Should Myth have its own sub-forum?

this is the myth forum, you just have to substitute the word religion for it.
if you had a subforum, what would you put in it.
belief in what exactly? it would be full to the top with all the mythical gods, there would be nothing left in a religious forum. so myth means religion, religion means myth.
this is the myth forum, you just have to substitute the word religion for it. if you had a subforum, what would you put in it. belief in what exactly? it would be full to the top with all the mythical gods, there would be nothing left in a religious forum. so myth means religion, religion means myth.

M*W: I totally agree. I threw out the question to see what others thought. The reality of it is... there is no dividing line between myth and religion. In my mind, I see the religion forum being a place to go to discuss different religions. Discussing myths in the religion forum (although appropriate, I believe) tends to rile-up theists. By the same token, there may be a need for an atheist forum. It gets old trying to discuss myth with the believers of myth. I'm quite comfortable with the religion forum myself, but it's a never ending battle for truth.
The reality of it is... there is no dividing line between myth and religion. In my mind,...

I see a pretty reasonable dividing line. Religion generically seems to be a method of human relationship while myth generically seems to be creative fiction. While religion often incorporates myth, it is different nonetheless.

An event that many people view as a problem on this sub-forum is how most discussions turn into 'truth battles'. IAC on one hand is preaching 'Jesus did it', MewSkitty is preaching 'Myuu' did it, and SamCDKey is preaching that 'Allah' did it. Meanwhile, reality and the process of science say otherwise.

Considering this is a science forum, the spirit of science is lost as long as delusion is continually given equal thread time. It is my opinion that both myth and religion discussions could work on this sub-forum if delusional ramblings of fantasy mongers are isolated.

How would that work without being rediculously subjective? Create a delusion subforum (right next to the cesspool). If any claim of objective truth is made and evidence cannot be provided on request then:

* If the claimer is the thread starter then off to the delusion subforum it goes.
* If the claimer is not the thread starter then move the post to a generic thread in the delusion subforum (if thats possible) or maybe issue an infraction.
But which aspects of myth are realities? That is the question,
sorry changed my opinion like all stories there must be a little truth ie the location, a real name from history, for instance. but when it come to myth, beyond that is pure poppycock.
unless you want to say that all myth is unreality.
apart from locale, historical truth etc...
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I see a pretty reasonable dividing line. Religion generically seems to be a method of human relationship while myth generically seems to be creative fiction. While religion often incorporates myth, it is different nonetheless.
sorry can not agree with that.

but you idea below is a great idea, it would keep the inane ramblings down and we'd have more hope for discussion in the religion forum.
An event that many people view as a problem on this sub-forum is how most discussions turn into 'truth battles'. IAC on one hand is preaching 'Jesus did it', MewSkitty is preaching 'Myuu' did it, and SamCDKey is preaching that 'Allah' did it. Meanwhile, reality and the process of science say otherwise.

Considering this is a science forum, the spirit of science is lost as long as delusion is continually given equal thread time. It is my opinion that both myth and religion discussions could work on this sub-forum if delusional ramblings of fantasy mongers are isolated.

How would that work without being rediculously subjective? Create a delusion subforum (right next to the cesspool). If any claim of objective truth is made and evidence cannot be provided on request then:

* If the claimer is the thread starter then off to the delusion subforum it goes.
* If the claimer is not the thread starter then move the post to a generic thread in the delusion subforum (if thats possible) or maybe issue an infraction.
I think religion is the psychological (side)effect and/or result of mythology; since religion is as such related to mythology, maybe the larger topic can be considered? Although I think it's fun to point out how people's weakly held beliefs can actually have a non-heavenly origin :shh:
glaucon I think perhaps that eschatology could be covered in "Biblical Criticism & History"


Why do you think this is so? Because religion necessarily moralizes?

I would have to say no to both of you.

Eschatology, IMO, is the most significant aspect of religious belief because its object (the end of life) is not only universally applicable, but also is not necessarily bound to one particular religious structure.
We will all certainly die, and it is not religion alone that can give us insight into what lies beyond death.

.... not that I believe that there is anything beyond death....
But which aspects of myth are realities? That is the question, unless you want to say that all myth is unreality.

M*W: There are real myths, but there are no myths that are real. Take Zeus and Hera for example. The myths are real, but do they/did they exist in reality?


It's like saying, "Is that chair made of leather?"


"It's made of real vinyl."

It's also like saying, "Is Jesus a myth?"


"Did Jesus ever exist?"


"Do people still believe in Jesus?"


"People still believe in myths."
Of course! Many myths have their origins in fact.
John Henry and Casey Jones to name two off the top of my head.
"Generations to come, it may well be, will scarce believe that such a man as this [Gandhi], ever in flesh and blood, walked upon this earth." - Albert Einstein
Myth, in my opinion, should not be so directly compared with religion in this forum -- as we all know what that signifies, huh?
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Would you correspondingly disagree with those who claim Confucianism is a religion, because it does not deal with life after death?