Should it be illegal for women to smoke while they are pregnent?

Oh they can just declare the womb a ward of the State and be done with it.

Mm.. Glad to see I am not the only one seeing where this kind of thing is headed..


I gather you protest seatbelt laws?
You are comparing your controlling what your partner ingests when you decide to have children to seatbelt laws?

Man of the house much?

Laws which ban smoking in cars?
Personally I find laws banning smoking in cars to be a waste of public money and police resources.

Hell all laws are unnecessary because people people are adults and shouldn't steal or kill without laws. Oh right, if that were true then the lawyers would be out of buiness because there wouldn't be anything for them to do? Still got a job bells?
Do you equate yourself to be the Government and rule and law maker in your household to the point where you govern your household and what your partner ingests as being the same as the actual State?

I'll put it in easier terms..

You clearly and succinctly stated that you control what your partner ingests and if she does not do as you say, you punish or reward her (whichever the case may be) by withholding sex. You then stated clearly that your partner is an adult but when it comes to your offspring, you step up and become the adult for her because you do not seem to think she is responsible enough to be responsible. You then virtually demanded that women who have a drink or smoke during pregnancy should have an abortion and if they do not, should be jailed for endangering their offspring.



And then you start to rant and rave about whether I think laws should be unnecessary.. Again, seriously? Do you think your word at home is law as a Government's rules and laws govern the State?

Maybe its just womb which are sensible?
That does not even make any sense..

No that's not right because if it was no child would be born drug adicted or with FAS.
And your solution is to ban women from consuming alcohol and tobacco if there is even a remote chance they could fall pregnant and if they consume either, either force them to have an abortion (apparently the very notion of choice is beyond you) or jail them.. What a choice.. abortion or jail if you dare have a tipple or a puff..

And then, to top it off, you give us a spiel about how you have told your wife that if she dares smoke while trying to get pregnant, then she will not get sex.. because you don't think she is adult enough to be an adult and responsible if and when she finds herself pregnant with your offspring..

The facepalm moments is strong in you Asguard.

Do you have any idea how abusive that kind of control is? Any at all?

When you have gotten to the point where you are controlling your partner or spouse in such a way because you do not trust her to do what is right and do not think she is responsible enough, then yes, it is abuse when you start to implement that kind of control and have ultimatums like 'no sex' for example. And it is astounding how you then compare the rules you have apparently set down for your partner to State law.

Do you surport seat belt laws bells? They impose a burden on you the indervidual without protecting anyone else. These sorts of laws on the other hand are specifically aimed at child protection. Hell half the country had SBS banned because it was a "danger to children" but your arguing that allowing women tl drink, smoke and shoot up is more important than the harm it causes to the life of another?.
I'm sorry if you feel that women are not responsible enough to do the right thing, or that you feel your partner is an adult only up to when she may or may not fall pregnant whereupon you then have to step in and be the adult for her and consider yourself to be 'da law' to the point where you control everything she ingests, be it via smoking, drinking and what she even eats.

I really am.

I also think your notion of jailing women who may have had a drink or smoke because they failed to have an abortion and the child is born with any defects to be obscene. That you consider that and your 'I'm da man' rules in your household to be akin to State laws is obscene.

I'll put it this way. If my husband at any time questioned or demanded that I not consume anything while planning to fall pregnant or during my pregnancy like you have done with your partner, I'd tell him which orifice to shove his head in.
Seatbelt laws which require YOU to wear a seatbelt, not children. And that sentance should have read "maybe you think its just WOMEN who are sensible" Phone screw up sorry.
Oh and once again, you think your instant gratification is more important than a lifetime of disability and suffering for a child. There are quite a few words I could use to describe this but I would get banned.

You should give Asguard the list of herbs to avoid that can impact a pregnancy. It would be interesting to know if he would include them in the laws.
I wonder if he has a certificate of ownership on her womb while they try to fall pregnant..

Probably goes all "I am da law" if he sees her eat a ham sandwich.:rolleyes:
And then, to top it off, you give us a spiel about how you have told your wife that if she dares smoke while trying to get pregnant, then she will not get sex.. because you don't think she is adult enough to be an adult and responsible if and when she finds herself pregnant with your offspring..

I dont see anything wrong with that.
Bells what would you do if you saw your husband shaking your baby?

Kick him in the balls and then call the police.

Do you think my husband should report me to the police if he saw me having a glass of wine or a cigarette when we were trying for a baby? How about a ham sandwich? Cheese made with unpasturised milk? Brie?
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Its his hands and his child what gives you the right to decide physical violence is warrented? So what if sciece says that it MAY make the child blind or might kill them. Indervidual freedom and all that crap

Next question: do you surport seatbelt laws? If you don't want to wear one who cares right?

Do you surport smoking bans? So what if your asthmatic, if I want to smoke and blow it in your face that's my right isn't it?
Its his hands and his child what gives you the right to decide physical violence is warrented? So what if sciece says that it MAY make the child blind or might kill them. Indervidual freedom and all that crap

Next question: do you surport seatbelt laws? If you don't want to wear one who cares right?

Do you surport smoking bans? So what if your asthmatic, if I want to smoke and blow it in your face that's my right isn't it?

You are talking about two separate issues. One is immediate danger and the other is not really immediate danger and sometimes may not be a danger at all if it is a slip of one fag here and there.
Its his hands and his child what gives you the right to decide physical violence is warrented? So what if sciece says that it MAY make the child blind or might kill them. Indervidual freedom and all that crap

To quote Ellie:

"You are talking about two separate issues. One is immediate danger and the other is not really immediate danger and sometimes may not be a danger at all if it is a slip of one fag here and there."​

Do you understand the difference?
Second hand smoke is only a theoretical danger yet anywhere children are bans smoking. Smoking, drinking and shooting up while pregnant is an imidiate, scientifically PROVEN danger. Do you surport the bans designed to prevent second hand smoke? Do you realise that if you blow smoke in someone's face that falls under the definition of assult and can carry jail time for a "theoretical" danger bells.
Although it is not good to smoke while pregnant, it is also not good to quit cold turkey either as the change in nicotine levels can be harmful to the fetus.

I see no point in making it illegal. I can just see pregnant women getting rough with officers and stuffed into cars. Or a woman on her front porch who's husbands just lost his job getting a ticket for a baby they can't afford to raise anymore.
Second hand smoke is only a theoretical danger yet anywhere children are bans smoking. Smoking, drinking and shooting up while pregnant is an imidiate, scientifically PROVEN danger. Do you surport the bans designed to prevent second hand smoke? Do you realise that if you blow smoke in someone's face that falls under the definition of assult and can carry jail time for a "theoretical" danger bells.

I personally think the laws regarding smoking in Australia at least, are going too far. To the point where it could soon be illegal to smoke in your own home if you happen to live in an apartment building.

If the Government feels that it is so harmful, they should ban the product altogether instead of benefiting from its dollars while reducing the rights of those who use the product.
The irony is that smoking and drinking cause ALOT more damage to children thar some of the things currently illegal under the guize of child protection. For isntance walking around naked is illegal. "Think of the children". R rated video games, adults who might not even have children watching porn. And now we get this

Bells orleander. Either of you want to try and show the harm from "toxic sexual imiages" being greater than the damage caused by FAS? Orly guess there goes your agument for the rationally of legislators

Acording to the britsh and US health departments are that THERE ARE NO SAFE LEVELS
Although it is not good to smoke while pregnant, it is also not good to quit cold turkey either as the change in nicotine levels can be harmful to the fetus.

I see no point in making it illegal. I can just see pregnant women getting rough with officers and stuffed into cars. Or a woman on her front porch who's husbands just lost his job getting a ticket for a baby they can't afford to raise anymore.


Asguard said:
The irony is that smoking and drinking cause ALOT more damage to children thar some of the things currently illegal under the guize of child protection. For isntance walking around naked is illegal. "Think of the children". R rated video games, adults who might not even have children watching porn. And now we get this
All of which has nothing to do with the subject matter of this thread.

Isn't it about that time for you to go and drug test your spouse to make sure she's not ingesting anything that is on your ban for baby list?:rolleyes:
Bells if you want to be personally insulting then, I think I herd an ambulance siren, quick you better go chase it
Bells if you want to be personally insulting then, I think I herd an ambulance siren, quick you better go chase it

Maybe I should if you're the paramedic in it.. Probably have women going into mental distress if you start lecturing her about the potential of her womb if she's ingested or consumed anything you deem unworthy..



In all seriousness, that is what you are advocating Asguard.

You have come out and said that your partner is not adult enough to be responsible so you have to do it for her and ban certain items she could ingest and if she does not comply, you withhold sex, amongst other things..

Your attitude is as patronising and it shows that you're a bit of a control freak to the point where you went on to say:

"I don't know about legally but while we are trying for kids I wont let my partner smoke. As for eatting properly same thing to a point, (ie folate and iodine) but that's mostly up to her"

Do you have any idea how patronising that is?

You won't let her smoke, and apparently the same thing goes for eating properly, but you are then kind enough to say that it is sort of up to her up to a point.. Unless your partner is in a vegetative state, you really do not have to control what she ingests.

And then you openly admit to blackmailing her with sex - ie no sex if she does not comply to your rules..

And you are offended that I make fun of you?


And if that was not bad enough, I made the comment to you that your partner is an adult who is responsible enough to know what she should and should not do and your response?

Once again sure she is an adult but when your actions effect more than just yourself it becomes a matter for both partners.

In other words.. She is an adult up to the point where she plans on having children in which case you will then step in and take over and control what she ingests..

After which you prattled on about how women who may have a drink or two or a smoke or two are child abusers and should be jailed - so I asked you if women should be barred from drinking or smoking or consuming anything that could harm a potential child, in case she may fall pregnant and you can't address it, instead getting pissy about FAS and running off on a tangent..

At the end of the day, you are showing yourself to be supportive of a nanny state where the Government controls everything, to the point of giving women the choice of an abortion or jail if she has consumed anything from your list of banned substances during pregnancy. On top of that, you are proving yourself to be a bit of a controlling and patronising individual who thinks it is correct to command what his partner can and cannot consume in case she falls pregnant..
Bells go and ask a person who suffers FAS what they think of the "its my body and ill do what I want" crap

You surport seatbelt laws which (unless extreemly unlucky) only effect the person not wearing the seatbelt but you think its ok to ruin someone else's life? What a joke.

Bells lets say your a stay at home mum and your husband goes out and blows the weeks money on the pokies. He earned it, its his money right? You wouldn't say a thing correct? It would be to bad that your child went hungry, that's just tough luck he earned it and its not right to question or impose on your partner correct?
Bells orleander. Just told pb about this thread and what you said about me. Her comment was that it should not only be illegal to smoke while pregant but that the penelty for it should be manditory sterilization. This from a women who currently DOSE smoke