Should the Bible be edited?

I find it conflicted, paradoxical almost, the Love of the bible and what to do about non-violence vs pacifism, as good and evil is forbidden. But I easily rationalize reality like that, so go figure. Pardon the pun. Eventually Jesus will return to finish perfecting us, as prophecied in the biblel, and in buddhism, and there will be more wisdom from the apparently passive character. In all reality the MR even is only second hand accounts of Jesus' life.
I am sorry to have to tell you but in the edited version Jesus wont be returning.
I am sorry to have to tell you but in the edited version Jesus wont be returning.
I got to wondering if you should copyright this new edited bible? You know, so people can't start altering it to start different groups so to speak. Like in...

Waiting for the DVD HD Blue Ray version
In this new edited bible there may be different slants on the biblical stories, meaning a new era of Hollywood blockbusters.
The bible, should be treated as any historical document or artifact; preservation. We don't go to the pyramids and give it a latex paint job, to get out up to modern codes. If we need to firm it up, we will call in experts, who will try to restore it, based on historical accuracy.

The main reason some would want to change the pyramids, to reflect modern times, Low VOC paint job, is to change the perception of the past. This confusion is needed so you can't draw an accurate line, from the past to the future. The lack of an good line, allows an irrational present to appear rational.

Many of the positions of the left are contradicted by the bible. If we allow the bible to be preserved with historical accuracy, a line from the past to the present shows data points not touching that curve. If we could change the bible and purge anything that contradicts this data, while also making adjustments that appear to predict the data, then even bad data looks more valid.

If we decided to paint the pyramids with low VOC shiny metallic copper latex paint, many people will assume, this would not be allowed, if this was not true. Therefore if this is true to the times, then the Egyptians must have had superior latex paint making skills. This makes it easy to lead the naive down rabbit holes. If we preserve the past, one would have to be even further out there to come to such a conclusion.
In this new edited bible there may be different slants on the biblical stories, meaning a new era of Hollywood blockbusters.

Now you put me off :)

I want as close to the original authentic as possible concessions made for sound track English not American

Include all the dirty bits.

Second disc has the 'How it was made' bits

Third disc could be interviews on modern interpretation

After a few years bring out forth disc which speculates what happened to the main characters after JC departed

Closing with a tear jerking fade-out at sunset of believers waiting for the return

Done right might be bigger than Star Wars

The bible, should be treated as any historical document or artifact; preservation.
Was The Bible a single ''book'' originally ? Do you know every alteration, addition, translation and edit the book has had in its history? Have these translations been accurate? How can you talk of original? What are these ''experts'' really preserving, if not a bunch of historic alterations already made of a ''book'' along its history? The new lastest edition will be carrying along The Bible's tradition of change.
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Hebrew text[edit]

Genesis 1 verses 1-5 sung in Hebrew as a cantillation
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The verse in the Masoretic Text consists of 7 words and 28 letters and is as follows:

  • Unvocalized: בראשית ברא אלהים את השמים ואת הארץ‎
  • Vocalized: בְּרֵאשִׁית בָּרָא אֱלֹהִים אֵת הַשָּׁמַיִם וְאֵת הָאָרֶץ‎
  • Transliterated: Bereshit bara Elohim et hashamayim ve'et ha'aretz.
Bereishit ("In the beginning [of]") The first word is b'reishit, or bereishit (בְּרֵאשִׁית‎). Its elements are:

  • be- ("at / in")
  • -reish / rosh- (ראש‎, "head")
  • -it ית‎, a grammatical marker implying "of".
The definite article (i.e., the Hebrew equivalent of "the") is missing, but implied. The complete word literally means "at [the] head [of]", or more colloquially, "in [the] beginning [of]". The same construction is found elsewhere in the Hebrew bible, usually dealing with the beginning of a reign.[1]

OK, here's a good place to start.
The bible, should be treated as any historical document or artifact; preservation. We don't go to the pyramids and give it a latex paint job, to get out up to modern codes. If we need to firm it up, we will call in experts, who will try to restore it, based on historical accuracy.

The main reason some would want to change the pyramids, to reflect modern times, Low VOC paint job, is to change the perception of the past. This confusion is needed so you can't draw an accurate line, from the past to the future. The lack of an good line, allows an irrational present to appear rational.

Well here is the thing, the Bible has been edited many times over the course of thousands of years. If you are a Christian, as I believe you claim to be, the odds are you are using an edited version of the Bible. The King James version of the Bible, one of the most commonly used versions is an edited version of the Bible. The very first Bible compiled hundreds of years after Christ were edited, and there are a host of commonly used Bible versions which have been edited.

Many of the positions of the left are contradicted by the bible. If we allow the bible to be preserved with historical accuracy, a line from the past to the present shows data points not touching that curve. If we could change the bible and purge anything that contradicts this data, while also making adjustments that appear to predict the data, then even bad data looks more valid.

And what "positions" would those be? Please do be specific. The fact is your assertion is blatantly untrue. Jesus told his followers to give unto Caesar which is Caesar's. Jesus was the antithesis of the Republican icon, Ayn Rand. Jesus was a socialist. He advocated compassion and caring for your neighbors. His social and economic policies are diametrically opposed to those of the Republican Party. Jesus was an egalitarian. Republicans aren't egalitarians in any shape or form.

Unfortunately for you and your fellow Republicans, the facts still matter.

If we decided to paint the pyramids with low VOC shiny metallic copper latex paint, many people will assume, this would not be allowed, if this was not true. Therefore if this is true to the times, then the Egyptians must have had superior latex paint making skills. This makes it easy to lead the naive down rabbit holes. If we preserve the past, one would have to be even further out there to come to such a conclusion.

Well fortunately for us no one is proposing painting the pyramids and no one cares about Egyptian painting skills past or present. The unfortunate fact for you is, the one you are evading, is the Bible has been edited many times over the course of thousands of years. The original Bible was an composite of edited texts compiled hundreds of years after the birth of Christ. Many Christian texts have been lost to history, and some were destroyed. Some were considered heresy by those in power and destroyed.

The Bible isn't a fixed structure like the Egyptian pyramids - far from it. It was always amorphous and changing. Things were added and subtracted, and that tradition continues to this day, and that has nothing to do with Egyptian pyramids.
I know in many counties, if something is deemed a historic site, even the owner is not allowed to modify it beyond a certain point. They can restore it to the original, but any attempt to deviate will be met with resistance from local historical committees. This was not always the case for the bible. There were also self serving individuals, who would have bulldozed a historic site, if that was to their personal benefit.

I agree that changes have been made over the years, but many of the changes you describe were not made in the interests of historical accuracy. For example, the King of England tried to get a divorce clause added. This was not allowed, so he decided to form his own church where politically useful changes could be made. The only reason people would like to modify the bible, is to undermine original intent for personal gain.

The most common changes, that appear all the time, even today, is within translation. If you go to any bible site and read any bible quote, they will often give you a choice of dozens of bible versions. Often the read is slightly different in each, however, the meaning is less ambiguous. The idea for these changes is to modernize the language so modern people can understand easier. Below the first is more old English the second is more modern English. Old English can be tougher to read but if you study both they say essentially the same basic things.

Matthew 17:21[edit]
KJV: Howbeit this kind goeth not out but by prayer and fasting.
NIVfn: But this kind does not go out except by prayer and fasting.
Matthew 17:21[edit]
KJV: Howbeit this kind goeth not out but by prayer and fasting.
NIVfn: But this kind does not go out except by prayer and fasting.

Most modern translation

Eat your breakfast before you go to school or by god you will wish you had it will be here when you return so you can eat it or starve

:) :)
the King of England tried to get a divorce clause added.... .....
Below the first is more old English the second is more modern English. Old English can be tougher to read but if you study both they say essentially the same basic things.

Matthew 17:21[edit]
KJV: Howbeit this kind goeth not out but by prayer and fasting.
NIVfn: But this kind does not go out except by prayer and fasting.
Matthew, wasn't that an add-on?
What king of England do you speak of wanting to add a ''clause''? Have you a Link ? Henry VIII published an English version of the Bible, and he wasn't the first to do so. But what is this '''clause'' you talk off?
I know in many counties, if something is deemed a historic site, even the owner is not allowed to modify it beyond a certain point. They can restore it to the original, but any attempt to deviate will be met with resistance from local historical committees. This was not always the case for the bible. There were also self serving individuals, who would have bulldozed a historic site, if that was to their personal benefit.

I agree that changes have been made over the years, but many of the changes you describe were not made in the interests of historical accuracy. For example, the King of England tried to get a divorce clause added. This was not allowed, so he decided to form his own church where politically useful changes could be made. The only reason people would like to modify the bible, is to undermine original intent for personal gain.

The most common changes, that appear all the time, even today, is within translation. If you go to any bible site and read any bible quote, they will often give you a choice of dozens of bible versions. Often the read is slightly different in each, however, the meaning is less ambiguous. The idea for these changes is to modernize the language so modern people can understand easier. Below the first is more old English the second is more modern English. Old English can be tougher to read but if you study both they say essentially the same basic things.

Matthew 17:21[edit]
KJV: Howbeit this kind goeth not out but by prayer and fasting.
NIVfn: But this kind does not go out except by prayer and fasting.
There are many versions of the Bible floating around out there. The Bible has been edited many times and we haven't even discussed the apocrypha at this point. The creation of the Bible itself was an edit. Several texts were excluded from the many texts in circulation at the time.
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It appears to me the bible contains material that is wrong, contains material that is inconsistent with the modern era and material that is irrelevant.
Further it contains prophecies that are non specific and meaningless.
Should the bible be edited and or rewritten to make it correct and relevant.
There are millions of people who think the Bible is relevant even with all of its flaws. And in the end, if it gives someone comfort, what's the harm in that? There are many variations of the Bible to chose from; there are many religions to chose from. What matters in the end is does it add value to the lives on individuals, and for millions of people it does.

So if people want to edit the Bible, I have no problems with it as long as they are honest about it and why they did it. But for millions of people, they seem to be pretty happy with the Bible the way it is, warts and all.
Edited? How about discarded as a worthless piece of crap. How many millions have died due to its existence?
There are millions of people who think the Bible is relevant even with all of its flaws. And in the end, if it gives someone comfort, what's the harm in that?
I agree however I tend to focus on the bad things that flow from religion.
Many gain comfort but many use religion to justify their unjustifiable behaviour.
Then there is the truth that all religions are based upon a concept that can not be proven yet believers support that concept as if it were an undeniable fact. Having an invisible friend who supports whatever you make up I find a strange way to go thru life....
One thing that most atheists fail to realize is, or cannot or will not admit, is not all main stream religions worship deities. Buddhism is a good example. There are no gods and no heaven and hell in Buddhism. Buddha was a special human, who developed techniques to realize his full human potential. What this means is, religious behavior can occur in people, independently, of any belief in deities. Religions, without deities, are not as obvious, as deity based religions, since most people assume deities is the litmus test of religion. Buddisn shows this is not the case for over s billion people.

I often say the atheist religion. This is denied, based on the premise that it can't be a religion, because they have no belief in God. But as I have shown, not all religions worship deities. There is something else all religions share in common.

ManMade Global warming could also be called a godless religion, since it induces blind devotion to something most of the flock is not expert enough to fully rationalize on their own or derive independently. They depend on the prestige of others; priests of doom, to induce the feeling in their religion. It is one thing to go into climate change as a thinking person and another thing to go into using blind faith in prestige.

If you were to purge the bible of all deities, this does not mean a new godless religion cannot appear in its place, since you do not need deities to have a religion. The question is, what is the difference between religions based on deities, and religions not based on deities? In the case of Buddhism, although the doctrine has no outward deities, the worshippers will nevertheless project onto Buddha, to give him a super natural aura. The unconscious mind of the religious, will add a layer of personal and/or collective mythology. In man made global warning, they have mother earth or we are killing the earth, slogans, to make inanimate earth, appear more like a mythological character that has feelings. This is not in the doctrine, but it is part of the worship service.

What I also noticed is evolution is the only area of science, that feels a need to be enforced, socially, like a dogma of a mainstream religion. I can think of no other area of science, besides climate change, where reasonable arguments are taboo, and all opposition, including reasonable arguments get lumped as Creationist or denier religion. You will not see Chemistry or Physics getting insecure about the bible, since these are not religions that feel competition from another religion. Evolution uses a god of chance, that is not called a god, but who like a god, can nevertheless make anything needed, happen.

What needs to be done is define religion in terms of brain activity, so we can point out the godless religions. The current criteria is too superficial to include all the godless religions. Brain activity will give us an objective way to override the verbal word play used to disguise godless religions.