Should Myth have its own sub-forum?

Not having his body to examine forensically, it may very well be myth. But if so, its one that is supported by a large body of written accounts, including Athenian legal documents and the subsequent works of Plato. Not to mention the works of Socrates are noticeably absent after his alleged state ordered suicide.

For those religious types that would be quick to fallaciously use this as an example for an historical account being touted as real when there is no physical evidence to back it up, I must point out that Socrates and his pupil, Plato, weren't out to create a religious cult following. Indeed, Socrates was critical of such endeavors. There are no claims that Socrates was born of a virgin; rose from the dead; cast out demons; walked on water; healed the blind; turned water to wine; etc, ad nauseum. Nor did Plato claim that by eating bread and drinking wine would these foods transubstantiate into his flesh and blood. The Greeks weren't yet into that kind of cannibalism.

And that doesn't even begin to consider the large bodies of written works by both men that are in existence, whereas Jesus was, if he existed, apparently the most illiterate of his peers -who are all claimed to have written of him.

Jesus wouldn't be so hard to accept as real if he weren't such a comic book hero.
Maybe he was a male prostitute or Mary of Magdeline's pimp and embellishment and exaggeration created the character we know and love today. Such an explanation is more plausible than the whole raped by a god explanation of his conception.
"Overshadowed by the Holy Spirit," so where do you get this rape stuff?

Didn't the myth say that a god made Mary pregnant? I don't recall her consent being given in the myth, but perhaps it wasn't important enough to mention.

Tell us more about your pimp theory.
There's not "theory" at all, since this would imply that there exists one or more hypotheses that have been tested. Indeed, the very idea is preposterous and speculative. But no more than your "overshadowed by a spirit" explanation. Actually, since your explanation involves unfounded, unevidenced superstition and magic, my explanation if far more probable.

Especially since the biblical account tells of how Jesus favored Mary M. and most religious types admit she was probably a prostitute. One need only put two and two together and for a few talents you can have the night with a girl of many talents.
And that doesn't even begin to consider the large bodies of written works by both men that are in existence, whereas Jesus was, if he existed, apparently the most illiterate of his peers -who are all claimed to have written of him.

Made me think....Is there a single line in the Christian bible that is actually penned by God or Jesus? If there aren't any, why not? Depending on ghostwriters is hardly accurate.

"Blessed are the Cheesemakers"
M*W: A Myth forum would include atheists' and theists' posts but would not be specifically a forum for atheists only. Atheists don't believe in myth, so why would you say something like you did?
MW - there is NO escaping faith

atheists simply accept a different set of values (on faith of course), and relegating religion to the status of myth (on the basis of paradigms that also have constituent elements of myth, eg - archeology) is one such device
I didn't know that!
I agree with everything else you said, but that last bit was news to me.

What was the specific offense?
Was it one of his lectures?
socrates is famed to have said to his captors words to the effect "first you have to catch me" before taking the poison
actually he was a philosopher on one of the higher rungs of knowledge
Well, obviously, this is not meant to be taken literally. It refers to any manufacturers of dairy products.

Great movie...our local theatre actually showed it last year during Easter weekend. Python fans and those who appreciate satirical irony showed up to fill the place. Double feature with the Meaning of Life. Whoever it is that owns that theatre I congratulate. What a master stroke and powerful statement. I thought he'd get some bad press or protesters but nobody else caught on.
You'd think God being God could/would just poof his written word into existence and drop it in the lap of every human.

I wonder what that word would be?

It would probably say: Do what I say or get your Under Armour swimming trunks on.
You'd think God being God could/would just poof his written word into existence and drop it in the lap of every human.
given that you can now approach virtually any scripture over the net with the press of a button it appears to be easier than that - it seems however that due to our envious nature we are only capable of appreciating something that is hard to come by
given that you can now approach virtually any scripture over the net with the press of a button it appears to be easier than that - it seems however that due to our envious nature we are only capable of appreciating something that is hard to come by

Sorry LG, not everyone considers the Bhagavad Gita or the Vedas to be the word of God.