Scientists discover that atheists might not exist, and that’s not a joke

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1) The subject of what you quoted and addressed there was the thread title, specifically. The title of the thread is reposted at the top of this and every page, and contains

The title of the thread, is the title of the article. That's already been discussed.

The title does not suggest that atheists do not exist, but they might not exist, due to the findings of scientists.

Although he did not mention the names of the scientists, I can, if you like, bring forth a study done in England, that could correlate with the article.

The reaction thus far, from some atheists on here, including yourself, is,l for want of a better expression, shady, with regards to the idea of the article. So much so, that it could be on to something.

2) Your deflection away from the title and into the "OP post" does not save you. I noted that when I responded to your invitation to discuss the "interesting" article by,
first: specifying what was interesting about it (that it was built on fundamentally dishonest and typically theistic misrepresentation of scientific research, and posted unto a science forum under a misleading title)
second: actually beginning, or attempting to begin, discussing that fact.

I'm sorry but you're going to have to explain what you mean by "typically theistic misrepresentation of scientific research," It smacks of prejudice, and implies that theist can't do, or even comprehend, science.

You posted dishonesty, slander, and misrepresentations of scientific research on a science forum. You did it explicitly as a theist, and defended your behavior as a theist.

The only that is verifiable in this response, is that I am a theist.
As for all the other accusations, I invite you give account of them.

Nothing relevant to that idea has appeared on this thread - certainly not the OP, which is merely a false claim about somebody's scientific research.

Stop saying "false claim" and expect me to read your mind. What false claim?

You would need to start another thread, beginning with that idea and some reason anyone would regard it as serious - in a world full of atheists, billions of them, of so many different backgrounds and cultures.

Oh! I get you.
You're taking it as though he is saying atheists, physically don't exist. That's not what the article suggests, and no theist on here, alludes to that silly idea.
I think you need to read the article again, and think carefully about what is saying.

But let's get real.

Sure... do you know how to "get real"? Jan.

If so go ahead and come back from the bronze age.

If not stay put and keep presenting your unsupported delussions and wallowing in superstition and please dont take that personally.

How would me changing my world view, change anything.

I would hope that you could be more forthright and for one present supportable arguement for your claims rather than maintaining your current approach that I would lable "Jans crab walk" although all I refer to is your trademark evasive arguement style.

It works for sure but folk tend to interprete sidestepping reasonable questions as dishonest and although I know you are not deep down dishonest a non evasive style would serve you better as folk tend to associate evasiveness with a style you get with politicians.

Theist - believes in God
Atheist - does not believe in God.

Well surprise surprise I think we have a pulse☺ as you finally are able to refer correctly to what it is to be atheist rather than that claim of yours that "an atheist is without God."
I feel proud that I have helped you just a little.

Why? It is you that see things all fuzzy.
I dont have a focus problem..well if the seeing is bad ...astronomy.
You focus in astronomy and applying the word to a thought process I find strange.

How does becoming an atheist change anything?

You can stop believing made up stories ....that is in addition to the aspects of character improvement I suggested above.

Its a win win for you Jan.

Most of all we all could be happy for you.

How does becoming an atheist change anything?

I am happy you are becoming so curious Jan that is most promising...just trust me the new enlightenment will make you tingle all over.

You would like to tingle all over wouldnt you?

Sure you would.

Look you are not that bad.

When you become enlightened you will be more positive with your personal self assessments. .. a measurable benefit of enlightenment.

There should be no reason to fear the law either, but those who hide from it due to their lawlessness, do.

I fail to see any connection ... perhaps you could share your experiences with lawlessness.

It's all about ones position.

It sure is and I do worry about yours.

You mean like build a material world, with material body suits, so you can act out your desires, and eventually come to our senses?

Actually I dont mean any such fact I could not create such an odd idea in my mind if I wore ear muffs.

But I am interested to know what you are really thinking so may I ask you to explain what it is that you are talking about ... assume that I can not read your mind Jan.

It is understandable that you would seek to replace God, with stuff.


How do you replace something that was never there in the first place with non specific "stuff".

That is you current, spiritual occupation.

Really. Do you mean like Matt Delahunty does? That sort of thing. Cool.

Do you watch Matt Delahunty Jan?

He is a terrific example of someone who grew up in a christian household and was even interested to become a pastor and yet he was able to shake off the brain washing and find enlightement.

He is a great debater and someone I feel you would admire Jan.

I dont know if he still does a show but I would love to hear you and him discuss religion...He knows just so much about the I said was interested to become a pastor.

Seeing as we're talking opinions. You believe scientists didn't discover atheists might exist, and theists do not exist.
It is my opinion, based on the responses from atheists, in this thread, that they did.

We can only wait to see if scientists discover if theists exist.

No. It is not opinion. It is a fact that scientists did not discover that atheists might not exist.
Wake up & face reality.

Sure... do you know how to "get real"? Jan.

If so go ahead and come back from the bronze age.

If not stay put and keep presenting your unsupported delussions and wallowing in superstition and please dont take that personally.

I would hope that you could be more forthright and for one present supportable arguement for your claims rather than maintaining your current approach that I would lable "Jans crab walk" although all I refer to is your trademark evasive arguement style.

It works for sure but folk tend to interprete sidestepping reasonable questions as dishonest and although I know you are not deep down dishonest a non evasive style would serve you better as folk tend to associate evasiveness with a style you get with politicians.

Well surprise surprise I think we have a pulse☺ as you finally are able to refer correctly to what it is to be atheist rather than that claim of yours that "an atheist is without God."
I feel proud that I have helped you just a little.

Why? It is you that see things all fuzzy.
I dont have a focus problem..well if the seeing is bad ...astronomy.
You focus in astronomy and applying the word to a thought process I find strange.

You can stop believing made up stories ....that is in addition to the aspects of character improvement I suggested above.

Its a win win for you Jan.

Most of all we all could be happy for you.

I am happy you are becoming so curious Jan that is most promising...just trust me the new enlightenment will make you tingle all over.

You would like to tingle all over wouldnt you?

Sure you would.

Look you are not that bad.

When you become enlightened you will be more positive with your personal self assessments. .. a measurable benefit of enlightenment.

I fail to see any connection ... perhaps you could share your experiences with lawlessness.

It sure is and I do worry about yours.

Actually I dont mean any such fact I could not create such an odd idea in my mind if I wore ear muffs.

But I am interested to know what you are really thinking so may I ask you to explain what it is that you are talking about ... assume that I can not read your mind Jan.


How do you replace something that was never there in the first place with non specific "stuff".

Really. Do you mean like Matt Delahunty does? That sort of thing. Cool.

Do you watch Matt Delahunty Jan?

He is a terrific example of someone who grew up in a christian household and was even interested to become a pastor and yet he was able to shake off the brain washing and find enlightement.

He is a great debater and someone I feel you would admire Jan.

I dont know if he still does a show but I would love to hear you and him discuss religion...He knows just so much about the I said was interested to become a pastor.

He still does the show :

@ StrangerInAStrangeLand.

Thought I'd correct this before you jump on it.

You have never seen me do that. I might ask if you made a typo.

"You believe scientists didn't discover atheists might exist, and theists do not exist."
I knew what you meant with the 1st part. I hope I am not understanding the 2nd part. It looks like you see me questioning whether theists exist & ignorantly jump to saying I believe theists do not exist. I hope that is a typo.

He is often extremely patient.

Well he would have to be as so many of his callers have little idea of atheism because they clearly have led very sheltered lives.

I find it surprising.

Years ago I thought US was much like here but it seems religion is so much more dominant than here.
We did have a lady Prime Minister who was atheist. I doubt if an atheist could expect to be elected to any office in US.

Well he would have to be as so many of his callers have little idea of atheism because they clearly have led very sheltered lives.

I find it surprising.

Years ago I thought US was much like here but it seems religion is so much more dominant than here.
We did have a lady Prime Minister who was atheist. I doubt if an atheist could expect to be elected to any office in US.

I was tempted to say not in the foreseeable future but there is truly no way to tell. Presidential "elections" & many, if not all, others are not decided by the general population.

If I could afford it, you would be tempting me to move there.

Sure... do you know how to "get real"? Jan.

If so go ahead and come back from the bronze age.

If not stay put and keep presenting your unsupported delussions and wallowing in superstition and please dont take that personally.

Lol! :D

I would hope that you could be more forthright and for one present supportable arguement for your claims rather than maintaining your current approach that I would lable "Jans crab walk" although all I refer to is your trademark evasive arguement style.

For the sake of argument (seeing as you can't elevate your responses), I do. How does that change anything?

Theist - believes in God
Atheist - does not believe in God.
Common denominator - God.

It works for sure but folk tend to interprete sidestepping reasonable questions as dishonest and although I know you are not deep down dishonest a non evasive style would serve you better as folk tend to associate evasiveness with a style you get with politicians.

Lol! :D

Well surprise surprise I think we have a pulse☺ as you finally are able to refer correctly to what it is to be atheist rather than that claim of yours that "an atheist is without God."
I feel proud that I have helped you just a little.

That is the literal meaning of 'atheist'. Without God.
That is why you don't believe. You've already made the subconscious commitment.
But you should be more concerned with all three lines, because that is the reality.
All your reasons for not believing in God, are only your reasons. They have no bearing on the reality of …

Theist - believes in God
Atheist - does not believe in God.
Common denominator - God.

Because you're moving away from the points, with nonsense.
How does anything change, if me, or anyone, even everyone, becomes atheist.

Theist - believes in God
Atheist - does not believe in God.
Common denominator - God.

Look you are not that bad.

When you become enlightened you will be more positive with your personal self assessments. .. a measurable benefit of enlightenment.

Focus Alex.
How does anything change, if me, or anyone, even everyone, becomes atheist.

Theist - believes in God
Atheist - does not believe in God.
Common denominator - God.
Look you are not that bad.

That's all you could muster?

Really. Do you mean like Matt Delahunty does? That sort of thing. Cool.

No. You only reject, and deny God.

Matt Dillahunty is a professional atheist. I'm not a professional theist.
When he debates with professional theists, more often than not, he gets caned.

"You believe scientists didn't discover atheists might exist, and theists do not exist."

Whether theists exist, or not, is of no real concern of mine. This is the reality...

Theist - believes in God
Atheist - does not believe in God.
Common denominator - God.

Any objection to God, is simply a reason why you are atheist. But it clearly makes no difference what you, or I, think or believe.

Whether theists exist, or not, is of no real concern of mine. This is the reality...

Theist - believes in God
Atheist - does not believe in God.
Common denominator - God.

Any objection to God, is simply a reason why you are atheist. But it clearly makes no difference what you, or I, think or believe.

You are not concerned with whether you are a theist???
The reality is we cannot know what anyone believes without mind reading.
God cannot be a common denominator until it gets up the courage to show itself. Come out! Come out! Wherever you are!
Belief in a god is not a common denominator of someone who believes & someone who does not believe.
I cannot object to any god until 1 comes out of hiding & shows itself. What is it afraid of?
It clearly males a difference what I think & believe.
You did not answer whether the 2nd part of that is a typo or you are ignorantly saying I believe theists do not exist.

You are not concerned with whether you are a theist???

Here is the reality. Do you agree?

Theist - believes in God
Atheist - does not believe in God.
Common denominator - God.

What does it matter what I'm concerned with.
God Is, according to reality.
I believe in God, you don't.
But if God Is, as according to reality. Atheism is only a temporary manifestation, due to the choice of the adherent.
It cannot exist, in reality. Because God Is.
Do you get it yet.
God cannot be a common denominator until it gets up the courage to show itself. Come out! Come out! Wherever you are!

Theist - believes in God
Atheist - does not believe in God.
Common denominator - God.

You seem to be missing the point.
All you have done is present a reason as to why you are an atheist.
That means squat, in reality.
If I profess to be an atheist tomorrow, it changes nothing. Because atheism exists only in the mind.
Belief in a god is not a common denominator of someone who believes & someone who does not believe.
I cannot object to any god until 1 comes out of hiding & shows itself. What is it afraid of?
Firstly, we're not talking about gods, or at least I'm not.
God, is the subject of theism, and atheism (at least in modern terms).

In light of the reality presented, your questions, and protests, only serve to convince yourself, and other like minds, of atheism.
Without the reality of God, atheism doesn't exist.

It clearly males a difference what I think & believe.

So does ''What shall I wear tonight''.
But it serves no real realistic purpose. That is the point of the article.
Atheism exists, just like cream cakes exist, but it is temporary, and fleeting.
From a metaphysical standpoint, it has no bearing.

You did not answer whether the 2nd part of that is a typo or you are ignorantly saying I believe theists do not exist.

Like I said, I don't think for one moment you are stupid. So I am sure you didn't mean that.
Sometimes I just like to play.
Heck! I respond to Alex's novels don't I. :rolleyes:

Here is the reality. Do you agree?

Theist - believes in God
Atheist - does not believe in God.
Common denominator - God.

What does it matter what I'm concerned with.
God Is, according to reality.
I believe in God, you don't.
But if God Is, as according to reality. Atheism is only a temporary manifestation, due to the choice of the adherent.
It cannot exist, in reality. Because God Is.
Do you get it yet.

Theist - believes in God
Atheist - does not believe in God.
Common denominator - God.

You seem to be missing the point.
All you have done is present a reason as to why you are an atheist.
That means squat, in reality.
If I profess to be an atheist tomorrow, it changes nothing. Because atheism exists only in the mind.

Firstly, we're not talking about gods, or at least I'm not.
God, is the subject of theism, and atheism (at least in modern terms).

In light of the reality presented, your questions, and protests, only serve to convince yourself, and other like minds, of atheism.
Without the reality of God, atheism doesn't exist.

So does ''What shall I wear tonight''.
But it serves no real realistic purpose. That is the point of the article.
Atheism exists, just like cream cakes exist, but it is temporary, and fleeting.
From a metaphysical standpoint, it has no bearing.

Like I said, I don't think for one moment you are stupid. So I am sure you didn't mean that.
Sometimes I just like to play.
Heck! I respond to Alex's novels don't I. :rolleyes:

BLAHBLAHBLAH As usual. Is that really supposed to be a response to my post.

Again. I cannot choose what to believe. Get that thru your thick skull. Your continuing attempts to say otherwise are very childish & ignorant. There is something(s) terribly wrong with your brain.
God cannot be a common denominator until it gets up the courage to show itself. Come out! Come out! Wherever you are!
Belief in a god is not a common denominator of someone who believes & someone who does not believe.
I cannot object to any god until 1 comes out of hiding & shows itself. What is it afraid of?
I see no reason to believe in any god & you do not present any. IF there is a god, YOU are not helping at all.
IF there is a god, it is not omnipotent or it does not want me to know it exists or it does not care. That is very clear. IF there is a god & it does not want me to know, why the heck should I care.
There is no point to the article. It is ignorant & foolish.
There will always be atheists. There might someday be no theists.

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BLAHBLAHBLAH As usual. Is that really supposed to be a response to my post.

What is wrong with it?

Again. I cannot choose what to believe. Get that thru your thick skull. Your continuing attempts to say otherwise are very childish & ignorant.

You can't, that is correct. But you can choose what you accept.
You have no real reason to be an atheist, other than you do not accept God.

I see no reason to believe in any god & you do not present any. IF there is a god, YOU are not helping at all.

Why do you think it my responsibility to convince you of God? If you're comfortable with being an atheist, stay that way. I think you intermix theism, and Christianity.

IF there is a god, it is not omnipotent or it does not want me to know it exists or it does not care. That is very clear.
There is no point to the article. It is ignorant & foolish.

If you keep telling yourself that, you will believe it. That's how you got to be atheist in the first place, according to the bible.

What is wrong with it?

You can't, that is correct. But you can choose what you accept.
You have no real reason to be an atheist, other than you do not accept God.

Why do you think it my responsibility to convince you of God? If you're comfortable with being an atheist, stay that way. I think you intermix theism, and Christianity.

If you keep telling yourself that, you will believe it. That's how you got to be atheist in the first place, according to the bible.

No. I cannot choose what to accept. If I am convinced of something, I must accept it. If I am not convinced, I cannot accept it.
I have no reason to be theist. THAT is the point you cannot handle.
According to the bible does not mean anything. The bible is nonsense.

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No, you fool

Oh dear! It looks like I'm goi g to have to ease up on you again.

I cannot choose what to accept. If I am convinced of something, I must accept it. If I am not convinced, I cannot accept it.
I have no reason to be theist. THAT is the point you cannot handle.
According to the bible does not mean anything. The bible is nonsense.

Whatever you say Stranger.

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