Simple complaint against Special Realtivity Theory

Look you have :

  • relativity of velocity.
  • relativity of time dilation [ tick rates]
  • No relativity of Acceleration, therefore
  • No relativity of causation.
and this leads to the double bind.
It isn't my fault that you guys have allowed an impossibility to don't blame me for SRT's self contradiction with the laws it operates under.
You have yet to actually do what I said and show there's a contradiction. You simply saying "There's a contradition!" doesn't mean there is. If I call you a murderer does the accusation mean you are or do I have to provide evidence? If special relativity is self contradicting then you should be able to use two different methods to describe the same phenomena and get different results. That would be an explicit demonstration that the theory is self contradictory.

But you haven't done that at all. You simply say "No relativity of Acceleration, therefore
no relativity of causation.". No evidence. No derivation. No methodology. Simply a vacuous claim. And its made all the weaker by the fact that special relativity was the theory which brought into the foreground the notion of locality and non-trivial restrictions on cause and effect. Special relativity is equivalent to having causality preserved.

It's a common issue to ask in such things as quantum field theory if operators preserve causality, if they adhere to how special relativity constricts dynamics to make sure cause and effect are the correct way around. Of course you're unaware of this as you've never studied any of those things. Opening the textbook 'An Introduction to Quantum Field Theory' by Peskin and Schroder causality is pretty much the first thing they discuss, explaining how quantum field theory is causally consistent, due to the addition of special relativity to the possibly non-causal quantum mechanics.

What happens when the 2nd postulate forces science to disregard it's most prized law that being the law of Cause and Effect?
Special relativity doesn't violate causality, it's equivalent to it. They are one and the same. If you violate one then you've violated the other. If you'd ever actually studied the structure of special relativity space-time you'd know this but we've already established you like to make wild claims about things you refuse to read. And yet you whine about the honesty of physicist! :rolleyes:
you still don't know what the word discussion means do you?
someone posits a test statement or gambit claim and we all sit round a camp fire have a drink of red and discuss it.
read the OP again and you will see that it asks the question why SRT doesn't allow relativity of acceleration.
You have already categorically stated in bold red font that

Now you and Pete ought to have a set too because he is claiming that SRT does apply relativity to acelleration....
so eh! don't blame me for being confused!
[I had already agreed with you btw but now since Pete has posted that this is not true I am not so sure]
The only reason I started this thread was to clarify a complaint that MacM was making in his last anti SRT thread.
I have done that with the OP and well the rest is history...

Personally I don't give a rats ar*s about SRT as I already know what I need to know.
AlphaNumeric said:
Originally Posted by Quantum Quack
Why doesn't SRT treat accelleration as a relative "property"? ”


Do you mean that if Frame A and B accelerate away from each other at equal rates that the laws of physics prohbit discussion of their relative aceleration?

QQ you could be in some "big trouble" talking about acceleration in such a heretical manner.
Do you mean that if Frame A and B accelerate away from each other at equal rates that the laws of physics prohbit discussion of their relative aceleration?
No, you can talk about their relative acceleration. When I say 'acceleration is not relative' I mean that you cannot simply pick an inertial frame where acceleration is zero, while with velocity you can always find an inertial frame where an object at constant velocity is at rest, aka the objects rest frame. There is no such equivalent concept in terms of acceleration.

If you'd bothered to actually learn and do some special relativity before asking your questions, infact before starting your ignorant whining campaign of stupidity, you'd have not needed to ask.

But why bother putting in effort to learn something, eh?
You mean you've already made up your mind and you aren't going to read or learn anything because that might conflict with what you've assumed.

yep...I guess I am just trying to learn how to communicate what I know to be true.
The reason I know it to be true is because I, literally would not be alive typing this post if it was false.
and come to think of it neither would you nor any one else...
you may recall the brief "stouch" in another thread about emergent consciousness as being a part of any TOE?
Well I am not kidding!
you still don't know what the word discussion means do you?
You don't know what 'learn' means. When you say you've spent 20 years doing this kind of physics that's generally taken to mean you've spent time reading related physics and have working experience of it. And yet you don't. So please don't talk to me about bending the meaning of words.

so eh! don't blame me for being confused!
Why not? You claim to have spent 20 years doing this stuff, you admit a working experience is essential to understanding and yet you don't have a working experience. As a result you have to get your information from internet forum sites rather than books and so discussions where the immediate consensus isn't 100% 'confuse you'.

You're complaining discussions here 'confuse you' because in all those 20 years of work you made no attempt to learn anything yourself.

yep...I guess I am just trying to learn how to communicate what I know to be true.
The reason I know it to be true is because I, literally would not be alive typing this post if it was false.
Then you have an explicit example of a physical prediction special relativity makes which is experimentally falsifiable? Strange how you can't provide one.
Then you have an explicit example of a physical prediction special relativity makes which is experimentally falsifiable? Strange how you can't provide one.
actually to be honest you should start to feel that evidence in couple of days If I am not mistaken....
starts with a shortness of breath and a really severe lack of energy leading to a rather nasty cough and tendancy towards unconsciousness which causes you to probably go to the doctor [ if you can make it - he will probably have to come to you - house call] who will probably tell you there is nothing wrong with you. A cardio gram will proabbly also show nothing as you feel like loosing consciousness in his offices and probably do. [ a psuedo psycho-somatic complaint yes?]

Commonly referred to as a heart block and effects various nodes of the heart...[ do a google to get details ] and if it passes which it should do, you will have avoided the fitting of a pacemaker just like I have....if it doesn't then, well, what can I say....your attitude will change no matter what any way....

so aftewards you can come back to the forum and agree that time is indeed absolute, because the interconnectedness of these heart rhythm nodes rely entirely upon time being absolute. at t=0.

Don't believe soon will.....not a question of belief any way....
It is evidence you want then it is evidence you shall get....and then you'll know why "the evidence" has been patiently waiting to evolve and not be rushed.

evidence doesn't have to be nice and comfy you know, although of course it is a preference...

best of luck....[ I sincerely mean it too I might add] as I can no longer protect you from what you want.

And I just wanted to say it will pass if you endure long enough that is and eventually the evidence you are talking about will disappear......Time is absolute I can assure you...and you will find out, as quite a few others have soon enough....for yourself...
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What a load of bollocks.
You actually tripping this time QQ?
What a load of bollocks.
You actually tripping this time QQ?

Yeah sure.....but ask Alphanumeric in a couple of days or so, or maybe you want to join him in experiencing evidence too early.....
To say I have had enough of protecting you guys because of your ignorance is an understatement. 'bout time you experienced the evidence for yourselves any way, it's not that bad really...just damn uncomfortable.
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You had some sort of near death experience that flipped your life upside down?
Gotta remember I started this research from the basis of nothingness outwards into 4 dimensions not from substance to nothingness but the other way round...maybe that is what you mean by flipped?
death is a cake walk....compared to where I have been....
ever wondered what the full potential of a humanoid form is?
Give me the answers great one.
now most people want to know what happens after sure you are ready to pay the price for such knowledge....[ pretty expensive I can assure you];)
or do you want to talk about beliefs instead?