Should we really honour the modern soldier?

spaganya said:
zanket, Vietnam was a war fought not just by uniformed soldiers but of people in civilian clothes as well, women and children and the like.

That’s just rationalization for killing innocents. Of course the women and children were helping the VC. That doesn’t give us license to kill the lot of them. If we do then it proves that we weren’t really there to help them. And if they were all against us, then you gotta wonder about why we were there.

i still think your facts are skewed, i am a huge history buff and cannot recall any mass murders in vietnam done by americans. maybe i am wrong, but your arguments dont seem valid to me.

Uh, 2 million civilians died. We even napalmed kids. That could not be mass murder only with intense rationalization. And if you want a mass murder that even the most hawkish American would have a hard time rationalizing, check out My Lai, the point-blank massacre of 500 unarmed kids, women, and the elderly by US soldiers "just following orders, SIR." I fail to see how you could be a huge history buff and not know about that one. Maybe you have rose-colored glasses on?

maybe we simply have differing views that are too far detached from each other.

Yours seems basically that of the voice in the comic. That is, the US is always right no matter what it does.
The point of the civilians helping the VC is to show you that because they were helping the combatants, they themselves turn themselvs into combatants; no longer innocent. You seemed to miss that.
I am well aware of My Lai Massacre, and i am also aware of the severe mental state that most soldiers were (and some still are) that served in Vietnam. You seem determined to try and prove that the American soldier is some kind of devil out to damn the world. Humans do things that are wrong. We arent infallible.

US is not always right, i am in the belief that US should have never invaded iraq, and that this war has as much to do about showboating and politics than anything else. But the fact remains that the US DID invade, and theres really nothing we can do about that now. The original comment was about whether we should honor the modern soldier. And my point was and still is that we SHOULD. because in today's world where everyone is looking to balk the "man" and gather together in some random town square singing kum ba ya, there still exists people in this world that would rather serve the country that protects them. And i am talking of ANY modern soldier. Not just Americans.

Personally i think people have lost the pride that comes with pledging your allegience to your country. I think soldiers try and keep that alive in today's society and for that, deserve respect and honor. Alot of people owe their lives to the modern day soldier.
spaganya said:
The point of the civilians helping the VC is to show you that because they were helping the combatants, they themselves turn themselvs into combatants; no longer innocent.

Do you think if someone attacked the US that civilians just might help US soldiers? The VC were Vietnamese and we were attacking Vietnam. The VC weren’t some invading force. The US was the invading force. We knew going in that they would all work against us. By your logic we would have to kill them all. No surprise then that that’s just what we tried to do.

I am well aware of My Lai Massacre,

Then presumably you don’t think that was mass murder. My God, what then qualifies as mass murder in your book?

and i am also aware of the severe mental state that most soldiers were (and some still are) that served in Vietnam.

Oh, I see, they were just gallant & brave soldiers having a bad day. Yep, bayoneting toddlers is stressful. Do ya think just maybe they were in that severe mental state (and some still are) because they’d been killing civilians day in & day out for their whole tour?

You seem determined to try and prove that the American soldier is some kind of devil out to damn the world.

If the shoe fits... If there is a devil then the American soldier surely does his work. Only one example more damning exists in human history that I can think of.

Humans do things that are wrong. We arent infallible.

Fallible is forgetting to pay a bill on time. Eating sandwiches while the women you shot moan in a ditch, at least until you’re done with lunch and then you laugh while you finish them off, is evil. And there’s no significant difference in my book between massacring a village with bullets versus dropping a bomb on them from a plane. Both are evil.

US is not always right, i am in the belief that US should have never invaded iraq, and that this war has as much to do about showboating and politics than anything else. But the fact remains that the US DID invade, and theres really nothing we can do about that now.

Sure we can. We can install a true democracy. We can compensate the victims and their families for our mistake; a $trillion might do it. We can help mend those we injured instead of leave them to fend for themselves. We can apologize. And finally, we can leave. But we’ll do no such things. Instead the soldiers there work to set up a new dictatorship that we will control.

The original comment was about whether we should honor the modern soldier. And my point was and still is that we SHOULD. because in today's world where everyone is looking to balk the "man" and gather together in some random town square singing kum ba ya, there still exists people in this world that would rather serve the country that protects them.

Just because I’m not firing my machine gun willy-nilly into Iraqi neighborhoods doesn’t mean I’m dancing with flowers. The soldiers there do not serve or protect me, and that should be obvious to them by now. They make me less safe and continue to willingly do so. How can I respect that?

And i am talking of ANY modern soldier. Not just Americans.

I respect soldiers, modern or not, American or not, who serve and protect.

Personally i think people have lost the pride that comes with pledging your allegience to your country.

How can I have pride for a country that murders millions of people who were no threat to it? That continues to oppress and kill civilians and steal their resources? I’d have to be brainwashed. Robotically pledging allegiance a thousand times might do it.

I think soldiers try and keep that alive in today's society and for that, deserve respect and honor.

Respect and honor don’t come with the uniform.

Alot of people owe their lives to the modern day soldier.

A lot of people owe their deaths to them too. Why not include them in your picture?
*sigh* You apparently will never see my point of view. I probably wont post on this thread again, but i have a feeling i will see you again on another post. :p
Well, it's been a while ..

i don't have cartoons but i have this:

"I can imagine a world without war. I can imagine a world without hate. And I can imagine us attacking this world, because they'd never expect it."

Deep Thoughts, by Jack Handey

zanket, it seems to me that you advocate not going through with commitments. you said that afghanistan was the right thing to do at first, but then you went and said that it is not now. and that a soldier on an observation post on a mountain somewhere, should all of the sudden say, "hey guys, uhm, you know, i did some research and we shouldn't be here, i am a concientious objector, i refuse to serve." and then as he walks away from his post, someone infiltrates the base, he gets shot, a mine is planted. once you're there you cannot just quit!!! because if you do you will die, or more probably, you will be responsible for the death of your comrades. it would suck if you were getting robbed and the policeman coming to help you out would concientiously object to saving you because they felt their actions might harm innocent bystanders. soldiers are dealt their hand, and they do the best they can with it. as i said before, judge each on his/her actions. they are trying to stay alive right now, i hope that's not too demanding on your morals.
Let us for a moment imagine a world without soldiers, how peaceful...Let us take another moment imagine a society without police officers, how free...Let us now come back to reality, the real world needs laws and to enforce the laws, police officers and soldiers are needed.

Of course, there are bad police officers and bad soldiers and this is why there are more restrictions on them than an average citizen. For examples, in the US, police officers are forbidden to curse citizens and soldiers can be punished again by the military after already punished by a civilian court for the same crime.

Not only that these people risk their lives for the safety of others, including you and me, but they also give up certain rights to be qualified to protect others. They are honorable to me.

By the way, they also risk their lives to make sure that people who hate them can safely say negative things about them.
Fallen Angel,

What Jack Handey neglects is that a world without hate can still expect and defend itself against an attack. Being a loving person doesn’t require letting someone stab you. And when he says, "I can imagine us attacking this world," well, that just amply shows why people should not let themselves become soldiers. American soldiers especially can expect to be commanded to attack worlds without hate.

If the government is up to no good, thus the soldiers are up to no good, then quitting the war likely minimizes casualties and misery overall. A soldier I can respect is there to serve and protect the greatest good. That's the commitment they should have. If quitting causes a comrade to die at the savings of several civilians, that is a better outcome than had by staying. What will more likely happen is that the commanding officer will request a new recruit and if the leadership cannot supply one in time they will be forced to fall back and regroup, likely minimizing casualties of both soldiers and civilians.

The case in which a soldier in an offensive war should not quit is when he or she is convinced that staying serves the greater good. Like when Hugh Thompson threatened to kill his fellow American soldiers to help stop the My Lai massacre. Unfortunately those situations are hardly ever so clear (had he done the same thing about bombs being dropped on the same people, he’d probably have been imprisoned or worse and the bombs would still have been be dropped), so quitting is typically the best choice.

If I were getting robbed I certainly would expect the policeman to risk my life to save innocent bystanders. That is, I would expect the officer to not risk the lives of bystanders to save me.
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Translating the meat of your post I get “Police officers and soldiers, whether good or bad, are honorable to me.”

Wrong translation! The word "honorable" does not apply to bad people no matter who they are? For example, there are "dishonorable" discharges to those soldiers who are bad.
OK. How about when the whole war is bad and the soldiers do their duty within it?

For example, the prez says, "we having nothing against those people per se nevertheless we're going to annex their country and put them under our yoke, making them work for peanuts to extract their resources for the benefit of my corporate sponsors." Then the soldiers comply. Are they still honorable to you?
(im back....i couldnt resist...)

YES its honorable. My reasoning is....

In today's society, people have lost the respect and duty in life. No one commits themselves anymore to things, people switch their minds and lives as often as they change their shirts. In a disposable society of today, I think its commendable that someone in the face of obvious opposition will do what they signed on to do. THEIR JOB.

I liken the whole situation to the undertaker. The person who carries out the will of the law by taking someones life. Yes, people might ultimately disagree about the descision, people might think its wrong to put people to death, but the undertaker must do their job in order to preserve order. Just as Fallen Angel said, when you commit yourself you need to follow through.

The war is not bad just because you think that it is. Except for the two deserters who fled to Canada, US soldiers are thinking the opposite of yours.

You post a propaganda claiming that the war is bad then expect an answer from me whether they are honorable? I have some news for you, the majority of these soldiers do not believe that this war is bad.
spaganya said:
In a disposable society of today, I think its commendable that someone in the face of obvious opposition will do what they signed on to do. THEIR JOB.

That’s certainly a common sentiment. It’s a disheartening sentiment, however, when THEIR JOB is to murder people and steal from them. Ooh but I forgot it’s not murder when the US declares it legal.
GuessWho said:
You post a propaganda claiming that the war is bad then expect an answer from me whether they are honorable?

The question I posed to you was a hypothetical. Can you answer it?

I have some news for you, the majority of these soldiers do not believe that this war is bad.

I didn't suggest otherwise. I said if the war (any war) is obviously bad then I won’t have respect for them if they stay in it. I do think Iraq and Afghanistan are bad wars but I don't expect the soldiers to agree with me. I just won't respect the ones who disagree, because to me it's obviously bad and it should be obvious to them as well.
zanket said:
That’s certainly a common sentiment. It’s a disheartening sentiment, however, when THEIR JOB is to murder people and steal from them. Ooh but I forgot it’s not murder when the US declares it legal.

Oh PLEASE. War is inevidable. Being human means having to sometimes do and be things that others might disagree with - it doesnt make someone a bad person.

Question for you - Is there such a thing as a "just" war? (i.e. WWII with the mass genocide - people fought to end the horrific happenings....etc.)
Basically zanket, I understand you disagree with the war, but why shame the messengers, and the people who have the unfortunate job of having to carry out someone else's wishes? If you want to blame someone, blame the politicians and leaders, not the soldiers who are just trying to do their jobs and make a living.
Every order given by military superiors has to b video recorded.

Its one thing to fight terrorism and another to establish long term military bases in other countries, do that in my country and I will see terrorism as fight for my country. I wont budge to do anything for that or go to any extent.

Due to technology USA can no longer do what it did in past, All U will end up is with thousands of bin laden, if that’s what U want , go for it. Todays American technology is tommorows terrorist toy.
RawThinkTank said:
Due to technology USA can no longer do what it did in past, All U will end up is with thousands of bin laden, if that’s what U want , go for it. Todays American technology is tommorows terrorist toy.

What did the US do in the past? And why would that make you end up with thousands of bin ladens???
Let me get this straight zanket. You believe that any one who disagrees with you should not deserve respect. If that is what you are saying then I feel sad for you. That is the exact kind of attitude that starts wars that soldiers have to fight in.