Sexual promiscuity

Originally posted by jds999
Any institution is only as solid as the individuals committed to it.
Wishing you a lasting love...

thank you very much.. :)
If a person chooses not to care about the one they are in a relationship with, may the world turn it's back on them.
Siddhartha posted:
"If a person chooses not to care about the one they are in a relationship with, may the world turn it's back on them."

This is foolish. Humans will only hurt you and exploit you if you let them. The best thing to do is to strike first, and if your conscience bothers you, strike first until your conscience becomes numb.
Originally posted by Juliette
This is foolish. Humans will only hurt you and exploit you if you let them.

That is only conditionally true. For instance if the wind blows and you are bruised by it, yes.... you are very likley to be hurt.

What hurts you? Isn't that the first question? Why does it hurt? Why do you allow yourself to interpret what happens to you as pain? Maybe you should reflect mal-intent rather than broadcast it. Is it that you haven't the strength to bear it? Maybe you are looking at the whole thing wrong eh? Maybe you are only hurt emotionally when you let yourself be. Maybe sometimes that's okay. Maybe sometimes it's great. Maybe sometimes that's how you realize it when someone comes along that could never hurt you? Maybe you would have never even have known what love is if you haven't been to the opposite extreme.. or at least that extreme brought uncomfortably into your attention.

Maybe by your strength and good intention, the world is literally a better place.
Originally posted by Juliette

The best thing to do is to strike first, and if your conscience bothers you, strike first until your conscience becomes numb.

that is called being a sociopath.
This is foolish. Humans will only hurt you and exploit you if you let them. The best thing to do is to strike first, and if your conscience bothers you, strike first until your conscience becomes numb.

How then, are you any better than those who would hurt you withour cause? Are you not doing the exact same thing to others as you think they would do to you.... or mayhaps you WANT to be treated that way? The golden rule still works.
How would you explain this 'hold' that your conscience has over you? Why be true to it? I'm being devil's advocate now - isn't a person bound by conscience theoretically less fit, evolution-wise, than someone who has no obligation towards his conscience?
If survival of the fittest takes priority over our humane evolution, you're right. It's a choice.
Originally posted by Jenyar
How would you explain this 'hold' that your conscience has over you? Why be true to it? I'm being devil's advocate now - isn't a person bound by conscience theoretically less fit, evolution-wise, than someone who has no obligation towards his conscience?

Hmm.. it's difficult to say if sheer evolution has much application regarding conscience. For instance, as a species conscience definately assists in survival. (keeps us from killing each other, thereby not decreasing our numbers)
So the human conscience-- and all the
grappling we do in our hearts & minds in regard to love, justice, etc -- all comes down to 'not decreasing our numbers'?
THAT'S suppose to be easier to swallow than the idea that it may actually be our interior homing device?
Xevious posted:

"How then, are you any better than those who would hurt you withour cause? Are you not doing the exact same thing to others as you think they would do to you.... or mayhaps you WANT to be treated that way? The golden rule still works."

I am no better than them. "Better" does not exist, only power and the Law of Nature does.

Jenyar posted:

"How would you explain this 'hold' that your conscience has over you? Why be true to it? I'm being devil's advocate now - isn't a person bound by conscience theoretically less fit, evolution-wise, than someone who has no obligation towards his conscience?"

Yes this is true. Nature intended us to live without conscience. But weak humans invented the conscience to keep the stronger from hurting them.
Juliette-- Then I'm assuming your opinion on any question of 'justice' is "whatever", since power is everything?
jds999, I do not believe in Justice at all. It should have struck me down long ago if it existed. Human justice is something that can be bought and sold.
What a hopeless view of life you choose... Yes, there is corruption and evil in the world, but there is also
genuine, mysterious, deep GOODNESS.
The law of the jungle can't explain that...

My hopeless view of life has brought me prosperity and pleasure. I see many who choose the path of virtue and have nothing but pain and misery.

I chose wisely.
Excuse me - when did I invent my conscience, and howcome everybody makes the same invention so spontaneously? How does a conscience prevent me from being threatened? I suppose all the mass murderers and sociopaths and other strong people like you without a conscience, has forced me to develop a sense of right and wrong. I'm interested - was it in order to defend my poverty and inferiority that I chose to burden myself with guilt?

The conscience identifies guilt, and regulates your internal locus of control. Do you truly think there is no such thing as 'wrong'? If you are truly unable to identify something as wrong, someone else - someone with a conscience - will judge over you. Justice is one of the properties that differentiates humans from animals - because we have come to know the difference between good and evil.

You are right that it wasn't originally like this - how do you think it came to be like this? If nature is right, howcome we are born wrong and have to 'make up' with nature?
My hopeless view of life has brought me prosperity and pleasure. I see many who choose the path of virtue and have nothing but pain and misery.

Pleasure is easy, and prosperity can be easy if you do not treat others equally to gain it. A homeless bum who panhandles makes enough money for food, booze, and a whore. To him, he is prospering and has all the pleasure he wants.

You seem to base your philosophy on the idea that all human beings are out to get you and hurt you just because they can. If I remember right, there is a name for it in my old psycology textbook, and it is considered a significant disorder.

If one does not value other human beings, they are indeed a threat to society. Who knows what they might do, or what they are capable of.
Originally posted by jds999
So the human conscience-- and all the
grappling we do in our hearts & minds in regard to love, justice, etc -- all comes down to 'not decreasing our numbers'?
THAT'S suppose to be easier to swallow than the idea that it may actually be our interior homing device?

*shrug* I'm just an observer. I don't know how "easy" it is supposed to be to "swallow". I personally think that if that is indeed case (which seems likely to me) that it is a beautifully elegant and simple solution to a very complex problem.
Originally posted by jds999
What a hopeless view of life you choose... Yes, there is corruption and evil in the world, but there is also
genuine, mysterious, deep GOODNESS.
The law of the jungle can't explain that...


Well, I beg to differ. It's just that you're not taking it to the next level as the jungle seems to have done.

I think basic economic principles of capitolism are exactly what is reponsible for most human behavior (besides that which results from mental illness, etc.). We are all ultimately selfish, even if it doesn't seem as such. That's one of the reasons people are generally easily manipulated. No matter how sophisticated and "good" you are in my opinion, you are intensely selfish. I would say that the more intense any belief or mode of behavior you endorse.. the more selfish you are with respect to like beliefs or behaviors (I'm not sure about that, I'm theorizing on the fly here). I say this from this perspective: Why am I writing this? Why do I "waste" my time here? Why do you?

Do you follow? Even if your motivation is to help others, that's still selfish.

Originally posted by Juliette
My hopeless view of life has brought me prosperity and pleasure. I see many who choose the path of virtue and have nothing but pain and misery.

I chose wisely.

So, you've permanently chosen a "hopeless perspective". You are a danger to yourself and society if your words ring true. You should just kill yourself and let the rest of us off the hook from your self-reproach and reproach for the world. You're likely to do something retarded.

It's sad really, that nature requires that teens have such angst, but it's an important tool for learning to be an adult I suppose. You may not realized that the brain in teens has not yet finished developing. You still process emotions in a primitive portion of your brain. As you age into your late teens and early twenties, your brain starts to move said processing into the frontal lobe where in can handle the more sophisticated nuances of societal interaction and the pertinent emotional implications. As of now it seems that you react to the world with despair, while you are still too young to have tasted much of the world, and certainly to be emotionally mature.

You are on a path to disappointment in life, I assure you. Hopelessness leads to despair. Have a a modicum of hope and you may find actual deep satisfaction.

Oh, and you may be right about the "virtue" thing, but it's wholly dependent on what "virtues" you are talking about eh? You don't have to be a christian to be a kickass human, and you don't have to be spitefull and hate-filled to disregard christianity (or any stupid crap that you have a problem with for that matter).

Just my opinion. Slam me if you must.
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