Should we be allowed to eat Humans?

Should we eat humans and other animls?

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For shame! Naughty, naughty!

Humans should go forth and multiply. Or is that, more commonly, multiply and go forth? Or both?

But why ? Don't you think there is a limit to the environments carrying capacity for humans ?
Would you sacrifice all other lifeforms so that the human population can expand until the spatial limit is reached ?
But why ? Don't you think there is a limit to the environments carrying capacity for humans ?
Would you sacrifice all other lifeforms so that the human population can expand until the spatial limit is reached ?

Speaking of which, when humans live with animals, animals outnumber humans.
your poll is flawed. i object to the eating of meat from animals unable to consent to their own slaughter, but if a human volunteers to be eaten, then go for it.
Anyone here read the Pulitzer prize winning book, The Road?
I always thought I could if it came down to survival. But really, how badly would I want to survive? How badly do I want my kids living in a world were people eat each other?

Perfect way to get rid of a body though. The mafia would love it.
I voted the third choice, cause I think you meant the second part to be a joke. People should be free.
Globalist power-mongers might want you to believe there's such a "limit," but I see no such thing.

But why ? Don't you think there is a limit to the environments carrying capacity for humans ?
Would you sacrifice all other lifeforms so that the human population can expand until the spatial limit is reached ?

No, I don't see any "maximum carrying capacity" sign upon the planet concerning humans. No matter how many humans there might someday happen to be, quite many people could come up with so many more ways, to fit in especially, more of their own progeny.

I have no interest in imposing any human population cap, that not even God nor nature seems interested in imposing. The Bible says something about God setting the bounds of our habitation, but even that isn't much specific about numbers. Genesis 24:60, in the King James Version, foretells "thousands of millions" of descendents. Isn't that litterally, the countless naturally-burgeoning "billions" of today? I already propose that fewer wild elephants in Africa or India, means all the more food and space for humans. Elephants do not use land space very efficiently, are way too big, eat way too much, and don't have "human rights." An elephant stealing food out of somebody's garden, can eat 400 pounds of food in one night. So it's understandable that naturally-growing populations of humans, may want to hunt elephants for food, which I see as little different than us eating domesticated cows in the West. I also suspect that were we humans to again hunt more whales, wouldn't that leave more of the fish for human mouths to eat, rather than merely dolphins and whales?

I'm not interested in getting rid of all other lifeforms, unless there is benefit to humans or we need to, but neither am I interested in denying people their children either. Of course large families should be encouraged to go on growing naturally even larger, as surely it's better for more of the parents having children to already have experience raising children, than to be inexperienced parents raising a selfish spoiled nation of "only" children, or as they call it in China?, "little emperor syndrome."

Anyhow, I see it as quite unlikely humans would ever hit any real "spacial limit." The planet is huge, the human population, while "huge," is actually rather small compared to the available space of the land, and our reproduction is already way too sluggish, to be so overly worried about it. Besides, it could never naturally happen within the forseeable future anyway. We and our children, would be long gone, before then.
They're pets too, or livestock as the case may be.

Oh is that so ?
So sparrows are livestock, or mosquitoes, hare, rattle snakes, fleas, seagulls, jellyfish.. are all livestock ? I'm sure you realize the list goes on forever.
Globalist power-mongers might want you to believe there's such a "limit," but I see no such thing.

No, I don't see any "maximum carrying capacity" sign upon the planet concerning humans. No matter how many humans there might someday happen to be, quite many people could come up with so many more ways, to fit in especially, more of their own progeny.

I have no interest in imposing any human population cap, that not even God nor nature seems interested in imposing. The Bible says something about God setting the bounds of our habitation, but even that isn't much specific about numbers. Genesis 24:60, in the King James Version, foretells "thousands of millions" of descendents. Isn't that litterally, the countless naturally-burgeoning "billions" of today? I already propose that fewer wild elephants in Africa or India, means all the more food and space for humans. Elephants do not use land space very efficiently, are way too big, eat way too much, and don't have "human rights." An elephant stealing food out of somebody's garden, can eat 400 pounds of food in one night. So it's understandable that naturally-growing populations of humans, may want to hunt elephants for food, which I see as little different than us eating domesticated cows in the West. I also suspect that were we humans to again hunt more whales, wouldn't that leave more of the fish for human mouths to eat, rather than merely dolphins and whales?

I'm not interested in getting rid of all other lifeforms, unless there is benefit to humans or we need to, but neither am I interested in denying people their children either. Of course large families should be encouraged to go on growing naturally even larger, as surely it's better for more of the parents having children to already have experience raising children, than to be inexperienced parents raising a selfish spoiled nation of "only" children, or as they call it in China?, "little emperor syndrome."

Anyhow, I see it as quite unlikely humans would ever hit any real "spacial limit." The planet is huge, the human population, while "huge," is actually rather small compared to the available space of the land, and our reproduction is already way too sluggish, to be so overly worried about it. Besides, it could never naturally happen within the forseeable future anyway. We and our children, would be long gone, before then.

Seek treatment.
Often times cannibalism leads to disease. See the wiki on kuru

Kuru is not caused by cannibalism - it was just passed that way.
If you don't people with Kuru (especially their brains) then you have nothing to worry about.
As a general rule, I don't eat brains at all.

The only two real rules I have about eating food is if it doesn't smell bad and it isn't brains, I will try it.

Someone once asked me if I would eat human if I found myself in a country where it was acceptable and I knew the person was not an innocent victim of murder.
I would try it - just not the brain.
I love the taste of pork.

By the way, Chilean toddlers have the chocolatiest of hearts.
I can never remember where that quote comes from, but I love it.
Kuru is not caused by cannibalism - it was just passed that way.
If you don't people with Kuru (especially their brains) then you have nothing to worry about.
As a general rule, I don't eat brains at all.

The only two real rules I have about eating food is if it doesn't smell bad and it isn't brains, I will try it.

Someone once asked me if I would eat human if I found myself in a country where it was acceptable and I knew the person was not an innocent victim of murder.
I would try it - just not the brain.
I love the taste of pork.

By the way, Chilean toddlers have the chocolatiest of hearts.
I can never remember where that quote comes from, but I love it.

Yes, but still because of diseases like Kuru it's a good idea not to eat members of your own species.