Scientists discover that atheists might not exist, and that’s not a joke

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I am not having any issue with that. I am having an issue with your drawing up of political affiliations before you bring assessments of merit (which is the standard approach of any intolerant fanatic group ... atheist, theist or otherwise).
Well, then I shall need to teach you a little about what it is to be a Humanist practicing the philosophy of Humanism.

: Humanism, a doctrine, attitude, or way of life centered on human interests or values; especially : a philosophy that usually rejects supernaturalism and stresses an individual's dignity and worth and capacity for self-realization through reason
Humanism is a philosophical and ethical stance that emphasizes the value and agency of human beings, individually and collectively, and generally prefers critical thinking and evidence (rationalism and empiricism) over acceptance of dogma or superstition.
and individually;
Humanist, noun
Someone who is explicitly concerned about the welfare and morality of other humans. Generally, humanists are not religious and do not believe in the fictitious teachings of any supposed deity. In this way humanists are commonly atheists and find fulfillment through analytical reasoning and scientific methods. Humanists are thus commonly evolutionists.
Humanist, adjective
The irreligious belief that works like a religion without a god but is instead focused on the present welfare of other people regardless of religion, race, ethnicity, culture or any other characteristic creating any group of people

Most humanists are usually people who are atheists but can also be religious

Example of Humanist thought process;
Christian dinner: " thanks god for my food *so on so fourth* amen".
Humanist dinner: (in mind) "man the farmer must have worked hard for this produce we must be very grateful.
Common christian: "Burn in hell you heathen, god will strike down on thee and you will pay for your sins for eternity."

Humanist: "I thank you for your interest in my welfare but it is likely your self-doubt and the inner feelings you have of the frailty and unsubstantiated claims of your religion that cause you to lash out at me so. I hope that you will develop your mind further someday so that you may truly see yourself, others and the world around you for what they truly are. Best of luck to you. I will be here living in reality if you need me.
Do you understand?
Theists also, cannot kill people in the name of God. The moment the though enters into their mind, they become anti-theistic.

Numbers 31:
And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying: "Take vengeance on the Midianites for the children of Israel. Afterward you shall be gathered to your people.” . . . And they warred against the Midianites, just as the Lord commanded Moses, and they killed all the males. They killed the kings of Midian with the rest of those who were killed- Zur, Hur, and Reba, the five kings of Midian. Balaam the son of Beor they also killed with the sword.

And the children of Israel took the women of Midian captive, with their little ones, and took as spoil all their cattle, all their flocks, and all their goods. 10 They also burned with fire all the cities where they dwelt, and all their forts. they took all the spoil and all the booty—of man and beast.

Then they brought the captives, the booty, and the spoil to Moses, to Eleazar the priest, and to the congregation of the children of Israel, to the camp in the plains of Moab by the Jordan, across from Jericho. And Moses, Eleazar the priest, and all the leaders of the congregation, went to meet them outside the camp. 1But Moses was angry with the officers of the army, with the captains over thousands and captains over hundreds, who had come from the battle.

And Moses said to them: “Have you kept all the women alive? Look, these women caused the children of Israel, through the counsel of Balaam, to trespass against the Lord in the incident of Peor, and there was a plague among the congregation of the Lord. Now therefore, kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman who has known a man intimately. But keep alive for yourselves all the young girls who have not known a man intimately.

So - these people were told by God to kill all the men, kill all the childen, and almost all the women. Except the virgins, rape them. As the Lord commanded.
So - these people were told by God to kill all the men, kill all the childen, and almost all the women. Except the virgins, rape them. As the Lord commanded.

Sounds perfectly reasonable action to take IF IF IF you wish to be on the good side of god and you really really want your ticket to heaven punched to sit next to Sky Daddy

Sounds perfectly reasonable action to take IF IF IF you wish to be on the good side of god and you really really want your ticket to heaven punched to sit next to Sky Daddy
Yep. "God made me do it" is one of the favorite justifications of religious extremists. It wasn't his fault - God _made_ him do it!
Well, then I shall need to teach you a little about what it is to be a Humanist practicing the philosophy of Humanism.

Definititions; and
and individually;

Example of Humanist thought process; and
Do you understand?
I understand.
This is all fine and dandy, but since you are beginning at the point of...


To an atheist all theistic religions are similar and their apparent flaws are included in the greater picture of religious prejudice and persecution.
.... you are simply discriminating ideologically before you undergo your so called application into all that glitters with the human condition. IOW you are chalking up the boundaries of "us" and "them" before you venture into your treatises of so called benevolence. IOW you are completely unsuccessful in presenting a fresh perspective from a throng of groups already launching into so called benevolence through the eyes of predjudice. You are not acting on a platform of principled inclusivism, but rather principled exclusivism. ... and this is precisely the exact same platform any and all successful bigot, fanatic group or individual uses aa a vantage point to do good in the world. Granted, you express reservation against killing, but the fact that you set up camp on such a slippery slope brings serious apprehensions about what will sprout from the discrimination you are harbouring.
IOW you are chalking up the boundaries of "us" and "them" before you venture into your treatises of so called benevolence.
I must say you are good ... that is a nice ploy...I dont think you broke any rules but you grab your opponent by the balls.☺
I love it and although tempted to crush your attack will watch for the reply.

But I had to compliment you ..

Well done.

I would not worry about the horror Billvon referred to as its from the bible and the story is no doubt made up like the rest of the book and probably just another camp fire story as certainly a God who loves his human pets would not stand by and let inoccent folk be killed and etc.

Do you go to the same church as Jan and live in the same town?
Depends on what you're looking for.


You dont remember?

The evidence of God you suggested I look for by a goggle.

Well I had a look.

There is none.

Hold on I have just now figured it dont want to share God with anyone so you are keeping the evidence to yourself...

I think the greatest evidence against the existence of God comes from the fact he does not come forward and correct those made up stories written in the bronze age when folk did not know where the Sun went at night...probably not because he figures humans will grow out of that annoying childlike superstitious phase...or to come forward after the various horrors we call religious wars and proclaim that it had nothing to do with him...again maybe he just sits back am says if they are that stupid to think their wars are ok by me let the idiots kill each other..I at least hope he is busy designing more cats...I would like a tiger with no sharp claws and is vegetarian.

Do you like cats and dogs Jan? Keeping them as pets ..not for food.

If I were God I guess I could handle humans killing each other but I could not stand by whilst humans killed animals unless of course they are to become dinner...then its ok.

Anyways your evidence of God it seems shall remain hidden from me ... I am cooking breakfast so maybe if I burn the toast I will have my proof.

The thing that I have noticed from believers is they seek a cause, which is reasonable, they see the universe so there must be a cause and here they bring in God rather than being honest and agreeing that they actually dont know and should not rely on made up camp fire stories from the bronze age when folk did not know where the Sun went at night...on that point do you know what the bible says about where the Sun went at night..there must be something in there...but now they have their cause ...God...and yet they dont ask where did God come from

They want a cause but never ask who caused God.

That is so funny.

I ask where did God come from...does he really live alone...are humans just a hobby and where does he work...does he his grandfather still alive...who created the place he lives in.

Do you think that a God of the gaps needs a history and a cause or what...where did God come from...I suggest God came from the minds of men sitting around a camp fire wondering where the Sun went.

You dont remember?

The evidence of God you suggested I look for by a goggle.

Well I had a look.

There is none.

Hold on I have just now figured it dont want to share God with anyone so you are keeping the evidence to yourself...

I think the greatest evidence against the existence of God comes from the fact he does not come forward and correct those made up stories written in the bronze age when folk did not know where the Sun went at night...probably not because he figures humans will grow out of that annoying childlike superstitious phase...or to come forward after the various horrors we call religious wars and proclaim that it had nothing to do with him...again maybe he just sits back am says if they are that stupid to think their wars are ok by me let the idiots kill each other..I at least hope he is busy designing more cats...I would like a tiger with no sharp claws and is vegetarian.

Do you like cats and dogs Jan? Keeping them as pets ..not for food.

If I were God I guess I could handle humans killing each other but I could not stand by whilst humans killed animals unless of course they are to become dinner...then its ok.

Anyways your evidence of God it seems shall remain hidden from me ... I am cooking breakfast so maybe if I burn the toast I will have my proof.

The thing that I have noticed from believers is they seek a cause, which is reasonable, they see the universe so there must be a cause and here they bring in God rather than being honest and agreeing that they actually dont know and should not rely on made up camp fire stories from the bronze age when folk did not know where the Sun went at night...on that point do you know what the bible says about where the Sun went at night..there must be something in there...but now they have their cause ...God...and yet they dont ask where did God come from

They want a cause but never ask who caused God.

That is so funny.

I ask where did God come from...does he really live alone...are humans just a hobby and where does he work...does he his grandfather still alive...who created the place he lives in.

Do you think that a God of the gaps needs a history and a cause or what...where did God come from...I suggest God came from the minds of men sitting around a camp fire wondering where the Sun went.


Alex so you are close .

god always hoped that we would never have knowledge .
god always hoped that we would never have knowledge .
He's gotta be hating life now, then. Ignorant people are SO much easier to manipulate.

"Hey, people! I created this flat Earth and the Sun spins around it every day! And the stars are just painted on the vault of Heaven."
"Oh. OK."
Do you go to the same church as Jan and live in the same town?
I don't even know if he goes to a church. And judging by the time stamps, I suspect he lives in a time zone on the other side of the planet. I have never shared any communication with him.
There is saying that by testing a few grains, one can understand whether an entire pot of rice is cooked. In the same way, by discerning a few key elements, one can understand whether one has any actual spiritual knowledge or not.
He's gotta be hating life now, then. Ignorant people are SO much easier to manipulate.

"Hey, people! I created this flat Earth and the Sun spins around it every day! And the stars are just painted on the vault of Heaven."
"Oh. OK."

Oh he is pissed , but so are those that consider themselves his ancestors .
I understand what he saying and I can also understand why you can't understand what he is saying
You posted that as an answer to this: "Do you sign on to his bearing false witness, as in the OP and several of his replies here?"
That amounts to the answer "yes".
So, yes, you do sign on to the fundamental dishonesty of the OP of this thread - its slander, false imputations, and false claims, also the extended and bad faith ridden defense of its having been posted.

Ok. I didn't want to assume that.
that said, I'm not sure I could attempt to explain it any better than what he is doing now
He's still bearing false witness, posting evasions and trolls, and generally behaving in bad faith, as stereotypical fundies behave on a science forum.

Is that what you have trouble explaining? Because so do I, see.

Because that is my posted interest on this thread, repeated several times over the pages here, the only matter of interest in this kind of ugly: what is it about theistic belief that generates the sewer of bad faith and dishonesty and evasions and lies we see from the overt theists in these threads? You guys are apparently incapable, by nature, of honest discourse. You have no interest in it. Why then are you here?

Are you deliberately trying to damage the forum, for example, as your compadres have explicitly attempted in other arenas of social institution?
You posted that as an answer to this: "Do you sign on to his bearing false witness, as in the OP and several of his replies here?"
That amounts to the answer "yes".
So, yes, you do sign on to the fundamental dishonesty of the OP of this thread - its slander, false imputations, and false claims, also the extended and bad faith ridden defense of its having been posted.

Ok. I didn't want to assume that.

He's still bearing false witness, posting evasions and trolls, and generally behaving in bad faith, as stereotypical fundies behave on a science forum.

Is that what you have trouble explaining?

Because that is my posted interest on this thread, repeated several times over the pages here, the only matter of interest in this kind of ugly: what is it about theistic belief that generates the sewer of bad faith and dishonesty and evasions and lies we see from the overt theists in these threads? You guys are apparently incapable, by nature, of honest discourse. Why then are you here?

Are you deliberately trying to damage the forum, for example, as your compadres have explicitly attempted in other arenas of social institution?
So, are you still beating your wife?
Write4U said:
To an atheist all theistic religions are similar and their apparent flaws are included in the greater picture of religious prejudice and persecution.
This was a statement in context of the OP .
I understand.
This is all fine and dandy, but since you are beginning at the point of....(atheism).. you are simply discriminating ideologically before you undergo your so called application into all that glitters with the human condition.
No, your clever and duplicitous twisting two different perspectives does not make you less wrong. Moreover, your obvious disdain for Humanists does not speak in your favor.

I think that a better example of pomp and glitter can be found in the various houses of worship.

I am not Atheist first and Humanist second. I do not practice atheism, whatever that even means.

I am Humanist first and foremost, who happens to be atheist. As Humanist, I judge people by their individual character and behavior.

As atheist, I merely disagree with theist's belief in a God as presented and codified in scripture. But even as atheist I would not dream of discriminating against theists. There are no scriptures to tell an atheist to discriminate.

As atheist I was speaking against organized and codified Religions, with their demonstrable inherent flaws of exclusive and declared prejudicial stance against all other beliefs, including other believers and non-believers alike.

As Humanist I try to live up to the standards as set forth in my quote of Humanist values, which in no way discriminate against theists. See post # 1282
So, are you still beating your wife?
And we're back in the sewer.

Nailing jello to trees can be abandoned without penalty - theistic corruption minions have political power.

The OP is a deception and a slander. Its poster is a liar and a bearer of false witness. If that's ok with you, then we know where we stand.

You said you understood the poster, thought that my description revealed misunderstanding, and I took that as implying you were ok with the OP and its long defense now stretching to 64 pages. Was I wrong?
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