Scientists discover that atheists might not exist, and that’s not a joke

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In this thread, all that needs to be known is that I believe in God, and at least a reason why I believe (although not necessary, as the opening post provides a good fundamental one).
The thread is about atheists, not theists.
If you or any atheist want to discuss whether or not God exists, then start a thread.

You're prejudiced against theists. No surprise there then.

You're just frustrated because you can't spin your usual atheist nonsense.


Thank you for confirming my post above. Sincerity and honesty are wasted on you and I doubt you know anything about them. Your posts prove that you're here to just toss out ridiculous claims in order to bait others to respond accordingly. I suppose this is the way you get your jollies. Sad, really.
Sincerity and honesty are wasted on you and I doubt you know anything about them.
Sounds like you've got a case of sour grapes.
Your posts prove that you're here to just toss out ridiculous claims in order to bait others to respond accordingly.
What's ridiculous about anything I've said? Sorry if you don't like what I'm saying, but you don't have to reduce it to ridiculousness. Remember while the little boy may taunt the little girl, even pull her hair. Secretly he really likes her. ;).
I suppose this is the way you get your jollies. Sad, really.
You know you need to respond in this thread. Don't you? Otherwise you don't get closure regarding the validity of your belief system.

Maybe if you actually engage with me, by answering my questions, and respond to my points, instead of purely defending your belief system, you might actually get something out of it.

I don't believe you.
And you are right not to.

I suspect Jan is like most religious believers - a "fair weather theist." As long as he can just hang out on forums and attack atheists, wear his cross necklace to church to show his piety, he's happy.

But if someday his doctor tells him "you have cancer, and it's terminal, but fortunately we have a 90% effective treatment course for it" and his priest tells him "ignore the doctor; trust in your faith and your God to cure you" - he's going to go with the doctor every time. Because while he professes a belief, deep down he knows it's not quite reality.
I suspect Jan is like most religious believers - a "fair weather theist." As long as he can just hang out on forums and attack atheists, wear his cross necklace to church to show his piety, he's happy.
Attack atheists? Lol!
I dare say you believe your description of me to be true. As true as your belief that that you really are an atheist.
But if someday his doctor tells him "you have cancer, and it's terminal, but fortunately we have a 90% effective treatment course for it" and his priest tells him "ignore the doctor; trust in your faith and your God to cure you" - he's going to go with the doctor every time.
I'd be more inclined to go for natural remedies over synthetic ones.
But it is fascinating how you are prepared to believe whatever you tell yourself.
Because while he professes a belief, deep down he knows it's not quite reality.
What other reality is their than God Is?

I'd be more inclined to go for natural remedies over synthetic ones.
So you'd do "natural remedies" for an aggressive metastatic cancer, rather than listen to your doctor?
What other reality is their than God Is?
The reality that science works and belief doesn't for most things. If you drop a rock it will fall due to gravity, no matter how much you pray for it to go up.
Sounds like you've got a case of sour grapes.

I'm not sure how your lack of honesty and sincerity has anything to do with me, but I'm used to theists projecting their own faults and foibles onto others.

What's ridiculous about anything I've said?

Are you not paying attention to what everyone here is telling you about the ridiculous things you say? Reading comprehensions issues?

Sorry if you don't like what I'm saying, but you don't have to reduce it to ridiculousness.

I'm not, you are reducing your responses to ridiculousness.

Remember while the little boy may taunt the little girl, even pull her hair. Secretly he really likes her. ;).

Sure, till he finds out she talks crap, is dishonest and insincere, then he's gone.

You know you need to respond in this thread. Don't you? Otherwise you don't get closure regarding the validity of your belief system.

Yes, those kind of ridiculous things, how do you ever manage to come up with that stuff when nothing of the sort is being posted?

Maybe if you actually engage with me, by answering my questions, and respond to my points, instead of purely defending your belief system, you might actually get something out of it.


I tried, but you have yet to be honest or sincere, so I see no point in engaging that kind of person. And yes, much to your surprise, I'm sure, I am reading other's posts to you and your responses to them, I can see how you behave and what your intent is here. Perhaps, you must think we're all just low grade morons?
I'm not required to change the subject of my own thread. If you want to go in depth about the evidence for God (which you already know anyway), then start a thread.
Personally I feel no need to argue with people who continuously reject and deny God, to support their amnesia. I find atheist psychology far more interesting, and relevant, and illuminating. That should be the topic of religious discussion. Instead of keeping it in the background.
The subject of the thread - the OP - was a claim that scientists had discovered evidence of universal human belief in God.
The attempt to swap in evidence for God, and deflect away from the claim of scientific discovery of evidence for belief, was launched by the OP poster. Attempts to maintain a focus on the OP claim were opposed, undermined, and deflected, by the OP poster among others.

The introduced matter of the motivations behind such a claim as was made in the OP, blatantly false as it was, and the continual barrage of similar misrepresentations and falsehoods and deflections and bizarre strings of deflecting verbiage used for personal attack that followed from these people,

which are the bulk of the overt Abrahamic theistic posting on this and other science forums,

has now been co-opted by one of them, and twisted into "psychology" (projection?). Notice: plagiarized, in a sense, and timed to allow the pretense of preemptive accusation (including that of the amnesia necessary) - a standard overt Abrahamic theist's rhetorical tactic, one they share with other authoritarian political operations in the US.

And of course (its role) embedded in the usual swill of confusion between religion and theism, presumptions about "atheist psychology" designed to frame "atheistic" as a single definable status or condition (and nonexistent except in relation to the Abrahamic God), and so forth, for the usual purposes of personal attack.

That is not, plausibly, a coincidence. It is not, plausibly, an amnesiac lack of self-awareness by the OP poster. That is deliberate dishonesty and bad faith - calculated and intentional.
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That knowledge is naturally innate.
According to who? Where is the evidence, or whatever it is that has convinced you of this?
Plus he has offered no reason as to why he doesn't know it. Rejection and denial withstanding.
You honestly expect people to be able to explain to you why they don't know something that you claim to know? Do you think that, in the absence of such explanation, rejection and denial are the only options?
Do you happen to know the equations of flight for a typical powered aircraft? No? Is that rejection or denial your part?
In the knowledge that God Is
Question begging, then: it is truth because know it. Fair enough. You're simply admitting you have no actual explanation, let alone anything approaching an argument.
In his naturally innate knowledge that God Is.
I have no doubt that you believe knowledge that God Is to be innate, but here you're left with two issues: the first is in convincing anyone else that God actually Is, the second is in convincing anyone that this knowledge (if indeed it is) is innate.
Take them in either order. I await your justification. Or is all you have your unjustified opinion?
Neither can I establish to his satisfaction that water is quenching.
I'm sure you could if you tried. Or maybe your Google-fu isn't up to it? Or maybe you don't understand enough of what you might read to know what to present as a convincing argument?
If you believe that he does not know, are you prepared to believe someone can know?
If someone can first convince me that God is knowable. Similarly I can believe that someone can‘t count from one to a trillion during their lifetime. Does that mean I should be prepared to believe that someone can?
Firstly, I know of no strawman, other than the god atheists expect theists to conjure up.
You mean God as "first cause" or some such? And by "conjure up" you mean provide a convincing argument in support of God being a reality? Then you're right, that wouldn't be a strawman. Alas thats not what you argue against.
Secondly, I will be inclined to take your sentiment more seriously if I see you chastise others who actually do what you accuse me of.
Ah, so no "I'm innocent, Guv!" but rather a plea to chastise others other than yourself. You think two wrongs make a right? You seriously want every thread you engage in to be a race to the bottom? Are you no better than that? Or are you really nothing more than a stooge of the site owners given (relatively) free rein to drive up traffic by posting your detritus?
How polite of you.
It's far more than your pathetic trolling and disrespectful posting deserves.
Jan says it because Jan knows that it's almost guaranteed to stimulate a response from atheists.
I actually have a feeling he is given greater leeway (by those who monitor such things) in his posting style due to us flies that congregate around the steating pile of manure he spouts at almost every opportunity.
Thanks Alex!

You are welcome Jan.
You do know that even though I feel you are wrong I do respect you proven ability to side step questions and not withstanding your lack of evidence to stick to your belief in your God and maintain your faith in the scriptures from another era.
The reason I got out of the legal game was I realised that I could argue for either side irrespective of my belief that my arguement was supporting reality or truth.
One has to really give it all you have but in an effort to show you can beat the opposition truth is often sidelined.
I do think in this thread you have let your determination to win steer you away from the truth somewhat and although I applaud your attempt to stimulate a response from others I do feel you game could be improved by engaging with total honesty and I only hope you can understand what I mean and recognise being a little tricky should be below you.
But you do a good job but it could be better if you avoided the obvious trickyness...that would be the mark of a true master know the way I do it...
But I guess you are still learning so I hope I have been of help.
Anyways when I left the legal game I recognisd that one should only argue for truth and I guess thats why I argue for atheism the inconvenient truth.

I know most people need to believe the lies offerred by religion which is only a reflection upon their fear of death, fear of hell and fear of not fitting into their predominatly religious tonwship.

The power of superstition over fearful folk I would like to see abate.

I think atheists represent the next big evolutionary step for humans. .. just think how wonderful the future will be when superstition no longer exists and all humans are rational educated and understand and except reality.
I just wish you could be on the side of the new human and use your extrodinary talent for arguement to promote a world free from superstition.
Maybe that what you do.
You appear far too inteligent to be a theist so I often wonder if you use your talent to stir otherwise complacent atheists to come out and expose the nonsense that is religion.
Of course you cant admit that you are an atheist but I bet you are .... in any event your activity does produce a positive result in that you present as worthwhile arguing with whereas the average theist is so dumb and tiresome any one with even a poor education and half brain dead such as myself find them too stupid to bother with a responce.
And please I am not trying to be insulting but you must know that about me by now.
Certainly by sending me to look for evidence on the net was a good idea that showed me what a serious problem religion really is...I had no idea religious folk could lie and cheat the way it comes out on the net.
And you confirmed for me there is indeed no evidence.

And so I say keep up the good work wheter or not you are an atheist or not you are certainly good for our cause.
Sorry about the mistakes but I typed this as passenger in car on a ruff road and nkw I am stopped and wont be able to edit...
Back in the car ready to edit but Rivers post caught my eye.
Scientists discovered the " god particle " , the higgs boson .
I think that may be their ūway of having a joke I expect all on the team would be atheists.
I hope you are doing well River.
Back in the car ready to edit but Rivers post caught my eye.

I think that may be their ūway of having a joke I expect all on the team would be atheists.
I hope you are doing well River.

A joke that has not been objected to .

Thanks Alex , for your concern , so far so good . Appreciated
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