cranks how and why they're wrong...)
Any other theory would most likely involve actually learning genuine physics from the ground up.
That word should be "believe", not "know".
There's a significant difference in meaning.

I'd suggest that the main reason the cranks go for it is that it's probably the only scientific theory that's known by name to the "common man" and therefore if the crank can dispute it he makes himself more "visible" to most people.
Plus there's so many books about it that it's easier to get the basics without actually getting any real education in science.
(Which would show the cranks how and why they're wrong...)
Any other theory would most likely involve actually learning genuine physics from the ground up.
well I woud say that they know instinctively that it is sciences belief in SRT and the light effect model that is prevent the medical scientists from developing appropriate therapies and solutions for their mental health state.
The light effect model immediately discounts the notion of psychic connectiveness and the only option available to doctors is the medication, organo', imbalance solution.
Mental health issue are all socially inspired via these entanglements.
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well I woud say that they know instinctively that it is sciences belief in SRT and the light effect model that is prevent the medical scientists from developing appropriate therapies and solutions for their mental health state.
Nonsense since psychologists and psychiatrists (and probably neurologists and biologists) know next to nothing about relativity.
Hence they're not influenced by it at all.

The light effect model immediately discounts the notion of psychic connectiveness
Well that and the lack of supporting evidence...

Mental health issue are all socially inspired via these entanglements.
Nonsense since psychologists and psychiatrists (and probably neurologists and biologists) know next to nothing about relativity.
Hence they're not influenced by it at all.

Well that and the lack of supporting evidence...


sure ....rubbish it is then....
I'd suggest that the main reason the cranks go for it is that it's probably the only scientific theory that's known by name to the "common man" and therefore if the crank can dispute it he makes himself more "visible" to most people.
Plus there's so many books about it that it's easier to get the basics without actually getting any real education in science.
(Which would show the cranks how and why they're wrong...)
Any other theory would most likely involve actually learning genuine physics from the ground up.
granted and a reasonably well founded point of view...still wrong but...
You mean opposed to cranks "knowing intuitively" it's wrong?

Yeah right.
And the answer to life, the universe and everything isn't "42" it's actually "green"...
Well that and the lack of supporting evidence...

yeah Alphanumerico was going on about evidence too...yet he can't provide causation for both clocks dilating as the OP wanted to explore!
and whats more I bet you can't either...
You mean the OP that Pete pointed out the errors in?
That one?
what Pete said something like:
the clock upon acceleration increases it's tick rate as it was already dilated when sitting next to it's companion clock originally...

yeah that makes a heap of sense that does....First time in over 4 years and reading counteless arguement I have ever heard anyone talk of pre dilated states leading to relative dilated states...

what a fudge!
Whats more it doesn't address the key issue....which is? Guess? It's only mentioned in the first sentance and constantly through out the OP.
and alphanumeric says that acceleration is not a relative property ...bahh!
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I'll re-quote the simple gedanken again:

Simple gedanken to prove the point:

On my desk which is stationary relative to the planet Earth are two blocks of granite.

One block of granite is accelerated so that it is an relativistic velocity relative to the remaining block of granite which is still sitting on my desk.

Now according to SRT the block that has all the velocity is also the block that has all the time dilation. [ relatively speaking - velocity and Time dilation being relative properties]
SRT will claim that the block on my desk that has not been accelerated will be able to record dilation. Thus the entire planet likewise.
am I correct so far?

The problem is that it is only the block that was accelerated that endured any change in it's circumstances as the acceleration is NOT considered as relative.
So to claim that the block on my desk has somehow miraculously been dilated in reality is false as no causation is present to generate dilation.

This is simply because the only change [that being acceleration] that has occurred leading to relative velocity has occurred only to one of the blocks and not both.
So there is no causation for the block on my desk to show real and actual and NOT merely mathematically induced dilation.
there is no reference to the blocks arriving to the frame as both are granite dug from the ground yes?

The two blocks of granite are simply sitting on my desk. One block gets a relativistic velocity.

Question: How can the accelerated block consider Time dilation to be physical and real for the desk bound block when the desk bound block has not endured any change what so ever. It's physical tick rate has not had cause to change where as the accelerated block has? [ breaching cause and effect law]
and thats all there is to the question...and complaint...

now the relational psychosis I talked about earlier if present will require an irrational response to a rational question....a good test yes?
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Very similar to what you see in Birds flocking over head by the thousands as they fall into synch with each other and then out again. [voluntarilly and not always perfectly but always in a connected relationship]
Birds fall into a group behaviour due to quite simple rules such as staying a particular distance from one another, it prevents any one of them standing out as a target to a predator.

It is commonly referred to as ....a relationship. Whether it be when you buy something form the local store of get your car fixed at a mechanics shop or when you are trying to destroy someones credibility on the internet.
It is referred to as a relationship adn why does shitty relationships hurt so much do you think?
The only time any of those people have any physical effect on me if when I am in physical contact with them. The person in my local shop being nasty to me or giving me the wrong amount of change doesn't alter my physical well being. The mechanic telling me I've got a puncture in a tyre doesn't give me heart issues. Anything you or I say to one another doesn't alter one another's health. The only way words alter people's health is either slowly over very very long periods of time, such as stress at work, or such an enormous shock that something like a heart attack is induced, such as being told "Your wife has died" and this inducing a heart attack in a 90 year old man.

Afterall if it wasn't for the connection there would be no pain. We would have learned from about the age of two how to NOT feel anything at all when someone commits a violent verbal assault [ ego rape] . Every human would be purely sociopathic....and society would be non-existent.
Me pointing out that you've made a false claim about relativity, which you admit you've never read is 'ego rape'? Please, let's try to be a little less melodramatic.

And besides, there's a difference between the day to day relationships I form with friends and coworkers compared to random people on the internet. My girlfriend I spend a large quantity of time with, discussing things a lot more personal then my views on particular parts of relativity. I think about her a lot, even when I'm not around her, and we both know a great deal about one another. I don't think about anything you say when I'm not online. Nothing you say has any effect on my day to day life, my disposition, my health or my attitude. You are noone to me and nothing you've whined about in regards to relativity has bothered me at all. You and I have no more a relationship than I would have with someone I engaged in a shouting match across a busy road. That's not to say I feel the same with all the people I know online, but in your case personality has nothing to do with it.

These heart synching relationships which we all take for granted require absolute time to function that is to say that events occur simultaniously universally.
The struggle I have had for nearly 20 years has been to contain an error in time [ universally about 7 Earth seconds in total] that first occurred in 1985 [24 years ago] and avoid others from suffering it as I don't think every one on the planet coughing up blood and so on is such a good thing.
Still haven't explained how the fact you and I have communicated over the internet means you have some kind of physical control over my heart. Nor have you explained why you're certain me suffering from a heart block will definitely convince me absolute time exists.

Do you truely believe you're somehow protecting everyone on the planet from coughing up blood?!

If it were just me and my experience I would be very concerned about my state of mental health but alas your posts and quite a few other interactions I have around me indicate that the relational psychosis is being experienced by a lot of people around me.
Oh, so if you were on your own, you'd think you were ill but because you see other people with personality disorders it must mean you're okay?! :shrug: You are ill. See a doctor.

It has been demonstarated time and time again on this forum and other forums that posters are bewildered by their own issues reagarding their own posts when entering discussions with me...[ especially in the past and not so much now.]
So the common theme is you. Talking to you makes rational discussion impossible because you refuse to discuss things logically and now you're demonstrating detachment from reality.

You and I are having a great relationship yes? And you kow what even if you walk away from you computer we are still in a relationship....always have been and always will be.
If you stopped protecting me, how long do you think I'd have before I sufffer whatever it is? I hereby give you permission to stop protecting me and we'll see.
QQ, I'm worried. Please, see a doctor. Just to make sure. Please?
The only time any of those people have any physical effect on me if when I am in physical contact with them. The person in my local shop being nasty to me or giving me the wrong amount of change doesn't alter my physical well being. The mechanic telling me I've got a puncture in a tyre doesn't give me heart issues. Anything you or I say to one another doesn't alter one another's health. The only way words alter people's health is either slowly over very very long periods of time, such as stress at work, or such an enormous shock that something like a heart attack is induced, such as being told "Your wife has died" and this inducing a heart attack in a 90 year old man.
So you are a socio path like I thought?

You believe that words have no impact on a persons health. that you can use them no matter how you see fit regardless because you feel that they have no impact or you feel they should have no impact?

Note the distinction between what you believe and what is actual.
So Alphanumeric you believe this to be a good reason for your incredibly abusive behaviour ......yes?

You have no idea how wrong you are regarding the power of words on functional and "normal" folk...sociopaths such as your self justify their abuse as you have done..

So why do you think I have been inviting your abuse for so many posts now?
qq said:
Afterall if it wasn't for the connection there would be no pain. We would have learned from about the age of two how to NOT feel anything at all when someone commits a violent verbal assault [ ego rape] . Every human would be purely sociopathic....and society would be non-existent.
Alphanumerical said:
The only time any of those people have any physical effect on me if when I am in physical contact with them. The person in my local shop being nasty to me or giving me the wrong amount of change doesn't alter my physical well being. The mechanic telling me I've got a puncture in a tyre doesn't give me heart issues. Anything you or I say to one another doesn't alter one another's health. The only way words alter people's health is either slowly over very very long periods of time, such as stress at work, or such an enormous shock that something like a heart attack is induced, such as being told "Your wife has died" and this inducing a heart attack in a 90 year old man.
And besides, there's a difference between the day to day relationships I form with friends and coworkers compared to random people on the internet. My girlfriend I spend a large quantity of time with, discussing things a lot more personal then my views on particular parts of relativity. I think about her a lot, even when I'm not around her, and we both know a great deal about one another. I don't think about anything you say when I'm not online. Nothing you say has any effect on my day to day life, my disposition, my health or my attitude. You are noone to me and nothing you've whined about in regards to relativity has bothered me at all. You and I have no more a relationship than I would have with someone I engaged in a shouting match across a busy road.

so when your girlfriend starts coughing up blood for unexplainable reasons you will continue to go on about how words have no impact on a persons health?

Like I said in the post quoted above...
disconnected hearts leads to pure sociopathy....and well..your posts certainly give every indication of some degree of you suffering such...
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so when your girlfriend starts coughing up blood for unexplainable reasons you will go on about how words have no impact on a persons health?
Like I said in the post quoted above...
disconnected hearts leads to pure sociopathy....and well..your posts certainly give every indication of that...
I think you've hit a new "high" in woo wooism.