Should children be punished for their parents sins and crimes?

Greatest I am

Valued Senior Member
Should children be punished for their parents sins and crimes?

God seems to think so.

Yet if you ask almost any parent or person, they would reject such a notion and thus break God’s first commandment by placing their philosophy in this issue above God’s. Most people would not follow what they would see as God’s immoral example. Can good people then not be good Christians if they will not follow God‘s ways in this issue?
Rather a catch 22.

You will know that as you read this O P, 16,000 people starve to death daily. Most of these are children. Do the math and you will see that as many starve yearly as the number of Jews that Hitler massacred.
Every year my friend, this carnage continues.
God nor Man seems to venerate human life to any great extent.
It can be said that man cannot do more about this situation than what he is already doing.
God does not have that excuse.
Some foolish thinkers will point to free will as his excuse but then would have to explain all the other times in scripture where God ignores our free will to live as he kills us.
If he can do so to kill us then surly he can do so to save us.

Just to hurt your mind as you ponder this question.

God seems to overcome evil with evil even as.
Romans 12:21. Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.

God also punishes children for the deeds of their parents even as,
Ezekiel 18:20. The soul that sinneth, it shall die. The son shall not bear the iniquity of the father, neither shall the father bear the iniquity of the son: the righteousness of the righteous shall be upon him, and the wickedness of the wicked shall be upon him.

Is God a just God?
Is God a good God?

so should the children of Nazi war criminals be forced to give up the property of the slaughtered Jews that their parent took? Should they be forced to give back land and homes?

so should the children of Nazi war criminals be forced to give up the property of the slaughtered Jews that their parent took? Should they be forced to give back land and homes?


Hmmm. Good point.
Should children be punished for their parents sins and crimes?

God seems to think so.

Yet if you ask almost any parent or person, they would reject such a notion and thus break God’s first commandment by placing their philosophy in this issue above God’s. Most people would not follow what they would see as God’s immoral example. Can good people then not be good Christians if they will not follow God‘s ways in this issue?
Rather a catch 22.

You will know that as you read this O P, 16,000 people starve to death daily. Most of these are children. Do the math and you will see that as many starve yearly as the number of Jews that Hitler massacred.
Every year my friend, this carnage continues.
God nor Man seems to venerate human life to any great extent.
It can be said that man cannot do more about this situation than what he is already doing.
God does not have that excuse.
Some foolish thinkers will point to free will as his excuse but then would have to explain all the other times in scripture where God ignores our free will to live as he kills us.
If he can do so to kill us then surly he can do so to save us.

Just to hurt your mind as you ponder this question.

God seems to overcome evil with evil even as.
Romans 12:21. Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.

God also punishes children for the deeds of their parents even as,
Ezekiel 18:20. The soul that sinneth, it shall die. The son shall not bear the iniquity of the father, neither shall the father bear the iniquity of the son: the righteousness of the righteous shall be upon him, and the wickedness of the wicked shall be upon him.

Is God a just God?
Is God a good God?


so you're saying the bible is correct, in the sins of the father are bestowed upon the son? obviously that is correct. we are all born into a world that has existed a long time before us, and the results of our thoughts and actions accumulate over time and result in our infant's inheritance. so what do you think the solution is?
A newborn receives a new soul.
What is the connection between this soul and the biological father of the newborn body?
so should the children of Nazi war criminals be forced to give up the property of the slaughtered Jews that their parent took? Should they be forced to give back land and homes?


Ouch my head.

What a can of worms. You would have to show us how that good policy would work for the older conflicts.

Let me explain.
I have no problem with your notion because of the fact that no one should profit from crime. Not a bad general rule.

Having said that, Canadians, Americans, Australians and other nations would have to return their countries to their aboriginals.

How would your policy effect those nations and how could you make it acceptable to the populations of those countries who would basically have to start paying taxes to all those minorities?

so you're saying the bible is correct, in the sins of the father are bestowed upon the son? obviously that is correct.

The Bible correct, not at all. The Bible can be made to say damn near anything and in it God also curses the children for the sin's of their parents.
In a one family world you might be right. We do not live in that world and the child picks up influence and wisdom outside of his family as well.

we are all born into a world that has existed a long time before us, and the results of our thoughts and actions accumulate over time and result in our infant's inheritance. so what do you think the solution is?

Creating the type of world where we are proud to put our children in it and all assuming our own responsibilities.

How to get to that point is the hard part.

What sin is a dying or dead baby guilty of?

Lose the dogma and think better.


well according to the topic of this thread, it's the father's, and in a greater sense, it's ancestors in general.

loose the attitude and think better.

you didn't answer my question...

what do you think the solution is?
the bible is a load of contradictions because various people wrote it and there was no cross-referencing.

it would be like one taking all the comments and opinions expressed on this forum and assuming it was all by one person or that they are a consensus of point of view or opinion.

the problem with most theists is the ones who are intellectually dishonest don't bother to admit when there is a contradiction or try to justify everything in any way possible that is written in the book.

if some scriptures say that children should be punished for the deeds of their parents, then that would be unfair. it is true in some way as who you were born to and what you were born in will affect the children but the blindspot is it doesn't always have to do with 'sin' or the outcome is not always negative because of 'sin'. for instance, one can predate for the benefit of their offspring etc.

now, if the children commit the same acts or perpetuate it, then they would be guilty of the same. but in reality, this does not always happen. also, it may or may not affect them negatively. it all depends on context. for instance, if your parents are stupid, perhaps you will be too or more apt to be. if your parents make bad decisions, the children will usually suffer due to this (could be labeled as sin). on the other hand, a parent's sin could really benefit their offspring also, if they can get away with it. if one were to take more to benefit themselves and their offspring, it may hurt others. so therefore, this 'sin' was not harmful to oneself but beneficial. the scripture is focusing on the moral aspects but it doesn't entirely correspond to reality.

also, everyone is guilty of some type of 'sin' or imperfection so we all are responsible for our own deeds no matter where we came from or who because we affect everybody as well as the positive that we do.
In my opinion you are responsible only for your personal choices.
So you can not be blamed for the choices of others, regardless of your relationship.
There are no collective guilt. The guilt is individual.