Should Obesity be considered a disability

you are talking about home grown fruits and vegetables and cows/chickens.
it's been awhile, like about 30 years or so.

i wonder, could geneticly modified produce be causing some obesity?

Problem is we still don't know very much about the metabolism of nutrients in the body, their functions and consequences of excess and deficiency at the microlevel.

But hey, eventually we'll figure it out. In the meanwhile, its all trial and error; and the science helps us to know at least where we are going wrong, even if as of now, it cannot tell us what is the right thing to do.

GM foods are a whole new scenario. I'm not up to date with my food tech so I could not really comment on the effects. But its an interesting question and worth looking into.
sweet jesus.
alright bells i've just been diagnosed with emphysema because of my tobacco use. gonna feel sorry for me? or are you going to say "well you knew the dangers"? should i have the right to sue because of my stupidity? should you or your family have to pay for it? or to listen people who play on others emotions?
I'll feel sorry for you while thinking "you knew the dangers", while thinking the right to sue would be something you'd need to discuss with your lawyers, and thinking how much the government does allocate to sufferers of emphysema and hope you're not going to cry on my shoulder because for some stupid reason, pregnancy has made me into one of those people who cries if I see anyone else crying.

Sauna said:
Carry on with that attitude and sooner or later somebody's going to recondition you with a good hard smack in the face.
Beg yours?

Such a manner betrays the mind of an impudent slut, not an education.
My aren't you a charmer.

So educated women are sluts to you? Interesting.
Not only should it be allowed, they should get free electric wheelchairs. But first we need to raise taxes to provide faster rescue to mountain climbers stuck in crevasses.

I was sad when they found James' body, too.:(
I was sad when they found James' body, too.

Why? Did you know him?

And have you considered the cost of the rescue? How many little kids died because they didn't have enough money for shots or hospital care or food? And yet we, the taxpayers, spent a fuckin' fortune trying to save three men who were on a little vacation!

Those three vacationers' rescue efforts cost the lives of many does that mean the those three vacationers' lives were more valuable than the lives of hundreds of little kids?? Kinda' puts a different perspective on things, don't it?

Baron Max
I suppose mountain climbers could be required to bring a $50 two-way radio with them. But then it wouldn't be as risky, and they like the risk. Much better that we search for them when they get in trouble. Just like we should help the obese to become more obese in any way we can. Really anyone with an addiction should be given more opportunity to indulge in it, at taxpayer expense. Addictions are disabilities after all.
I'll feel sorry for you while thinking "you knew the dangers", while thinking the right to sue would be something you'd need to discuss with your lawyers, and thinking how much the government does allocate to sufferers of emphysema and hope you're not going to cry on my shoulder because for some stupid reason, pregnancy has made me into one of those people who cries if I see anyone else crying.
bullshit bells.
befor i signed up on this board you would've cared less if you read my obituary and it said i was eaten alive by a meat grinder.
bullshit bells.
befor i signed up on this board you would've cared less if you read my obituary and it said i was eaten alive by a meat grinder.
If I read your orbituary and it said you had been ground up by a meat grinder, I'd think 'poor man.. what a nasty way to go'.

What's your point?
And after you signed up for this board how would that change?

Would your obit read leopold99?
You just made his point, Bells!

Baron Max

leopold99 said:

I'd suggest you read what I said again and this time read it slowly.

Do you think I'd simply shrug and say 'meh'? No, I'd actually feel sorry for anyone who died that way or any other horrible way, through either accident or illness. How could you not? What kind of person is that uncaring?

We're not all as uncaring as you might think. But then I guess that's the whole point of this thread isn't it? Some care and others do not.
No, I'd actually feel sorry for anyone who died that way or any other horrible way, through either accident or illness.

But see, if you didn't know, then you wouldn't care, right? I.e., you don't care enough to know all of those people, so you depend on the news to tell you who died you can THEN feel sorrow and sympathy and empathy! Geez, ain't that a kick in the head?! ...LOL!

How could you not? What kind of person is that uncaring?

People didn't give one solitary shit about the people of Indonesia BEFORE the disasterous tsunami, did they? No, of course not ...because they probably didn't evn know they existed. Yet as soon as the tsunami strikes, everyone CLAIMS that the care ....while they still go out to dinner and celebrate something in their own lives, or go the movies, or some other form of personal entertainment.

Caring? Sympathy? Empathy? No, Bells, it's what people SAY, not what they actually feel. Check the dollars spent for entertainment during the tsunami or the New Orleans disaster'll see pretty quickly just how much people really cared.

What about the people in that village in Iran that was struck by the earthquake, Bells? Did you know that those people are still, after all these years, living in the hell that was left by the earthquake? And you claim that you care??

We're not all as uncaring as you might think. But then I guess that's the whole point of this thread isn't it? Some care and others do not.

No, Bells, it only shows what people claim, not what they actually feel or think. There's a big difference. I've just grown tired of lying about it, and tell it like it is ....and people like you denigrate me for it, even though most of you actually feel exactly the same way.

Baron Max
*sigh* I mean that if we read your obit, how would we know it was yours?:rolleyes:

Well, if you didn't know, then you couldn't really care, could you? Or do you read all of the obits in the paper, then sit down for a few minutes of sympathy and caring for each person listed?

And what do you do when people die and aren't even listed? Do you still give them a few minutes of your valuable time for sympathy and caring?

Did you know that someone in the world died while you read this post? Did you mourn for them all individually?

Baron Max
Well, if you didn't know, then you couldn't really care, could you? Or do you read all of the obits in the paper, then sit down for a few minutes of sympathy and caring for each person listed?

And what do you do when people die and aren't even listed? Do you still give them a few minutes of your valuable time for sympathy and caring?

Did you know that someone in the world died while you read this post? Did you mourn for them all individually?

Baron Max

Do you understand what you are saying?

Do you even read the posts?

Why do you post since it is obvious you don't really care about anything one way or another?


Now read all my posts again carefully and try and figure out what I was saying.