Secret Technology

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Reality is in the Minds Eye
Registered Senior Member
Hello all! Great changes are about to take place in America and the world!

I put this in pseudoscience because it would be thrown out anywhere else...

I need YOU to go to and look around, you'll see that the energy slavery of the day is going to be abolished, so get ready for LOOOOOONG suppressed technology to re-surface unstopably, counter to what the current fossil fuel industry wants. You'll no longer be energy slaves! GOOD LUCK!

Now there is someone selling a Bill of Goods.

:m: Peace.
This is obvious spam and should go to the trash can. The site is very obviously a scam to con people out of their money.
By all means look, however if electricity is going to be "freely available" then obviously it would have the backing of multiple large corporation renound for producing equipment, which in turn would mean a larger corporate feeling website with more data regarding operation etc.

Nobody ever seems to ask why these mail order goods are only ever mail order and not 'out in your stored now!'.
"Woah! I totally created this like, totally awesome reaction that separates hydrogen from water for fuel!"
You've already heard our on your blurry photos of what appear to be streetlights.

We said, "bunk."
Btw, You'll noticed I deleted your advertisement lsufos. Thats because the forums starts to look a mess when every other post is someones personal attempt to get surfers to their website. Considering the only time advertisement has been allowed on Sciforums is when it's been allowed by Porfiry in the hope to earn enough to go towards it's upkeep, free advertisements aren't really permitted.

Once or twice is acceptable, but any more than that and it's just outright spam.

I would of closed this thread for it being a potential advert, however the points made here was the real reason for leaving it open. I know it might seem harsh, but please realise that the deletion of your address wasn't a personal one.
Didn't Jamie and Adam test some free energy machines, bought from the internet, on Mythbusters? IIRC, they were all junk, or as Adam put it, "Bupcus".
There is only one legitimate discovery of an item that radiates more
energy than was input, and the company will not reveal the secret.


If you've ever bitten into one, you certainly understand what I mean.

:m: Peace.

You never change still can not see that the craft on view is not a plane.
It may well be a secret goverment craft but dont say you can not see the craft come in to view then move off at speed the footage is real not fake.
Of course the footage is real. It is the images on the footage that are in question.

:m: Peace.

That is okay to delete my link it was not a advertisement, right now you can see a craft not a plane or copter come in to view then move off at speed not selling anything just wanted to get your views on this alien or secret craft your thoughts are welcome if you or anyone can explian as to what type it is.
Ok, I will explane your craft: The craft is the following: Invented by Nikola Tesla. Kept secret and made to look like aliens fly them (this is accomplished by propaganda.)

The craft flies by pumping the substance of the universe through its metal hull. It does this by high voltage pulses, which come from Tesla Coils mounted on the inside. These high voltage pulses work because all matter is made of electric charges. Protons, neutrons, electrons. The substance of the universe is also charged electrically, and thus it takes high voltage pulses to access its mass.

The craft you have seen (flying saucer) synthesizes momentum and keeps the passengers (human) inside quite alive because the resistence to movement which would normally occur has been elliminated. The reason there is no resistence on the craft is because the momentum is synthesized instantly, by high voltage electricity. This is not alien technology, it is human, and a national security secret. (which it should not be)
If I may ask, manmadeflyingsaucer, what are the equations for these exotic phsyics which propel the craft thus?
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