Should I Become An Atheist?

Should I Become An Atheist?

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actually, no.
nothing about the creation of the universe has been proven or disproven.
the fact that you say that shows me that you need to research the topic a bit more.
i vote for the flying spaghetti monster theory.
The burden of proof is always on the one making the claim for the existence of a thing. Scientists don't have to prove a goddamned thing regarding gods and their claimed role in the creation of the universe. Disproven? Disproof comes as a byproduct of attempting to prove a thing. The things that fail the test of proof are contingently disproven, i.e contingent on the availability of new, independently verifiable evidence. All god theories so far are therefore contingently disproven based on their repeated experimental failure in tests based on the claims of said gods.
I think science doesnt exactly disprove god, only certain religious notions of it, for example i recall somewhere in the bible it classifies bats amongst birds, which we now know to be untrue as they are mammals, which most probably back in the day would be an easy and understandable mistake to make.
Either way its up to you what you wish to believe and exactly how you classify those beliefs will come in time, if you dont believe in god you can be agnostic or atheist(or in a sense both depending on your beliefs and definitions), you dont become one, thats simply what you would be by definition, and that is only for you to decide for yourself, anyone who states otherwise is simply a fool.
TheAlphaWolf said:
oceans didn't come before land (on earth), plants didn't come before the sun, etc.
That has been proven.

i would agree that the 1500 year old interpretation of GENESIS...


but guess what.. if we reinterpret it using modern science and cosmology then the whole thing can be seen as quite considerable...

in a general sense.

The Devil Inside said:
most of the time, when conversing on this forum, i tend to side with atheists over religious views.
i am however, jewish.
should i become an atheist, or not?
please include reasons to your answer.

That’s a hard one.

If i had a faith that was false. I would want to be guided to the true faith.

But if i was too proud for that, I would want to loose that false faith and become an atheist. From the base of atheism I would at least have the chance to seek anew. Maybe if God had mercy on me i would go through experiences that would smash my pride and place me in a state of mind that is open to being lead.

Of course being lead to the correct Faith from an incorrect position would be a shorter and easy journey, if one was meek. But if one is proud the long and hard way sometimes is the only way open. Some people have to be brought very low indeed before they can be lifted up again. Some people can make the leap of faith from the false to the true and never experience the low.

For some it can take a day for others it takes a lifetime of struggle.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
A better question is: should you allow yourself to become atheist by actually applying reason and critical thought to the question of an anthropomorphic deity that interacted with humanity in pre/proto-history but not in modernity? The answer is yes.
TheAlphaWolf said:
oceans didn't come before land (on earth), plants didn't come before the sun, etc.
That has been proven.

If land came before the ocean, where was all the water stored? It's hard to imagine that all of it was in the atmosphere. I'll have to calculate the thickness of the earth's atmosphere assuming all water is vapor. It would have to be thousands of miles thick , and the pressure would be pretty incredible, enough to provide liquid state water at a very high temperature. I haven't thought about that one in a while -- remarkable. ;)
Woody said:
If land came before the ocean, where was all the water stored? It's hard to imagine that all of it was in the atmosphere. I'll have to calculate the thickness of the earth's atmosphere assuming all water is vapor. It would have to be thousands of miles thick , and the pressure would be pretty incredible, enough to provide liquid state water at a very high temperature. I haven't thought about that one in a while -- remarkable. ;)

It is postulated that much of the earth's water was delivered by cometary bombardment during its early formation.
but guess what.. if we reinterpret it using modern science and cosmology then the whole thing can be seen as quite considerable...

in a general sense.
No need to read the whole thing...
"man didn't evolve up from apes, but from fishes... like all species."
Proves you wrong.
WELL.. to be honest.. thats my bit... not the bible..

ok... thats in my book.. of which this is one page....

and while my theory maybe very flawed as that statement maybe...

the idea that genesis is flawed may not be so much as is normally assumed.

read it again.

Woody said:
If land came before the ocean, where was all the water stored? It's hard to imagine that all of it was in the atmosphere. I'll have to calculate the thickness of the earth's atmosphere assuming all water is vapor. It would have to be thousands of miles thick , and the pressure would be pretty incredible, enough to provide liquid state water at a very high temperature. I haven't thought about that one in a while -- remarkable. ;)

What Woody fails to do, as usual, is actually apply thought or an educated opinion to his mythology. One wonders if Woody believes water is a specific element or if he realizes that it is comprised of hydrogen and oxygen. Both of which are abundant. One must also wonder if he has ever taken a chemistry class in his pursuit of an alleged "engineering" degree?
superluminal said:
It is postulated that much of the earth's water was delivered by cometary bombardment during its early formation.

that doesn't really answer the question since you just go a step further... where did the water come to the comets?

there's no need or point to assume that water comes from somewhere else than earth. water was created on earth, FROM the earth when the some external energy (like the sun's heat) dilated atoms so they became able to exchange particles and revolve around other centers in their "atomic galaxies" to create increased complexity, fluidification, chemistry and "life".
An Englishman who abandons the Church of England does not commit the crime of treason. He becomes less English only by a very small degree.

Less English? How is that possible?
c7ityi_ said:
that doesn't really answer the question since you just go a step further... where did the water come to the comets?

there's no need or point to assume that water comes from somewhere else than earth. water was created on earth, FROM the earth when the some external energy (like the sun's heat) dilated atoms so they became able to exchange particles and revolve around other centers in their "atomic galaxies" to create increased complexity, fluidification, chemistry and "life".

Unfortunately this is utter tripe. No need to go further.
Yes, especially since you're a Jew.

If you were a Christian, I'd say no, being an atheist is far too trendy and you'll lose all your Christian friends and alienate your family.

But as a Jew, you can STILL tell Jewish jokes AND eat pork.
Fucking win-win, man.
The Devil Inside said:
until we can make a time machine to see the events for ourselves, nothing about creation can be disproven, scientifically.

If you take that route, then how do you know anything.
The Devil Inside said:
most of the time, when conversing on this forum, i tend to side with atheists over religious views.
i am however, jewish.
should i become an atheist, or not?
please include reasons to your answer.
No one can tell you to become an atheist. Firstly one does not 'become' an atheist. One simply is. Atheism is not a religion that one 'becomes' or joins. Only you can decide whether or not you are an atheist. Listening to people tell you why you should become an atheist is pointless. Being an atheist myself, I honestly feel discomfort at how many other atheists attempt to convert others to our line of thinking, treating atheism as though it were a religion.

You can side with atheist viewpoints, but that does not mean that you are an atheist. If you think that there might be something out there that you don't understand does not make you an atheist.. more of an agnostic, but that's another thread.

Only do what is right for you and you alone. If you feel that there is a God, then continue to do so and don't allow anyone to tell you to believe differently. If you feel that there is nothing out there in the spiritual or religious sense, then you need to question yourself and no one else about what that means to you.