Sexual promiscuity

I'm beginning to believe that a desire for monogamy on the part of one's partner is at least partially due to low self-esteem on one's part. And definitely, low self-esteem on the part of girls sometimes leads to promiscuity.
So both monogamy and promiscuity are the products of low self esteem, and equally undesirable? Neither is an truer ideal?
I keep see the words "emtions", and "feelings" being used. Anyone here even know even what causes them? Does anyone reading this, even have a rudementary concept of what the relationship between man and women is? What defines a man and what defines a woman? The answer is right there.
I would not judge others for being "easy", but I would not be interested in a relationship with someone who was promiscuous. And I myself would never be promiscuous. Just my personal values that I DO NOT project on to others.
Originally posted by jds999
No matter how we try to rationalize
it, promiscuity will never replace monogamy as the ideal. Our hearts know that, even though our other organs may quibble.... ;-)

uh.. okay. my three wives told me to tell you "you are just making stuff up, stop it."
nah, they're too into the perfect penis and the lesbian action to bother stopping for contemplating heart division. fact is, your statement is wrong. different stroke for different folks bro, some like it freaky.
Keep it up Squid!
Anyways, I wanted to ask this question..
Who says that it is better for a child to grow up in a "normal" family? Why not let's say let a child learn the real life from the start... divorces and how obsolete long-term relationships are...
Just a thought
The problem is, even if you grow up realizing that everyone you love will try to fuck your mind and leave you if you don't let them, you still don't learn.

That's why cheap vodka was invented. :)
I explain my question..
My parents got divorced when I was 15.
Of course I was not happy at the time, etc... Looking back at it now, I am super thankful to life that it happened. I can't imagine how pathetic my existance would be without it.I strangely don't feel anything towards my parents now, so I am rid of some nice responsibility.
Thank you great Cthulhu.
Originally posted by ndrs
I explain my question..
My parents got divorced when I was 15.

Mine when i was 11. my "formative years" apparently. thank erm... cthulhu if you like... i wasn't "formatted".

Of course I was not happy at the time, etc... Looking back at it now,

i'm not sure if i was happy about it or not. i honestly don't remember, but i think looking back the thing i felt most was a profound sense of relief.

I am super thankful to life that it happened. I can't imagine how pathetic my existance would be without it.

bang that nail, right on the head.

I strangely don't feel anything towards my parents now, so I am rid of some nice responsibility.

i've just recently gotten rid of mine. along with the responsibility and the guilt which accompany them. details are irrelevant, but i agree that if this sort of thing makes a child unhappy, then that's not a good thing. however, sometimes, life itself serves a purpose, and those of us who feel lucky are the ones who have suffered the most while being given the freedom to have time to think about it.
Promiscuity... A neat convenience.

I think it all depends on what we think is pleasure in life. If somebody prefers to live a life of interdependency and familial bonds, there is nothing worse than promiscuity.

But for all those who just want an independent and no-bonds life, it is a convenience to enjoy. But isn't it also the life of frustration and confusion beyond a point?

Anyway, this is a largely American/European board, so there is no use mentioning the Eastern Social Values!
Originally posted by UltiTruth

Anyway, this is a largely American/European board, so there is no use mentioning the Eastern Social Values!

Now I'm curious. What are "Eastern Social Values"?
Well, Adam, if that is a serious question, here.

Most Asian societies have a high regard for Monogamy and family life. Some Indian families have members representing 4-5 generations: Grand parents, uncles, aunts, their children...
And this is possible only when the relational lines are clearly set! So there is a high premium on relationships. For example, an elder brother's wife is considered equal to one's own mother!
You would be interested that Divorce rates are about a 0.5% in India, and according to one survey, 92% of all men and women are virgins at marriage. Dating is almost unknown with about 85% arranged marriages.
All this might appear primitive on this board, but some socieites might find some other ideas equally primitive!

Of course, I am denying the existence of the promiscuous anywhere, but they are almost outcasts in some parts of the world! :)