Scientists discover that atheists might not exist, and that’s not a joke

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How does that change anything.

I would hope that it may indicate that the bible is perhaps no more than supertitious made up stories from the bronze age that really offer no proof of a God but more importantly the words attributed to God are no doubt not his and the perception that God is interested in humans is rather fanciful.

Jan you have nothing more than wishful thinking and that is a poor foundation upon which to build a reality or show the truth of the matter.

The only thing that can change anything is you deciding you need to apply critical thinking to your wishful thinking.

If you are realistically honest you may be able to find truth.

Just as you suggest I should do more with my most wonderful intellect I suggest the same to you.

If you dont try you wont discover the truth.

And that's all it is. It says nothing about truth, or reality.

There are none so blind as those who refuse to listen☺...or something like that.

It is up to you to get out from under.

Only you can find the truth and I know that wont be easy but remember I will be here if you need help.

Name calling? Really?
That bible quote really got you spooked, huh

Jan I am sorry I was not tryimg to name call but if you have taken it that way I must realise I may have been offensive.

That was not my intention

I am really sorry.

try and understand what it means, rather than waste time taking offense.

I do think you can find good messages in the bible if you throw out the made up stuff.

Some of the teachings of JC although probably made up after his time are decent ideas ..the idea of being good is ok with me.
Making him out to be God is fanciful and wrong in my view.

I try and love my fellow man and respect others...I know I have gone off the rails here at times..but I find it rewarding to be on good terms with all people.

And like many other scriptures, it has many levels of understanding.

I dont doubt you can find good things but that does not imply it is God's word or that God exists or indeed cares about humans.

Whether you are a neophyte, or an advanced spiritual master, you can learn from it

I have no doubt but I think the fudamental premise is clearly made up and one would have to be very selective as to what one is to take on board.

I try and learn from whatever comes before me..good stuff, science is easy because it is factual and reasonably reliable but one can learn from most things even bad can learn not everyone is decent for example ... often it is no more than various folk can have different ideas. .. I dont beliebe in tarot cards but I know there are folk who think they really can predict the can think everything in the world is like what surrounds you in your small space but it is not.

It is hard for example to realise most of the world does not enjoy things that we in "the West" consider normal.

I may fall.

You will be ok wont fall.

You don't fear me, you fear God.

I dont fear you Jan why would I.
I like you and I respect you..I dont get upset with you although I may fake outrage to lean hard.

You seem decent to me.

If it makes you feel better to think I fear God that is ok but I just dont fear God as I really do not believe any God exists...I really dont.

I think if there is a God he would treat all humans the same ... it would be like if you have pets ..sure you can control their existence but there is no reason to be overbearing with them and make them puppet like.
I hate folk who stand over pets and insist they are ridiculously know sick in the head folk.

From everything believers say they seem certain God is a loving entity and love means you are decent in my book. There should be no reason to fear a loving God. ..if he is to be feared and he is real then I am stuffed but I would like to think he has bigger fish to fry.

If you love someone you are more concerned for their welfare than your put them first over your needs. ..I do it a lot..helping folk when I could be doing stuff I like.

I have just saved a guy $50k heading off a law suit and thats free to him..many hours of my valuable time...its my way of helping without expectation of personal reward I just do those things to help folk not as fortunate as me.

I want to help you help yourself.

You are so intelligent but trapped in the bronze age...who would not want to help someone throw off superstition.

I just got a kick putting the guy I helped at ease and relieving his suffering...that is my reward.

I would hope that believers are inspired to help others if they are into God

I do what I do to help off my own back not because I want brownie points towards a ticket to heaven.

I think when folk say they fear God what they mean is they fear death.

They see God as a way to sidestep death I feel. ..

There is no need to fear death in my view ... it is normal and can be expected.

You dont know when you arrive and you wont know when you are gone.

Each of us only have one ..tomorrow is a long way off so dont worry about it.

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Evidencing that is either impossible or takes the form of begging the question.
The act of experiencing is not accomplished by physical means? I believe it’s the only explanation of experience that has any demonstrable legs at all.
You used the word "identified" when you should have used "interpreted".
If I observe a quantity of water exhibiting the characteristics of a wave, I can conclude that I have identified a wave. If I observe neurologic activity consistent with the definition of a notion of justice, I have identified that particular notion. You can argue that interpretation is a neurologic step in the process of identification, but what’s the point?
Feel free to open a thread that distinguishes justice from injustice purely in terms of neurological activity and see how long it remains out of the cesspool.
You propose the existence of concepts, but you deny their quantification. Why is it so difficult for you to accept the likelihood that thought and belief are physical manifestations?
No need for countless identifications. At this stage we would settle for even one .... although it is interesting that the notion of interpretations frequently finds itself in the realm of "countless".
Each perspective of an event modifies its context and resultant interpretation, and there are as many perspectives of an event as there are association to it, which are realistically countless.
You are claiming all processes can be identified (although here you use the word "view"..... one step closer to "interpretated" perhaps) through material processes ... with a particular emphasis on processes currently known to humans .... as the ontological ceiling for reality. This does nothing to establish elemental cogs of a greater process. The contextual limits of what you could talk about are how current developments in human technology and understanding contextualize previous efforts in the same department.
If realty is material, then all processes, including any regarding identification would likewise be material. The proposition I made is simple. The whole of existence can be considered a single process which we call reality. Comprising that grand process of reality are an infinite number of potential elemental processes such as universes, galaxies, gods, humans, and decaying opossums. The only difference between my proposition of reality and the theistic varieties is my absence of presumed ordination.
Philosophers, mathematicians, scientists, artists, engineers, architects, historians, bakers and all others who deal with subjects that are not limited by the discipline and language of biology do it all the time. It seems to work well for them.
So biology plays no role in the mental and physical functionality of these various individuals. I guess Stephen Hawking just used assistive technology for kicks, and his ashes just need a bit of hydration to clear his mind.
Given that the best biological arrangements for animating the body and mind have met with failure rates of 100% since time immemorial, something other than biological arrangements.
The question wasn’t about the episodic nature of life, but the underling process that makes it possible, that being biology. Without biology there is no sensation, no contemplation or expression, there is no you.
Given the broader "biology" of God, namely being attributed as being all pervasive and the active ingredient of all forms of creation, sustainability and annhilation, its not clear what would exist to be the "constraining" element.
If you presume the whole of existence to be the biology of a god, considering the errors we experience with our limited biology, can you imagine the ailments associated with an infinite biology? Could this portend the existence of a suicidal god?
I am not sure what point you are trying to make. Its not clear how philosophically moving into the realm of ultimate causes establishes a relationship or precedent on how human communities must organize themselves.
Traditional conceptions of monotheism are anthropomorphizations based on monarchy. Why not consider the advantages of delegation of authority in the cosmological realm as well?
It becomes even less clear how you can explain modern democracy as arising outside of monotheistic thought, much less within polytheistic thought
What does monotheistic thought have to do with modern democracy? Monotheism is a cosmologic example of monarchy and the antithesis of democracy.
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We know scientists discovered atheists might not exist

Let's wait and see what the scientists say about theists.

Glad to know you're alright.

Scientists did not discover atheists might not exist. Scientists did not claim that.
Some idiot wrote an article full of prejudiced nonsense without even trying to support his claim.
Scientists are not needed to determine whether theists exist.

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Bet - something that is laid, staked, or pledged typically between two parties on the outcome of a contest or a contingent issue

They did not discover atheists might not exist.


Seeing as we're talking opinions. You believe scientists didn't discover atheists might exist, and theists do not exist.
It is my opinion, based on the responses from atheists, in this thread, that they did.

We can only wait to see if scientists discover if theists exist.

Obviously it was inadequate.
How? Be specific.
Try again.
Trolls pound sand.
The raised question is why theists post like that, and explicitly as theists.
The thread title provided, is the topic of this thread.
And I have made repeated attempts to discuss it, beginning with the observed fact that it is a falsehood posted by a theist.

Several contentions that could be discussed followed - that it is typical of overtly theistic posting here, that it is not unconsciously posted without self-awareness, that it is a slander, that the manner in which its posting is defended carries various implications (beginning with the fact that it is defended by overt theists only, by various personal attacks and strawmen rather than reason from evidence, etc) and so forth.
The theists, in their various defenses, have so far refused even to engage with the fact of its falsity - which is an interesting contribution, as far as it goes.
I would hope that it may indicate that the bible is perhaps no more than supertitious made up stories from the bronze age that really offer no proof of a God but more importantly the words attributed to God are no doubt not his and the perception that God is interested in humans is rather fanciful.

I know you would. But let's get real.
How would me changing my world view, change anything.

Theist - believes in God
Atheist - does not believe in God.
Common denominator - God.
Jan you have nothing more than wishful thinking and that is a poor foundation upon which to build a reality or show the truth of the matter.

You're not being productive Alex. Focus.
How does becoming an atheist change anything?

The only thing that can change anything is you deciding you need to apply critical thinking to your wishful thinking.

Alex. Focus on what's being asked of you. How does becoming an atheist change anything?

If you are realistically honest you may be able to find truth.

Just as you suggest I should do more with my most wonderful intellect I suggest the same to you.

If you dont try you wont discover the truth.


There should be no reason to fear a loving God. ..

There should be no reason to fear the law either, but those who hide from it due to their lawlessness, do. It's all about ones position.

If you love someone you are more concerned for their welfare than your own...

You mean like build a material world, with material body suits, so you can act out your desires, and eventually come to our senses?

I think when folk say they fear God what they mean is they fear death.

It is understandable that you would seek to replace God, with stuff. That is you current, spiritual occupation.

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? Be specific

Because we're not discussing it.

The raised question is why theists post like that, and explicitly as theists.

You need to emphasise why you think that should be the "raised question".

And I have made repeated attempts to discuss it, beginning with the observed fact that it is a falsehood posted by a theist.

No you haven't. You repeat that it is a falsehood. I have responded to that. And again repeat it is a falsehood, as though you're being paid to say it.

Explain yourself. I am a theist, not a mind reader.

The theists, in their various defenses, have so far refused even to engage with the fact of its falsity - which is an interesting contribution, as far as it goes.

The OP post merely states that it makes for an interesting discussion, and invites others to share their thoughts.

Theists have nothing to defend here. We are interested to see how atheists respond to the idea that their position may be nothing but a personal reason to not believe in God.

And we're still waiting.
So far all we have is whining, comedy, mockery, deflection, goalpost shifting, evasion, diversion, adhominem attacks, to say the least.

We, as theists, accept our position. Why don't you accept yours?

Theist - believe in God
Atheist - don't believe in God.
Common denominator - God.

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The OP post merely states that it makes for an interesting discussion, and invites others to share their thoughts.
That is dishonest.
1) The subject of what you quoted and addressed there was the thread title, specifically. The title of the thread is reposted at the top of this and every page, and contains no such content.
2) Your deflection away from the title and into the "OP post" does not save you. I noted that when I responded to your invitation to discuss the "interesting" article by,
first: specifying what was interesting about it (that it was built on fundamentally dishonest and typically theistic misrepresentation of scientific research, and posted unto a science forum under a misleading title)
second: actually beginning, or attempting to begin, discussing that fact.
Theists have nothing to defend here.
You posted dishonesty, slander, and misrepresentations of scientific research on a science forum. You did it explicitly as a theist, and defended your behavior as a theist.
We are interested to see how atheists respond to the idea that their position may be nothing but a personal reason to not believe in God.
Nothing relevant to that idea has appeared on this thread - certainly not the OP, which is merely a false claim about somebody's scientific research. You would need to start another thread, beginning with that idea and some reason anyone would regard it as serious - in a world full of atheists, billions of them, of so many different backgrounds and cultures.
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