Should we be allowed to eat Humans?

Should we eat humans and other animls?

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alot of incects do, sharks will eat there own kind if in a feeding frenzy.

alot of preditors will eat there own young if both are staving and cats will reproccess there first litter alot in any case
i doubt i would taste nice:p
to much booze and smokes:p
at least my partner doesnt think i taste nice:p
I think it would be pointless farming humans for food....
15-20 years for your food to be ready for slaughter (much higher turnover in that time from cattle etc..
The amount of food you would have to feed the human cattle would be the same as what you would eat so it would be a pointless excercise....

Kurru (in the fore tribe) was caused by cannibals eating cannibals not cannibals eating humans..
so as long as you didn't feed the 'human cattle' human flesh you should be alright..
Assume that we couldn't force the alien race to stop, but rather try to convince them that it is cruel and therefore they should stop.

How would we achieve this, what arguments would we use? :confused:
You could argue that it is unethical to kill a sentient species for food, but then humans would have to stop eating animals to not look hypocritical. Or you could argue that it's only wrong to eat sapient species (which humans are but animals aren't).

Globalist power-mongers might want you to believe there's such a "limit," but I see no such thing.
Translation: I can call anyone who disagrees with me a 'globalist power-monger'.
the premis is rather silly

firstly to be fit for human consumption the animal MUST be killed by trauma
secondly its illegal to kill people
thirdly i HIGHLY doubt you are going to get a griving family to sign off on you eatting there daughter who was just killed in a car crash
lastly on aliens, of course we would fight them, just as pigs would fight us if they could. I doubt you could argue that they are acting unethical unless you brought in an argument on sentience and we could run into problems based on our treatment of dolphins and pigs but ethics wouldnt really matter when it came to world goverments acting in OUR interests (and there own i might add:p)

You can kill people if we made it legal to kill people in hunting season, then it would not be illegal anymore. Trauma like shotgun to the chest? crossbow through the skull?.

I would hope a family do not sign over there dead daughters remains from a car wreck, who wants to eat road kill? thats disgusting. Some people might not care for ethical morality regarding sentience, they might care more about the innocence of a baby lamb roaming free in the forest instead of trapped in a farm ready for slaughter.

Get a hunting licence in allocated spots in the country, when hunting season is on you can kill humans like they are deer. Why not?.

I think it would be pointless farming humans for food....
15-20 years for your food to be ready for slaughter (much higher turnover in that time from cattle etc..
The amount of food you would have to feed the human cattle would be the same as what you would eat so it would be a pointless excercise....

Kurru (in the fore tribe) was caused by cannibals eating cannibals not cannibals eating humans..
so as long as you didn't feed the 'human cattle' human flesh you should be alright..

You could get baby back ribs in 9 months, but farming maybe is not the best bet for profit. Hunting is a good idea though. Make sure they are free range humans who are corn fed if farming is allowed, then everybody is happy, all organic.

I think it would be pointless farming humans for food....
15-20 years for your food to be ready for slaughter (much higher turnover in that time from cattle etc..
The amount of food you would have to feed the human cattle would be the same as what you would eat so it would be a pointless excercise....

Kurru (in the fore tribe) was caused by cannibals eating cannibals not cannibals eating humans..
so as long as you didn't feed the 'human cattle' human flesh you should be alright..

Another reason we can't eat humans. Humans eat many times their own weight, in a year, in a lifetime. So human flesh would be pointless. Not a very useful food source.

Humans are too cunning. Far too dangerous creatures to hunt, and yet incredibly docile and easy to get along with (most of us), when you don't give them a reason to have to defend themselves.

Also, doesn't eating one's own kind, more readily spread diseases? Presumably, animals and humans, often aren't susceptable to the same diseases? Isn't Mad Cow disease related to feeding cows animal flesh or something or other?

Humans have a very vested interest, in allowing the human herd to naturally grow and grow, so of course, humans must be excluded from the menu. Even common sense should tell us that. We could broaden our diet, if or as we supposedly may need to, to feed more and more human mouths, eating insects, more of the edible plants, more of the animals, just so long as humans are understandably excluded and we may eat most anything but humans.

And of course, it wouldn't be civilized. We do consider ourselves "civilized," I hope?
Another reason we can't eat humans. Humans eat many times their own weight, in a year, in a lifetime. So human flesh would be pointless. Not a very useful food source.

Humans are too cunning. Far too dangerous creatures to hunt, and yet incredibly docile and easy to get along with (most of us), when you don't give them a reason to have to defend themselves.

Also, doesn't eating one's own kind, more readily spread diseases? Presumably, animals and humans, often aren't susceptable to the same diseases? Isn't Mad Cow disease related to feeding cows animal flesh or something or other?

Humans have a very vested interest, in allowing the human herd to naturally grow and grow, so of course, humans must be excluded from the menu. Even common sense should tell us that. We could broaden our diet, if or as we supposedly may need to, to feed more and more human mouths, eating insects, more of the edible plants, more of the animals, just so long as humans are understandably excluded and we may eat most anything but humans.

And of course, it wouldn't be civilized. We do consider ourselves "civilized," I hope?

Do you eat any type of animals?.

Do you eat any type of animals?

You betcha!

Mainly cows, sheep, goats, pigs, frogs, rabbits, chicken, duck, goose, game hen, buffalo, various fish and crustaceans and an occasional snake, elk, deer and once a bit of armadillo. I'd avoid armadillo though. Meat wasn't that good and I didn't know at the time they can carry human leprosy.

Haven't had any black buck, opossum, moose or antelope.

I hear from the orient dog, cat and rat are tasty.

The Hawaiians used to claim long pig was good, but they don't talk about it much any more.
and brains look just like chicken meat. Doesn't smell like chicken meat though. Isn't Kuru just like Mad Cow disease?
I've seen fried chicken, fried brains are milkier. Eyes. Those are a taste sensation, kind of like a fat grape, but salty.
as far as I know...

kuru, Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease
BSE Bovine spongiform encephalopathy, mad cow
Chronic wasting disease
Transmissible mink encephalopathy
scrapie (sheep)

Are all prion related diseases.
Do you eat any type of animals?.


But of course. I will eat most anything they have at my Church dinners, or most anything my sister cooks when I come to visit. Why let food go to waste?

I am no "environmental" vegetarian weirdo.

Some people have a strange adversion to anything pork-based, based upon old Jewish ceremonial laws. But the New Testament clearly says that those old customs no longer apply to us today. Probably related to Jesus having paid the price for our sins, and not any longer, the sacrifice of animals.

"If we aren't supposed to eat animals, why are they made out of meat?"

Like I said, humans are omnivores. We can and may, eat both plants and animals. Mainly, it's humans that are excluded from the menu. For some fairly obvious moral (and pronatalist) reasons. We only eat a fraction of the plants that are edible, or so says some survival video I watched. Humans could choose to somewhat broaden their diet, say if the number of human mouths were to multiply or something. Which means we could eat more of the plants, and even insects and such. Do only "primitive" people eat roots? What are potatos and yams and carrots? Roots.

In fact, why are we limited to only certain types of meat anyway? Why don't I find squirrel and rabbit and bear and wolf and deer meat in the supermarket? There's generally not any shortage of most of those wild animals.
as far as I know...

kuru, Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease
BSE Bovine spongiform encephalopathy, mad cow
Chronic wasting disease
Transmissible mink encephalopathy
scrapie (sheep)

Are all prion related diseases.

Isnt prion's disease caused by Cannibals eating Cannibals...

E.g Kuru

They are not caused by just plain cannibalsim but by cannibal eating cannibal.

the BSE was not caused by just feeding cattle MBM but from the cycle of refeeding those that fed on MBM....
In the 70's they found TSE which is caused by mutation affecting the prion protien...

the fore tribe ate cannibals (their own tribe)which probably caused a similar mutation affecting Pp through generations...

its not just plain old eat some flesh you get sick its down to generations,mutations the sure you could eat non-cannibal humans without any major risk of prions?
"If we aren't supposed to eat animals, why are they made out of meat?"

LOL Who fucking said that ? :D