Scientists discover that atheists might not exist, and that’s not a joke

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I can't speak for Sarkus. (He does a very good job of speaking for himself.)
We're actually not as far apart as you might imagine. When talking here I generally take God to be no more than the core notion of first cause, etc. Any other attributes one wishes to add on to the notion of God requires separate justification, I think, but when I'm already agnostic about that core element, why even look at the rest. :)
Cool. So Santa Claus is real and he exists and you don't believe in him.

Don't you know there's a difference between believing/accepting something is real, and believing in something?

God isn't real and there's no evidence for him and you believe in him.

God isn't real for you, because of your rejection, and, or denial. But I believe in God.
Sheesh! Who doesn't, in reality. :wink:

Sorry, what was your point again?

Baby Iguana's only seconds after being hatched, is born with certain knowledge, without any experience whatsoever. How?

I dont know.

But what else could explain it other than Thors hammer hitting it on the head and filling it with knowledge.

Anyways if this is a genuine attempt to provide evidence I thank you and certainly it can be a start.

I will take it on board as the first evidence you have provided and treasure it as such.

I have more evidence.

When you drop a cat after holding it upside down it still lands on its feet...You cant tell me that is not God turning the cat the right way up before it lands I certainly have no other explanation.

God loves cats I love cats that proves God is real and must exist otherwise who designed cats.

Thank you for the vid I have seen it however ...pity they were not talking snakes...

I find it so very interesting how you see the world and believe there is a God and include him in how you perceive things.
It is really nice.

People aren't theists because they know, or think they know how we got here. People are theist despite that.
So you think the issue of what is the initial cause, the question of how it is that we are here, is not the reason why people believe in God, otherwise understood to be the First Cause?
You think that people are ignorant of God being the First cause when they believe in God, and are then somehow surprised by the added benefit of that revelation? Do me a favour, Jan.
It is the same with atheists. They do not need to know how we got here, to be an atheist. People are atheist despite that.
Sure. People don't need to know. I don't know and I am atheist. But you asked "what does one do to not believe in God?" I gave you an example of what one can do to not believe in God. One can ask that question and come to an honest, non circular referenced answer etc.
The question I asked purely pertains to the act of believing there is no God, outside of rejection, and denial.
You are being dishonest, Jan. And you are showing that, once again, you are failing to understand atheism. You asked "what does one do to not believe in God?", not "what does one do to believe there is no God?"
After all these years on this forum, Jan, surely you recognise the difference by now?
What would a purely atheist world be like?
That is a very different question again.
Are you asking what our world would look like if there had never been belief in God?
IOW deciding for yourself that you do not need belief in God to live your life.
No, I said "recognise", not "decide". If I had meant decide I would have used that word.
If you recognise a word as "house" do you decide it is "house"? Or do you simply recognise what is already there?

But how do you decide there is no God, without denying and rejecting, theism, and it's goal?
Who is deciding that there is no God? Your strawman atheist, perchance?
If you're intending to continue this discussion, Jan, leave the strawman at home and respond to the words written, please.
You'll no doubt say that lack of evidence, not rejection, and denial, lies at the heart of this decision
There's no decision, Jan. Please stop with the notion of it being a decision.
And at its heart is simple honesty about what one knows without circularity of reason.
But how can you determine what is evidence of God, if you reject, and deny, God within yourself, and your ability to determine what is true, and what is false?
strawman, Jan. I haven't mentioned it having anything about evidence.

God either Is, or is not. There is no in between, or waiting to see how it turns.
Sure, but there is no necessity to have belief either way. Why do you think there is?
If however one perceives that to be the case, it has to be concluded that there is no God, as far as they are aware. Even if they don't see it like that.
You can see it how you like, Jan. I can only speak for myself. And for myself it is not possible to say whether I am aware of God or not. If God is then I am aware of God because God IS, and everything is evidence of God. If God IS NOT then there is nothing t be aware of. Such is the way of circularity. Remove that and all you have left is "I don't know". But because you believe, you can only see it one way. You are blinkered by that.
If one relies on science, and philosophy, in order to decide God is acceptable, then there is no God, as far as they are aware.
Because if we assume that one is trying to base evidence on the theistic claim that there is a God, then one must also experience God the same way the theist say he/does.
The theist does not base their theism on science and philosophy, yet the atheist wants to do just that. Then we are in a situation where the atheist has just rejected, and denied God, without even knowing, or even meaning to.
So you believe, at least, and no doubt your strawman will support your argument. When you want to discuss without recourse to the strawman, let me know.
No. My belief is in God.
I accept that God Is.
You don't. That is the difference between us. And that's what makes us theist, or atheist.
seriously? You're now going to start denying you have belief that God IS?
So what is a prerequisite for not believing in God?
Why do you think there is one?
So you're saying it is possible to be an atheist, but not think there is no God?
Can you elaborate on that?
Is this for the purpose of this thread, or are you openly admitting that after many years you are still oblivious to the atheism being simply the lack of belief in God?
Do you really need it explained to you yet again the difference between strong and weak atheism? Yes, I know your strawman is a strong atheist, but countless years people have explained the weak atheist position to you, and here you are openly admitting you are oblivious to it?
Anyways if this is a genuine attempt to provide evidence I thank you and certainly it can be a start.

Provide evidence of what? :rolleyes:

I find it so very interesting how you see the world and believe there is a God and include him in how you perceive things.
It is really nice.

I'm sorry if I've left you with even less to contribute than normal. And now you're just left with throwing tomatoes from the sideline.

I didn't mean it. Sorry!

Don't you know there's a difference between believing/accepting something is real, and believing in something?
It is fun to watch you squirm and wiggle to try to get out of what you said.
God isn't real for you, because of your rejection, and, or denial.
What am I rejecting and/or denying?
But I believe in God. Sheesh! Who doesn't, in reality.
A great many people. Many more people believe in multiple, independent Gods. All those beliefs just as real, and just as justifiable. as yours.
Sorry, what was your point again?
Same point I had since the beginning.

Some people believe there is no God. Some people believe there is one God. Some believe there are many Gods. All are as justified as you are in their beliefs. Only your ego and arrogance lead you to believe that only you are correct, and everyone else is wrong.
I'm sorry if I've left you with even less to contribute than normal. And now you're just left with throwing tomatoes from the sideline.

No dont be sorry Jan.
You have done me a favour as I have an exciting day and night before me and dont need to be here guiding you to enlightenment.

Throwing tomatoes from the side line...cute...I like it.

Anyways I must go you and God have a nice day together take the time to ask how he turns the cats over when they are in free fall.
It is fun to watch you squirm and wiggle to try to get out of what you said.

A prentensious atheist, and kinky? :D
You're letting it all hang out tonight aren't you.

What am I rejecting and/or denying?

God! Silly.

A great many people. Many more people believe in multiple, independent Gods. All those beliefs just as real, and just as justifiable. as yours.

That's what we're here to discuss.
Pull up a chair.
This is billvon, everyone. He thinks he's an atheist. :eek:

Only your ego and arrogance lead you to believe that only you are correct, and everyone else is wrong.

I'm exploring the possibilities of the article. You should try it. It might be fun.

A prentensious atheist, and kinky?
Sorry, not interested. You might try one of the forums that caters to that.
God! Silly.
And exactly how am I rejecting/denying God or Gods?
I'm exploring the possibilities of the article. You should try it. It might be fun.
And I would suggest that you open your mind and start trying to consider concepts outside your own prejudices, but the cognitive dissonance might be very hard on you. So you should probably stick to dogma.
So you think the issue of what is the initial cause, the question of how it is that we are here, is not the reason why people believe in God, otherwise understood to be the First Cause?

People do not believe in God because they read somewhere that God is the first cause. Anymore than people love and respect their parents, because they learned in their science class, that they were caused by them.

You think that people are ignorant of God being the First cause when they believe in God, and are then somehow surprised by the added benefit of that revelation? Do me a favour, Jan.

Are you surprised your mom and dad caused you?
Isn't just obvious they caused you?
No matter who told you, where you read it, or came to that conclusion by yourself?

Sure. People don't need to know. I don't know and I am atheist. But you asked "what does one do to not believe in God?" I gave you an example of what one can do to not believe in God. One can ask that question and come to an honest, non circular referenced answer etc.

How is asking that question, an action that causes one to conclude there is no God?

You are being dishonest, Jan. And you are showing that, once again, you are failing to understand atheism. You asked "what does one do to not believe in God?", not "what does one do to believe there is no God?"
After all these years on this forum, Jan, surely you recognise the difference by now?

I think it's important for you to identify the difference in the words, as opposed to the essential meaning. But on a day to day, everyman kind of level, I think the difference is so minute, it is hardly worth clinging to.

But in my defence, I didn't say they are the same. Only that my question fits into a larger framework of questions. That, being one of them. Kind of like a China doll effect.

That is a very different question again.
Are you asking what our world would look like if there had never been belief in God?

It's not as different as you probably think. But it is definitely a relative of the question that have gone before it.

No. I'm asking what you think a purely atheist world would be like.
Bearing in mind there would be absolutely no theism, at all, at any point.

No, I said "recognise", not "decide". If I had meant decide I would have used that word.
If you recognise a word as "house" do you decide it is "house"? Or do you simply recognise what is already there?

How would you know what the word "house" meant, if hadn't already made the decision that it is what it is?

Sure, but there is no necessity to have belief either way. Why do you think there is?

Do you think it is possible to believe in something, while not accepting that thing?
If there are two propositions, God Is, or God isn't, and you accept neither. Doesn't that mean there is no God, until such time you accept God Is?
If you cannot make up your mind as to whether or not you love your fiancé Would it be reasonable if she concluded you don't love her? Then left yo ass.

If God is then I am aware of God because God IS, and everything is evidence of God. If God IS NOT then there is nothing t be aware of.

Admittedly, that's a tricky one. I will have a go at that one another time.

So you believe, at least, and no doubt your strawman will support your argument. When you want to discuss without recourse to the strawman, let me know.

Can you explain my use of a strawman, so I can know what you're pertaining to.

seriously? You're now going to start denying you have belief that God IS?

No need to deny it.
You can't believe in God, if you can't accept God. I think acceptance, not belief, is behind the reason there are theists, and atheists.

Is this for the purpose of this thread, or are you openly admitting that after many years you are still oblivious to the atheism being simply the lack of belief in God?

For the purpose of the thread.

The fact that I have pulled an understanding of those natures from his posts and you haven't probably indicates that you don't know your way around a laddhu.
The fact that you will not explain indicates you do not know or believe anything or that you are playing a childish troll game.

Why do you keep bringing religion into this?
The OP directly referenced an article explicitly focused on religious belief, and in particular confusing it with theistic belief.
I'm exploring the possibilities of the article. You should try it. It might be fun.
The OP was a falsehood. Beyond informing a discussion of that central fact, there were no possibilities in the article relevant here.
Whereas non belief in God is clearly a construct, in opposition to belief in God.
Non belief in Jan's God has been the normal status of most human beings since we have record or evidence.
I'm not sure what gave you the idea that these were grounds for worshipping God.
Theists do that - that kind of posting - a lot. The OP is a prime example. The question is why.

There isn't anything obvious, on the face of the matter, that would indicate theistic belief of itself would destroy an educated person's ability to converse in good faith, post without dishonesty and falsehood and trolling and evasions. So what is going on?
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