Sex is Dirty

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Have you EVER read a single word written by me about condemning Catholic Priests for engaging in homosexual acts??
Do you know why?
Because I never WROTE ANY, ASSHOLE!
Because I would not lump them all together, to defend OR condemn them.

I also said nothing about whether I thought Woody Allen's relationship with his estranged wife's adopted daughter was defensible or not, did I?

What I DID say was that you were guilty of libel by accusing him of Pedophilia.

SOME priests ARE guilty of pedophilia. That is an undeniable FACT.
Woddy Allen is NOT.

I did not and DO NOT condemn all priests that have engaged in homosexual activity as pedophiles, so PLEASE drop the bullshit of insinuating that I have.

The individual priests that ARE pedophiles SHOULD be punished accordingly, just as Woddy Allen should have IF HE WERE GUILTY.

Turning this into some bullshit argument about the Jew against the priests will not work, because it is just plain stupid, and I won't be sucked into it!
They are two entirely seperate issues.

Did you accuse Woody Allen of being a pedophile?
Were you wrong?
Are you full of shit?
Leo, you arrogant jack ass, you do know you were spawned from sex right?. or were you conceived by "envitro"? out of body by test tube.

Your momy accepted your daddy's prick into her vagina, and the end result was you!. What a shame it is for them to find out how you vile the act which made you.

Get your head out of your ass, or better yet Go get laid!!.

Godless said:
Leo, you arrogant jack ass, you do know you were spawned from sex right?. or were you conceived by "envitro"? out of body by test tube.

Your momy accepted your daddy's prick into her vagina, and the end result was you!. What a shame it is for them to find out how you vile the act which made you.

Get your head out of your ass, or better yet Go get laid!!.


So it seems to be your point that I am absolutely essential to the workings of the entire Universe that that everything would come to a grinding halt without me, and that the copulation of my Mother and Father was the central and most important historic occurance in the 20th Century.

Josh, and I thought you didn't like me, and now suddenly I am the most important person in your or anybody's life. I'll tell you, it's difficult not to feel flattered by your sudden expressions of utter adoration for me.

Its a crying shame that the other 6,999,999,999 people who occupy the planet are about as important in themselves as microbes in a drop of stagnant water. But its nice to know you think I'm so important.
Leo Volont said:
So you condone Woody Allen screwing his own infant daughter.

You belong in jail before you do the same thing to your own or someone elses baby, you sick pervert!
You really can't be as fucking stupid as you appear.
You actually speak like a somewhat intelligent person at times.
I have to believe it's all an act, no one can be that much of an ignorant ass and have the faculties to survive.
If you really are that damned stupid, then arguing with you is a waste of time.
If you aren't, and are rather just being an ass to try and get a rise out of me, it's still a waste of my time.
Whether you are a moron or an ass, your ridiculous insults are meaningless.
Leo Volont said:
You accuse me of prattling. But what of your "99.9%" assertion -- that 99.9% are perfectly reasonable about their urge to maturnity. Really, I wish it were so. It is true that in advanced techno-societies women have decided, for the most part, to have fewer children then they had typically had before; HOWEVER, it is much like a man who needs to have sex, and having had sex, comes to his senses... puts on his pants and leaves -- Women still do insist on having SOME children. It is a biological urge to them... they NEED to have a squealing infant before they come to their senses.

And on a planet which is being strangled for resources to support a Population already approximately 8 Billion... which a hundred Tsunami's could not put a significant dent in, we could use MORE and not less Religious Incentive to turn away not only from Sexuality, but also from the urge to actual Paternity... or I should say Maturnity (no matter what men are intimidating into saying to their wives, every man could easily and happly get by if he never saw an infant.)

no Leo, you ARe prattling, ANd speakin outta your arse
You, the resident-apologist for the glories of Catholism have the NERVE to preeach to the women about their need, want, desire to have babies...?!
Let me remind you that the catolic church has a long long record for guilting women to HAVE the children for fear of offending 'God'...everyone knows this but you
Even now birth contro is considered a non no by your what the %4&fuck are you goin on about?

Patriarchy Leo--if you cared to begin investigating it (its branches are everywhere) has a thing about..listen(((PROCREATION....!
The reason being that the 'product'--the baby is HIs property, and 'he' also includes the States. so babies for example = good little producers and product buyers that make the top echelons of the patriarchy/oligarchy rich.....keeps the status quo goin. Then they have a need for soldiers for their wars. so, do you see that if ANYONE is encouraging/enforcing babies and babies, it is more the MEN. the same men that demonized, tortured, and burnt and hung the midwives in the Middle Ages, and made ssure it was the male physicians of the church who would be in charge of women's reproduction and birth
And this maculinized authority over what should be a womens thang STILL, Leo, is going on. where women are basically in the hands of a male-led regime when they go into their hosptials for delievering their babies and are put in unnatutal positions, on back legs in metalic devices, etc etc

You seem to have such a lot to say Leo. shame most of it is really bias misogynist
duendy said:
Let me remind you that the catolic church has a long long record for guilting women to HAVE the children for fear of offending 'God'

And have you not heard me time and again explain that the Catholic Church is in the midst of a millenial struggle between the Pauline Faction of the Bishops and the True Marian Catholics. You need to examine the Doctrinal source of that strange Teaching that glorifies sex, and you will see it comes from Paul. When have I not accused Paul of being the Antichrist! Have I not a thousand times on this page said the Catholic Church must necessarily decanonize paul, toss his epistles out of the Bible, and then scrape clean every doctrine held by the Church until it no longer shows even the slightest residual tint of Pauline influence.

But I suppose you haven't been paying attention.

I would refer you to the teachings of Christ who said that we would not be married in Heaven and so it was not so important that we be married on earth.

And you need to consider that Marian Catholics are rather inclined to have an especial appreciation of Virginity.

I know that the Bishops have encouraged the idea that they ARE the Catholic Church. But if you have any appreciation for Reality at all, you need to understand that the Religious Orders, most of whom are Marian, have little regard for the Bishops, especially since the Bishop-lead debacle of Vatican II. And you should realize that the strongest element of the Catholic Church is the Religious Orders.

Now, go to the Religious Orders WHICH ARE ENTIRELY CELEBATE and tell me how they must be agreeing with Paul's doctrine that everybody needs to get laid and have babies.
Let me remind you that the catolic church has a long long record for guilting women to HAVE the children for fear of offending 'God'...everyone knows this but you
I'm not sure what you mean by this. A couple practicing natural family planing need not have children, and this type of planing is allowed by the Church, perhaps even encourage when the circumstances present themselves. But, a choice not to have children, is subverting the meaning behind mariage, all that makes marriage beautiful. Much like a cake on a plate is good but a cake on someone's face isn't, sex inside marriage is good, sex outside isn't.

Patriarchy Leo--if you cared to begin investigating it (its branches are everywhere) has a thing about..listen(((PROCREATION....!
Patriachy has nothing to do with it. In fact, birth control hinders the procreation of females just as it hinders the procreation males.

The reason being that the 'product'--the baby is HIs property, and 'he' also includes the States.
Who's property?

so babies for example = good little producers and product buyers that make the top echelons of the patriarchy/oligarchy rich.....keeps the status quo goin. Then they have a need for soldiers for their wars.
Men are the one dying on the battle fields. Meanwhile, modern warfare with its atomic bombs has practically eliminated the advantage of large armies, at least in a free-for-all.
one_raven said:
You really can't be as fucking stupid as you appear.
You actually speak like a somewhat intelligent person at times.
I have to believe it's all an act, no one can be that much of an ignorant ass and have the faculties to survive.
If you really are that damned stupid, then arguing with you is a waste of time.
If you aren't, and are rather just being an ass to try and get a rise out of me, it's still a waste of my time.
Whether you are a moron or an ass, your ridiculous insults are meaningless.

You think such confirmed card carrying pervert such as yourself would have a bit more tolerance of everybody else's foibles, but I guess that your predatory sexual practices are just one more symptom of your general nastiness toward other people. Or maybe you are just feeling tense -- maybe you should find some helpless and trusting thing of beauty and destroy it with your disgusting ravagings. Or better yet, maybe you should do to yourself what you think it so fine to do to other people, children and animals. Go _____ yourself!
Leo Volont said:
You think such confirmed card carrying pervert such as yourself would have a bit more tolerance of everybody else's foibles, but I guess that your predatory sexual practices are just one more symptom of your general nastiness toward other people. Or maybe you are just feeling tense -- maybe you should find some helpless and trusting thing of beauty and destroy it with your disgusting ravagings. Or better yet, maybe you should do to yourself what you think it so fine to do to other people, children and animals. Go _____ yourself!
Your posts accusing me of being a pedophile were unfounded and disgustingly disrespectful.
Your accusations not only have absolutely nothing resembling reason, they are extrordinarily distasteful.
I have no desire to associate with such filth.
I am done discussing this, or anything with you.
I have reported the offending posts, and hope a moderator or Dave will take appropriate action.
one_raven said:
Your posts accusing me of being a pedophile were unfounded and disgustingly disrespectful.
Your accusations not only have absolutely nothing resembling reason, they are extrordinarily distasteful.
I have no desire to associate with such filth.
I am done discussing this, or anything with you.
I have reported the offending posts, and hope a moderator or Dave will take appropriate action.

If sex is so wonderful and glorious, then why do you mind being accused of it.

Five or six posts back you were the most free spirited of people, claiming that aa Husband seducing a Wife's child was all in just good fun. We would have ssupposed you to be of a most liberated mindset.

What has suddenly made you so puritanical? Why all of a sudden has sex become so dirty?

You prove my point. You are admitting as much as I've said -- YOU THINK SEX IS DISGUSTING.

Good. I've always known it, and now so do you.
okinrus said:
A couple practicing natural family planning need not have children, and this type of planing is allowed by the Church.

And somehow the Stupid Bishops don't realize that once they allow that purely recreational sex is permissable, that all their arguments for natural birth control become meaningless. They used to insist that sex was for procreation, which I didn't agree with, but at least it made sense -- it had some logic to it. But now they are in the Sex for Fun business and it turns my stomach. It clearly shows that the Bishops have forfeited any right to claim the least bit of Spiritual Authority. They've turned themselves into pimps.

the Correct Attitude to take toward sex is the one Christ explained -- that there will not be sex in Heaven and so it is frankly not all that important on earth. Spiritual People should get beyond it, but for those who did not, it was no great big deal. We didn't have Christ lecturing the Samaritan Woman about birth control. The prostitute He saved from stoning was able to walk away without some big sermon about whether or not to maximize her baby production. Nowhere does Christ indicate that His Church was to become the Middleman in the Sex Trade, and that his Holy Altar was to be used to ratify Sex Bargains which we euphemistically refer to as marriage. Christ never intended his Priests to be pimps.
one_raven said:
Leo Volont,
I have called for your ban.
I don't plan on responding to your posts anymore.

Here is my request

Cry baby!

You worship charlie manson and you want me banned.

get real. If you had any judgment, you'd commit suicide before you became what you so much admire.
Didn't jesus fuck male whores? Among other things?
I've heard he brought himself off manually with a crucifix that he dug into his ass. The wierd part is he hadn't even been crucified yet, so how did he know?

Also, that woman in mexico saw that vision of jesus and then it started doing that helicopter thing where it span it's penis around like a helicopter.
I know thats not sex but it's still pretty gross.

God apparently boned mary when she was 12 years old as well. And he's REALLY old so it's even worse than a normal man boning a 12 year old. Also you have to imagine he has a huge cock so this compounds the incriminating circumstances of god's child-rape, which was obviously quite incriminating in the first place.
Also, mary, joseph and jesus were all jews, as is your god. When they said man was crafted in gods image it was jews saying it so god looks like a jew.

Just thought I'd let you know all these things so you could re-evaluate your beliefs and views.
Leo Volont said:
To put my argument in short, we know that 'sex is dirty' because in so many instances it is criminalized and the cause for scandal.

Many things are misused, that doesn't mean that the thing itself is evil or wrong. Speaking is evil if you speak evil things at the wrong time and place, but if you speak good things at the right time and place, then speaking is good.

Life on earth has always been seeking for wholeness and unification, from small particles to human beings. They have always tried to gather together so that they would become bigger and more united. But it doesn't matter how many magnets you put together, a magnet always seeks completion. Yet every magnet includes the two poles in its own self, but not even humans understand this, and they are so impatient.

Then I expanded my argument to include the notion that Humanity cannot both look upward and down at the same time...

What if you just looked straight forward? This would mean that you don't focus either on sexuality or spirituality.
You self proclaimed yourself important? That's not what I meant by my post, what I meant is that you are a maggot. For not realizing that you are a product of sexual lust between two adults, mainly your horny dad, and slutty mom, it they had been so puritanically correct we wouldn't be having this conversation. You would only be a lust in your daddy's eyes, while your mommy wouldn't even dare open her legs for such an adomination as being penetrated.

So in conclusion you are a hypocrite, preaching about the sins of sex, while you are a by-product of sexual fornication just like the rest of humanity. Your not special Leo, just ingnorant. Get your head out of biblical bullshiet, and perhaps you may enjoy a peace of ass, in some bar with a drunk bimbo, because I dont think even a whore, even if you paid would fuck you!!.

Take the Aids Thing as a for instance. It is a disease that can only be sexually transmitted through anal intercourse, and so we know that only the most filthy perverts of either sex can contract it...

Ignorant twit. This puts your entire argument in the trashcan, and I consider no more of it worth reading. As a bit of advice: if you intend to make an argument about a subject - try to get the facts straight, try to research that which you're attempting to argue, and don't make such stupid statements unless you really want to look like a halfwit.

Did they teach you that bit of nonsense at church? Try a real school heh.

No. If you look at statistics, there is less of an incidence for Pedophilia among Catholic Priests then there is for the general population

Kindly point out where these statistics might be found. Thanks in advance.
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I see we're back to the time of month where Leo forgot to take his medication.

"The pride of the peacock is the glory of God. The lust of the goat is the bounty of God. The wrath of the lion is the wisdom of God. The nakedness of woman is the work of God." -William Blake

Like heaven so much Leo? Why not do us all a favor and go there.
When God prescribed sex except for husbands and wives he had children and society in general in mind. The act of sex is the power to have children. A child in a loving home with both a mother and a father is the ideal situation. Stable families are essential for a healthy society. Sex outside of marriage is a contributing factor for almost every social problem. Unwanted pregnancy, poverty, divorce, disease, abortion, child abuse and abandonment, unwed mothers on welfare, irresponsible men. These problems cost society in the trillions of dollars. God didn't command us not to have sex outside of marriage because sex is "dirty". He did it to make us happier, healthier, and less burdened.
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