Sexual Discrimination and Violence: Changing women's attitudes

prince james: i don't think you've ever got in a serious fight with a girl that wanted to hurt you. your ideas of manliness are just testosterone fuelled fantasies. i know girls who could beat up half the guys i know, and that's assuming those girls aren't using a weapon. some guys don't need to get beaten up, or overpower every female, to feel like a man.
Visceral Instinct:

Escort her to the curb and keep her there, then. I am not suggesting that you smack a bitch like out of that scene in "Purple Rain". I am merely affirming that only cowards call the police when their woman is beating them up and allow their women to do that in the first place.


Lemme spell it out. It doesn't matter what gender you are, how heavy or strong you are, whatever, IT IS NOT OK TO BEAT THE CRAP OUT OF SOMEONE. Got that?!

And for the record, I see nothing wrong with a guy smacking a woman if she physically attacked him first. But a lot of men cannot bring themselves to hurt someone who's much smaller and weaker than them. How does that make them cowards?!?!
i was going to point out the advantages women have in a fight but whats the point in responding to this garbage. Bells i admire your percistance, to be honest i cant understand how your still refuting these same argumants by these sexists without throwing your computer across the room

prince james: i don't think you've ever got in a serious fight with a girl that wanted to hurt you. your ideas of manliness are just testosterone fuelled fantasies. i know girls who could beat up half the guys i know, and that's assuming those girls aren't using a weapon. some guys don't need to get beaten up, or overpower every female, to feel like a man.

You must know some crazy Amazons, as I have met perhaps one woman I've ever thought could even stand a remote chance, and she was over 6 feet tall.
Visceral Instinct:

Lemme spell it out. It doesn't matter what gender you are, how heavy or strong you are, whatever, IT IS NOT OK TO BEAT THE CRAP OUT OF SOMEONE. Got that?!

Actually, it often is justified to beat someone up. Consider: Someone attempting to rob you.

But calling the cops because you can't handle a woman beating you up? INfinite shame and worthlessness from a man!

And for the record, I see nothing wrong with a guy smacking a woman if she physically attacked him first. But a lot of men cannot bring themselves to hurt someone who's much smaller and weaker than them. How does that make them cowards?!?!

Again, as I noted: I am not suggesting ONLY that. It is BETTER to smack a woman than to be some wimp who lets his woman beat the shit out of him. And I mean beat the shit out of them: I don't mean smack him across the face or some nonsense. I mean if he is some sort of "battered husband" nonsense. He should shoot himself for not being a man or just cut off his cock and go to Sweden for the surgery.
i belive you have testicals right?

you ever been kicked in the balls?

how much threat are you after that?

Chicks have tits.

I once suggested a female fighter do this: Get into the guard and just rain down the elbows on her tits.

She said she'd tell me how it works. She hasn't gotten back to me yet.

That being said, I know from testimony that the breasts are about as sensitive as the testicles to being struck. Furthermore, the testicles are not the end-all, be all of, of moves. It sucks to be hit in the balls, but someone who knows how to fight can get past the pain. Even the average person can.
Furthermore, the testicles are not the end-all, be all of, of moves. It sucks to be hit in the balls, but someone who knows how to fight can get past the pain. Even the average person can.

Very true. I was playing goalkeeper today, and a friend of mine with a strong pair of legs let loose a lightning-quick shot that found its way directly to my balls. Sure, I was stumbling around for a few seconds, holding my crotch in comical fashion, but it wasn't that bad, now that I think about it. If I was in a fight, the pain wouldn't even really register.

Very true. I was playing goalkeeper today, and a friend of mine with a strong pair of legs let loose a lightning-quick shot that found its way directly to my balls. Sure, I was stumbling around for a few seconds, holding my crotch in comical fashion, but it wasn't that bad, now that I think about it. If I was in a fight, the pain wouldn't even really register.

You're able to work through the pain, yes.

That being said, I wouldn't want anyone to wail on my junk.
Once when I was in highschool, I went tobogganing with some friends of mine. The main hill was way too crowded so we decided to sled down a little side path.

We were having a great time moving along at a pretty good speed when the toboggan veered off the path and hit a tree. There were four of us on the toboggan. The three of us in the back of the toboggan slammed into the guy in front. He took the full force of all four of us on his balls as he slammed into the tree with his legs spread.

It was a while before he got up.
Mod Hat - Holy scrotes, Batman!

Mod Hat — Holy scrotes, Batman!

In the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Scrote. From women's behavior to testicles. I can't say I'm not impressed; the transition has been entertaining at least. But don't you think we're officially off the relevant path here?

Anyway, just a thought.

Thank you.
i belive you have testicals right?

you ever been kicked in the balls?

how much threat are you after that?

That whacky bitch that tried to stab me in high school was going on and on about how lulz it was to kick a guy in the balls one day. When I mentioned kicking her in the vagina she started to go on about how painful it was, and how it could ruin any hope for the girl to ever make babies...
you know something ABS, if your not lying then your a coward. If these people have done what you claime they have done you should have had the courage to report them to the police and the courage to stand up in open court and tell the world that just because of there gender doesnt mean that they can do whatever they want.
There was nothing that I could have done about that girl in high school.

The school authorities would have lolled and then attacked me for being so violent to a poor girl who was claiming to be preggers, and I already talked about in the other thread about how I went to the police about the other woman and her husband and they said there was nothing they could do for me under the law.