Should Smoking Be Banned?

Should smoking be banned?

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Besides smoking, let us also ban the following:

1. All junk food restaurants because these food are not good for your health.
2. All gas/diesel drivings because the smoke coming out from tail pipes are much more unhealthy than that of cigarettes.
3. All drivings because they result in accidents and sometimes even cause dealths.
4. All other things that are considered bad for any of us.

But seriously, I believe that smoking inside buildings should be banned but if smoking is done outside, all public places should have at least one designated smoking area if possible so that the non-smokers are least likely to be bothered.
The prophet speaks:

"I smoke, if this bothers anyone, I recommend you looking around the world in which we live and... shutting your fucking mouth. Either that or suffer a facial burn, your choice. After all this is America, land of freedom, so you have that option ahead of you.

I now realize I smoke for simply one reason, and that is spite. I hate you non-smokers with all of my little black fucking heart, you obnoxious, self-righteous, whining little fucks, my biggest fear, if I quit smoking, is that I'll become one of you. Now don't take that wrong. How many non-smokers do we have here tonight? By round of applause, non-smokers. A few of you. Good, 'cause I have something to tell you. I do. I have something to tell you non-smokers, and this is for you and you only, because I know for a fact that you don't know this. And I feel it's my duty to pass on information at all times, so that we can all learn, evolve, and get the fuck off this planet. Non-smokers, this is for you and you only, ready? Non-smokers die every day. Sleep tight. See, I know you entertain some kind of eternal life fantasy because you do not smoke cigarettes. May I be the first to pop that little fucking bubble of yours, and send you hurtling back to the truth? You're dead too. Have a good evening. And you know what doctors say, "Shit, if only you smoked, we'd have the technology to help you! It's you people dying from nothing that are screwed." I got all sorts of neat gadgets waiting for me, man. Oxygen tent, iron lung-it's like going to Sharper Image! Major rationalizations. We live in such a weird culture, man."

Bill Hicks

Actually, thats an old formula for insecticide for the garden, doesn't prove a thing. Salt kills slugs, too, does that mean salt is always toxic to humans?
Please, you guys and your precious lungs, you think you are going to live forever? Look at George Burns, 100 years on cigars!
mustafhakofi - Since when has smoking been a natural function of the human body? And if someone farts near me I don't go home smelling of farts. But if someone smokes near me, I have trouble breathing, my clothes and hair stink and my eyes go all itchy.

Bring on the next flawed arguement!
Thor said:
mustafhakofi - Since when has smoking been a natural function of the human body? And if someone farts near me I don't go home smelling of farts. But if someone smokes near me, I have trouble breathing, my clothes and hair stink and my eyes go all itchy.
Then go somewhere where people aren't smoking you twit. There are all sorts of places where smoking is banned. If I go to a bar that has crap music and piss to drink I don't whine about it, I leave. It's called voting with your dollar.

The thing that truly pisses me off is when I'm being nice and smoking off by myself somewhere and some ass-wipe has the gall to come near me and then complain about my smoking. Honestly, wtf? Facial burns indeed.

I agree that banning it in pubs and clubs would make it easier for people to stop. When I try to give up, I always start again when I get drunk in a licenced premises, why? because all my freinds are there smoking away and a loosened sense of consequence to my actions (because Im drunk) together with readily available fag machine, this is my downfall. Breaking the connection would be great because I would stop easier.
Im against banning it in public places, for two reasons;
Firstly, I dont believe that this country needs anymore rules reguarding what you can and cant do in your spare time, banning smoking would take away individual freedom. If you can buy cigarettes then you should be able to smoke them where its allowed by the premises owner.
Secondly, small business cannot afford to deal with the consequence in a ban on tobacco. I think it should be a choice, if you want it on your premises or not. I guess this point kinda ties in with my first reason.
I can see the benefits however, but I dont think it should be half done. It should either be banned outright or carry on the way it is.

As to feeding the black market if cigarettes were banned, I think this is over estimated. Tobacco is a bulky product for the usage an addict will consume, this would not be an easy thing to smuggle. Smokers need to smoke alot of the time to stop them getting withdrawal, these two factors would probably see a black market not do too well. Anyway, tobacco wouldnt be more popular than drugs such as e and marijuana which are more convenient for the smuggler and purchaser (in a hypothetical situation).

"Then go somewhere where people aren't smoking you twit."

Yeah...real easy...have you ever been to a pub or a gig where smoking isn't allowed?? And my college is very lenient on smokers also.

Also, I have heard that various governments have been telling tabacco companies to get out of their country for years. They've given them oppurtunities to find other things to sell. This was around the 70's.
AND, I think stopping adverts for smoking should be totally banned. Not just in sports. It's not like you advertise porn on billboards (man would that be sweet!)

I don't particularly care for ciggaretes but It doesen't really bother me to the extent that i'm going to go off and bitch about it, i'm not the one that is smoking something with that much radioactivity. Sometimes it seems, as if, right hand christian fundamentalists and naiive conservatives wan't america to be in a police state. If smoking was banned, it would not be effective in any means..

In the netherlands were Marijuana is distributed freely, the rate of marijuana users are actually lower than that of America and ciggarettes might even be a bigger epedemic than Marijuana because of its addictive factor... If you people don't want ciggarette smoke in your faces, the last thing you would wan't to do is ban ciggarettes all together.

In pubic places like restraunts (Atleast family orientated), there are ussually non smoking and smoking sides... and if your in a bar and don't enjoy the ciggarette smoke for health reasons than why the fuck are you in a Bar, which operates mainly to serve beverages that have a way greater impact on your health than second hand smoke..
Also, I have heard that various governments have been telling tabacco companies to get out of their country for years. They've given them oppurtunities to find other things to sell. This was around the 70's.
Marlboro sell a clothing range. Yeh, they do sell tobacco too, but Ive always wondered why they sell clothes and that could be a plausible reason you got there.

Thor said:
I think stopping adverts for smoking should be totally banned. Not just in sports
they are going to have a total ban on tobacco ads in F1 in the next few years. Really have no idea what the impact will be.
"Marlboro sell a clothing range."

Now that I DID not know. Cheers for the info.

"they are going to have a total ban on tobacco ads in F1 in the next few years. Really have no idea what the impact will be."

I thought this happened years ago, or was it just planned? And does anyone else watch F1 other than the Brits?? I can't really see other nationalities watching it for some reason *scratches noggin*

If you do not like inhaling cigarette smokes, can you then stay away instead of telling smokers to go away? I am only referring to the outdoor areas. The smokers pay tax to contribute to the creations of public areas just as much as you do; don't you guys think they deserve a little space called designated smoking area or do you think that smokers can help you pay tax for the public areas but they are still not allowed to smoke just because you think it is disgusting or it might affect your health.

I bet most of you non-smokers would really wish that Raithere was also banned from typing.

I have an impression that non-smokers are dictator wannabe. Is this impression totally wrong?
F1 is huge all over the world, yeh, it was planned and is being put into action now.

Joey, I agree with you. The western world is seeing too much police states and we can see that over regulation does nothing its intended. It a really good point what you said about smoking in bars.
Thor said:
Yeah...real easy...have you ever been to a pub or a gig where smoking isn't allowed??
Quite a few actually but they tend to suck (go figure). Of course most of the time a smoker goes into a pub we're harassed by all the non-smokers wanting to bum a smoke.

Also, I have heard that various governments have been telling tabacco companies to get out of their country for years.
Why would a government have to tell them more than once? Sounds like political publicity to me, pointing to the door with one hand while the other reaches for a campaign contribution.

AND, I think stopping adverts for smoking should be totally banned. Not just in sports.
I agree and the same for alcohol. But most importantly for Old Navy.

"If you do not like inhaling cigarette smokes, can you then stay away instead of telling smokers to go away?"

Well, non-smokers really don't get a choice in the matter while smokers get the choice. If I'm in a restaurant and someone lights up, I did not choose to inhale smoke but they have. Yet they're imposing their desicion on me. Why should I let that happen if I don't want it to? And if it effects me physically, should I just pull down my pants and bend over? Negatory good bunny, NEGATORY!

"I bet most of you non-smokers would really wish that Raithere was also banned from typing."

Not really, I like Tim.

"Is this impression totally wrong?"

Yes and you may call me 'Mein Kaiser'

"Do you have these Truth commercials overseas too?"

The what now??

"Why would a government have to tell them more than once? Sounds like political publicity to me, pointing to the door with one hand while the other reaches for a campaign contribution."

That was my initial thought, but with Ireland introducing non-smoking laws and Scotland heading that way, wouldn't it be logical to do it throughout the UK??
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Well, non-smokers really don't get a choice in the matter while smokers get the choice. If I'm in a restaurant and someone lights up, I did not choose to inhale smoke but they have. Yet they're imposing their desicion on me. Why should I let that happen if I don't want it to? And if it effects me physically, should I just pull down my pants and bend over? Negatory good bunny, NEGATORY!

You do have a choice, go to the non-smoking side of the restraunt. If they have none, go to one that has. I don't go to a restraunt that allows strippers, than bitch about how I'm morally disgusted and why they allow them.
"You do have a choice, go to the non-smoking side of the restraunt. If they have none, go to one that has. I don't go to a restraunt that allows strippers, than bitch about how I'm morally disgusted and why they allow them."

I've always thought that the concept of non-smoking and smoking sections are obsurd. Smoke doesn't go towards the boundry and say 'Oh crap, can't go there!' Smoke get everywhere! And many pubs and restaurants rarely enforce their smoking policies for some reason. And if I've booked a place in a restaurant I enjoy, why should it be ruined by someone who wants to kill themselves prematurly and wants to take a few with him?

I just disagree with it period. No-one can sway me and my real reasons run too deep to change.

I you read my earlier comment again, you should see that I was referring to smoking outdoors. I am a believer in indoor smoking ban unless it is a bar where many people come there to have a drink and smoke.

From your yes answer, I now have a slightly different impression: Some non-smokers are dictator wannabe. Is this impression still completely wrong?
hungvu - I'm sorry I misread your post. I shall re-reply. I am happier about people smoking outside, well, okay, I'm cool with people smoking outside. But that should be the only place it should happen. Or at home. Also, if someone is smoking near someone outside, they should at least ask if the other person minds it as I hate it when smoke blows into your face. Thanks wind!

lol, I think that most non-smokers blieve they should have a choice as to whether they should be forced to inhale other peoples smoke. Not to impose rules to annoy others. If there was some middle ground then I'm sure the 'dictator' attitude would subside.
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