Should Myth have its own sub-forum?

Sorry LG, not everyone considers the Bhagavad Gita or the Vedas to be the word of God.
actually I was talking about scripture in general - it was raised that if god was so eager for us to know what he wants or is, information would be easily available about it - and it just so happens to be easily available.
(even the gideons make it difficult to find a hotel room that doesn't have a bible)

once again, envy makes appreciation difficult
actually I was talking about scripture in general - it was raised that if god was so eager for us to know what he wants or is, information would be easily available about it - and it just so happens to be easily available.
(even the gideons make it difficult to find a hotel room that doesn't have a bible)

The Quran is widely available as well. Adstar and many other Christians believe Satan created that scripture, as well as the Book of Mormon. So your point is invalid. Nice try though.

once again, envy makes appreciation difficult

Any other sayings from fortune cookies you have for me?

Originally Posted by lightgigantic
actually I was talking about scripture in general - it was raised that if god was so eager for us to know what he wants or is, information would be easily available about it - and it just so happens to be easily available.
(even the gideons make it difficult to find a hotel room that doesn't have a bible)

The Quran is widely available as well. Adstar and many other Christians believe Satan created that scripture, as well as the Book of Mormon. So your point is invalid. Nice try though.
so you are not prepared to examine any field of knowledge if it involves the slightest bit of controversy? Better stay home (and don't even watch television)

once again, envy makes appreciation difficult

Any other sayings from fortune cookies you have for me?
Thats a good enough one to munch on for a while
so you are not prepared to examine any field of knowledge if it involves the slightest bit of controversy?

Funny you say that since you have barely even looked into the Quran and compared it with other scriptures.

Unlike you, I have actually got off my ass and done some research, finding out that the Quran says if you follow the teachings of The Bible, you will go to hell.

So the problem isn't "the slightest bit of controversy" within one scripture (and there is much of that too). In fact the problem is the direct contradictions between scriptures.

LG, you don't even see Jesus as worthy of making the top 25 list of Avatars? I have a news flash for you: Christians believe Jesus was the only man to not sin. Christians believe Jesus is second in authority and power to God. Christians believe Jesus is the only man who saved all of mankind from all of mankind's sins.

Hinduism doesn't even come close to that. ;)

Better stay home (and don't even watch television)
Hinduism encourages this. What is it called....... Yoga Meditation or something???

Originally Posted by lightgigantic
so you are not prepared to examine any field of knowledge if it involves the slightest bit of controversy?

Funny you say that since you have barely even looked into the Quran and compared it with other scriptures.

Unlike you, I have actually got off my ass and done some research, finding out that the Quran says if you follow the teachings of The Bible, you will go to hell.
Actually i have been to Bangladesh and Indonesia (both muslim countries). Spent quite a few months in Indonesia but I was only in Bangladesh for a month. Needless to say, there is a distance between mass media induced theory and practice
So the problem isn't "the slightest bit of controversy" within one scripture (and there is much of that too). In fact the problem is the direct contradictions between scriptures.
its not uncommon for a person who is only immersed in theory to encounter difficulties in comprehension
LG, you don't even see Jesus as worthy of making the top 25 list of Avatars?
Jesus displayed the potency of the pure servant, not the absolute controller - and the easiest way to approach the absolute controller is through the pure servant, so its not clear what your beef is

I have a news flash for you: Christians believe Jesus was the only man to not sin.
that is good

BG 3.21: Whatever action a great man performs, common men follow. And whatever standards he sets by exemplary acts, all the world pursues.
Christians believe Jesus is second in authority and power to God.
that is good

SB 1.2.18: By regular attendance in classes on the Bhāgavatam and by rendering of service to the pure devotee, all that is troublesome to the heart is almost completely destroyed, and loving service unto the Personality of Godhead, who is praised with transcendental songs, is established as an irrevocable fact.

Christians believe Jesus is the only man who saved all of mankind from all of mankind's sins.
so the practicing christians of this time have a special duty to remain sinless by taking advantage of the transcendental knowledge offered by lord jesus christ
Hinduism doesn't even come close to that.
what makes you say that?

Better stay home (and don't even watch television)

Hinduism encourages this. What is it called....... Yoga Meditation or something???
Its not the conclusion of the vedas, if thats what you are asking.

actually that is what arjuna wanted to do (become renounced) but krsna convinced him that real renunciates don't do nothing

BG 6.1: The Supreme Personality of Godhead said: One who is unattached to the fruits of his work and who works as he is obligated is in the renounced order of life, and he is the true mystic, not he who lights no fire and performs no duty.

what to speak of others
NDS said:
So the problem isn't "the slightest bit of controversy" within one scripture (and there is much of that too). In fact the problem is the direct contradictions between scriptures.

lightgigantic said:
its not uncommon for a person who is only immersed in theory to encounter difficulties in comprehension

Apparently you are "immersed in ignorance" because the Quran clearly contradicts Judaism and Christianity, and Hinduism, and all other religions:

Fight against Christians and Jews "until they pay the tribute readily, being brought low." 9:29

Christians and Jews are perverse. Allah himself fights against them. 9:30

The "Religion of Truth" (Islam) must prevail, by force if necessary, over all other religions. 9:33

Give tidings (O Muhammad) of a painful doom to the rich and greedy Christian monks and Jewish rabbis. 9:34

Anything difficult for you to comprehend there LG? LOL.

Game. Set. Match. Nice try LG. :D
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i just realised that this thread is the difinition of stupidity.

for one thing look at the title:
Should Myth have its own sub-forum?

Thei IS a religion sub-forum. Not an anti-religion sub-forum. Either poster have fiath or they dont.

And the worst part of it is we are responding to it. think about what is being debated here- these ramblings and incantations.(MW)
Apparently you are "immersed in ignorance" because the Quran clearly contradicts Judaism and Christianity, and Hinduism, and all other religions:
apparently you are in ignorance since many muslims live in communities with hindus

Fight against Christians and Jews "until they pay the tribute readily, being brought low." 9:29

Christians and Jews are perverse. Allah himself fights against them. 9:30

The "Religion of Truth" (Islam) must prevail, by force if necessary, over all other religions. 9:33

Give tidings (O Muhammad) of a painful doom to the rich and greedy Christian monks and Jewish rabbis. 9:34
given your philosophical understanding of the koran I guess we can thank allah you are not a muslim
Anything difficult for you to comprehend there LG? LOL.
yes, but you might be offended if I told you what it is

Game. Set. Match. Nice try LG. :D
apparently you are in ignorance since many muslims live in communities with hindus

Your point? "Many" could mean anything. Please elaborate.

For example, "many" priests molest little children.

given your philosophical understanding of the koran I guess we can thank allah you are not a muslim

Good one.

The "Religion of Truth" (Islam) must prevail, by force if necessary, over all other religions. (that includes Hinduism, LG)

Oh great and knowledgable LG, please decipher this verse for me because it looks pretty self-explanatory.
Your point? "Many" could mean anything. Please elaborate.

For example, "many" priests molest little children.
many meaning those that don't are irregular - at the very least it seems the standard use of 'many' differs somewhat from your use of it

Good one.

The "Religion of Truth" (Islam) must prevail, by force if necessary, over all other religions. (that includes Hinduism, LG)

Oh great and knowledgable LG, please decipher this verse for me because it looks pretty self-explanatory.
its not obvious?
pure religious principles will succeed over impure religious principles