Should Obesity be considered a disability

I was not aware of this.

Please supply, refer to, or link to statistical details.

The best literature is on the Pima Indians, who have been studied extensively.

Other data is through epidemiological studies:

And distribution of obesity by race:
African American, Hispanic American and Native American children and adolescents have particularly high obesity prevalence.
* Among female youth, the highest overweight and obesity prevalence is found in black (non-Hispanic) girls (ages 6 to 11), 37.6 percent and 22.2 percent respectively, and black (non-Hispanic) adolescent females (ages 12 to 19), 45.5 percent and 26.6 percent respectively.
* Among male youth, the highest overweight and obesity prevalence is found in Mexican American boys (ages 6 to 11), 43 percent and 27.3 percent respectively, and Mexican American adolescent males (ages 12 to 19), 44.2 percent and 27.5 percent respectively.
* Overweight prevalence for Native American children and adolescents (ages 5 to 17) was reported in a 1999 study as 39 percent for males and 38 percent for females in the Aberdeen area Indian Health Service.
* Asian American adolescents (ages 13 to 18) were reported to have an overweight prevalence of 20.6 percent in the 1996 National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health.
* Asian-American and Hispanic-American adolescents born in the U.S. to immigrant parents are more than twice as likely to be overweight as foreign born adolescents who move to the U.S.
I seem to recall some recent research about overweight Danes... I think it was Danes... There is an epidemic of overweight Danes because their mothers were pregnant with them during the end of WWII when food was scarce in the region. This set their bodies up to be far more conservative in metabolism. It sucks every last calorie from their food rather than being wasteful.

Thanks for the reminder. That is a classic study

Its called the thrifty gene hypothesis:
The thrifty gene hypothesis is a hypothesis proposed in 1962 by geneticist James Neel to explain the tendency of certain ethnic groups to tend towards obesity and diabetes.[1] It postulates that certain genes in humans have evolved to maximise metabolic efficiency and food searching behaviour, and that in times of abundance these genes predispose their carriers to diseases caused by excess nutritional intake, such as obesity.

It follows from the theory that ethnic groups with a history of food scarcity will have undergone a relatively high evolutionary pressure and hence may harbor more thrifty genes than other populations.

It is often cited alongside the thrifty phenotype hypothesis (or Barker hypothesis)[2] as an explanation for progressive prevalence of obesity in the Western world.
These posts make me hungry. I am going to eat something...

The US is the fattest nation on Earth!! Again, something we are #1 in....
it might do more good than you think.
not only will they be forced to walk the entire lot they will think twice about getting those twinkies.
And if they are unable to walk, but need to use a wheelchair? Or if they simply aren't able to walk that far? What then? Discriminate against them for being "fat" and tell them if they can't walk to the food tough titties? What if their doctor is in the mall? Deny them the ability to visit their physician because you think fat people should simply walk it off?

My my, aren't you a caring individual. Hey I know! Maybe you can use a taser on them each time they try to eat something.:rolleyes:

i honestly believe they consume more calories than they burn.
can you deny that?
Some might. Some might not do so willingly or knowingly. As I stated before, if the hypothalamus is somehow damaged, the individual may not be able to tell they are full or that their body has consumed enough and they can keep on eating. But no matter how much they eat, they will never feel full due to the neurological damage they may have suffered in the past. Do you think they are to blame? After all, when you and I eat, we know when we're full and we stop. But some people don't have that luxury. The result can lead to morbid obesity. You may think it's easier to just blame them for being greedy or eating too much, but they have absolutely no control over it. They cannot tell when their body has had enough and needs to burn off that energy. But hey, you just punish them for something they have no control over if it makes you feel better.

For example, people with Cushing's Disease can suffer from morbid obesity due to the increased excretion of the cortisol by the adrenal gland. Cortisol helps regulate how the body metabolises proteins, carbohydrates and fats. They have absolutely no control over it.

ever hear of hormone replacement therapy?
Does not always work and sometimes it is diagnosed too late. So you wish to blame that on the patient as well?

i'm sorry bells but i have no problem with calling a pig a pig.
wanna feel sorry for me cause i choke my head off and smoke 2 packs a day?
Do you suffer from a genetic disorder which has resulted in your smoking? No. And how nice of you to refer to someone who is sick and could possibly die from their disease, a pig. You're just full of compassion aren't you?:rolleyes: Do you think someone who has a genetic disorder is a pig? Oh yeah wait, for you if they just eat too much, they're a pig right? Too bad if their body simply cannot break down the foods properly due to their genetic disposition. Too bad if they suffer from a disease such as asthma and have to be put on steroid treatment and that has resulted in their gaining weight and becoming obese.. they're just a pig right?

there is one and only one reason for obesity and i stated it at the begining.
Really? All I saw was a complete lack of understanding and education on the matter. You just think they ate too much and are pigs. It's a shame you have refused to even acknowledge that some obese people have no control over their metabolic rate or they may be suffering from an illness whose medication results in their gross weight gain, or they may suffer from a genetic disorder. You simply equate fat with eating too much and leave it at that. You think making them walk that little bit extra will make them lose weight when it will not. More power too you.
I am the 50 foot tall nit you pick in your dreams but not here, the rodent with the bite of a crocodile that came back to haunt you.
My my, aren't you a caring individual. Hey I know! Maybe you can use a taser on them each time they try to eat something.:rolleyes:
sweet jesus.
alright bells i've just been diagnosed with emphysema because of my tobacco use. gonna feel sorry for me? or are you going to say "well you knew the dangers"? should i have the right to sue because of my stupidity? should you or your family have to pay for it? or to listen people who play on others emotions?
So if someone doesn't like someone else, they need therapy?

Or are you saying that to truthfully admit not liking someone is a sign of needing therapy? I.e., telling the truth is bad, lying is good?

Baron Max

No because he said he feels sick.
No because he said he feels sick.

Do you feel sick to consume a surfeit of salt?

I have heard tell that salt is an effective therapy when the Devil is about.

I feel well enough when well enough away from obese idiots, with nothing more than that required, no unsolicited psychiatric diagnosis or motherly condescention required, thank you very much.
Do you feel sick to consume a surfeit of salt?

I have heard tell that salt is an effective therapy when the Devil is about.

I feel well enough when well enough away from obese idiots, with nothing more than that required, no unsolicited psychiatric diagnosis or motherly condescention required, thank you very much.

Denial is not a river in Egypt.