Should it be illegal for women to smoke while they are pregnent?

Is there a big difference between a pregnant woman smoking and endangering the fetus, and someone smoking in public places where second hand smoke is a problem? If not, then there should be a law.

However...what if the woman didn't know they were pregnant? Would that fall under the same law?

Should the same principle be applied to drinking, drugs, physical activity, etc, etc.
I don't know about legally but while we are trying for kids I wont let my partner smoke. As for eatting properly same thing to a point, (ie folate and iodine) but that's mostly up to her
Pregenant women are forced to stay in safe locations durring pregnancy of forfit every existing priviledge they have to their child.

Also, the prostate is a really good keen example of the liver when it comes to smoking. I'm sure women will liven up off of the gas can dumpsters in respect to throwing away a new born.

This will never happen;- forum:

if this were a poll:

No: ENCOURAGE it at ALL costs, and maximize it fully. Smoking should be encouraged while pregenant, because it helps the prostate (not teasing)- but otherwise would depend on the rigaramole or the area , environment, atmosphere, and every other benificial factor of the issue which is given towards general areas of smoking.

Smoking is a HEALTHY habbit naturally and especially durring pregnancy.

but locations respecting are NOt one bit.
Rather than making it a criminal or not criminal matter why not just make previsions for the child to Sue for damages?
Children don't sue parents whom desire soley to see a child in a nap sack, a forehead waisted for their own priviledge, or a headban to use as their sexual orgasm. Women are about as violent as the turnips they pack in their punch, and they wont spill any for a child who's going to and I quote you on this on "come out the other way."

Children are kept locked tightly, and criminal matters at hand, pregancy is an economical question to the contrary. Mind if I ask of the credientals of your post asguard? Keep the matter tight and sincere your speaking with a HU man being.
I'm going with a big yes on this but what do you think?

So they can abort the long as there is no cigarette smoke involved? Why not criminalize other behaviors that are bad for fetuses, like eating deli meats while pregnant? (Just picture a police officer: "FREEZE SCUMBAG! Just put the hoagie down and keep your hands where I can see 'em." Hey, being a single mom is bad for kids too, so there aughta be a law! Parents who let their kids play with fireworks, should have their own fingers blown off.

The reason we don't criminalize these things is that liberty is a good thing, including the liberty to do things I personally dislike. Some idiots refuse to get their kids vaccinated...and if I were ruler of the Earth (and lost my love of liberty), those idiots would go to jail too.

In my view, it is a parent's job to have and raise children, not the government's.
No she should not smoke because , like drinking, she is harming her unborn child. But the government watching every pregnant woman to see if they comply to a law, that's ridicules and absurd.
The problem is the health relationships defined for smoking are empirical, and therefore do not apply in every case. This science is very much analogous to a stereo-type. Stereo-types define a relationship that has some truth. This stereo-type is then extrapolated to mean all. Yet no stereo-type applies to all, since there are always exceptions.

The burden of proof should be, stereo-type science needs to prove that a particular person fits their stereo-type of else irrational is leading common sense.

For example, of the millions of people who have even smoked, 100% of them did not end the way the stereo-type science says. There are many many exceptions, therefore the extrapolated relationship should be not considered rational, but just a stereo-type. Appling an irrational stereo-type standard, does not meet the burden of proof, in a rational world but might work with liberals.
Children don't sue parents whom desire soley to see a child in a nap sack, a forehead waisted for their own priviledge, or a headban to use as their sexual orgasm. Women are about as violent as the turnips they pack in their punch, and they wont spill any for a child who's going to and I quote you on this on "come out the other way."

Children are kept locked tightly, and criminal matters at hand, pregancy is an economical question to the contrary. Mind if I ask of the credientals of your post asguard? Keep the matter tight and sincere your speaking with a HU man being.

I'm sorry if English isn't your first language but I can't understand ANY of your posts.

If your asking how a child can Sue someone its simple. An action can be taken on there behalf before 18 and after 18 they can take an action on there own behalf
I don't know about legally but while we are trying for kids I wont let my partner smoke. As for eatting properly same thing to a point, (ie folate and iodine) but that's mostly up to her

you won't let her? :bugeye: LOL, how do you do that?
Umm she doesn't quit she doesnt get sex? We both have requirements we put on the other before we start trying for kids.
Umm she doesn't quit she doesnt get sex? We both have requirements we put on the other before we start trying for kids.

oh. I've never used sex as a tool for power. Wouldn't she quit if she had sex and got pregnant?
How do you know she isn't smoking when you aren't home?

I can always tell when my husband is trying to quit, he's a bastard. So when he isn't grumpy, I know he's smoking again.
I'm not using sex as a tool, if she doesn't quit she doesn't get kids. Why is it so horible to have expectations of your partner before you have children in THERE best interests? If your partner was unemployed wouldn't you expect him to have a job before you tried for kids? Wouldn't you expect him to help raise the child? Well while she is pregant she is the child's environment. If its illegal to smoke in a car with children because its an enclosed space how much more enclosed is a body? The child can't open a window. The "threat" isn't about not getting sex, it's about not getting kids and losing me.
then wear a condom and let her smoke.

So only women can decide there ready for kids and the partner can either step up or get out? A Guy is just surposed to sit around till SHE decides she is ready to actually show that even though she has said for 3 years shes going to quit and the Guy is just surposed to have endless patients? I'm just wondering. Also wondering how much patients you would have if your partner was smoking in the car with your child? Or giving your child alcohol or anything else? Smoking or drinking or doing drugs while TRYING to get pregant is no different. If you acidently fall pregnant and want an abortion that's one thing but if you decide you are having the child (or your deliberately trying) then you have to accept that your that child's environment for 10 months and possibly its food source for another 2 yearsa and you have a responcibility to act acordingly. Now can the government enforce that as a criminal santion? Probably not but the child should have the right to legal recorce (wether that be money or even the same penelties as for child abuse) and your partner has an equal obligation to make sure you care for the child as both of you do once its born