Should Smoking Be Banned?

Should smoking be banned?

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a place in a restaurant I enjoy, why should it be ruined by someone who wants to kill themselves prematurly and wants to take a few with him?

Can you at least listen to yourself? The only people who want to kill themselves and to take others with them are suicide bombers. Smokers just simply want to smoke, period.
"Can you at least listen to yourself? The only people who want to kill themselves and to take others with them are suicide bombers. Smokers just simply want to smoke, period."

This relates to my deep reason behind not liking smoking. I'm not saying any details other than it is very personal. People who do smoke have a lowered life is that not dying prematurly? And passive smoking has been linked to some diseases in certain studies. Not totally conclusive but still not worth the risk in my book.
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I just honestly don't see the point of purposely shoving a shit filled tube in your mouth, lighting it, and sending it to your lungs...

Where's the kick?

No one shoves their nose in a car's exhaust pipe.
About smoking outside near a non-smoker, I think the one who was there first has the right to stay and the other should walk to a different place to smoke or to stay away from smokes. I wish wind can be asked to blow a certain direction but we cannot ask for everything, can we?

Even though I am a smoker, I still do not like the after smell resulted from smoking indoor so I think for restaurants, there should be at least some kind of a filtering machine that can effectively collect smokes like one of those that I remember seeing on some advertisings.

What restraunt doesent enforce such policy? I don't see people go to the non-smoking side and sparking up, I imagine they would be asked to leave immediately being the people that go to the non-smoking side go for a reason. I'm also sure, that such sections are at a distance where the smoke does not practically effect you or is so miniscule, it doesen't make a difference.

Now, I'm not saying that smoking in small areas where people do not have a choice but to inhale it in a practical manner is justified because it is not. I'm just saying that in the present time being smokers/non-smokers are under a compromise, and both parties should adequetelly comply with the needs of this compromise.

Also, remember... second hand smoking is ussually caused by years and years of inhaling it and is ussually in a family setting where inhaling is unavoidable. Don't be paranoid :mad:)
"About smoking outside near a non-smoker, I think the one who was there first has the right to stay and the other should walk to a different place to smoke or to stay away from smokes."

I think that's something I can agree with. It's only fair. But what if it's a situation where another person can't go anywhere else...say, a bus stop? I think the polite thing to do is ask if they mind if they have a smoke.

"Even though I am a smoker, I still do not like the after smell resulted from smoking indoor so I think for restaurants, there should be at least some kind of a filtering machine that can effectively collect smokes like one of those that I remember seeing on some advertisings."

These are expensive and I can't see restaurants forking out for equipment like this when they think leaving a door open is going to do the same job. Unless it was made compulsory.

"I just honestly don't see the point of purposely shoving a shit filled tube in your mouth, lighting it, and sending it to your lungs..."

With me being in college I know a fair few smokers. A vast majority of them really wish they hadn't started and can't see why they thought it was a good idea to start in the first place.
me being in high school I know people who love their cigs and think I'm mad. It drives them wild. They love every moment of it.

Since you do not know where the kick is, I figure you have never smoked before. Trust me on this one, nobody can show you where or how the kick is. You have to smoke to find out yourself. By the way, you will also never see "the point" until you are a smoker yourself.
"Since you do not know where the kick is, I figure you have never smoked before."

Is the kick only in recieving your dose of nicotine during a comedown? Or is it something more euphoric, like...slapping a bald guy on the head?

"By the way, you will also never see "the point" until you are a smoker yourself."
"in which case: May ignorance be bliss."
Is the kick only in recieving your dose of nicotine during a comedown? Or is it something more euphoric, like...slapping a bald guy on the head?

Again, you have to try it yourself because nobody can describe or tell you where or how the kick is.
"Again, you have to try it yourself because nobody can describe or tell you where or how the kick is."

Again, do the kicks only come when you're hooked or is it something that appears when you first do it? You can't just go up to a non-smoker and say 'Get one of these down ya, it's great' then watch them cough their lungs up.
Its when you begin to smoke youll get a nicotine rush that feels really amasing but when you get addicted that rush turns into something not so good which is wanting a cigarette to feed the addiction. When your at this point you only feel releaf.
it's an adrenaline thing...

It is unique and unlike any other including the "adrenaline thing"

but don't the cons outweight the pros?
For smokers, those who consider the cons outweight the pros, they quit. Those who think different still smoke.

For a non-smoker like yourself, of course you can only see the cons because the pros do not even exist for you.

Since you have smoked a pot before. If you already quit, then the kick from the pot smoking obviouly was not enough a pro for you to outweight the con.
pot didn't do much for me, so i didn't think it worth another shot... as for smoking... I'm sure there are pros... but i don't care.
you have more chance of contracting cancer from the exhaust on your cars!

Cars give off Carbon Monoxide just like cigarettes, except they don't give off 100 other carcinogens.
You people are all fascists. If I want to smoke in the privacy of my own home – alone or in the company of other smokers – what business is it of yours? Yes, it’s dangerous and disgusting, but in case you haven’t heard, in a free society people are allowed to do dangerous and disgusting things so long as it doesn’t endanger anyone else.

Ban smoking in bars and clubs? Why? Do you really believe that you have a right to eat or dance anywhere you want without having to worry about second-hand smoke? If you don’t want to patronize a restaurant/bar/club/whatever because they allow smoking, you’re perfectly free to not go there. If enough people insist on only going to places that ban smoking then sooner or later large numbers of places will begin banning smoking on their own. In the mean time, why shouldn’t I be able to open a bar that allows smoking? If you don’t like the smoking, you’re perfectly free to get out. I’ll sit happily with my three other coughing, cancer-riddled customers and smoke my lungs out.

You could make a good case for banning smoking in public buildings (a public health hazard) or around children (young children might not be able to appreciate the dangers of second hand smoke, and might not be able to effectively remove themselves from the situation even if they did). That’s about it. There is absolutely no reason why consenting adults shouldn’t be able to smoke on private property, including restaurants and clubs. As for the argument that it would help others quite smoking, why the heck should I be obligated to help you quit smoking? If you want to quit, more power to you, but don’t expect to be able to restrict my civil liberties simply because it’s convenient for you.