Simple complaint against Special Realtivity Theory

Tell me whatever you learned after having your heart block.
Tell me whatever you learned after having your heart block.
you don't "have" a heart block Steve...:)
it's a condition of the nodes that govern heart rate and function and normally it is life long once developed.
So what Alpha and other will experience is a pseudo heart block as it will normally pass unless they were due for it any way...
you demand evidence of absolute time then evidence is what you are going to get...

years ago...approximately 20 years ago I wanted evidence too....and well...the rest is history...
I want the evidence.

Bracing myself for heart block.NOT
QQ seems to have gone from someone who didn't have a clue about physics to someone whose grip on reality seems to be coming loose.

So in a few days I'm going to have a brush with death and it'll convince me that the entire behaviour of the universe is different?! Really? That's what you're claiming?! I'd laugh at you if I wasn't half worried you're actually falling off the deep end. I don't mind laughing at sane stupid people but actually mentally unhinged doesn't seem so appropriate to me.

best of luck....[ I sincerely mean it too I might add] as I can no longer protect you from what you want.
Are you claiming you've been protecting me from a heart attack?
QQ seems to have gone from someone who didn't have a clue about physics to someone whose grip on reality seems to be coming loose.

So in a few days I'm going to have a brush with death and it'll convince me that the entire behaviour of the universe is different?! Really? That's what you're claiming?! I'd laugh at you if I wasn't half worried you're actually falling off the deep end. I don't mind laughing at sane stupid people but actually mentally unhinged doesn't seem so appropriate to me.

Are you claiming you've been protecting me from a heart attack?
read the post...heart Block...big difference..

do you think I am nuts? quetion:
do you want evidence that I am nuts or do you want evidence that I am sane?
if i am nuts you are screwed, if I am sane your even more screwed so make up your mind....[chuckle]
QQ seems to have gone from someone who didn't have a clue about physics to someone whose grip on reality seems to be coming loose.

So in a few days I'm going to have a brush with death and it'll convince me that the entire behaviour of the universe is different?! Really? That's what you're claiming?! I'd laugh at you if I wasn't half worried you're actually falling off the deep end. I don't mind laughing at sane stupid people but actually mentally unhinged doesn't seem so appropriate to me.

Are you claiming you've been protecting me from a heart attack?

You just don't understand.
Your heart block hasn't started yet.

Mine has, and now I see why some bollocks about heart rhythm in t=0 must be true.
You just don't understand.
Your heart block hasn't started yet.

Mine has, and now I see why some bollocks about heart rhythm in t=0 must be true.
well think about the heart rate as being like a clock now according to this ridiculous theory called SRT your heart rate may very well be dilating....hmmmm....or is it mine....maybe it's just Alphas' eh! who cares...truth is what it is and needs to be experienced ....
read the post...heart Block...big difference..
Ooooohhhh, you said 'heart block', not 'heart attack'.

Well that makes a world of difference. You predicting I'd suffer a heart attack in the next few days which would convince me that time is absolute was clearly utterly wacko. Only an idiot whose lost touch with reality would say something like that. But you predicting I'll suffer a heart block in the next few days which will convince me that time is absolute is much more plausible.

well think about the heart rate as being like a clock now according to this ridiculous theory called SRT your heart rate may very well be dilating....hmmmm....or is it mine....maybe it's just Alphas' eh! who cares...truth is what it is and needs to be experienced ....
And why hasn't this happened to me already? I'm 25, that's a long time compared to the 'few days' you're implying. What has suddenly caused it to happen in the next few days, rather than sometime in the last 25 years.

Oh and you've obviously utterly failed to grasp relativity because due to the fact your body and your heart are always stationary relative to one another they will experience the same passage of time, your heart doesn't increase or decrease its rate due to special relativity effects relative to your body, unless your heart moves at speeds larger than 0.1c relative to your body? I imagine having your heart separate from your body at a significant fraction the speed of light is more likely to kill you than the resultant time dilation between your body and your heart.
well think about the heart rate as being like a clock now according to this ridiculous theory called SRT your heart rate may very well be dilating....hmmmm....or is it mine....maybe it's just Alphas' eh! who cares...truth is what it is and needs to be experienced ....

It's called time. Passes the same for my whole body.
The problem is that for the heart to function correctly via these nodes time must be maintained as absolute at t=0.
Alpha believs in relative time so stongly that he's prepared to put his life on the line to support it. Well Hey...I am not going to stop him....
The problem is that for the heart to function correctly via these nodes time must be maintained as absolute at t=0.
Alpha believs in relative time so stongly that he's prepared to put his life on the line to support it. Well Hey...I am not going to stop him....

You do realise that what you believe about time makes no difference whatsoever to the actual nature of time don't you?
You do realise that what you believe about time makes no difference whatsoever to the actual nature of time don't you?
ahh but but a persons heart rate is able to be controlled by the use of will which can be compromised by false belief.
In this case Alpha has a strong belief in the relativity of time [ relative simultaneity] and well his heart just may prove other wise...which is why I used the word "pseudo heart Block" ] [psycho-somatics ] rather than actual heart block which funnilly enough may be caused by the same thing. As the heart is very sensitive to what you believe.
All I am doing is stop protecting him from his own beliefs.
The problem is that for the heart to function correctly via these nodes time must be maintained as absolute at t=0.
Alpha believs in relative time so stongly that he's prepared to put his life on the line to support it. Well Hey...I am not going to stop him....

Alpha believs in relative time so stongly that he's prepared to put his life on the line to support it. Well Hey...I am not going to stop him....
You didn't answer my questions.

Firstly, how exactly is my heart going to have different time passage to my body? Relativity says that only happens if they move relative to one another and my heart is firmly attached to the rest of my chest, it can't move relative to my body without the trauma, not the time dilation, killing me.

Secondly, how on Earth could you possibly stop that anyway, even if it were true? How does you deciding 'not to stop [me]' have any affect on what actually happens to me?

ahh but but a persons heart rate is able to be controlled by the use of will which can be compromised by false belief.
In this case Alpha has a strong belief in the relativity of time [ relative simultaneity] and well his heart just may prove other wise.
Being able to control ones heart rate has nothing to do with how time dilates or not. If I'm stressed my heart rate increases but it isn't the result of time passing faster for my heart, it's the result of adrenalin release and the activation of my 'fight or flight' reflex. If I ever have a heart attack, block or whatever it won't have anything to do with time dilation effects but be due to issues of health, such as lack of exercise, stress or trauma.

You do realise that there's a difference between my heart speeding up from stress and my heart speeding up from time dilation?

As the heart is very sensitive to what you believe.
All I am doing is stop protecting him from his own beliefs.
But you haven't changed my belief in anyway. I'm as much a supporter of relativity now as last month, as last year. Your comments haven't been 'holding me back'. Why is it only now going to happen rather than 7 years ago when I first sat a course in relativity?

Bit like what happens when the internet goes out of get an error message that says "page can't be found" or server unavailable etc etc...
So why don't all physicists who support relativity have heart issues and then become born again 'absolute time' supporters?

Wow, before I did just think you were a little stupid. Now I think you're full blown wacko. You actually believe relativity says people's hearts will go at different rates to their body (which it doesn't). You believe that somehow you have been protecting me from some kind of massive heart issue and furthermore you believe the effect on me will be precisely that which is needed to convince me time and space are absolute?

Are you high? Really, are you high? Read the above paragraph again and ask yourself if you sound at all rational in those claims.
I just want to know why I should sit here and cough so bad that the monitor is splattered with blood just so that you are protected from your own beliefs about time....and cop the abuse you have been throwing at me as well...and you think I am wacko?

sorry but I had to do something .....
n.b. It is not your heart going at different rates to your need to learn to read I is your heart falling out of synch with every one elses universally and not just globally, that creates the heart block. It includes amongst other things the inability to experience affection and the loss of values regarding love and human warmth...

you know the phenonema that you keep ridiculing me about...yes..that one...quantum entanglement well living proof is always better than an experiement done in a lab don't you agree?...yes all hearts are entangled and I wanted to know why my heart is protecting yours when you do not deserve such protection. So as the protection I have been supplying wears off you will get the evidence of absolute time you want so finding out what relative time actually feels like.
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I just want to know why I should sit here and cough so bad that the monitor is splattered with blood just so that you are protected from your own beliefs about time....and cop the abuse you have been throwing at me as well...and you think I am wacko?

sorry but I had to do something .....
n.b. It is not your heart going at different rates to your need to learn to read I is your heart falling out of synch with every one elses universally and not just globally, that creates the heart block. It includes amongst other things the inability to experience affection and the loss of values regarding love and human warmth...

you know the phenonema that you keep ridiculing me about...yes..that one...quantum entanglement well living proof is always better than an experiement done in a lab don't you agree?...yes all hearts are entangled and I wanted to know why my heart is protecting yours when you do not deserve such protection. So as the protection I have been supplying wears off you will get the evidence of absolute time you want so finding out what relative time actually feels like.

By all means stop protecting him. I'm sure he won't mind.