Should I convert them?

Should I convert them?

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That's called living in ignorant bliss. No thanks.

That's called being a follower in a cult. No thanks.

Yes, it is obvious, but not to you, apparently.

That's sheer nonsense, Lori. You can no more confirm or distinguish your so-called experiences to a god than you can to the effects of eating moldy cheese, or passing wind.

What's more, you don't have anything to collaborate or compare your experiences to because you've never seen a god before, so how would you know? You can't. It's as simple as that.

Q this response is rude beyond belief;

Lori is pointing out that each can experience reality; equally capable

i didn't see anything in there talking about some magical dude slapping you in the face; it was more like, "when you experience truth, you will know it"

what your post here has shared is you are trying to pigeon hole the ideology she is posting into one of your categories

you are isolating each line item into your interpretations rather than seeing the quality of being responsible to your own mind

this is hugely off topic, so i'll keep it brief. i don't think anyone should have "special" rights, or more rights than anyone else regarding anything. people who are gay cannot have sexual intercourse for the purpose of having children, but then again, who the hell does that anymore any way (gay or straight)? i ask, how many hetero relationships do you know of that are "right"? it's all relative. and marriage, in our secular society, is no more than the least enforceable legal contract in existence. if it means more to you in a spiritual or religious sense, then kudos. i would argue that it does for many gay couples.
also fyi...i've had Q on ignore for a long, long time now.

this is hugely off topic, so i'll keep it brief. i don't think anyone should have "special" rights, or more rights than anyone else regarding anything. people who are gay cannot have sexual intercourse for the purpose of having children, but then again, who the hell does that anymore any way (gay or straight)? i ask, how many hetero relationships do you know of that are "right"? it's all relative. and marriage, in our secular society, is no more than the least enforceable legal contract in existence. if it means more to you in a spiritual or religious sense, then kudos. i would argue that it does for many gay couples.

You are far more compassionate than i am any more.

People like you are caring beyond your means yet the total is of greater importance than this venue of political differences.

to me, life is best; all other, 'it's time to take your rest'

we all have learned that 'self' don't work as priority to the mind

our goal as living things it to live, so be it
i don't mind his ideas. it's his hateful demeanor i won't tolerate.
i don't mind his ideas. it's his hateful demeanor i won't tolerate.

and people wonder why i hate the deceivers; they kill by choice and dont care

what i find interesting about you, is the solid foundation you stand on but also maintaining the ability to be human at both extremes

it is what i love about honesty; you get both sides of the balance
i was just thinking about that last night. the truth is not nice, nor is it mean, it just is. i guess it's when you attach the ego, that it becomes nice, or mean. the truth is, that there is immense beauty and tragedy in the world. not always easy to distinguish or to recognize. lies, they blind, and they kill, like driving with a blindfold on. i had a strange friend some years ago, who was fascinated by scripture that told how it was evil to not seek the truth. to want to either believe a lie when you know it's a lie, or to purposely avoid knowledge. you know, so you can keep doing the wrong thing. turn your head. i see this when i encourage people to watch peta videos. they want to continue to wear their leather and fur, and to eat their burgers and chicken, but they emphatically refuse to see what their own actions are contributing to. god says that the beings that are in hell are like this. they want to stay in the dark. they run and hide from the light. they don't want to see what they do to each other and what they've become, so they stay.
Q this response is rude beyond belief;

Lori is pointing out that each can experience reality; equally capable

i didn't see anything in there talking about some magical dude slapping you in the face; it was more like, "when you experience truth, you will know it"

Lori's so-called "truth" is encapsulated in her cult's scriptures, which does include "some magical dude"
i don't mind his ideas. it's his hateful demeanor i won't tolerate.

Just like the hateful, bigoted, intolerant cult doctrines that Lori embraces, I won't tolerate, either.

You got a problem with that?
i was just thinking about that last night. the truth is not nice, nor is it mean, it just is. i guess it's when you attach the ego, that it becomes nice, or mean. the truth is, that there is immense beauty and tragedy in the world.

best lines of pure honest assessment that i have read in a long long time
not always easy to distinguish or to recognize. lies, they blind, and they kill, like driving with a blindfold on.

that is why 'honesty' is the bomb!

i had a strange friend some years ago, who was fascinated by scripture that told how it was evil to not seek the truth. to want to either believe a lie when you know it's a lie, or to purposely avoid knowledge. you know, so you can keep doing the wrong thing. turn your head. i see this when i encourage people to watch peta videos.

i see the example but the end analogy was practically mean

they want to continue to wear their leather and fur, and to eat their burgers and chicken,
all natural

nature born me, nature feeds me, nature cloths me; the utter garbage is man created; even the movies from peta

sure we know the methods for profit stink; heck it's tough to find a natural tomato at the market anymore

centralization has been the joke of mankind

but let's not EVER suggest mankind does not eat meat, per beliefs sold as compassion;

that is what has india in the worst health crisis on the planet; the ignorance of the religious teachings on eating meat. The dali has to eat meat himself; go ahead call em up; it's a fact!

but they emphatically refuse to see what their own actions are contributing to.
sad but true

the line is 'they know not what they do'

god says that the beings that are in hell are like this.
no such place, remember your 'above' first few lines; that evil is all of mankinds creations.

'we' left the garden, by choice

mankind created its own 'hell' by choice (but thanks to that, we have trial and error, in conscious; we can learn; put to words; and the next generation takes over the previous (almost like a 'duty' from the 'good')
they want to stay in the dark.
hence the next gen does it by choice (ooooosually just a few, but thanks to them for their good choices, to give)

they run and hide from the light.
see plato's cave, the collective is within the cave, an them singles walk out to see the light

look up the analogy; it offers a method to see how 'paradigm shifts' awaken

real wisdom that each should observe at least once.

they don't want to see what they do to each other and what they've become, so they stay.

i find the biggest obsticle is the idea that a person faces when they realize what they believe themselves to know, is wrong!

that kind of blunt impact hurts most everyone; (the truth is a hammer)

that is why when the people (mankind) learn the truth; the clergy will face the most horrid of judgment

the people will be pissed (hence the unleashing of the four horseman; the four colors of mankind; red, yellow, black and white)

knowledge reveals the truth and honesty created the bomb to blow up (the ignorance)

look up the old hopi prophecies; they knew the 'web' (internet) would enable the work to be finished

go there (hopi res), see the medicine man martin (fire clan); ask him if he has recieved the last portion of the 'tablets'.........., then ask how?

Ask of the story of the 'blue light' and pahanna, (be sure bear clan (brother of medicine man); robert is present)

test each item mentioned

it aint me that built the knowledge, all the contributors did; all it takes is 'choice' to seek and learn (existence does reveal)

i say, do it for your kids; our future (our very lives)
Lori's so-called "truth" is encapsulated in her cult's scriptures, which does include "some magical dude"

yo Q.... can you share where the holding is being kept and not of an evolving nature?

i see that all can evolve and grow with the right material

even you

to me, as more is being realized (eg... the post on 'last night') shares the ability to develop with more information

maybe i am wrong, but i like the progression rather than the isolation and labeling of a persons intent

when you can show me oppressive ideals, i can observe then your opinion can be observed as even remotely valid

seems you like to subdue unlike them who share in what they do

to elaborate...i don't abstain from eating meat because i don't think people should eat it, but because i don't wish to participate in an industry that i find completely irresponsible and hideous. i also eat organic food, because i think it's the responsible thing to do. i'm not thrilled with the thought of another sentient being having to die before it's naturally caused in order for me to live, though i know we were told to after the flood. i'm a very idealistic person, and i know that we didn't need to eat meat before the flood. the flood was the consequence of things being not so good here. a cleansing of sorts. i'm a very healthy person. i don't want all of those pharmeceuticals, and steriods, and other toxins in me. if you look at the way an average american eats, my diet is stellar in comparison.

to elaborate...i don't abstain from eating meat because i don't think people should eat it, but because i don't wish to participate in an industry that i find completely irresponsible and hideous.

another one; Lori_7, how can i thank your integrity........ :eek:

i also eat organic food, because i think it's the responsible thing to do.
good common sense

i'm not thrilled with the thought of another sentient being having to die before it's naturally caused in order for me to live, though i know we were told to after the flood.

when you walk, you consume

when you breath, you take in life at each breath

that is natures way; combine energy (light) to continue in life

each of them structures is there for life to continue; no gluttony (loss to the common, for self)

i'm a very idealistic person, and i know that we didn't need to eat meat before the flood.
i beg to differ

the flood was the consequence of things being not so good here. a cleansing of sorts.

seems enlil was pissed that mankind was 'too noisy' (as the story goes)

remember moses is who supposedly wrote torah; raised by egyptians (in pharoahs house) Have to go back to find the root and i see them in the sumerian tablets; how about you?

i'm a very healthy person. i don't want all of those pharmeceuticals, and steriods, and other toxins in me. if you look at the way an average american eats, my diet is stellar in comparison.

so you don't like MD french-fry's?

i thought that one got ever body!?!? :rolleyes:

me already aware that sleeping every nite is like practicing death (not consciously aware of self)

when i awaken; then i will
Also, I will read up from the resources you've given me. Thanks. :)
In regards to the meat, I don't like death. I like perfection and permanence. I want eternal life for all things. I thought that was the point. A tree gives it's fruit and nuts and seeds and doesn't have to die. Just like a mother.
Challenge ideals all you like, it's fun, and can be enlightening on both sides.
To what?
Your way of thinking?
Are you serious? That's part of the reason why institutionalised religion is
so disliked, why be like that.
The thing is, your understanding of religion, is incomplete, and you are in no position to convert anybody to your incomplete way of thinking.
The same applies to those who are religious.

Resist being an arrogant S.O.B. :)
Live and let live.


I consider religion to be complete bullshit.

If someone is 22 and believes in Santa Clause, I would go out of my way to tell him its bs, same goes for religion.

Its not because millions of people believe in it that it suddenly is rude to make people snap out of it.
Also, I will read up from the resources you've given me. Thanks. :)

and thank you for just doing what is right!

please send me something i can learn from you.

I am beginning to trust that you will share something you believe is something i should know.

Please do!
Its not because millions of people believe in it that it suddenly is rude to make people snap out of it.

It has nothing to do with the number of people. It's rude to try to force others to change their opinion. Full stop. It's childish.