Should children be punished for their parents sins and crimes?

no, you misunderstand. i didn't say that children emulate their parents. they might or might not, but that's not the point. my point is that parents (and our ancestors in general in a global sense) influence or have an effect on children inherently. we are subject to our parents and ancestors the moment we are born. even if they leave us on the doorstep of a hospital and abandon us, we're still subject to that.

Of course. We are part of a common. As in demographic common.


We are influenced and not determined by the society.
In other words, we are also influenced by the Evil.
It is your personal choice what you choose.

You do know I hope that using evil as a noun by itself is just about uselesss an meaningless.

If I tell you I am sending you an evil, you have absolutely no idea what is on the way. Be brighter and use it as an adjective with some other noun.

You do know I hope that using evil as a noun by itself is just about uselesss an meaningless.

If I tell you I am sending you an evil, you have absolutely no idea what is on the way. Be brighter and use it as an adjective with some other noun.


the grammar police...everybody run!

can you send someone a love? does that mean that love isn't a thing?
You do know I hope that using evil as a noun by itself is just about uselesss an meaningless.

If I tell you I am sending you an evil, you have absolutely no idea what is on the way. Be brighter and use it as an adjective with some other noun.

Yes, you're right.
I meant by "Evil", what believers mean by Satan.
(That is why I wrote Evil with a capital letter and not evil.)
I personally do not believe in God or Satan, in terms of believers.
the grammar police...everybody run!

can you send someone a love? does that mean that love isn't a thing?

Love is something shared. It cannot be given.
If it is not returned, it is just waste.

Do you know the word rhetoric.

Yes, you're right.
I meant by "Evil", what believers mean by Satan.
(That is why I wrote Evil with a capital letter and not evil.)
I personally do not believe in God or Satan, in terms of believers.

I am pleased that you get what I was saying. You will note that the neophyte students do not.
Then again, most non-believers are brighter than theists.

I am not exactly a non-believer and do have a belief in a cosmic consciousness but in other thinking, I am closer to the atheist camp.
