Should children be punished for their parents sins and crimes?


Shall we continue to throw quotes at each other or shall we reason together?

Are women still being punished in child birth for what A & E did?

Is the concept of original sin still with us?

Shall we continue to throw quotes at each other or shall we reason together?
sorry, but when someone pulls a quote from the bible, it is too easy to check to see if it is used in context...

Are women still being punished in child birth for what A & E did?
eve did not give birth before she ate the apple, so there is no real comparison to what it should be..

Is the concept of original sin still with us?
sins of the father put on the son..
i read that as the quality of what the father teaches the son..
IE in society today odds are good if a father is violent and angry the son will learn this from him and pass it on to his kids..
same with bigotry and other common social dysfunctions..
learned behavior is the sin put on the sons..
To lose old worn out dogma like the idea that sin is inherited.


how in the world can you not see that? we are all born into a world that we did not create. we are all born into a world where we are directly subject to the consequences of our ancestors' behaviors. typically, the greatest influence on a child is it's parents, so if your parents are fucked up, you're going to pay, whether you like it or not.

this isn't dogma honey; this is obvious common sense.
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how in the world can you not see that? we are all born into a world that we did not create. we are all born into a world where we are directly subject to the consequences of our ancestors' behaviors. typically, the greatest influence on a child is it's parents, so if your parents are fucked up, you're going to pay, whether you like it or not.

this isn't dogma honey; this is obvious common sense.

everything you have said, most people already know. we know what common sense is but evidently you entirely missed the boat.

this thread is about the scriptures which show generational curses because of god's wrath upon. the scriptures denote a conscious decision or ill will not just a matter of natural consequence.

according to the bible, the original curse is from adam/eve that all inherit. but what is strange is god created them as imperfect so in effect, it was dooming them from the beginning and all who come after. this denotes more of a faulty or imperfect creation not so much the fault of adam or eve either. they are rather weak creations to begin with. this 'sinful' nature or the 'flesh' is exactly what is part and parcel of it's(god) creation. so it stands to wonder if god actually stands for what is only good and what is the 'flesh' has come from the 'devil' so to speak. one has to wonder if that duality is part of god's creation or that god is really not in total control either.

please stop pretending (in your case, probably believe) that you have more common sense and thus preachy. i've not seen it or it was very rare.
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everything you have said, most people already know. we know what common sense is but evidently you entirely missed the boat.

this thread is about the scriptures which show generational curses.

please stop pretending (in your case, probably believe) that you have more common sense and thus preachy. i've not seen it or it was very rare.

what i just addressed was generational curses. what in the hell do you think they it is, witchcraft? magic?

oh, and while i'm at it i'll add genetically linked disease.
what i just addressed was generational curses. what in the hell do you think they it is, witchcraft? magic?

oh, and while i'm at it i'll add genetically linked disease.

you are not understanding the point. it's that scripture shows god consciously visiting curses upon a certain number of generations depending on the actions of the original one.

this is really a side point because the original sin is really the start of it all but the metaphor that is used is really not in keeping with a creation that is all pure.

if creation was just originally spirit, then it would make sense but physical creation would end in the same result of 'sin' or 'flesh'.
you are not understanding the point. it's that scripture shows god consciously visiting curses upon a certain number of generations depending on the actions of the original one.

this is really a side point because the original sin is really the start of it all but the metaphor that is used is really not in keeping with a creation that is all pure.

if creation was just originally spirit, then it would make sense but physical creation would end in the same result of 'sin' or 'flesh'.

sorry, but when someone pulls a quote from the bible, it is too easy to check to see if it is used in context...

eve did not give birth before she ate the apple, so there is no real comparison to what it should be..

sins of the father put on the son..
i read that as the quality of what the father teaches the son..
IE in society today odds are good if a father is violent and angry the son will learn this from him and pass it on to his kids..
same with bigotry and other common social dysfunctions..
learned behavior is the sin put on the sons..

Not the usual line and it rather kills the need for baptism.

Gen 3 16 Unto the woman he said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children;

Says that the woes of birth are multiplied.

how in the world can you not see that? we are all born into a world that we did not create. we are all born into a world where we are directly subject to the consequences of our ancestors' behaviors. typically, the greatest influence on a child is it's parents, so if your parents are fucked up, you're going to pay, whether you like it or not.

this isn't dogma honey; this is obvious common sense.

More like B S and trying to put us all in a mold.
My wife does not drink yet comes from an alcoholic family.
Your premise fails.

I am not near what my lineage was. Are you just a clone of your parents or have you improved on the basis model?

Meh, I love the deception implied by religion.

On the one hand you are told how "freewill" is the greatest gift bestowed, and on the other hand you're given all this texts to "learn how to play nice" and thereby not think for yourself.

Anyone else see the irony here?
Meh, I love the deception implied by religion.

On the one hand you are told how "freewill" is the greatest gift bestowed, and on the other hand you're given all this texts to "learn how to play nice" and thereby not think for yourself.

Anyone else see the irony here?

are you suggesting you can't think for yourself and learn how to play nice at the same time?
More like B S and trying to put us all in a mold.
My wife does not drink yet comes from an alcoholic family.
Your premise fails.

I am not near what my lineage was. Are you just a clone of your parents or have you improved on the basis model?


you mean a mold like a global community? we're all born into a world and a society that we had nothing to do with creating. we're all born into a world in which some people are alcoholics. we're all born into families we didn't pick (it doesn't seem that way anyway). are you trying to say that her family's alcoholism didn't have an effect on her? didn't play a part in making her who she is today? well, i'm sure it has something to do with why she doesn't drink.
Gen 3 16 Unto the woman he said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children;
also remember that the first five books were written by moses after the fact..this is what moses believes happened..
my guess it is a way to explain why child birth is so torturous..:shrug:

(just to reiterate..)
i believe the bible is a guide book..not a rule book..
Meh, I love the deception implied by religion.

On the one hand you are told how "freewill" is the greatest gift bestowed, and on the other hand you're given all this texts to "learn how to play nice" and thereby not think for yourself.

Anyone else see the irony here?

LOL. Free will.

God says, do it my way or burn forever. Nice free will.

you mean a mold like a global community? we're all born into a world and a society that we had nothing to do with creating. we're all born into a world in which some people are alcoholics. we're all born into families we didn't pick (it doesn't seem that way anyway). are you trying to say that her family's alcoholism didn't have an effect on her? didn't play a part in making her who she is today? well, i'm sure it has something to do with why she doesn't drink.

Your premise was that children emulate parents and that is what I was speaking to.. Are you now scrapping that notion?

Meh, I love the deception implied by religion.

On the one hand you are told how "freewill" is the greatest gift bestowed, and on the other hand you're given all this texts to "learn how to play nice" and thereby not think for yourself.

Anyone else see the irony here?

Irony, yes, but can be a disaster.
After Adam had tasted the apple, what God has given mankind?
He gave the power to distinguish good from evil and free will.So, not more.
He gave some practical guide for "Methodology for distinguishing good from bad." No.
He gave the Bible? No.
When believers will come to Judgement,how will they justify their actions?
"So it is written in the Bible" or "So you told me, my God"
"It was not Me" - will tell God
The Evil will appear and will says, "Hehehe.., I was the One"
"I have given you some of My power to distinguish good from evil, you chose not to make use of this grace, Im sorry for you."- Will be the last words of God
And the last words of the Evil - "Come on" :eek:
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Your premise was that children emulate parents and that is what I was speaking to.. Are you now scrapping that notion?


no, you misunderstand. i didn't say that children emulate their parents. they might or might not, but that's not the point. my point is that parents (and our ancestors in general in a global sense) influence or have an effect on children inherently. we are subject to our parents and ancestors the moment we are born. even if they leave us on the doorstep of a hospital and abandon us, we're still subject to that.

We are influenced and not determined by the society.
In other words, we are also influenced by the Evil.
It is your personal choice what you choose.