Should we be allowed to eat Humans?

Should we eat humans and other animls?

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If a race from another planet wanted to farm humans for their meat, would we allow this? If not then what possible objection could we have since we too eat other animals??

That's a little bit out there, don't you think?

Animals have the right to eat other animals. Thus, humans have the right to eat other animals. Eating one's own species is very rare among any of the higher vertebrates, and if that still makes it right, so be it.
Eating humans leads to nasty infections and provides an excuse to murder.

If a race from another planet wanted to farm humans for their meat, would we allow this?
Even if you don't want to allow it, could you stop them?
the premis is rather silly

firstly to be fit for human consumption the animal MUST be killed by trauma
secondly its illegal to kill people
thirdly i HIGHLY doubt you are going to get a griving family to sign off on you eatting there daughter who was just killed in a car crash
lastly on aliens, of course we would fight them, just as pigs would fight us if they could. I doubt you could argue that they are acting unethical unless you brought in an argument on sentience and we could run into problems based on our treatment of dolphins and pigs but ethics wouldnt really matter when it came to world goverments acting in OUR interests (and there own i might add:p)

Are we talking about killing people in order to eat them, or eating people who have already died a natural death, or what?
Even if you don't want to allow it, could you stop them?

Assume that we couldn't force the alien race to stop, but rather try to convince them that it is cruel and therefore they should stop.

How would we achieve this, what arguments would we use? :confused:
Cannibalism, is understandably taboo, for rather pronatalist reasons, when you think of it clearly.

Humans may eat, just about anything other than other humans, even eating planets, in some sci-fi future supposedly, so that human numbers may continue to grow.

Humans are omnivores, intelligent, hightly adaptable, social creatures, all traits indicating that we were designed to ultimately, possibly, become extremely populous.

I see little or no reason for questioning this old moral taboo. But I could consider cremation of dead human bodies, rather than burial, if it ever became of an issue of more room for the living versus space for the dead bodies, who don't even care anymore. But that's hardly a consideration these days either. Cemetaries don't really take up much space in cities, at least not yet, as births are naturally outpacing deaths these days.
I think eating babies should be allowed.

I agree!
They're high on calories, high on those stem cells, that are good, and they're delicious! It's three for one price!
So, who wants a baby steak?

sorry, couldn't resist
I prefer to grind them to a mush, then bake the goo until it has that delicious gold-brown crust. Hmmm... :)
I prefer to grind them to a mush, then bake the goo until it has that delicious gold-brown crust. Hmmm... :)

Oh, I like them roasted on sticks with a great pineapple sauce and stuffed with living snakes.

Frost bitten baby brain with sugar and ice cream for the dessert.

We should exchange recepies.
Oh, I like them roasted on sticks with a great pineapple sauce and stuffed with living snakes.

Frost bitten baby brain with sugar and ice cream for the dessert.

We should exchange recepies.

Pronatalist must love us now :D