Ha, sick game.
I've never played before, I prefer soccer, I'm by no means super fast, nor super big. But I'm a perfect mid range kicker.
Last year the team I was on had an invincible defense. Literally, it could not have been a more perfect defense.
The sweeper was a big guy, really tall, he had a damn cannon. Literally, he could consistantly hit it further then the mid field line from our goal post.
Then there was the left defensemen, he was great at close in fighting. He could outdo most people when they were in the close in fray. But he was a short range kicker, couldn't really kick excessively far.
I was right defensivemen. Not so good close in, but I was a pretty accurate (or lucky, its funny how often those two get confused) with a kick at mid range.
The midfielder in front of me would pull these awesome combos. Basically, if a guy was ahead of him on the very right side of the field and he couldn't get past, he would kick it back to me, run past the guy guarding him. The guard would charge me and I would kick the ball literally five feet over his head perfectly parallel to the side line which was no more then 5 feet away.
The right middie would run up and grab it then make a run for the goal as the guy guarding him was left literally in the dust.
Then there was our stopper who was like a missile. He ran track and could out run practically anyone we came up against. If someone got past me or the left defense he'd give chase and usually do it fast enough to catch up and get the ball back.
Then there was our goalie, he was an incredible goalie. One time an offensivemen shot the ball literally ten feet away. Our goalie dove into the ground in front of the ball. But he didn't catch it. Instead it rolled back away from the goal about five feet. The offensive men sprinted to kick it in again, all this taking maybe three seconds. Our goalie somehow managed in less then 2 seconds to recover enough to practically jump upwards from a lieing down position and caught the ball that was shot literally from point blank. It was incredible.
Out of an hour and thirty minute game we would literally have the ball on their side for an hour and fifteen minutes.
Unfortunately our offense sucked, scoring maybe twice in a good game. Which is odd because individually our offensivemen were actually quite good.
All in all, we had by far the best defense in our league. We won a lot of games simply because the other team could not score on us.