Should I Become An Atheist?

Should I Become An Atheist?

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It's more harder to become an atheist then to become a theist.

All that require to be a theist is to join any religion, easy and simple.
As for atheism, it's much harder be open minded.
Mythbuster said:
It's more harder to become an atheist then to become a theist.

All that require to be a theist is to join any religion, easy and simple.
As for atheism, it's much harder be open minded.

An interesting perspective. When I was a teenager I embraced atheism quite eagerly and it was easy for me. It wasn't until my thirties that I realized that things were not so black and white and that I adopted an agnostic position.

Even in recent years I've actually flirted with becoming a theist, but I cannot do it. I cannot *make* myself take the "leap of faith." It is just not the way my mind works. To me, being a believer would be quite difficult.

I think if you have been a nontheist for any length of time, and thought hard on these matters, it is going to be pretty tough to become a theist. If you haven't thought about it critically, it will be much easier, I suspect.
"I can live with doubt and uncertainty and not knowing. I think it is much more interesting to live not knowing then to have answers that might be wrong. If we will only allow that, as we progress, we remain unsure, we will leave opportunities for alternatives. We will not become enthusiastic for the the fact, the knowledge, the absolute truth of the day, but remain always uncertain...In order to make progress, one must leave the door to the unknown ajar."

-Richard Feynman
Lerxst said:
"I can live with doubt and uncertainty and not knowing. I think it is much more interesting to live not knowing then to have answers that might be wrong. If we will only allow that, as we progress, we remain unsure, we will leave opportunities for alternatives. We will not become enthusiastic for the the fact, the knowledge, the absolute truth of the day, but remain always uncertain...In order to make progress, one must leave the door to the unknown ajar."

-Richard Feynman

to not go forward and go through that door, we stay still
A- theism... is still a theism.... it is 'A' theism....
just one without a GOD.... which is out of fear.

and a desire to aviod shame for ones sinfilled life.

Mythbuster said:
to not go forward and go through that door, we stay still

Oh I agree. Usually for every door entered we just find several more behind it.
There are indeed more "doors" behind every one of the others, but, thats what allows progress to exist. Without challenge or uncertainity, we would not think of progressing. There, infact could be no progress.
(A- theism... is still a theism.... it is 'A' theism....
just one without a GOD.... which is out of fear.

and a desire to aviod shame for ones sinfilled life)

The term was not thoughtout by any a-theist, it's simply what theist call those whom don't believe in gods, most atheist don't become atheist out of fear, the opposite is required to claim that one is an atheist. Fear of the unknown is not our motive for being atheists, many people become atheist for many different reasons, some were brought up not believing in any deity at all, others made the choice do to lack of evidence of gods, Christians were once called "atheists" for not believing in Roman gods, so the term really does not apply to any unbeliever, just those whom don't believe in the popular religiousity of the land.

There's no avoiding shame, shame is what religious nut heads ought to feel, look at religious history against humanity, sin is nothing more than a control of behaviorism by those "religious leaders" who manipulate the ingnorant masses.

Mythbuster said:
There are indeed more "doors" behind every one of the others, but, thats what allows progress to exist. Without challenge or uncertainity, we would not think of progressing. There, infact could be no progress.

We are in violent agreement.

Mosheh Thezion said:
A- theism... is still a theism.... it is 'A' theism....
just one without a GOD.... which is out of fear.

and a desire to aviod shame for ones sinfilled life.


Belief in the existence of a god or gods, especially belief in a personal God as creator and ruler of the world.

Now please explain how atheism is still a "theism", other than having 6 of the same letters.
Regardless of which meaning of atheism you take (the Strong or Weak variants) you can not have "belief in existence of a god" WITHOUT a belief in the existence of a god!

If by "theism" you merely mean a belief, then you are still wrong with respect to the atheist that merely has no belief.

As for a desire to avoid shame for a sin-filled life - I do find this view of the atheist rather funny! :D
It is the epitome of monotheistic dogma that atheism is a dis-belief in their god.

Objectively, however, atheism is better characterized as a non-belief in any god(s).
Mosheh Thezion said:
A- theism... is still a theism.... it is 'A' theism....
just one without a GOD.... which is out of fear.

and a desire to aviod shame for ones sinfilled life.


Your ignorance of basic vocabulary explains a lot with regard to the ignorance that manifests itself in your "pamphlets" and their drawings and text.