Scientific proof that God and Jesus exist. Continued.

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only one sentence, thank God.

It's a serious question. It looks as if you are writing on the forum in response to inputs that you hear, but nobody else on this forum knows what you are responding to.

If you are going to respond to internal voices, at least write out what they have said.
It's a serious question. It looks as if you are writing on the forum in response to inputs that you hear, but nobody else on this forum knows what you are responding to.

If you are going to respond to internal voices, at least write out what they have said.

they to told me to hunt and kill spyder...

they to told me to hunt and kill spyder...


Well Colm, no matter what they tell you remember you have full control at the end of the day. If they want you to kill, then what would really piss them off is if you don't kill. I'm pretty sure that you'd be really up for pissing them off, after all it's your prerogative, if people are misusing you then you need to defy them.

Just remember don't kill or attack anyone (Or injure/kill yourself for that matter), if you do that, they win.

Also understand who you think they are, isn't necessarily who they actually are. These people are all about deceit and have been for years. For instance You've mentioned Clarkson, Hawking's and of course Yamauchi. I'm pretty sure that they don't know who you are Colm, or anything about what you are facing. The reason for this is what you've been led to believe is a deception, a deception to keep you as far away from the truth as humanly possible.

Until you can start to distinguish between their lies, your own imagination in regards to trying to make sense of it all, then people will see you are delusional.

Believe me, it doesn't take much to falsify someone's voice pattern if they are a television celebrity (Its possible to create a voice using a computer, the more footage the more realistic the fake one is. The same can actually go for visual inputs too.) or to fake a foreign interaction through poor English. (Even as far as working a person up to the point of dropping back to their mother tongue when they insult etc)

All I can suggest is analyse every input, remember those inputs are 99.9% false, but since they are likely to maintain a human interaction and not go 100% computers there is room for "Err". Using the right thought patterns, arguments or unchoreographed plans it's possible to make them slip up. You'll gain far more intelligence on them through their slip ups than by listening to them directly.
I like you. Tough but fair. Black and white. I can see the weight but it's understandable. You had good reason. I'd trust you and work with you. You are always right: You could continue to exist as you are, and do well after, but I suggest hitting the deck. It's never too late. Vote for me I'll make your life easier and lighter;

He's all over you like a rash. Like it wasn't bad enough before. He's not the only one: You can't do anyhing. Nobody can.

I always waked away but I never screwed anybody.
Take a good look at yourself. Take a look at the consequences of your actions. Take a look at the actions and reactions that you cause. Ask yourself, are you lost or found? Regardless of your own standards. There is a standard in place. Where are you going?

Give and take:
At some point you give or take. Afterwards you will ither have the light given to you or taken away. Or a lot worse. Can you guess what will happen to you?

A dark broken positive:
Watch yourself. Time is on my side. On levels you could never understand. Bad choices with no end. Think. Come back in to the light.

Leaving before:
You agree or disagree to be here, publicly. Ultimately you leave in private. Did you agree publicly and then break privately? Are you full of it? I disagreed and then left of my own accord.

The future:
I'm not sure why but I have been given all of this. There wont be a future without me. hmmmm.

Lost in the light:
Are you useless to everyone bar you and yours?

No chance of a square go here.
first you get the woman, then you get the drugs, no. first you kill some people, then you get the fear, the you get the tomatoes, no. first you get the soil then you get the ph right, no. first you get some crazy weak people to do work for you, no. first you get the trust, then you get power then you get the biscuits. no. that would all be stupid. perfect are you?

thats not it.

A private matter:
It's the most public matter there ever was. Extra stupid. Time, you fools.
Abusing the system:
I need to talk to various people who have abused the system before to see the full result of their actions. beautiful; be cool. not you. sh.

A prophet could be described as anyone who has ever made reference to God at any time. Many people are given work but very few accept it. Most get lost but I think I may have the most to deal with, and the most amount of proof but still absolutely nothing.

Top left in the positive, thought a lot of himself. Unlike Jesus, his focus was completely on himself. Without this opinion he may have not done what he did. From what I saw he could do with some direction but was very highly thought of and positive.

Top left in the negative. I think because of mulitiple wives. Focus was directed downward but the reference I made to the truth earlier, was more to do with the light. (various people in the percentage had a light which I believe was being chosen to meet God here and relate information) He was very highly thought of.

Ayrton Senna:
I believe he was in the positive but he did not have the light. He did quite obviously accept his death along with other very positive actions as well as talking about God.

Some of the minds in the percentage seemed more developed than others. Some could exist in the light and the darkness and still remain the same. Strong characters. I will go through every mind I recognised later and where they were.

There were 4 rows of blue spheres on the left and 4 rows of red spheres on the right and about 8 rows down.

God's state of mind before:
I was shown a room in which God's state of mind exists right after the start. There were six smaller rooms in this room. Each room had an affect that life, and the various minds in it, were having on him. Sex was the first as the numbers are the biggest. Fear was the second. Madness and bloodlust seemed to be the third. Being high and unpredictable was the fourth. Being alone and worrying was the fifth and ridicule, hate and intentions of killing him were in the sixth. Usually the outcast. This was the affect of sin and our minds on his mind.

When you feel or do these things he has to know about it. Even when the doors were closed they can still be heard outside. He sits on his thrown, a toilet, in this room in two halves, falling apart. Black and white. I was told something in this room I cant remember but it broke me. From what I understand Jesus and me were the ones to deal with the plan and how to deal with it. I remember chosing to do nothing but not lieing about it.

Everybody is born in a process before this and continue on to become the people they are. Developing what they chose to develop and doing what they do, forgetting and existing as they do. I was chosen to see his state of mind. He's naked to everything, very sick and has no dignity. He might be very close to not being able to fuction. He's one mind but he seems to be in a few different places. Hell from what I observed.

I may have been tricked and sold out after a very long time. I'm not too sure, but in this reality I was just tricked in the perfect crime. I dont know and I dont care. You know everything about the process and various threats and decisions that were made. Everything is public.

I chose to forget this room before, had problems accepting who I was and couldnt believe any of it was real. So if thats what I wanted thats what I got. So in this reality I got absolutely nothing so I'm completely innocent here.

I was looking for something that might provide a reason to live other than what I was given. So I took everything to the limit and found nothing. The answer is that God is all that matters because without him there is nothing but due to the horror I lost trust in him and learned it the hard way.

Well I was looking for love in all the wrong places.

Have you ever wondered what the hell is going on here or did you just mindlessly accept what you see. probably the latter;

It's not his fault.

Just about everything.
:eek: looks like voodoochile infected your mind! You see and hear things that aren't even there, or don't see things that are there..or you see things that are there but don't think that they are there...wait....what kind of universe is this?
Not my mind mind: that photo specifically shows only 4 digits.
You're the one claiming "Oh it's just the angle".

BTW did you see my other drawings? (They were added later).
The northern route:
Unfamiliar territory. Shaky driver. Last one was solid. What are you doing? Yamauchi has turned you into a shiney yo yo. You yo yo.

You need a job.

The action:
Its been replaced and it wont cost you anymore.

Stars in their eyes:
I'm right behind you.

Mind control:
They can program information into sound waves. They can program information into anything. All travelling at C. Think.

Never, never, land!
Colm, I've tried to reason with you but you seriously are losing the plot. For that reason and for the reason that this is spamming up this subforum, I'm sending you away on a holiday. During that time, please consider that not everything floating through your head is real, until you can come to terms with that You'll find your posts/threads stopped here.
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