Scientists discover that atheists might not exist, and that’s not a joke

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Well even though I dont agree with theists I would like them to be happy and seeing God in Cern may make them happy.
Hopefully , they will come to think of science as their friend.
They no doubt feel science attacks their beliefs which of course not the case so including reference to God at Cern hopefully has them more accepting and thereby making for a less confrontational approach.
Always good to see you are still here..have a great day.
Yet here we are , in physics , particle physics , the god particle .
Yes, but can you explain this:

I got Jesus all buttered up this morning. He was heavenly!
You do know that even though I feel you are wrong I do respect you proven ability to side step questions and not withstanding your lack of evidence to stick to your belief in your God and maintain your faith in the scriptures from another era.
You're entitled to your opinion, even if it is warped, and biased toward your worldview. I get it. The problem is, I have answered every question that has been put to me, but you reject and deny my answers. I think you, and other atheists cannot tolerate God, or theists. You think you're correct by default, then get flustered when theist bypass your bullshit, and try to keep to the subject matter. There are times when you remind me of spoilt children, in that you only listen and accept what you want.
I do think in this thread you have let your determination to win steer you away from the truth somewhat and although I applaud your attempt to stimulate a response from others I do feel you game could be improved by engaging with total honesty and I only hope you can understand what I mean and recognise being a little tricky should be below you.
Show me where you think I have displayed this determination.
I do feel you game could be improved by engaging with total honesty and I only hope you can understand what I mean
I tell you what. Point out where think I have been dishonest, so I can correct your mistake.
Anyways when I left the legal game I recognisd that one should only argue for truth and I guess thats why I argue for atheism the
Atheism fails. Why? Because it disconnects itself from God.
You don't believe in God, but I do. Of course you can say there is no God for you, or anyone to believe in. But that merely amounts to a reason as for why you don't believe in God. The problem is that you now believe there is no God. That is your problem, not mine.
Of course you cant admit that you are an atheist but I bet you are ....
Everytime I don't put God first, I am an atheist. Which is why I understand atheism.
Remember, the only difference between theists and atheist is one's basic acceptance, and therefore, belief in God. Belief doesn't really mean anything other than belief. One still needs to develop a relationship with God.
I know most people need to believe the lies offerred by religion which is only a reflection upon their fear of death, fear of hell and fear of not fitting into their predominatly religious tonwship.
Religion is the education one receives, in a bid to bring the senses under control, eventually obtaining mastery over them. It is at this point one begins to really understand who and what God is, and one's relationship to God, in whole scheme of things.
These religions that I see today, mostly appear to be social organisations, more than schools that disciplines one to master the senses. Which is why I don't really talk about religion.
I think atheists represent the next big evolutionary step for humans. ..
Who gives a shit? Trends are always changing in the material world. I'm more interested in spiritual growth, not the fleeting illusion of temporary forms.
I just wish you could be on the side of the new human and use your extrodinary talent for arguement to promote a world free from superstition.
I know you do. But it's bullshit Alex.
I wish you could see that.
Certainly by sending me to look for evidence on the net was a good idea that showed me what a serious problem religion really is...I had no idea religious folk could lie and cheat the way it comes out on the net.
You're currently not going to accept God, so talk of evidence, and proof, is pointless. What you want to do is to gather every piece of what you think is regarded as evidence, so you can say it's not true. You need to do that in order to maintain you delusion. Otherwise you can never truly be content.
You're cheating yourself Alex, and I'm fairly sure you are aware of that. But you refuse to accept it.
Quite sad really. :(

Anyways its been nice catching up with you.
Hope you come to your senses soon.

I'm not sure how your lack of honesty and sincerity has anything to do with me, but I'm used to theists projecting their own faults and foibles onto others.
What an odd response.
Are you not paying attention to what everyone here is telling you about the ridiculous things you say? Reading comprehensions issues?
Argument um ad populum.
Look it up.
I'm not, you are reducing your responses to ridiculousness.
Sure, till he finds out she talks crap, is dishonest and insincere, then he's gone.
They're little boys, and little girls. What's up with you?
Yes, those kind of ridiculous things, how do you ever manage to come up with that stuff when nothing of the sort is being posted?
The same reason why you can't stop beating your wife I guess.
I tried, but you have yet to be honest or sincere, so I see no point in engaging that kind of person.
I don't believe you. I think you will say anything to keep the delusion of being correct by default.
Perhaps, you must think we're all just low grade morons?
Not at all.
But I see loads of atheists posts and remarks about

The same reason why you can't stop beating your wife I guess.

I don't believe you. I think you will say anything to keep the delusion of being correct by default.

Anything? Perhaps, as cruel and asinine as saying you can't stop beating your wife?

I'll keep that in mind. Thanks for the advice.
You're entitled to your opinion, even if it is warped, and biased toward your worldview.

Back at ya Jan☺
I have answered every question that has been put to me, but you reject and deny my answers.

A bold claim can you back it up?
I think you, and other atheists cannot tolerate God, or theists.
Why would think that Jan?
I can tolerate you and if there was a God I would certainly tolerate him or her or it but as I dont run into God I cant demonstrate my tolerance.
I certainly would not judge him her or it by the made up stuff superstitious humans from the he bronze age ( who did not know where the Sun went at night) made up pretending to know anything aboit hm based on the delussional claims of folk who by todays measure would be kept somewhere for their safety.
You think you're correct by default, then get flustered when theist bypass your bullshit, and try to keep to the subject matter.
Back at you Jan.
Show me where you think I have displayed this determination
Look I will take that back Jan I only pointed it out because I thpught you knew where you had been tricky.
But give me a week or two so I can make up a short list.
Come on tell me you don't know what I am driving at?
I can correct your mistake.
I expect you are joking as you must know that I do not make mistakes.
The problem is that you now believe there is no God
And I thank you for your help in arriving at that are really an atheist I just know it....

More to come...flat battery
In this thread, all that needs to be known is that I believe in God, and at least a reason why I believe (although not necessary, as the opening post provides a good fundamental one).
The OP is a fundamentally dishonest misrepresentation of a reasonable piece of scientific research.

Presenting it as a good reason to believe in God is evidence that the one presenting it is also posting other falsehoods, on this forum.
For example, if that poster claims to believe in God, having presented the OP as a "good reason" for their belief suggests that they do not in fact believe in any such God as they claim, regardless of their claims.
The fact that the OP and related claims fit perfectly into a familiar pattern of dishonest and bad faith posting by overt Abrahamic theists here adds weight to that suggestion.

To remove that weight, and restore plausibility to any other posts made by such people on this forum, some explanation for the OP other than the obvious - intentional misrepresentation of the research - would be required. So far, none has been presented.
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I am an atheist.

I just knew it. So I was right.

I like the way you slipped it in but I got your message.

One still needs to develop a relationship with God.


How can you develop a relationship with a fictional character...remember God is a mere unsupported claim at this point so if you have no evidence how do you know firstly if your entity "is" as you say...and secondly with no evidence of its expectations if it does indeed exist how do you know how it works or expects you to relate to far as I can tell its all guesswork based upon wishful thinking and why should any rational person conclude otherwise.

All I get notwithstanding your many posts is that your basis for belief is what I suppose we would call just know?

I could understand belief could be instinct given humans seem to have always been superstitious and that is why it is so exciting to be one of the new humans free from the instinct that has perhaps been with us for one hundred thousand years ...perhaps back to when apes and us were the same...the common ancestor.

Maybe it was superstition that gave us structure and made us somewhat more fit to survieve...that sounds good...hey making stuff up is fun.

Which is why I don't really talk about religion.

So God is separate from religion?

Look I am trying to follow but you have lost me here.

Who gives a shit?
Language Jan...please dont lower yourself to profanity you really are better than that ...moreover I can see that I have upset you by drawing attention to the changes in humans happening right now.

Just think we may be offerred up in history classes in the distant of course representing the superstitious humans who somehow survived without science and me..lesser equiped but holding that one vital ability that sees me one of the first new unsuperstitious humans that with this quality see the superstitious humans finally fade away.

I'm more interested in spiritual growth, not the fleeting illusion of temporary forms.

We all need an interest to take our minds away from reality so I understand.

I know you do. But it's bullshit Alex.
I wish you could see that.

I am sure you do Jan.
Just as you think I miss the truth I think the same for you...and I think you care but I base that on the way I approach things..
I care that folk are conned by following superstition ...I really care...I see the bad things about religion and wish for a better human free of superstition...I dont know if your motivation is personal in that you just want an afterlife for yourself and hang the rest of humanity...I want more for all humans, I want equality of opportunity good education for all, good nutrition, good shelter for all...I believe getting rid of superstition is key and may stop groups thinking they are better than other groups...and I do wish for a God who would help.
Heck if I was God you would have no animal cruelty, women would be treated as equals in fact placed on higher status than men..
They are the species after all...males are mere seed carriers.
But there is no God or lets say there is as if so he does nothing...why let children die at the hands of sexual criminals...if I were God I would be on the job.

And this nonsense about one person but let thousands die...put it in a pile and it does not make sense.

We dont need superstition Jan we need truth.

You're currently not going to accept God, so talk of evidence, and proof, is pointless.

My view is if God was more than a fairy tale he would first make it easy to know he was there and secondly not leave it to bronze age folk etc etc etc.
Can anyone one actualy believe this God introduced himself to only a very small group of people in the world ...that is an extrodinary claim dont you think?

If there was a God it could be better.
A great deal better...the wars, the suffering..oh free will??? Well that did not work so turn them into robots who are nice to each other...a creator of the universe should be able to do better...and he would if he were real...that makes total sense.....but none of it adds up, none of it is rationalal but most important none of it is evidenced or supported in any way...I know hide the evidence so atheist dont pick holes in it...are you must be an atheist trying to draw attention to the stupidity of the whole deal.

Deep down I know you are you just reject atheism to feel good.

You cant expect me to take it seriously given the deaths and suffering of inoccents...

Just as you have concern for me I have concern for seem decent and very intelligent and yet this god nonsense seems to have you crippled...please dont fear death or hell and live in the present can be good without it being laid out by folk from the bronze age...

Religion and therefore belief in a god is responsible for so many bad things.

Why do you think women are treated as inferior to men..its that basis crap that gets fed to kids as religion...the deaths the must know.

With all this evidence look to your conscience and ask it not time that I think for myself and throw off the chains of is only then that you can develop spiritually...its foundation, the foundation upon which to build enlightenment is truth..truth Jan which can be found by simply aski g simple questions about the credibility of your God story....may wisdom wash over you and cleanse you of all superstition....think about what I have said as you go to sleep and when you awake I just know you will have found enlightenment.

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I really wanted to talk about cat-metaphysics.
Cognitive scientists are becoming increasingly aware that a metaphysical outlook may be so deeply ingrained in human thought processes that it cannot be expunged.
Why humans and not cats? I mean, my cat has a brain. It may be regarded as less sophisticated but that doesn't preclude a cats belief in the divine.
Cats prove evolution because even if there was an intelligent designer god invisable friend type creator even he could not come up with or create something so wonderful as a cat which could only have evolved over a great length of time seeing each generation improve slightly on the previous generation and so reach their current state of perfection☺.

I just knew it. So I was right.
You know that's completely dishonest. Don't you? Not to mention a little desparate.
Because God is your source.
remember God is a mere unsupported claim at this point
So you keep telling yourself.
I can tell its all guesswork based upon wishful thinking and why should any rational person conclude otherwise.
The only tell you tell, is yourself that there is no God.
I want equality of opportunity good education for all, good nutrition, good shelter for all...I
Why do you?
Where did does the idea of obtaining knowledge come from, according to your worldview? What is the point of obtaining knowledge from such a worldview. Your worldview, IMHO accounts only for natural instinct, not logic, reason, or the pursuit of knowledge. You have to assume God, the resovoir of all knowledge, whether you believe so, or not.
Heck if I was God you would have no animal cruelty, women would be treated as equals in fact placed on higher status than men..
You don't need to be God to stop animal cruelty, you just need to advance your intelligence. Human beings aren't robots. We come with sufficient knowledge to accept God, and to understand that we are more than our gross senses. It is man's own unsatiated desires, that turn into lust, that lies at the base of cruelty.
You would be more correct if our base instinct was to be cruel. But then it would simply be.just what it is.

From a real atheist standpoint, there is no reason at all, to view cruelty as wrong, or heinous.

We have the ability to to act with compassion, empathy, and humility, because these attributes are part of God's nature, and God is our source.
They are the species after all...males are mere seed carriers.
But there is no God or lets say there is as if so he does nothing...why let children die at the hands of sexual criminals...if I were God I would be on the job.
All living beings die, Alex. Unfortunately there are people take pleasure in such activities, and take every opportunity to act them out. In the same way, there are loving compassionate people out there who would risk losing their own life, if it means saving lives.

If we were the kind of robots you wanted us to be, there would be only indifference. We would not be self-aware. In short we would be non different to rocks. That is the real, and I emphasise, real atheist world. This is why the article question if there are any real atheists, as opposed to professed atheists, out there.
You are merely a proffered atheist, living a life as if there is no God. Not a real atheist, for whom there is no right or wrong, good or evil.
Deep down I know you are you just reject atheism to feel good.
If I were to reject atheism, it would be the atheist charcature. The denial and rejection of your source. But while I do see it as foolish position, a position that advances nothing that is real and meaningful left to its own devices. I don't reject it. Because the reality of its uneventful outcome awaits us all, if we don't shape up.
You cant expect me to take it seriously given the deaths and suffering of inoccents...
Death exists Alex. It's a part of being alive in these temporary vehicles we call bodies. If you can't accept that then this conversation is pointless.
Religion and therefore belief in a god is responsible for so many bad things.
And so many good things.
Why do you think women are treated as inferior to men..its that basis crap that gets fed to kids as religion...the deaths the must know.
Why are ugly people treated as inferior to beautiful people. Why are dumb people treated as inferior to smart people. Why? Because people can be unforgivably self-centered, and egocentric.
With all this evidence look to your conscience and ask it not time that I think for myself and throw off the chains of is only then that you can develop spiritually...its foundation, the foundation upon which to build enlightenment is truth..truth Jan which can be found by simply aski g simple questions about the credibility of your God story....may wisdom wash over you and cleanse you of all superstition....think about what I have said as you go to sleep and when you awake I just know you will have found enlightenment.
I understand your frustration. You now feel like you just have to ride roughshod over everything I'm saying, inserting your own storyboard. Because you think that is what I'm doing.
I feel your anxiety, but if makes you feel better, I'm okay with that.

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I really wanted to talk about cat-metaphysics.

Why humans and not cats? I mean, my cat has a brain. It may be regarded as less sophisticated but that doesn't preclude a cats belief in the divine.

Light-hearted banter. Take the heat out of the discussion. I get it. ;)

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