Should Smoking Be Banned?

Should smoking be banned?

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Why don't we just remove the nicotine from cigarettes and any other overlyaddictive substances and let the companies try selling that? Only god knows how fast ciggarette companies will be out of business after that.
"Zeig Heil, Mein Füher Thor!"

*dons crown and waves*

"Why not shoot them and spare their prison expence?"

The bullets could be paid with the tax money earnt from ciggies. Oh the irony.

"you can't ban ciggarettes."

It's being planned, I swear to you. It's very, very slowly being implemented. When I say very, I mean VERY!

I kind of liked my idea of letting this generation of smokers smoke and stop a new generation from lighting up. Wait til I rule the world!

"Why don't we just remove the nicotine from cigarettes and any other overlyaddictive substances and let the companies try selling that?"

We could make nicotine illegal. That way people will only be smoking some paper, tabacco leaves and tar. Nice.

Next stop, Caffiene!
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The governments get loads of cash from ciggarettes... they feed of the cig. addicts.
It'll never happen. Its too big a source of income.
Always a sceptic eh? It's all about the money with you, isn't it? The governments of today are great, I'm sure that as soon as they realise that alcohol and cigarettes kill people, they'll ban them both!
I would say smoking sucks, but it´s the people´s freedom and choice if they want to. Special areas for smokers would be nice. And smoking should be banned at certain locations. For example restaurants, it really sucks if someone smokes a cigarette next to you while you are eating.

BTW Hey Jaded, your german is kinda bad.
jadedflower said:
Fascism c'est en vogue. C'est le mot de la mode.

Excuse my spelling. That says "Fascism is popular. It's the word in fashion"

If you want to ban smoking: Fascist.
If you're an atheist: Fascist.
If you want to be politically correct: Fascist.

Get a life and learn a new word.
I meant ‘fascism’ to mean ‘an overly right-wing, authoritarian form of government’. I was suggesting that a government ban on smoking in places like restaurants would be an undue infringement. I think that was pretty clear from my post, and is in line with the common definition of fascism. I’m sorry if the term ‘fascism’ is some sort of pet peeve of yours, but I didn’t suggest that atheists or politically correct people are fascists, so I don’t really know what you’re ranting about.
It's not fascism.
It's like driving a car. It's not a right. It's a privilage. Like voting, like anything else.
This might shock you, but you don’t need a driver’s license to operate a vehicle on private property. If you want to go out and build your own private race track, you can drive around on it all day without a license. You only need a license to drive on public land, ie. streets. This is exactly the way it should be with smoking; permissible in privately owned property.

Also, voting is a right – at least here in the United States. If you live in a country where voting isn’t considered a right, then I suppose you already have much bigger political issues to deal with then whether or not to ban smoking.
Yes I do have the right to breathe fresh air without you telling me to go live in the Amazon.
Yes, fine, smoke. Smoke in your house. A friend's house. Do it away from me! Thank you very much, you selfish pig... breathing is my human right. I don't see any article about smoking.
You seem to have totally missed my point, and apparently you’re a little confused about how rights work in a free society. Yes, you have a right to breath fresh air; but you don’t have a right to breath fresh air anywhere you want. If you’re in a public place – a park, a city bus, a public school - then yes, you have the right to fresh air. On the other hand, if I own a private business like a restaurant or club then I have the right to determine whether or not to allow smoking. If I allow smoking in my restaurant and you can’t stand to be around smokers, then the only right you have is the right to not come into my business.
Nasor said:
I didn’t suggest that atheists or politically correct people are fascists, so I don’t really know what you’re ranting about.

Cool Skill called me fascist for being an atheist... and the politically correct story isn't directly related to this thread, but it's another case of people using fascism for stuff that has nothing to do with it.

This is exactly the way it should be with smoking; permissible in privately owned property.

Yeah, sure... smoke at home... as long as your not like my neighbour who lets the smoke dance through my windows.

Question:Are bars and shops private property? Meaning, are they (and can they really be) encompassed withing the smoking ban laws?

And did I say voting wasn't a right?

but you don’t have a right to breath fresh air anywhere you want. If you’re in a public place – a park, a city bus, a public school - then yes, you have the right to fresh air.
Duh, that's mainly what I'm talking about...

if I own a private business
fair enough... but...

like a restaurant or club
check the question I asked...

If I allow smoking in my restaurant and you can’t stand to be around smokers, then the only right you have is the right to not come into my business.
do you know how hard it is to find a non-smoking place? and even then people smoke!!! That's the problem with smokers, they think they have more rights than regular non-smokers.
What is the issue was burning rubber?
jadedflower said:
Question:Are bars and shops private property? Meaning, are they (and can they really be) encompassed withing the smoking ban laws?
Yes. Some states (Florida, for example) have banned smoking in all clubs, bars, and restaurants.
And did I say voting wasn't a right?
Yes. Your exact quote was “It's like driving a car. It's not a right. It's a privilage. Like voting, like anything else.”
Yeah, nonsmokers should go into smoking sections with burning tires. "You dont have the right to breath clean air" that would be great. A burning tire probably produces less pollutant than a cigarret. Go to a park next to a smoker and light up your tire... same principle.
I'm not aware of smokers that seek people out so they can smoke next to them.
I'd be all too happy for non-smokers to get the fuck out of my personal space, if smoking causes some kind of barrier then thats just fantastic.
ddovala said:
Yeah, nonsmokers should go into smoking sections with burning tires. "You dont have the right to breath clean air" that would be great.
Again, you seem to think that you have an inalienable right to breath clean air anywhere you want – this just isn’t the case. If you can’t stand the fact that smoke from the smoking section of a restaurant is finding its way toward you, you can leave the restaurant. I’ll reiterate, since you seem to have missed it before: you only have to right to be ‘smoke free’ in publicly owned places.
A burning tire probably produces less pollutant than a cigarret.
This is simply insane.
@ Jaded

Well, the correct spelling of
"Zeig Heil, Mein Füher Thor!"
would be "Sieg Heil, Mein Führer Thor!"

I suppose on a german forum I would get banned for writing something like that.

(I distance myself from this expression since I do not associate myself with paroles of the NSDAP, nor with their political agenda)
jadedflower said:
Nasor: the voting thing; under 18s and people in jail for big stuff aren't allowed to vote.
Never the less, voting is a right, not a privilege. Of course there are many rights that you can’t exercise until they’re an adult and that you can lose if you commit a crime.
Dr Lou Natic said:
I'm not aware of smokers that seek people out so they can smoke next to them.
I'd be all too happy for non-smokers to get the fuck out of my personal space, if smoking causes some kind of barrier then thats just fantastic.

you don't??? holy hell, I do...because smoking is something they do when they're just standing around talking. we're standing outside just chilling and talking....out come the cigs. without fail. why, just today me friend came over to my door with her cigarette to talk to me until she was done smoking, at which point she went back to work.