Should I convert them?

Should I convert them?

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and thank you for just doing what is right!

please send me something i can learn from you.

I am beginning to trust that you will share something you believe is something i should know.

Please do!

have you ever heard of the documentary "Raw for 30 Days"? check it out! there's also a book that i heard of...i can't remember the title, but it's about how when we ingest dead animals that have been sick, abused, and suffering in the commercial meat industry, we're not only ingesting all of their physical illness, and all of the antibiotics they pump into them to contain it, but we're also ingesting all of their suffering. all of the negative energy that is caused by their pain and horror and abuse is stored in their cells and we adopt that. it becomes part of our energy when we eat them. do you think that's true?
have you ever heard of the documentary "Raw for 30 Days"?
No i have not

check it out! there's also a book that i heard of...i can't remember the title, but it's about how when we ingest dead animals that have been sick, abused, and suffering in the commercial meat industry, we're not only ingesting all of their physical illness, and all of the antibiotics they pump into them to contain it, but we're also ingesting all of their suffering.

Yes... when intake comes into the food (animal), what they build can be altered; the proteins etc.....

but 'pain' and suffering; nope

(when an action to existence occurs, all existence 'feels' it; whether unknown or observed) (pain is in the eyes of 'feelings')

all of the negative energy that is caused by their pain and horror and abuse is stored in their cells and we adopt that.

the mass is affected during the 'life's' death, cells are shutting down it at each level but 'horror' 'pain' is not conveying to them. That is kind of funny to consider, thanks! :p

becomes part of our energy when we eat them. do you think that's true?


if anything, their life is given further life for being consumed; as if you ate th chicken and with his energy saved the world; he lives forever in you and what you did. Or he can perish by a crock ripping him to shreads and becoming a new baby crocks big toe.

think in the eyes of a pyramid, each stone for the pinnacle to become a whole structure.

meaning; don't think in contempt for consumption, just be thankful they are providing themselves (their existence) for the total as part of God's (natures) life.

From the tiger to the shark; each have their niche

the "reversal of nature" as mentioned of old is not the lion eating grass, it is that mankinds threshold to understanding will 'seem' like a reversal.

eg.... the second law of thermodynamics is wrong and rather than life existing by chance as defined in physics, the true scope is that life is purposed to continue,

and from that frame that is unfolding; all of mankind 'will understand' (but it will seem like a reversal of nature, to many)

that is why there is another line item is so huge

'and the young will begin to teach the old'

because they have not been completely biased
but gosh bishadi, i don't like sickness, suffering, and death. there must be something terribly wrong with me. *giggle* the premise behind both of these references is that if you eat live things, you eat life, and if you eat dead things, you eat death. i sprout. i have an unusual interest in vampirism at the moment too. vampires drink live blood and supposedly live forever. not that i'm considering that. it's just an interesting concept.
but gosh bishadi, i don't like sickness, suffering, and death.
but are all them natural?

and are they not just descriptions based on our 'words'

there must be something terribly wrong with me. *giggle* the premise behind both of these references is that if you eat live things, you eat life, and if you eat dead things, you eat death.

any mass combined into a molecule has that energy upon it (life)

when we eat, we are consuming that energy upon the mass, the elements are just there for the ride (kind of like what a car is to a person)

the energy is what we consume (need), as although it may look like the steak is dead; if the life of the meat was gone, we wouldn't be eating it

i sprout. i have an unusual interest in vampirism at the moment too. vampires drink live blood and supposedly live forever.
if that were possibly true, half the globe would be vampires.

not that i'm considering that. it's just an interesting concept.

live in what you do

think of yourself as a splash on the pond; if your waves combine with other waves (life) that is 'good' the combining will live longer; you live longer

that is reality (you and chicken(s) are combining, as you have the choice to do what is 'good' ........... that makes you the master of your existence, at this point (bliss) based on just being aware and knowing it. (the key is, UNDERSTANDING)

ever hear the phrase; 'and the truth will set you free'....?

please share what does not make sense.

i would hope one day, it is all 'common sense' to everyone, equally!

so many long posts. i think my eyes died along the way.
anyway, if someone was being very ignorant and shoving their religion, whatever it was, down my throat i would simply tell them god does not exist and move on. it doesn't require a whole lot of thought or argument or opinions or supposed facts. i'll believe what i want to and vice versa no amount of ranting could change that.
Pain, suffering, abuse, and resulting sickness and ultimate death also have very negative feelings associated. I don't think it's coincedence. Now we learn from them but to learn to overcome them. I am not interested in being satisfied with these things but conquering them.
Pain, suffering, abuse, and resulting sickness and ultimate death also have very negative feelings associated.

accept 'change'...........

I don't think it's coincedence.
are you in the medical field?

Now we learn from them but to learn to overcome them.
knowledge once again

the sciences and medical fields are in for a huge jump

I am not interested in being satisfied with these things but conquering them.

i like the fire but be real; we (mankind) can describe, we can address; 'conquer' in the scientific/medical fields, is not a real goal

but remember; "pain don't hurt"
I am not in the medical field but I do believe in healing. I went to nursing school for a couple of years before the reality of it depressed and scared me. I wonder how I would have done In a system so corrupt. Especially now, as an accountant in a system so corrupt. I find myself looking to give comfort. I have no faith in our medical system. The fda and pharmacuetical companies are in bed together. Feed them toxins, keep them sick and relying on us for not a cure, but a treatment of symtoms, take all of their money, and control the masses. My way is a revolution.
It has nothing to do with the number of people. It's rude to try to force others to change their opinion. Full stop. It's childish.

I am not forcing them... just challenging their views.

I don't see how its childish. I think its helpful for people to argue and debate about their beliefs.
I am not forcing them... just challenging their views.

I don't see how its childish. I think its helpful for people to argue and debate about their beliefs.

That's not what you said, though. You said that you think that they are flat-out wrong, and that they are in error for having a different opinion than yours. That's not simply challenging their views (which can be construed as rude anyway), it's going into the area of intolerant dickery.
I am not in the medical field but I do believe in healing. I went to nursing school for a couple of years before the reality of it depressed and scared me. I wonder how I would have done In a system so corrupt. Especially now, as an accountant in a system so corrupt. I find myself looking to give comfort.
at least you care

I have no faith in our medical system.
the system? NOPE

but for the most part, the people do more to 'support life to continue' than most any field on earth............ i kind of like the folks a brethren of knowledge and seeking the good of life for others

not like that enimamos guy; seems he is on a mission to be a 'loss to the common'

The fda and pharmacuetical companies are in bed together. Feed them toxins, keep them sick and relying on us for not a cure, but a treatment of symtoms, take all of their money, and control the masses.
i am not that far out there yet; not a real 'conspiracy' kind of guy

i remember growing up and everything was a 'communist plot' and got bored of all the rhetoric

to me 'business' is what is making the last choice

My way is a revolution.

then teach the kids the truth

no intent on doing anything except learn, write and share (be responsible for every item 'witnessed' and the truth will continue to evolve)

i know magic aint an option, that is why i learn; to address most every phenomenon. (read, learn, write) (the 'real ones do')

We all can as it is what our species is capable of.

the fools don't change with the evolving environment (just notice how the complacent can't realize when knowledge has developed beyond what they even comprehend)