Should Obesity be considered a disability

And that is gratuitous abuse, presented as B.S.

Education is a liberating experience. You should try it sometimes.;)

A number of terms with the suffix -phobia are primarily understood as negative attitudes towards certain categories of people or other things, used in an analogy with the medical usage of the term. Usually these kinds of "phobias" are described as fear, dislike, disapproval, prejudice, hatred, discrimination, or hostility towards the object of the "phobia". Often this attitude is based on prejudices and is a particular case of general xenophobia.

So if you feel physically sick at the sight of obese people, it is a clinical condition.

Therapy is useful for re-conditioning.
Education is a liberating experience. You should try it sometimes.;)

So if you feel physically sick at the sight of obese people, it is a clinical condition.

Therapy is useful for re-conditioning.

Carry on with that attitude and sooner or later somebody's going to recondition you with a good hard smack in the face.
Carry on with that attitude and sooner or later somebody's going to recondition you with a good hard smack in the face.

I'd like to see anyone try it.

“If you can't ignore an insult, top it; if you can't top it, laugh it off; and if you can't laugh it off, it's probably deserved.”
In which case you likely will.

Such a manner betrays the mind of an impudent slut, not an education.

Such a mind?

The one that points out the conditioning influences that may affect your propensity to sickness at the sight of a person who may be suffering a medical condition that is beyond their control?

Your comments are off topic and have degenerated to insults while I am still posting on topic with regards to discrimination against the obese.

As far as I can see, you obviously have issues where maturity, prejudice and control are concerned. As such it would appear to be a waste of time to attempt communicating with you.

I leave you to your hand wringing and rants.
The underlying problem of obesity is genetics? Wtf?

It's environment. Where were the fat Americans 20-30 years ago? Yeah, sure. Genes can be contributors. People do have "famine genes," that's true. But do famine genes really make people fat? Yes, but only under unnatural and unhealthy lifestyles consisting of little exercise and bad diet. Famine genes are good, damnit. Don't blame the genes. Blame yourself.
The underlying problem of obesity is genetics? Wtf?

It's environment. Where were the fat Americans 20-30 years ago? Yeah, sure. Genes can be contributors. People do have "famine genes," that's true. But do famine genes really make people fat? Yes, but only under unnatural and unhealthy lifestyles consisting of little exercise and bad diet. Famine genes are good, damnit. Don't blame the genes. Blame yourself.

If a child is born to a mother who is undernourished the child has a greater probability of getting overweight or obese with normal diet intake.

This is known as fetal conditioning or fetal programming.

It also makes the child more prone to diseases associated with obesity such as diabetes and ischemic heart disease, at an earlier age.

edit: undernourished does not necessarily mean a diet lacking in energy. It could also be a diet lacking in essential nutrients or a diet that produces stress and increases the mothers stress hormones.

e.g. women who are diabetic can produce overweight babies due to the high sugar levels. Such children are likely to be overweight and may easily progress to obesity.

Another important point is that such phenotypes once established appear to be passed on to future generations.
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Yes, okay. There are reasons for people to be fat, I'll give you that. But do you really want to bet that undernourished mothers and famine genes are responsible for the widespread, pervasive nature of obesity in the western world? Does that really make sense at all?
Yes, okay. There are reasons for people to be fat, I'll give you that. But do you really want to bet that undernourished mothers and famine genes are responsible for the widespread, pervasive nature of obesity in the western world? Does that really make sense at all?

Undernourished does not mean thin, it means lacking in nourishment. Women who eat high calorie diets with "empty calories" (lacking in essential nutrients) are as undernourished as those from countries where women are subject to starvation.

The fetus adapts to conserve nutrients in a milieu where such nutrients are lacking or deficient. This leads to an adaptive response to conserve nutrients (either specific or general) to a greater extent than normal. Not much is known about micronutrient satiety. It is possible that people who are lacking micronutrients may eat more in an attempt to reach optimal levels of a micronutrient that is essential but deficient in the diet (which may not be deficient in calories). This phenomenon is known as specific satiety and is not currently well understood.
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so, what is the solution?
education and a better diet that's what.

Hard to say, we're getting more sedentary, our food more refined. When was the last time you had a home cooked meal that had nothing processed in it?
When was the last time you had a home cooked meal that had nothing processed in it?
you are talking about home grown fruits and vegetables and cows/chickens.
it's been awhile, like about 30 years or so.

i wonder, could geneticly modified produce be causing some obesity?