Shamu Kills Trainer

For once I agree with PETA. These animals roam HUGE swaths of the ocean (many millions of square miles) and are kept trapped in cages--that to us--would be equal to a small swimming pool.

How crazy would YOU be if you were an intelligent creature passionately connected to freedom and family ("pod"), forced to perform the same ridiculous tricks week after week, year after year. People think that "crazy" only aflicts humans. Well, guess what: "crazy" happens to animals, especially the ones that are enslaved for no reason other than human entertainment.

It's the fucking Roman Coliseum, only a lot more antiseptic.

What do you think, if anything, should be done with the killer whale?

The pools they perform in are already death sentences. Without any natural predators and medical staff on-hand 24/7, how the hell is it that Orcas' live such shorter lives in captivity than in the wild?

Either euthanize the creature humanely (there's probably a state law on it, so this may be unavoidable) or set the poor thing free.

The pools they perform in are already death sentences. Without any natural predators and medical staff on-hand 24/7, how the hell is it that Orcas' live such shorter lives in captivity than in the wild?
Either euthanize the creature humanely (there's probably a state law on it, so this may be unavoidable) or set the poor thing free.

Agreed. But you know there will be a huge outcry if they euthanize it. I don't know if they can function back in the wild after so long in captivity. Do you? I think this was the third attack for this whale. Twice should have been enough.
Why would you want to work with an Orca that attacks people? I used to work with dolphins at a research facility near my school, they lived freely in the ocean and returned to the facility whenever they felt like it. But there is this one psycho dolphin named Artie, with a real nasty temper, he has attempted to drown people and other dolphins before. It should only take one bad experience to know to keep away from the crazies. But the Orca was probably more unhappy related crazy than just sociopath crazy like Artie the dolphin. They should have let the Orca go after it attacked someone the first time, sometimes spirits can't/shouldn't be broken.
The pools they perform in are already death sentences. Without any natural predators and medical staff on-hand 24/7, how the hell is it that Orcas' live such shorter lives in captivity than in the wild?

Either euthanize the creature humanely (there's probably a state law on it, so this may be unavoidable) or set the poor thing free.


Absoutely agree. They should set the animal free if at all possible.
This animal is now pretty much domesticated.

How would it survive in the wild? How would the others?

It has spent its life in captivity, in little pools and trained to entertain humans.

What continues to occur at the Sea Worlds of the world is animal cruelty. People should not be surprised when deaths result. You take a wild animal and force it into domestication and force it to perform tricks for fish. The media are referring to her death as a tragedy. The ultimate tragedy happens to be the other whales and dolphins kept and bred in captivity to make sure the show goes on.
So, what then? If they can't successfully be reintroduced into the wild, what? No one wants him dead but he really can't be trusted anymore.
...and that's why we let the Japanese to hunt whales. Bad orca!
I'd like to put those in charge of Sea World into a glass tank and never let them out again until they learn how to "perform" for everyone the way I want them to. It isn't a very good idea to cage any wild animal no matter what it is. I do not think zoo's are any better. Confining animals for humans enjoyment is very wrong to do for they have done nothing wrong to humans. If I had my way I'd close ALL zoo's and any wild animal attraction that exists and free the animals that are caged, at least the ones who could fend for themselves. :mad:

The womans family should sue the Sea World for wrongful death.;)
For once I agree with PETA. These animals roam HUGE swaths of the ocean (many millions of square miles) and are kept trapped in cages--that to us--would be equal to a small swimming pool.

How crazy would YOU be if you were an intelligent creature passionately connected to freedom and family ("pod"), forced to perform the same ridiculous tricks week after week, year after year. People think that "crazy" only aflicts humans. Well, guess what: "crazy" happens to animals, especially the ones that are enslaved for no reason other than human entertainment.

It's the fucking Roman Coliseum, only a lot more antiseptic.


couldnt agree more.. did u catch that documentary on them? they are smart as hell.. to a point well let me see if i can find the videos.. my jaw dropped to say the least

killer whale is holding the shark upside down to kill it.. it knows the shark gets paralized when its held upsidedown

speaks for itself.. shows they they have the capibility to solve a problem working as a team quite astonishing
I think Tilikum should be released back into the wild, despite his long captivity (being held captive.) He might die out there but if he did I think it would be the most humane euthanization.

"SeaWorld President Dan Brown said in a brief statement to reporters. "We've initiated an investigation to determine, to the extent possible, what occurred.""

Maybe SeaWorld is the problem? How long do you think it will be before they reach that conclusion?

"Park guest Victoria Biniak told the station that the trainer was a veteran of SeaWorld and had just finished explaining to the audience the show they were about to see.

At that point, Biniak said, the whale came up from the water and grabbed the woman.

I find it kind of ironic that the attack happened just after she explained the show they were about to see...

"Tilikum has been involved in two deaths before. Nicknamed Tilly, he was blamed for a 1991 drowning of a trainer while he performing at Sealand of the Pacific in British Columbia.

In 1999, authorities discovered the dead body of a naked man lying across his back. Authorities concluded the man, who had either snuck into SeaWorld after hours or hidden in the park until it closed, most likely drowned after suffering hypothermia in the 55-degree water.

They also said it appeared Tilikum had bit the man and tore off his swimming trunks, likely believing he was a toy to play with.

A former SeaWorld contractor told the Sentinel that Tilikum is typically kept isolated from SeaWorld's other killer whales and that trainers were not allowed to get in the water with him because of his violent history.
One of the killer whales in the Shamu show at SeaWorld grabbed a trainer, thrashed her around, and she drowned. The young woman had just finished telling the audience about the upcoming show.

People forget these are wild creatures who are never really tamed. What do you think, if anything, should be done with the killer whale?
Set it free if it's still possible.
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...and that's why we let the Japanese to hunt whales. Bad orca!

LOL. Jerk! ;)

Maybe SeaWorld is the problem? How long do you think it will be before they reach that conclusion?

Never. Or . . . not any time soon.

This modern version of gladiatorial entertainment is too profitable and people too cruel.

At that point, Biniak said, the whale came up from the water and grabbed the woman.[/b]"

My knee jerk response is, "Good, bitch had it coming. . ." but realistically, she probably didn't. Either way, this should be a wake up call for SeaWorld.
