Short List

I guess that as long as one's health and wealth are relatively intact, one can go peacefully go along with "There is no objective meaning of life."

But wait until aging, illness and death start doing their thing!
There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth (provided you'll have some left, that is)!
What exactly does health and wealth (or lack thereof) have to do with whether one considers there to be objective meaning to life or not?
Where is the relationship? WHAT is the relationship?
You have used a similar line of argument in another thread - you seem to think that only healthy/wealthy people (i.e. those you consider beyond having "issues") could hold certain philosophical views.
It seems to be nothing but an excuse you're creating for not understanding their viewpoint, let alone accepting it (not that anyone is asking you to).
It's almost that you don't understand it, but think that it's okay not to understand it "because when these healthy / wealthy people are in a different situation they will realise their mistake!"
I guess that as long as one's health and wealth are relatively intact, one can go peacefully go along with "There is no objective meaning of life."

But wait until aging, illness and death start doing their thing!
There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth (provided you'll have some left, that is)!

So what are you saying here? That in times of crisis people without faith are somehow less at peace than people with faith? And since when is there no weeping or gnashing of teeth for the faithful?
What exactly does health and wealth (or lack thereof) have to do with whether one considers there to be objective meaning to life or not?
Where is the relationship? WHAT is the relationship?
You have used a similar line of argument in another thread - you seem to think that only healthy/wealthy people (i.e. those you consider beyond having "issues") could hold certain philosophical views.
It seems to be nothing but an excuse you're creating for not understanding their viewpoint, let alone accepting it (not that anyone is asking you to).
It's almost that you don't understand it, but think that it's okay not to understand it "because when these healthy / wealthy people are in a different situation they will realise their mistake!"

Just wait until it happens to you, too.
Things cannot be understood without there being the knowledge and experience necessary for understanding them.

And, unfortunately, the mere decline of health and wealth doesn't guarantee wisdom, so it's not a given that those formerly healthy and wealthy people will realize their mistake.
So what are you saying here? That in times of crisis people without faith are somehow less at peace than people with faith? And since when is there no weeping or gnashing of teeth for the faithful?

You have plenty of faith.
Just because it isn't a particular Christian faith or other traditionally known kind as "religious faith," it doesn't mean it is any less faith.
You have plenty of faith.
Just because it isn't a particular Christian faith or other traditionally known kind as "religious faith," it doesn't mean it is any less faith.

Again, you're going to have to be a lot more specific. What faith have I got, exactly? And what does this have to do with your original statement?
Just wait until it happens to you, too.
Things cannot be understood without there being the knowledge and experience necessary for understanding them.

So it has happened to you, is what you're saying? You've grown old and died?

And, unfortunately, the mere decline of health and wealth doesn't guarantee wisdom, so it's not a given that those formerly healthy and wealthy people will realize their mistake.

What mistake?
Just wait until it happens to you, too.
Things cannot be understood without there being the knowledge and experience necessary for understanding them.

And, unfortunately, the mere decline of health and wealth doesn't guarantee wisdom, so it's not a given that those formerly healthy and wealthy people will realize their mistake.
First, please do not presume to know anything about my circumstances: you know nothing about me other than what I have put into words on this forum, as I know nothing of you other than what you have written.

You are also claiming authority about how other people will act, rather than merely having a personal opinion perhaps based on personal circumstances. At best you can have such authority on what you would do in such situation.
You will need to offer far more than "because I say so", especially where you make claims of how others/I should/will act.
Needless to say you feel I should ignore all those who die from debilitating illness still holding life to have no objective meaning?

And you are arrogant and prideful enough to think that if such people do not change their view when times are bad then it is because they continue to lack the wisdom to realise their mistake??

All you're doing is going "Well, you're mistaken," with nothing to support your claim other than appeals to emotion and arguments from ignorance.

And as Balerion has asked... what mistake, exactly?
First, please do not presume to know anything about my circumstances: you know nothing about me other than what I have put into words on this forum, as I know nothing of you other than what you have written.

You are also claiming authority about how other people will act, rather than merely having a personal opinion perhaps based on personal circumstances. At best you can have such authority on what you would do in such situation.
You will need to offer far more than "because I say so", especially where you make claims of how others/I should/will act.
Needless to say you feel I should ignore all those who die from debilitating illness still holding life to have no objective meaning?

And you are arrogant and prideful enough to think that if such people do not change their view when times are bad then it is because they continue to lack the wisdom to realise their mistake??

All you're doing is going "Well, you're mistaken," with nothing to support your claim other than appeals to emotion and arguments from ignorance.

And as Balerion has asked... what mistake, exactly?

as if disease, old age and death were merely awarded to those who made bad life-style choices

And there's our first non-sequitur evasion from Wynn.

Let's try again, shall we?

Balerion said:
wynn said:
You have plenty of faith.
Just because it isn't a particular Christian faith or other traditionally known kind as "religious faith," it doesn't mean it is any less faith.

Again, you're going to have to be a lot more specific. What faith have I got, exactly? And what does this have to do with your original statement?

Balerion said:
wynn said:
Just wait until it happens to you, too.
Things cannot be understood without there being the knowledge and experience necessary for understanding them.

So it has happened to you, is what you're saying? You've grown old and died?

wynn said:
And, unfortunately, the mere decline of health and wealth doesn't guarantee wisdom, so it's not a given that those formerly healthy and wealthy people will realize their mistake.

What mistake?
You are like someone who walks toward me, using his legs, and then as I point out that you have legs, you play ignorant and demand that I prove you have legs ...
You are like someone who walks toward me, using his legs, and then as I point out that you have legs, you play ignorant and demand that I prove you have legs ...

Swing and a miss!


Balerion said:
wynn said:
You have plenty of faith.
Just because it isn't a particular Christian faith or other traditionally known kind as "religious faith," it doesn't mean it is any less faith.

Again, you're going to have to be a lot more specific. What faith have I got, exactly? And what does this have to do with your original statement?

Balerion said:
wynn said:
Just wait until it happens to you, too.
Things cannot be understood without there being the knowledge and experience necessary for understanding them.

So it has happened to you, is what you're saying? You've grown old and died?

wynn said:
And, unfortunately, the mere decline of health and wealth doesn't guarantee wisdom, so it's not a given that those formerly healthy and wealthy people will realize their mistake.

What mistake?