Scientific proof that God exists

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In 6 months I have encountered about 6 open minds who had the balls to voice their viewpoint.
Outright lie: I (among others in this thread) have certainly had the balls to voice our viewpoint.
That view being: you're talking utter crap.
And you're seriously deranged.
This information proves that creationism is wrong. God did not create us in his image. I assume the big bang was a conscious decision. I affected the fabric of space-time by accident. The result was, it dissappeared and God was there.

If your jewish doesnt that mean you believe in G-d? No drugs involved. Just a lot of physical (and mental) effort. I love my right hemisphere.

Wow okay first off you read my explanation wrong. If G-d is perfect than he would have produced perfect contradictory evidence. That way we could never possibly discover his existance because he covered it up infinitely well. So the only way we couldve discovered him is if we made him up to explain these pieces of evidence. So either he exists and we discovered him for the way to wrong reason, or we made him up to explain this evidence which isnt evidence but scientific fact.

Also in Jewish religion you don't spell G-d with and O. The reason why is because it is forbiden to erase, destroy, or delete his full name. If you write it as G-d it is not truly his full name and you can erase, destroy, or delete it.
Does anyone on this forum know anything about 3D graphic design so I can describe this system of inertia in more detail. When you see, even a fake version, you will get an idea of what it symbolises.

Since I started trying to relate this process I have been dealing with nothing but idiots like you. I asked a simple question. You provided some shit. Go away.

That's because u are shit. So wtf does inertia have to do with ur stupid claims.
God. I deleted the word God about 8 times before i typed it here. Am i eternally fucked as a result? Take mother thereasa and ghandi. they wrote about God alot. Wat if they made a typo? law of averages says they did. Are they eternally fucked too? Who made that stupid shit up anyway? is there any scientific proof that God would care if you deleted the word God? Who the fuck made that shit up? You fucking idiot.
I believe in your last post you have accurately captured the emotions many of us feel when we read your own thesis.

Sorry, that was dreadfully negative, but you must understand that to the objective observer your posts have been characterised by two things:
1. Descriptions of physical things that in now conceivable manner match reality.
2. Interpretations of obscure observations (poorly described) that are hugely speculative and offered with no supporting evidence.

Do you understand why your readers are both confused and sceptical?
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I've just realised how much the story sounds like a salvia trip.
I believe in your last post you have accurately captured the emotions many of us feel when we read your own thesis.

Sorry, that was dreadfully negative, but you must understand that to the objective observer your posts have been characterised by two things:
1. Descriptions of physical things that in now conceivable manner match reality.
2. Interpretations of obscure observations (poorly described) that are hugely speculative and offered with no supporting evidence.

Do you understand why your readers are both confused and sceptical?

Fair point. Consider the weight of what I'm saying. Now consider the fact that its all on my conscience and now add kazonori yamuchi. There are alot of contributing factors to this internet joke and the manner in which this was made public. I have had no choice or say in any of the overall circumstances.

All i can add is that eventually I should be able to go through everything I saw and how i saw it. That should have happened already but I've explained about yamauchi. Some individuals are interfering.

When i do go through everything and recreate it in the virtual light, it will be simple to follow.

The first thing I was shown in the 5th dimension was a picture of the overall situation. In this picture there was more negative than positive (about 60/40). I was then shown how we are each individual parts of the light and how, when we project positive or negative, it affects the light accordingly. God showed me this and then through his behaviour, Jesus showed me how to live it. At one point he had to visibly try to be positive. When he did he glowed a perfect blue, which was accompanied by a more powerful black.

I saw 3 overall states of the light. 1. Absolutely perfect and stationary light (the most powerful light. God as he truly is) 2. Living light, full of living positives and negatives. Red and blue. This light has movement. It is “flying”. (I created this state of light) 3. Stationary Black light. (a new state of light and faster than the speed of light)

Having seen all 3 types of light I believe the meaning of life is to be positive in order to affect the overall equation we are part of. In the 3 states of light there is a progression of speed and the inclusion of life. I was shown that this progression leads to a new and faster form of light. God showed me how we affect the light and Jesus showed me how being positive creates this new power. The black light was a more evolved light. As we are all part of it we all affect it and can contribute to it

In order for me to relate this more detail I would need to recreate what I saw in the virtual copy of the light (that I made). You can then see everything I saw for yourself. There is a video game person and his employees getting in the way of this.

If you have any problems with reading this on the internet I suggest you contact this company. They are responsible for all the negative circumstances. If I had been able to contribute like a normal person it would be finished by now and this process would have been related the way it was meant to be. All needless problems caused by, and just like, Yamauchi.

For a fact and direct from God there is more negative than positive. About 60/40 to be exact. This is having an effect on him, as he is the light. This effect was related to me and I will relate it when these video game people and their employees stop interfering.

In conclusion, looking at the whole process and all this information it’s clear that Jesus Christ made a much more serious contribution to this process than I have. If he didn’t, this system of inertia would be meaningless and my observations would not have been confirmed. That should be taken seriously regardless of me. It’s easy to see his example because he lived in such a positive way right until the end. So I’m not looking to lead anybody. I’ve provided all the answers and some new realisations that would be good reason for a revolution on every level. Using his example, this proof and the scientific progress, that it has started, there will never be a better reason and this is the perfect time. It’s just a pity it happened under these circumstances because of KAZONORI YAMAUCHI.

60/40. The glass really is half empty. Beautiful.

You want a fool? I’ll give you a fool…

Yours sincerely,


voodoochile said:
I am the alpha male for reaching C. Even getting just below C would give me that title but there are also long list of reasons to add to it.
The only way to "reach" C, is to write code in C.

BTW, my choice for A or B, is: $$ \alpha|A\rangle \,+\, \beta|B\rangle $$. Can you dig it?
for anybody who reads this thread you might want to take a car to a race track or an open space and throw the car at high speed. try to picture what you feel

or try controlled over steer which controls the car when it's beyond the limits of physics. "drifting"

try this at home

*your looking for the moment where the weight overpowers the grip and the car slides
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i think i mentioned it earleir but when i first observed matter as light there was a brief pause before it returned towards me.

At this time i was thinking at the speed of light and observing the world as it really is.

I didnt get a chance to move before the light returned towards me. I think that I might've been able to fly at that time. Or at least, if I did move, it would have been fairly serious because I was light at the time. But i never got a chance. Maybe next time.

Deal with that.

Rudolph the red nosed reindeer.
Kids on video games forums were leaving replies like that. I thought people on a science forum would have something more constructive to say. Forget about video games. This was testing a physics engine. do a search for newtonian physics engine and see what you get. it wont be video games.

Demonstrate it. Your saying scientific proof, where's the demonstration or you proving your theory?
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