Should the Bible be edited?

Just a thought.

"And god created the heavens and earth".

God lives in heaven right?

So before he created heaven, where did he live?

Is there a Mrs God?
Maybe he likes to keep his private life seperate from the job.
In the begining there was no beginging only a time that came after that which came before.
What did God do before creation?
Thanks to everyone for the interesting links.
Can you give an example of an edit that would be consistent with the modern era?
Tidy up the first page for a start leaving out the made up stuff.
Clearly record any words that God said to anyone.
Set out the evidence for Gods existence.
Remove references to slavery and get rid of non specific prophesy so it does not sound like fortune telling.

I see a new thread where we can go thru the bible line by line, discuss its merits and if it should remain.
Distill it down to a page or two assuming there is that much that is not made up.
Is there a Mrs God?
Maybe he likes to keep his private life seperate from the job.
In the begining there was no beginging only a time that came after that which came before.
What did God do before creation?
Thanks to everyone for the interesting links.

Tidy up the first page for a start leaving out the made up stuff.
Clearly record any words that God said to anyone.
Set out the evidence for Gods existence.
Remove references to slavery and get rid of non specific prophesy so it does not sound like fortune telling.

I see a new thread where we can go thru the bible line by line, discuss its merits and if it should remain.
Distill it down to a page or two assuming there is that much that is not made up.

Set out the evidence for Gods existence.

If your going to start your bible with this your doomed.

Doomed I say.

Mrs god. Blonde?

Is she the ID'er?

No wonder we are in this mess.

Doomed we are all doomed I say.
It's a work of literature and culture, not a manual of nature.

Leave it be, and let those interested continue to interpret it in various ways, just as they have been doing since at least the time of Augustine of Hippo (~400AD).

Well you could do that but just because its always been done like that is no reason not to change it.
Nevertheless you are correct I know that without faith the bible will be seen differently I wont do an edit.
Set out the evidence for Gods existence.

If your going to start your bible with this your doomed.
There must be something otherwise what is the foundation of this "faith" we hear about.
Folk like Jan must rely on more than a fuzzy feeling... there is more than a fuzzy feeling... thats the evidence I seek it must be there someplace, the whole lot can't be just made up can it?
There must be something otherwise what is the foundation of this "faith" we hear about.
Folk like Jan must rely on more than a fuzzy feeling... there is more than a fuzzy feeling... thats the evidence I seek it must be there someplace, the whole lot can't be just made up can it?

Well it seems to have started as a way to explain the world, without the benefit of knowledge.

Storms are a good way to start

Thunder and lightning = gods are angry.

Rain = they are really angry and pissing on us.

The stories were elaborated on.

Con artist stepped in.

Bippity boo.

We have a pope.
It appears to me the bible contains material that is wrong, contains material that is inconsistent with the modern era and material that is irrelevant.
Further it contains prophecies that are non specific and meaningless.
Should the bible be edited and or rewritten to make it correct and relevant.
Hasn't it been edited, to some extent, over the years. There do seem to be many versions floating online, though I haven't read more than a couple.
old story:

I once was graced to have met with god.
She was beyond beautiful, and her voice sang a song so sweet that i was completely entranced.
I stood there in rapturous wonder as she spoke for the better part of an afternoon.
Upon reflection, i realized that I had not understood a single word.
Funny, I had always expected god o speak english.
(sigh------ah well)
Yes indeed , there are links above.
So there is precedent.

Edited, translated, corrected to fit the PC conditions of the day.

Which ever version you attempt to tidy up it has all ready obtained the mantle of GO.

Previous versions were GI.

So take a current version which becomes your GI, tidy it up you will get GO.

The Chinese are a whispering.

Hasn't it been edited, to some extent, over the years. There do seem to be many versions floating online, though I haven't read more than a couple.

Yes that's to some degree true, in that there have been differing opinions as to which books belong in it and which are marginal. Also it has been retranslated numerous times. But the bulk of it has remained unchanged in essentials. Certainly, nobody has thought it made any sense to take out all the poetry and allegory and just leave behind whatever might be thought, by that individual, to be factual. I doubt you would get two people to agree on that in any case, whether believer or non-believers.
I have a book ''The Book of God'' it's the Bible written as a novel by Walter Wangerin. I have read it from cover to cover, that's something I would not consider doing with the Bible. The book flows like a continuous story without all the repetition and begetting found in the Bible. I kept thinking of the old Hollywood classics. Yes, I know it's only one man's take on the 'story', but the Bible also as various takes by different authors, plus the adaptations for the different branches of Christianity. Meaning, I'm not going to read them all, for something call'' THE Bible''.
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<-------------not a fan of "the nicene creed".
Consider the deity as a crystal with infinite faces. If one learns to see, then each(so educated) might see clearly through one of the faces. A cluster of such "seen" understandings could form a canon.

Council of Nicene circa AD 325 seems to have been the grandest edit. Many early "books" were discarded, and the ones that were saved/included seem to have been edited to (almost) agree with each other.

The edit was commissioned by Constantine to unify the church and solidify his position-----------"one god in heaven, and one ruler here on earth".

If you would undertake a grand edit, then you must be a person of (almost) infinite patience.(and some insight too)
One unifying "book" seems close to an impossibility. (ergo; my attempts at levity)
Good luck.
It appears to me the bible contains material that is wrong, contains material that is inconsistent with the modern era and material that is irrelevant.
Further it contains prophecies that are non specific and meaningless.
Should the bible be edited and or rewritten to make it correct and relevant.
Nope. It should be chucked in the garbage.
Since you are a nonbeliever that is your business, but other that are attempting to follow Gods direction for them is a way to live. I am sure you are your own god
I disagree that people are following God's direction. It's impossible to follow all the teachings in the Bible, as they are mutually contradictory, and incompatible with modern life.
Nope. It should be chucked in the garbage.
That is along the lines I once thought was appropriate.
However it is clear that many folk see the bible as their guide to life.
I thought if we are basically going to have to live with vast numbers of theists who see the bible as their authority for their beliefs, would it not be preferable to give them a book that minimises the number of flawed entries, did not contain references to matters not in the modern world, and cut out mystical prophecy. I can imagine even the concept of God changed such that the entity is replaced by "nature".
And whilst we are at it get rid of the costumes and ritual that belong to a bygone age.
May it's time for the Kiwanis to make a comeback. It seems some people need a club to join. Most any club would be better than the Bible club.

Or maybe Fight Club? They could get out all the energy and aggression on each other rather than involve the rest of us.