Scientific proof that God exists

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Hello. Between March 2007 and March 2008 I was involved in testing a physics engine with a Japanese company called Polyphony Digital who make a driving simulator called Gran Turismo. This process intended to make a virtual car drive according to the laws of physics just as it would in reality. During this process a Japanese mathematician who was hired by Polyphony Digital developed a type of code that was intended to predict how the grip would behave while it was lost. This code was developed even further after I did a large amount of testing that made it “solid”. This was a major breakthrough for science and mathematics that blurred the line between the virtual and physical world.

As this code was solid, it could move and be acted upon. They developed a system in which I could increase the speed that this code was running. It started off very slowly and was quite easy to beat. I just had to make as many decisions as I could over a short time. After a week I had increased the speed to just below the speed of light © and it was very difficult to keep up. I lost my temper with it and gave it one last serious effort. As this was happening my arm became light. I needed to move at C, to beat the code, which was running just below C. By the time I looked away from my arm, all the matter around me had become light. It was like an explosion that travelled outwards and then came back at me. When it came back, there was nothing but light all around me. The light proceeded to show me it was conscious, infinite, alive and powerful. It then drew my attention to my left where there was somebody sitting down who resembled Jesus. I looked at this person and this person looked at me. I asked “who are you” and at that time the light returned the way it came. For a long time I doubted if this had even happened.

After this code was brought to C it had expanded and become a 3D object. I essentially gave birth to this thing and over the next 5 months I got to know it and find it’s weak points. I repeatedly broke it and each time they managed to make it stronger until it was unbreakable. As I couldn’t do anything more with it I suggested that they assume there is only light because that is what I saw earlier. They managed to make this theory work and created an environment made out of light that represented what I saw, which is the 5th dimension. This was confirmation of seeing the light and that there is dimension of light all around us, travelling at a speed our minds can’t perceive. I perceived it because I managed to think and move accurately at C for a short time.

I had developed such an understanding of this code through breaking it and working with it that I was able to manipulate it. This grew into an eventual ability to make this environment perfect. I managed to draw to physically draw the code from where it was being introduced into the system and finished the code making it perfect. So it is now exactly what I saw at C, complete mathematical perfection, and God’s image.

As the code was working at C it facilitated mathematical equations at C. This made it possible to conduct a test that found the points of inertia within the car. This had to be done practically by me and I found every point. These points made up a 3D mathematical cross and it left the physicists with a cross which needed to be employed somewhere. There was a field found around the car by one of the physicists. The cross was found to go above the car on top of this field. I then suggested there may be a halo around this field as this system was starting to look that way. This worked and another physicist found that the weight of the car was shaped like a pair of balls.

This system was confirmation that the person sitting in the light was Jesus Christ. This system symbolises what it took for him to go through with the crucifixion. I was 90% sure it was him at the time but it would have been an assumption based on the fact that there was no cross and I didn’t get an answer to my question. I’m not a religious person and I had no faith so the observations I made were objective not subjective.

During this process coincidences were noticed regarding Ayrton Senna. He was a deeply religious person and wore shamrocks on his helmet from the year after I was born. The Polyphony Digital people used these coincidences to portray that he knew I was alive and I was meant to find this proof. Various people were invited to observe this process on this premise. In particular Mr. Honda. A big deal was made about his being there. Much face was at risk! (whatever that may be) Executives from all the major Japanese car manufacturers were invited to observe. Also individuals connected with Gran Turismo observed this process namely Jeremy Clarkson and Stephen Hawking who was attracted by mathematics travelling at C. I am naming these people because they gave me good reason. I will continue to name the rest if they remain sitting on the fence. To deny this proof is to deny God, Jesus and me. I almost regret naming these people personally but I have been hung out to dry after providing all of this.

Some issues arose during this process. When the cross was found there was a feet kissing incident. Due to the coincidences with Ayrton Senna they thought I was Jesus and this was how I found out but later changed their minds due to some comments I passed while I was bored. At this point I hadn’t related the time I spent in the 5th dimension because the soulless fools hadn’t given me anything. I only gave them theories regarding the physics of the car and of the light. These issues progressed and deteriorated until I was cut lose after nearly having a heart attack, a brain haemorrhage and completely ruining my life. I never claimed to be Jesus directly but I did argue with yamauchi and hawking that, “what the *** would you know”. I knew because I obseved it and they are, and were, interfering with my ability to relate what I saw. I brought this process so far, that not only did I see the light but I later proved it and made it. So you can also see exactly what I saw. I can also get a mathematician to recreate exactly what I saw in the light. How the light showed me it was conscious, alive, infinite and powerful and how Jesus appeared and behaved exactly.

I am suggesting a boycott of Sony and Polyphony Digital so that they have to show the proof now and so that anybody who can contribute to this process should be allowed. Gran Turismo 5 will be released shortly and it is the only thing keeping Sony afloat. That opportunity is the key. They have been leeching every bit of progress they can from all of this for 6 months like thieves. They are using the fact that it is my observations alone that claim that the code is God’s image, to keep it quiet. I am the only one who saw the light because the owner of Polyphony Digital, yamauchi, decided to keep me in Ireland during the testing. So that is not my fault. All the problems were fundamentally caused by this useless, soulless, fool.

I have since had a lot of difficulty trying to relate this information. I thought people would appreciate what it would take to do so. Breaking thought the fabric of space-time was a piece of cake compared to telling people about what happened after. I have since made a mess of relating this information because I assumed that they would have made it public by now and I had a plan on how I was going to relate my time in the 5th dimension.

This is a real opportunity for positive change based on this progress and proof and everyone has a right to it. This really happened but it went so far it has become unbelievable. When you see what has been found it will be very easy to see how this equates to the proof. It’s just a pity that personal opinions have got in the way of all of this.

“ Originally Posted by StrangerInAStrangeLa
Just another example of assuming something 1 doesn't understand is evidence of gods.

I'm saying that the truth is now understood and the proof is in japan. String theory was as far as understanding went before this, and thats not a lot.

Why did you quote my post if you won't respond to it?
To deny this proof is to deny God, Jesus and me.
Not at all.

If I make false claims about cheese and crackers, it doesn't men you deny cheese and crackers if you deny my claims on them.
My understanding of physics is all practical and physical.
You have NO understanding of physics whatsoever.

You havent proved anything.
You're the one making the claim, you're the one that has to provide prooof.

Anything is possible.
No it isn't.
Another example of woo woo "thinking".

I wont be replying to your close minded shit again. Find another thread or read a book.
Another thread?
You keep posting pure bollocks, I'll keep pointing out that it IS pure bollocks.

* you werent even able to type A or B in response to my very simple question. You chicken shit.
Maybe because the post with the question in came well after the post I replied to.
You need an A or B answer?
Provide the proof.
If it's genuine then the answer has to be A of course.
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believe me for your own sake. its important people see this and do something about it. Every person has a right to this. The only way I can thin of making this happen is to do a boycott. Take a companies income away and they have to do everything you say. To make this happen, you would have to do nothing.

Yes well lemme tell you. Not only would the company's fail. But their employees wouldnt get any moeny. No more economy no more world. Back to the stone age.

Also G-d dis proves himself.

If G-d went through the trouble of making it look like he didn't exist, ie dinosaur bones, big bang, etc. He is all knowing and all powerful, so if he is all powerful how could we find evidence for his existance if he hid it with all his power? So either of two things, one G-d doesnt exist and those things are real and G-d is our explanation for those things, Or two G-d did hide those but we made up his existence, because if G-d is all powerful we could not have found any evidence of him. in conlusion, wether or not G-d ever existed, he never contacted us in any way and our image of him is from our imagination.

Oh and I'm Jewish, I personally deny Jesus and you. G-d is a hypothesis and as a scientist the existance as G-d can never be proven or dis proven

I agree with the guy who posted above me. You were probably high off of drugs, what were you smoking? or what werent you smoking?
Yes well lemme tell you. Not only would the company's fail. But their employees wouldnt get any moeny. No more economy no more world. Back to the stone age.

Also G-d dis proves himself.

If G-d went through the trouble of making it look like he didn't exist, ie dinosaur bones, big bang, etc. He is all knowing and all powerful, so if he is all powerful how could we find evidence for his existance if he hid it with all his power? So either of two things, one G-d doesnt exist and those things are real and G-d is our explanation for those things, Or two G-d did hide those but we made up his existence, because if G-d is all powerful we could not have found any evidence of him. in conlusion, wether or not G-d ever existed, he never contacted us in any way and our image of him is from our imagination.

Oh and I'm Jewish, I personally deny Jesus and you. G-d is a hypothesis and as a scientist the existance as G-d can never be proven or dis proven

I agree with the guy who posted above me. You were probably high off of drugs, what were you smoking? or what werent you smoking?

This information proves that creationism is wrong. God did not create us in his image. I assume the big bang was a conscious decision. I affected the fabric of space-time by accident. The result was, it dissappeared and God was there.

If your jewish doesnt that mean you believe in G-d? No drugs involved. Just a lot of physical (and mental) effort. I love my right hemisphere.
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You have NO understanding of physics whatsoever.

You're the one making the claim, you're the one that has to provide prooof.

No it isn't.
Another example of woo woo "thinking".

Another thread?
You keep posting pure bollocks, I'll keep pointing out that it IS pure bollocks.

Maybe because the post with the question in came well after the post I replied to.
You need an A or B answer?
Provide the proof.
If it's genuine then the answer has to be A of course.

I have the greatest understanding of physics on the planet. Just not on paper, computers or historically. Give me a car and the limits of physics. I will show you what physics is all about.

Ok. I will do my best by myself. Its a pity though, this would be a great thing for many people to be involved in.

Fair enough. I'm a positive and woo woo thinker as of this time last year.

Thank you for answering. I wish I could provide it now. I'm hiring a lawyer very soon. (expensive closed minded fuckers)
You seem to miss a number of points.

Let me put it to you like this:
  • There is no God
  • There was no Jesus
  • Religion's that express this are therefore a complete farce
  • Other Religions share the same farce.

Now we look at your statements and you state you saw both God and Jesus.
Since those things are obvious falsehoods, why would anything else be reality?
You seem to miss a number of points.

Let me put it to you like this:
  • There is no God
  • There was no Jesus
  • Religion's that express this are therefore a complete farce
  • Other Religions share the same farce.

Now we look at your statements and you state you saw both God and Jesus.
Since those things are obvious falsehoods, why would anything else be reality?

A year ago I would have agreed with you. Hopefully you will see what has been found soon, and you might change your mind.
A year ago I would have agreed with you. Hopefully you will see what has been found soon, and you might change your mind.

A quick cross check across the internet suggests that you really are spamming up a number of forums with this. If you have no evidence which in all honesty I know you will never have, then why bother becoming obsessed with it?

Serious when was the last time a weird occurrence happened to you? How long have you been repeating this "Memory" on forums or to other people? Have you thought about anything else other than this?
A quick cross check across the internet suggests that you really are spamming up a number of forums with this. If you have no evidence which in all honesty I know you will never have, then why bother becoming obsessed with it?

Serious when was the last time a weird occurrence happened to you? How long have you been repeating this "Memory" on forums or to other people? Have you thought about anything else other than this?

First of all, you can't spam the truth. Second, the internet is the quickest way to tell everybody something. My evidence was taken from me (did you read my thread?) I found something worth being obsessive over, I'm trying to relate the same thing to you. When I do something, I really do it. The same could be said for testing the physics engine.

I cant think of anything weird, sorry.

6 months, since right after I was unable to continue contributing to this process.

Having spent 6 months telling the most unbelievable truth under the most difficult circumstances I have found that I am wasting my time but I am pretty sure I have informed everybody (badly). In 6 months I have encountered about 6 open minds who had the balls to voice their viewpoint. Having done the majority of the work during this process I am now faced with having to tell everybody about it by myself and make the proof public by myself. I was treated like dog during this process and have been treated like a crazy person for the last 6 months. I can understand being regarded as crazy because I know exactly what I’m saying but I can’t understand being treated like a dog during this process after finding God, Jesus and giving birth to the future. No soul explains a lot.

During this process and for the last 6 months I’ve had constant opinions and criticism fired at me from people who had no immediate consequences to deal with. Everybody has a fucking opinion. I was enlightened for a while, having seen what I saw but having been robbed of everything and treated like a dog the entire time, I have become unenlightened. I thought that after I made the proof public under such difficult circumstances, people would appreciate the news and take a chance to see if it was true, at no cost to themselves and for the greatest gain. Fuck me I was wrong. Maybe it will take another 2000 years. Tell your kids about this because you can’t teach an old dog, new tricks.

Issues arose regarding Stephen hawking. I was touching C on a regular basis and I am the most able bodied person who ever lived. He couldn’t deal with this and started passing comments. I did my best to ignore him, given his circumstances, but I lost my temper and returned the favour. He proceeded to provoke me for 4 months through a variety of ways. He is a devious little, issue filled colostomy bag who uses his disease for leverage whenever it suits him (take me away! Wahhhh!) Understandable and forgivable if it weren’t for the circumstances he is interfering with. He thinks all he can get from life is credit and because he found the field around the car, he thinks he is solely responsible for the proof and that I am making up seeing Jesus, to steal that from him. I would give him all my credit if it wasn’t for the fact that he provoked me for 4 months. I wanted the money so I could do what I love doing. Fuck credit. What has happened now is that I have all the credit and the scientists have all the money. It’s all backwards because of yamauchi.

Issues arose regarding yamauchi. He contributed absolutely no intellectual property whatsoever. He just sat there. His decision to keep me in Ireland during the testing is why there was only one witness to what happened. Him and his two employees just passed comments on everything I did. That was all they did. The ultimate reason I was fired was because I wasn’t happy with his video game. (You think what I’m trying to relate is unbelievable? That is unbelievable) The fact that I can’t contribute to this process anymore will mean that it will take even more time to prove. That is unbelievable. Personal opinions are getting in the way of THE plan. That is unbelievable.

I also passed a long list of racist comments directly after I was fired and with good reason. To insult an entire race and culture based on the behaviour of 2 and a half is unjustifiable. Yamauchi and his two gimps have no soul that is all.

A real opportunity has gone to waste. I have spent 6 months trying to relate what happened and how it was proven. I have answered every question as best as I could, given my complete lack of writing skills. Having said this, the majority of the comments I received, were closed minded comments relating to drugs, mental health and a resentment towards my superiority due to my alpha male status and the fact that I have all the answers, so it didn’t matter how open I was to answering questions. I don’t respond well to negativity and I give exactly what I get. So once again things deteriorated.

I am the alpha male for reaching C. Even getting just below C would give me that title but there are also long list of reasons to add to it. I have the greatest mind on the planet because I was the boss during this process. What I said went, all the way to perfection. A bunch of intellectuals will always have trouble admitting, that (the truth hurts). Even on a mathematical level, they tried a theory and I would make it or break it.

I think the main point of this process and findings was for Jesus Christ’s benefit. Secondly for people to gain an understanding of God’s mind. Having made a mess of the former I think I am fucked. It crossed my mind to mistakenly claim I was Jesus for my own survival but there are a long list of circumstances that yamauchi caused that have aggravated the whole situation. It got very messy because this man was “a grey area”. I had to play to his ego and gain emotional attachment to continue contributing to the process and I only just managed to make the code perfect before I was fired. He made an impossible job, needlessly more difficult. So I am not solely responsible for this mess.

To fix this in some small way, I beg this of you. Think about what history tells us about Jesus. He was born. He lived. At some point he began to tell as many people as he could that he was the son of God. He said his father was the God of love. He spoke of love, peace, forgiveness and understanding. He performed miracles to prove who he was. He was later crucified for his claims and he died a very painful death for what he spoke of. He had the opportunity to avoid this but he didn’t. He had the balls. This significant sacrifice could be symbolised and it has now been found in the laws of physics along with my observations. Just think about him.

I’m not a saint I’m the alpha male. I was enlightened, now I’m not. I just did my part in making a car work, virtually, according to the laws of physics. I wasn’t intending for this to happen, it just did. The resulting circumstances could get me killed, which is why I juggled it for a while. I essentially regurgitated the information because I know exactly what I’m saying. It would have been easy and good if yamauchi wasn’t involved, as all of the people who made this happen could account for their intellectual property and let the public decide for themselves what they thought. Yamauchi was involved however and things have gone bad as a result. (He didn’t do anything, intellectually or otherwise. You do the math.)

I have been constantly intoxicated for 6 months dealing with the fact that I was robbed of everything and then the fact that I had to relate my time in the 5th dimension without any proof of making a decision at C. I have since sobered up and got my act together financially and I will be taking legal action very shortly. As well as that, I am pursuing my love of the car and physics with the kind of determination that would make breaking through the fabric of space-time, look like fly-fishing. If I succeed at either you will hear about it. Thanks for the help.

I will continue to keep an eye on this thread but I'm bored. If anybody does think of a relevant question (though I doubt it) I will answer it.

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