Should Freedom of Religion include Freedom from Religion?

Yet for some reason, you can't back down from the notion that religion is a fabrication on the strength of empirical science.
No, many religions are fabrications because their underpinnings have shown to be derived from other religions, often politically driven and even self-contradictory. (Genesis 1 vs 2 is a good example there.) There is certainly no empirical evidence FOR religion; if there were, it wouldn't be religion.
No, many religions are fabrications because their underpinnings have shown to be derived from other religions,

I have provided arguments referencing articles and information ftom other websites. Does that mean my arguments are fabrications simply because they are derived from another source?

often politically driven
Is it reasonable to expect that religion not find any cultural expression in politics, or is this yet another imposed glass ceiling that has the finger prints of atheists all over the top-side of it?

and even self-contradictory. (Genesis 1 vs 2 is a good example there.)
Especially in the minds of atheists.
If you don't have a christian scholar before you to explain the contradiction or even the relative merit of genesis or even the OT or even the broader issues of historiography, you can always try google.

There is certainly no empirical evidence FOR religion; if there were, it wouldn't be religion.
The fact that you can't see the same is also true of atheism is the problem here.
Yet for some reason, you can't back down from the notion that religion is a fabrication on the strength of empirical science.
No one has claimed anything of the kind. You are inventing strange things for other people to have posted.
Perhaps your continuing inability to keep "religion" and "theism" separate in the first place, followed by some kind of a muddling of the Abrahamic deity with all the others, has confused you? Just a suggestion. The faceplant of taking the peculiarities of fundie Abrahamic bs about evolution etc as some kind of universal aspects of religious faith and belief appears quite often in your posting.
Not all religion conflicts with empirical fact. Not even all theistic belief creates such conflict.
"Many quite different and often conflicting views fall into the grab-bag category of "atheist"."
Want to play with topologies, and you can say the same thing about "theist".
Of course - as always here, in my posting.
You should likewise adopt such ordinary clarity and sense.
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If you are trying to claim that the hearsay of your living there for 12 months contradicts over a century of well documented data, then yes, wiki trumps you.

Okay, if you say so, if Wiki is where you get all you're information.

There are footnotes to the wiki page if you want to chase things up.

Ah, so others have either provided information or they can change stuff themselves? And here all along, you kept saying Wiki provides "over a century of well documented data" then it looks like you just refuted yourself. Well done.

At the very least, if the strength of your argument is "But hey, I lived there for a year about 70 or so years after the events in question", at the very least, you need to pad out your ideas, and this is probably not the right forurm for it ... hence the suggestion to get in to private publishing. It is just like the people who start discussions here along the lines of "I have discovered a new breakthrough in science". The ressult of the inevitable pinata festival tends to be "Contemporary science disagrees". If you want to save face, write a book or articles. If you want to use sciforums as a platform for rewriting history, face the pinata festival.

It's really funny how you're just clinging to this ridiculous notion for no reason at all.

Of course its just my opinion, but I bet if you wrote the book, you would just find yourself out of pocket or at the centre of a greater pinata festival, so I don't expect you to actually take the path of a sincere person with knowledge because you are not a sincere person with knowledge. You are just a person pulling stuff out of your asshole, regardless whether its your ideas of Stalin attending confession or daily life under his rulership, in the attempt to win an argument on the interwebs.

And, on and one you go. Are you actually trying to make a point that Wiki rules the world or something? You lost the argument long ago when you failed to understand how Communism and Dictatorships work.

]Yet the fact that you couldn't distinguish Catholicism from Russian Orthodoxy tends to ring of the superficial stereotypes of a 3 day trip in transit, or worse,

Your ability to distinguish fact from fantasy seems to be well known here by just about everyone, so I'm not going to continue arguing the ridiculous notions that keep popping into your head.
I find it hard to believe you have never participated in a discussion with diametrically opposing views of God or religion .... mainly because you are doing it at this very moment.
Difference of opinion is not schism. And discussion doesn't even require difference of opinion. It only requires the potential for difference of opinion.

The fact that you categorize God as belonging to the same category as a pixie is an obvious maneuver that puts you at odds with others who hold different views.
You're assuming that there is a difference between gods and pixies, a point that you have not established.
You're assuming that there is a difference between gods and pixies, a point that you have not established.


god - well one version

images (1).jpeg


I think anyone can see the differences

Of course both being mythical you will never see either in real life

Those are ends of the continuum. I'm looking for the dividing line between a godlike pixie and a pixieish god.

Like shades of colour they are melded together in such a way that moving from one to the other does not actually produce a dividing line

Like shades of colour they are melded together in such a way that moving from one to the other does not actually produce a dividing line

That's what I'm saying but Musika et al insist that there's a fundamental difference.
The fact that you can't see the same is also true of atheism is the problem here.
If I find no good (empirical) reason to believe in God, and I don't, that makes me an atheist. It's the default state. You don't have to believe God doesn't exist to be an atheist. This is an important point, please make a note of it.
That's what I'm saying but Musika et al insist that there's a fundamental difference.

Well I have him on Iggy since his verbal output matches Jan, also on Iggy, and in my view lowers my IQ (I'll say it - which is already low enough)

Of course both being mythical you will never see either in real life
Not so! God makes regular appearances on Stephen Colbert. I've seen other strange guests on that show, but never a pixie.
That's either because they don't exist or they're camera-shy.
Not so! God makes regular appearances on Stephen Colbert. I've seen other strange guests on that show, but never a pixie.
That's either because they don't exist or they're camera-shy.

Strange I thought Stephen Colbert thought Stephen Colbert was god

Difference of opinion is not schism. And discussion doesn't even require difference of opinion. It only requires the potential for difference of opinion.
If the differences are mutually exclusive, it's a schism.

You're assuming that there is a difference between gods and pixies,
Your assuming there is no difference.
There lies the schism.
a point that you have not established.
You are already establishing the schism the moment you present the view that God is pixielike, at the express opposition to the view that God isn't.
If I find no good (empirical) reason to believe in God, and I don't, that makes me an atheist. It's the default state. You don't have to believe God doesn't exist to be an atheist. This is an important point, please make a note of it.
That may default you to an atheist, but it's not the empiricism. There are plenty of theistic arguments to suggest its not reasonable, in the first place, to establish God as something empirical. Your atheism is more about what you expect empiricism to be capable of, rather than what you can discern with it. It faces the exact same problems of those who point to something within the empirical sciences as evidence of God.
Okay, if you say so, if Wiki is where you get all you're information.

If someone wants to try to float an opposing idea that is so far out of left field in comparison to documented events or findings that it becomes dubious to conceive of them even being within the stadium precincts, wiki is an effective tool.
Your ideas of life under the iron curtain, Stalin and Communism are on par with holocaust denial.